Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Can we contact her? She doesn't need to be present to tithe Essence.
Lydia could contact Tiffany, but we cant contact her directly.
What Essence though? Olivia doesnt have Essence to tithe even if she wanted to.
Demon Chi isnt Essence.
[x] Open Calibration's Gate to the Heart of the Labyrinth (-4 Essence)
-[x][Stunt]As you call the Calibration gate you feel your kingdom shift. Not just a overlay on the Labyrinth, but a claiming of reality. All roads in the Labyrinth now lead to you.

I love this idea to bits, yes Molly, please take a bite out of the outsider, I'm sure they're delicious~
Stunts dont work that way, unfortunately.
You cant just declare that your enemy fails completely.

Worst case, QM will ignore it.
So no harm done.
[X] Open Calibration's Gate to the Heart of the Labyrinth (-4 Essence)


While we might top up on Essence by slaughtering our way through the guardians of the Labyrinth?
Our actual goal is retrieving the wizards, minimizing the amount of time the Hollow Man has them at his mercy.
And thats a time-sensitive affair.

So might as well go straight to the center of the tootsie roll.
Especially since the Hollow Man might take his captives and bail if we take too long getting to the center.

And there's a narrative appropriateness in busting in on the proprietor of this particular Overlook Hotel.
Besides, there's almost certainly Labyrinth guardians at the center of this Labyrinth to eat for Essence.
So might as well.

Presumably because it doesnt matter all that much?
This is Ancient Sorcery, not a Charm. And a lot of our charms dont use Essence to activate either.
Its a datum, but not a huge one.

Plus, the only conscious people here who arent party members or Sanctuary special forces are Langtry and McCoy.
No Outsiders here, because Molly is still in shintai
It does matter quite a bit. They don't know how charms work exactly, but the general impression this gives wouldn't be inaccurate because most of them use at least a little. They're already guessing in the right direction, the wizards don't need explicit numerically quantified confirmation.

The Outsiders or whoever's listening to us standing essentially right on top of the Labyrinth don't need to know how much juice we have at hand, because our current opponents know how to kill an exalt properly. They can reasonably assume we've used a lot of energy, but knowing exactly what Molly has left is tactically relevant information.

If you know an exalt is coming in close to dry then it becomes worth it to spend the resources necessary to really press them so you can go for the mote tap where there'd be no point otherwise.
From the perspective of everyone in this room that isn't a part of our Inner Circle you know Harry and Lydia. That means we're at 6 of 18 Parts after a full day of combat.

Ebenezer wasn't there when we recharged after getting Morgan but he knows we retrieved Morgan from Central America he was also there when we fought our way into the Halls.

Arthur has no context whatsoever so he could assume that we were fighting through the Labyrinth and used up most of our power or some other conclusion but every conclusion anyone who isn't on our side here could draw is wrong.

Hell I'm not even sure Dresden actually knows that we regen Essence in dragonnest or by soaking in pollution. So that might be a surprise to him as well not that he's going to tell Arthur anything or Ebenezer anything.

Outsiders already know exalted house limited batteries it's not really helpful information altogether not unless you very specifically plan a whole scenario around it.
This is giving away information for free. Sure we have ways to get power they don't know about, but this is a significant step towards decoding how Molly works.

Beyond giving the size of her mote pool to the people in the scene, we're currently on Marcus' doorstep. The Outside is one of the factions that is likely to know how to exploit an essence reading on a tactical level. Throwing chaff at a full power solaroid is probably a waste of time, but if you know they're on their last few motes it becomes worth a lot of suffering to force the exalt to spend them.

Even when essence free charms exalts are still at their most vulnerable when tapped. Past a certain point you basically can't kill them unless you tap their essence pool first.

If I was Marcus I'd absolutely be spying right now, and respond to learning that the infernal blowing up my stuff was stepping into my space with 2 motes left in her pool by breaking out the expensive stuff to go for a kill.

Edit: error
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essence free charms exalts are still at their most vulnerable when tapped.
That's just not true.

We don't have a perfect defense or a perfect attack so we're not anymore vulnerable at two motes than we are at 10 and with the given amount of essence we have we have 10 rounds of combat worth of melee/occult Excellency and superhuman attributes.

Which would just as easily be dispatched even if it was the expensive stuff on the hollow man's end.

An exalt even when they're tapped if they're aware that they're fighting you is nowhere near as vulnerable as they would be in a variety of other situations, being surprised, being injured, being trapped.

All of those are more dangerous to an exalts Health than being mote tapped I'm saying this primarily because this isn't exalted second edition if you were mote tapped in exalted second edition you were fucking dead that was it.

