Is this a fixed "if X occurs blast area with Y" effect, or something more flexible? Can wards be tied together in a way that requires a perspective dispell attempt to take all of them or none?
It'd be cool to do stuff like passively change gravity in an area warded with multiple other effects such that trying to turn any of them off causes something nasty to happen if natural gravity comes back into play.
The simplest example being a room where the ceiling is actually an enormous metal block on hidden tracks with some other ward to stop exits or hinder the occupants. If a wizard within disrupts any of the effects then reality ensues, pasting everyone inside and blocking the way forward with a "blast door" of equal volume of the entire space.
It is either if X then Y which needs a guiding intelligence or constant Wall of Magic [Fire, lightning or distorted gravity]
A wizard could tie effects like this together, Olivia does not have that fine a touch at the moment.