On the topic of Olivianoids, think that we should make more of them soon? Printing the template out is supposed to be easier now that we've defined one, and they'd work very well together in groups.
In my opinion, your path does not have any strictly game-mechanical support. Who will she be then from the ready-made things or are you planning to write her own power guide? I also do not think that you are necessarily right that Olivia cannot be a full wizard. Especially because of her demonic powers.
We were told she was the founder of a species, and that as she matured there would be options to get more powers/merits like unaging.
What I'm talking about is building something like a vampire lineage where her sorcery powers and merits form the basis of the "splat" and she takes from thematic advancing supernatural abilities. There's even a merit for making a custom vampire discipline to prove our doing that if we really get into it.
On full wizardry, barring DP overriding canon on this very explicitly that's how it works. Nonhuman entities can give you their power, but proper wizardry is a special unique power of humanity they cannot access themselves. They can be more powerful, but the breadth and flexibility of wizards compared to every other supernatural is why they're a world power of their own even in a room of monsters who've personally been gathering strength for millennia.
You can gain enough power to effectively explode wizards on command via demonic pacts, but you can't get the Sight that way.
This is before we get into ancient sorcery
I forgot about that ruling. I'd put that in the category of overriding canon though.
She's really not though we can make more Olivia pattern fomori but she has no way of propagating that isn't us which means we are the founder of the species and to be honest we can extinct the species on a literal whim.
All of this on top of the fact she still using human magic for most supernatural powers and not her species specific stuff.
Also Wizards(Mages) at least as far as world of darkness is concerned can also be fomori.
Give me a bit to look, but I'm pretty sure DP explicitly called her that. She's just a whamp style critter now, so her means of propagation absent our intervention is the same as baseline humanity's.
Per a ruling
@Yog got she's also not done growing, so she might gain the ability to share her gift less biologically depending on how things go.
WoD and DF aren't the same, and this is supposed to be the DF setting using WoD mechanics for the most part. That's why we have a council of paradox free archmages active on earth.
DF wizards can become other things, and depending on how far they go the gift either stays with them or becomes something else. That doesn't mean you can go the other way and specifically become a wizard using demon powers.
Minor talents don't evolve into wizards. They can equal them in their areas of focus, but fundamentally this is like trying to feed a bobcat until it grows into a lion.