Here we have a bunch of passive and scene long charm effects that if we were more tapped we could still literally Fly Away near the speed of sound, with telekinetic hands that can throw vehicles at people and armor that grants an additional five soak on top of our superhuman attributes additional dice terrain reshaping possible sorcery that would take advantage of the fact that exalted do not botch on favored abilities.

This is all before the fact that you were correct it's free information. That's why Dragon Paradox took it out it's just even if it is free information it's not exactly actionable or surprising at all. The only ones who didn't know that exalted have limited batteries are the Wizards and even they could have guessed.
It does matter quite a bit. They don't know how charms work exactly, but the general impression this gives wouldn't be inaccurate because most of them use at least a little. They're already guessing in the right direction, the wizards don't need explicit numerically quantified confirmation.

The Outsiders or whoever's listening to us standing essentially right on top of the Labyrinth don't need to know how much juice we have at hand, because our current opponents know how to kill an exalt properly. They can reasonably assume we've used a lot of energy, but knowing exactly what Molly has left is tactically relevant information.

If you know an exalt is coming in close to dry then it becomes worth it to spend the resources necessary to really press them so you can go for the mote tap where there'd be no point otherwise.
I dont agree.

They already know that a lot of our abilities use some sort of juice, but they dont know which uses how much, or how she replenishes the juice or how fast.
And I will note that none of this uniform; some Charms are free, some cost 1 or 2m, some use Willpower.

As for Outsiders
1) Shintai's King and Kingdom is still active, so they dont have the same influence as in the Labyrinth
2) Any eavesdroppers have no way of knowing if Molly is lying for the sake of any eavesdroppers
3) Some of them have experience with Exalts before; this one explicitly speaks to wanting to speak to the Heir of Her, suggesting that they met, or knew of Molly's predecessor

Its a moot point since the QM is changing the update.
But Im not fussed either way. The principle is sound though, so Im not knocking you over it.
Usually Im the only one worrying about information control, so its refreshing to have someone else pay attention
Lydia could contact Tiffany, but we cant contact her directly.
What Essence though? Olivia doesnt have Essence to tithe even if she wanted to.
Demon Chi isnt Essence
When she spends demon chi on hellweaving we recover 1 essence for every 2 points spent.
Also, I didn't expect Merlin to disbelieve Molly's shenanigans. The guy is clearly out of his depth
He didn't disbelieve it, he just wishes that he didn't need to deal with the implications of what he's hearing.

As chief government goomba of mortal wizardry stuff like "the teenagers currently carrying my organization around, presumably as a form of training weight or something, have a tool for busting in seemingly wherever they like. Which they think will work here because they tested it in hell sometime between when he saw them last and now" is his problem.
That's just not true.

We don't have a perfect defense or a perfect attack so we're not anymore vulnerable at two motes than we are at 10 and with the given amount of essence we have we have 10 rounds of combat worth of melee/occult Excellency and superhuman attributes.

Which would just as easily be dispatched even if it was the expensive stuff on the hollow man's end.

An exalt even when they're tapped if they're aware that they're fighting you is nowhere near as vulnerable as they would be in a variety of other situations, being surprised, being injured, being trapped.

All of those are more dangerous to an exalts Health than being mote tapped I'm saying this primarily because this isn't exalted second edition if you were mote tapped in exalted second edition you were fucking dead that was it.

Here we have a bunch of passive and scene long charm effects that if we were more tapped we could still literally Fly Away near the speed of sound, with telekinetic hands that can throw vehicles at people and armor that grants an additional five soak on top of our superhuman attributes additional dice terrain reshaping possible sorcery that would take advantage of the fact that exalted do not botch on favored abilities.

This is all before the fact that you were correct it's free information. That's why Dragon Paradox took it out it's just even if it is free information it's not exactly actionable or surprising at all. The only ones who didn't know that exalted have limited batteries are the Wizards and even they could have guessed.
We have a perfect shaping defense, and not having one would be highly unfortunate in a situation like this one.

In terms of vulnerability a vast majority of our defensive and offensive power comes from spending motes. An exalt who's surprised or injured but still has half their essence pool can respond in any number of ways, a healthy exalt without anything left in the tank is crippled by comparison.

This incidentally, is how Holden recommends slapping around players if the story teller wants to.

It's not that they explode into a cloud of gore or something when out of motes, they're still dangerous, but any serious opponent is going to need more than that.

At 2 motes he even a single shaping effect would leave us choosing between fighting dry or fighting without excellency. With 6 wizards and himself as an archmage he can do better than that.
Mote-talk changed to thought speech

There was a point to be made potentially about it being something they could guess, but there was no reason to give it away even so. It's not like Molly is in any way comfortable with the Merlin. She met the man all of once before.

