Spells Used by Dresden:
Aparturum: opens a way to the Never Never
Appare: summons demons
Aquilevatus: creates a curtain of water
Arctis: freezing/ice
Assantius: Erupts with kinetic force
Defendarius: Produces a sphere shaped shield of blue energy
Disperdorius: Disperses, fractures dangerous energy
Dispertius: Creates a crack/hole in the ground
Dormius, Dorme: used to put someone into a dreamless sleep
Duo Et Unum: tracking spell
Feniculus Sonitus: eavesdropping spell
Flickum Bicus: small fires -- lighting candles, and other small scale fires.
Flammamurus: super-heats the ground below, and causes magma to burst forth from the ground
Fortius: Fortified Harry with renewed strength and energy when touching silver buckle
Forzare: creates a push of force
Fuego: destructive fire attack
Fulminos/Fulminas: generates or redirects a bolt of lightning
Galvinius: Used with copper chain focus as a kind of taser
Geodas: Creates a sinkhole
Gravitus: Concentrates gravity
Hexus: A minor damaging of electrical equipment
Ignus, Infusiarus: Ignites a small floating ball of flame like a tiny sun
Illumina Magnus: Highlighted a message written in magic-tainted water by sending copper filings to attach to it
Infriga; Infriga Forzare: Sucks fire/heat away from a given area, creating ice
Interessari, Interressarium: Tracking spell, with blood and a compass
Laqueus: Cord of pure force with soulfire, glitters and flashes: a supernatural garote
Lumen, Camerus, Factum: Creates a holomantic illusion of anybody; illusions are mostly opaque
Malivaso: Destroys a piece of technology
Memoratum, Defendre Memorarius: A memory charm for defense
Noctus Ex Illuminus: Illusions
Obscurata: Veil
Pulitas: Cleaning spell using a piece of straw from the broom, creates sweeping brooms
Pyro Fuego: Larger destructive fire attack; dense bar of blue-white fire, so dense almost solid like a spear
Reperios, Invenios: Chant used in tracking spell
Resarcius: Seals holes in the ground
Rexus Mundus: Creates a ship-attacking iceberg in the water
Riflettum: Creates a general shield
Segui Votro Testatum: Tracking spell, combining an element of the trackee with an element of the caster's sense
Solvos: Destroys a ward
Stregallum Finitas: Dismisses the sending of another caster
Tornarius: Reflects the momentum of another back to it
Ubriacha, Ubrius, Ubrium: Links a voodoo doll, as it were, to its intended real-life counterpart
Veni Che: A sort of wind-based levitation
Venteferro: Used to manipulate metal magnetically
Ventas Cyclis: Creates a cyclone of winds that can pick up objects hurling them at opponents
Ventas Fulmino: Funnels lightning through the caster to a target
Ventas Reductas: Small scale wind, like an electric blow-dryer
Ventas/Vento Servitas: generates wind
Ventas Veloche, Ubrium, Ubrium: Transforms liquid into fog
Vento Giostrus: generates a miniature cyclone
Vento Riflittum: reflects a projectile attack
Voce, Voco, Vocius: allows long distance communication when used with a special obsidian stone and a circle