Anyway good night guys, see you tomorrow trying to break into (a kind of) Hell... again. You guys are making this a pattern.
have a perfect shaping defense
Are shaving defenses work with either essence or willpower
Spoiler: Impervious Primacy Mantle ●●● The Infernal refuses, with utter and immovable implacability, to permit any force in the cosmos to gainsay her will.

System: Any attempt to cause or force the Infernal to betray, undermine, or abandon her Intimacies automatically fails. Furthermore, she may reflexively spend 1 Essence or 1 Willpower to become immune to all thought and emotion-altering magic for the rest of the scene.

Spoiler: Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy ●●●●● Whenever the universe dares to mar the Infernal's immaculate and ideal self, she may exert her will to reset herself to her default state of perfection.
System: Whenever the character is the subject of any supernatural power that seeks to transform, infect, taint, transport, or control her body or spirit, she may reflexively spend 1 Essence or 1 Willpower and roll Willpower against difficulty 7. Success undoes the hostile magic before it can finish affecting the Infernal, protecting her completely, and immunizes her against repeated attempts to exert the same sort of influence for the rest of the scene. Alternately, the Infernal can spend 1 Essence to radically accelerate her healing for 24 hours. So long as she takes no strenuous activity, the Infernal heals all bashing damage or one level of lethal damage per 15 minutes of rest. An hour of rest mends one level of aggravated damage.
As long as we have any amount of willpower we are not any more vulnerable at two Motes as we are at 10.

The hypothetical exalt who is in a situation where they have no Essence but don't have any of their scene long active is strange to contemplate. This is before the fact that there's just a whole bunch of passive charms that just give bonuses that would allow you to escape.

Our speed multiplication charm means that unless we are literally specifically trapped and being trapped is another passive boost so we might not even want to escape at that point means no one can stop us from running away from them because of other free charms like by rage recast and Shadow Spite curse. Which can literally give us free flight and aggravated damage while the other just deletes successes from an opponent's attack roll.

An exalted who is on zero essence but isn't injured is in a way better position than the exalt who is running maybe not on a full tank but somewhere pretty high up but in their wound penalties. Being injured is a far worse position simply because being injured actually affects everything you do including possibly running away.

This is one of those things World of Darkness doesn't really make the assumption that characters can just disengage from combat so no one is particularly fast a vampire and a powerful one that would need to use their entire turn and possibly five or more blood points just to maybe keep up with us moving at a Sprint. This assumes they have five dexterity. No Essence cost on our part just running as fast as we can.

We can literally out space the effective range of most weapons in the books flat out. So barring being trapped somewhere we can withdraw faster and farther than most beings can shoot or run or chase.

This is before the fact that we don't need Essence to Parry bullets or counterspell spells. I feel like we've had this conversation before but exalted even when they aren't using essence are still powerful demigods who possess magic that doesn't require active expenditure. Mote tapping isn't enough you actually have to be able to kill them.
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Even when essence free charms exalts are still at their most vulnerable when tapped.
That's just not true
nowhere near as vulnerable as they would be in a variety of other situations, being surprised, being injured, being trapped.

All of those are more dangerous to an exalts Health than being mote tapped
Being mote tapped dramatically increases the chances of these things happening and makes those situations harder to deal with.

That's the point.

but I think that is better than the hypothetical situation where Molly gets killed because I the GM took a guess on how you guys wanted to spend motes based on disparate votes.

@Yog I'm letting you know that I'll have to respond to your post later, possibly quite a bit later as I'm a bit busier now for the foreseeable future though I do plan to reply at some point since I've been enjoying the discussion. Even if it is relitigating a previous vote.

Also for whatever reason autocorrect doesn't think relitigating is a word.
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Offhand do we think exorcism would cleanse those who lost to the labyrinth?
No, there's nothing to exorcise.
We dont know that those lost to the Labyrinth have been tainted yet. And for those who have?
They arent possessed, they have been tainted and twisted, or tricked into twisting themselves.

Its going to need one of several options:
  • Tiffany using a creative interpretation of Awakening/Flesh,
  • Molly making a Splendor.
  • Regina using Ease The Fevered Mind

Im betting on Molly making a 3-4 dot Splendor. Probably a Fascination along the lines of
  1. Form of Dreams and Nightmares OR Form of Portentous Moonlight(1pt, Form) +
  2. Blessing of Health(3 pts, Root) +
  3. Sacred Protection(3pts, Root) +
  4. Sorcerous Imbuing(0pt, Mystic) + Mystic Fortification(1pt, Mystic) + Unthinkable Ward(1pt, Mystic)

It might need a quest to find an appropriate reagent to anchor the splendor though.
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No, there's nothing to exorcise.
We dont know that those lost to the Labyrinth have been tainted yet. And for those who have?
They arent possessed, they have been tainted and twisted, or tricked into twisting themselves.

Its going to need one of several options:
  • Tiffany using a creative interpretation of Awakening/Flesh,
  • Molly making a Splendor.
  • Regina using Ease The Fevered Mind

Im betting on Molly making a 3-4 dot Splendor. Probably a Fascination along the lines of
  1. Form of Dreams and Nightmares OR Form of Portentous Moonlight(1pt, Form) +
  2. Blessing of Health(3 pts, Root) +
  3. Sacred Protection(3pts, Root) +
  4. Sorcerous Imbuing(0pt, Mystic) + Mystic Fortification(1pt, Mystic) + Unthinkable Ward(1pt, Mystic)

It might need a quest to find an appropriate reagent to anchor the splendor though.
You know we can making up splendors but we have jack shit in time or resources to make them most of the time.
Splendors only take a couple hours to make.
The issue there are the resources, which are rarer.
Which is why we might need a quest, assuming that our circle contributing reagents isnt enough.
quite honestly the white council fucking owes us and we still have plenty of bargaining room. Ask for some regents there's no way they don't have things stored over the centuries. You know in exchange for helping the minds, healing injured, and giving them info.
quite honestly the white council fucking owes us and we still have plenty of bargaining room. Ask for some regents there's no way they don't have things stored over the centuries. You know in exchange for helping the minds, healing injured, and giving them info.
1) Wizards dont have warehouses full of Splendor reagents. They dont make Splendors.
2) Wizards are skittish about the sorts of personal items that count as reagents to Exalted crafters.
Thats the kind of stuff that people can kill you with.
3) Do you trust all the members of the White Council enough to tell them how your crafting works?
1) Wizards dont have warehouses full of Splendor reagents. They dont make Splendors.
2) Wizards are skittish about the sorts of personal items that count as reagents to Exalted crafters.
Thats the kind of stuff that people can kill you with.
3) Do you trust all the members of the White Council enough to tell them how your crafting works?
1) doesn't matter if they have warehouses we're not asking for warehouses there's no way they haven't stored corpses of monsters, demons, and other things over the centuries there's just no way no one thought of it or ever didn't collect some for study.
2) I don't give a shit if their skittish we are owed something at this point for fuck sakes we've been fucking carrying them and the stronger we are the sooner we can end their war. Also alchemists are a thing and sometimes they might of needed to store things. Even if there's just one case every couple years we're still talking dozens of items over the centuries.
3) Knowing we need body parts to make certain creations tells them almost jack shit about how our crafting works. Also most crafting takes ingredients even for gods my man. Frankly I don't give one shit if they know we can use body parts to make stuff.
I honestly just want something physical, none of this goodwill nonsense, as a reward for carrying so out do many incompetents in this event and no, before anyone try to deceive me, just EXP is not enough because it is something that DP gives us and not the WC.

Our plans to finally relax this turn went to hell and I demand compensation.
Being mote tapped dramatically increases the chances of these things happening and makes those situations harder to deal with.

That's the point.
This the highlighted is completely true. That isn't what bronze tongue was saying or what the situation is. We aren't empty though and yet again we don't have a perfect defense so the only uses of our Essence that actually defends us that cannot be replaced with willpower is our Excellency.

So the idea that we are somehow more vulnerable at lower Essence levels then in higher Essence level is just false.

The entire argument hinges on the idea that exalted somehow drop in danger level or actual ability to defend themselves to below supernatural standards when the exalted just have passive abilities that allow them to Parry bullets or absorb Hellfire damage or have Scene long increased soak and superhuman attributes.

An idea which isn't even true in exalted second edition it's just that second edition modeled weapons and combat interactions insanely Dangerously.

I'll leave it at that but it is what I meant we have all of our long-lasting charms up we have literally superhuman attributes we have without an Excellency a counter magic dice pool that would snuff most spells and ones don't subtract either we have enough soak to be comparable to holding sticks of dynamite in our hand we are so fast that we could cover two football fields at a light jog in one turn.

The vulnerability that bronze tongue is getting at only exists if an exalted is essentially completely unwilling to run and for some reason has done nothing to prepare themselves for combat with their entire Essence pool. It's essentially a hypothetical that almost can't happen because you still go into a new scene with one essence if you have none to start with.

This is before the fact that exalted can just run away and they can do it faster than literally any creature in the world of Darkness books except for werewolves that cannot attack you when they're moving that fast otherwise the gift that lets them move that fast ends at which point they get away anyway.
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I'll leave at that but it is what I meant we have all of our long-lasting charms up we have literally superhuman attributes we have without an Excellency a counter magic dice pool that would snuff most spells and ones don't subtract either we have enough soak to be comparable to holding sticks of dynamite in our hand we are so fast that we could cover two football fields at a light jog in one turn.
Nobody said anything about Exalts not being dangerous when out of motes. The quote from DP speaks for itself.
1) doesn't matter if they have warehouses we're not asking for warehouses there's no way they haven't stored corpses of monsters, demons, and other things over the centuries there's just no way no one thought of it or ever didn't collect some for study.
2) I don't give a shit if their skittish we are owed something at this point for fuck sakes we've been fucking carrying them and the stronger we are the sooner we can end their war. Also alchemists are a thing and sometimes they might of needed to store things. Even if there's just one case every couple years we're still talking dozens of items over the centuries.
3) Knowing we need body parts to make certain creations tells them almost jack shit about how our crafting works. Also most crafting takes ingredients even for gods my man. Frankly I don't give one shit if they know we can use body parts to make stuff.
1) People cant give you what they dont have. This is the Dresden Files, not DnD.
Dresdenverse wizards are known for hoarding secrets and knowledge, not crafting components.
They dont store corpses of monsters and demons and other things.

2) People are not going to kill themselves to give you rewards. And its unreasonable to expect it.
And frankly a couple banked favors from the White Council are the kind of bankable asset we can add to our stash of Summer and Winter Court favors.

3) You may not think so.
I am more worried about that than Molly talking about motes in front of Langtry.

I honestly just want something physical, none of this goodwill nonsense, as a reward for carrying so out do many incompetents in this event and no, before anyone try to deceive me, just EXP is not enough because it is something that DP gives us and not the WC.

Our plans to finally relax this turn went to hell and I demand compensation.
Goodwill nonsense.
As if goodwill is not one of our greatest assets. :V

We already have a bunch of physical things.
We looted the body of a Lord of Outer Night in South America, if you recall, which is a reagent second only to Iku Turso's remains in rarity, and I think we looted the Mordite he was throwing around as well.

And we have yet to get done with our dear friend Marcus; I dont expect to kill the Hollow Man this time, but there is an occult library here that I intend to get a look at.
Will be filled with lies, but there's a lie detector in our charmtree that we can buy.

Not to mention we could go back to Australia and loot that demon-hybrid thing in Shaw's basement, assuming noone else gets to it first. We've already turned a tidy profit on this entire affair, and we arent done yet.

But of all that, the goodwill of a significant chunk of the White Council is a lot more valuable to Molly, and critically, Molly's Circle of party members. In the short and longterm.
Just the goodwill of the Gatekeeper alone is a Big Deal.
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Nobody said anything about Exalts not being dangerous when out of motes.
In terms of vulnerability a vast majority of our defensive and offensive power comes from spending motes
At 2 motes he even a single shaping effect would leave us choosing between fighting dry or fighting without excellency.
Very specifically we don't have a perfect physical defense so both of our defenses are capable of running off of willpower so the second statement is wrong.

The difference for us defensively between two motes and 10 is the difference of 40 rounds of combat when we've never even gotten to 10 ever.

The quote from Dragon paradox is that of the quest Runner. As well as being out of context
I recognize that it may lead to situations where similar votes that do spend resources do not get through, but I think that is better than the hypothetical situation where Molly gets killed because I the GM took a guess on how you guys wanted to spend motes based on disparate votes
Not even saying that we are more vulnerable when we're low on Motes it's very specifically about a hypothetical situation where they made a decision about how to run the quest that got us killed you know where we don't decide to run when we're outgunned and out of essence or we don't decide to do something other than slam our head against the wall and fucking die.

It's relevance is literally hypothetical and a distinct call out from a vote where we're deciding whether or not to spend Essence so it's not just contradictory to the point you're trying to make it's also not applicable.

Though at this point we're just agreeing with each other in long form so sure being mote tapped is dangerous I don't think it's as dangerous as bronze tongue is saying but it does increase the likelihood of something bad happening.
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But of all that, the goodwill of a significant chunk of the White Council is a lot more valuable to Molly, and critically, Molly's Circle of party members. In the short and longterm.
Just the goodwill of the Gatekeeper alone is a Big Deal.
This "Goodwill" you speak of doesn't seem to be very useful because even forgetting that Mai was totally willing to let Merlin die for politics (and don't tell me that everyone on the Senior Council would support her in this because we had MacCoy on our side and he wasn't happy but realized that fighting with this at the moment wasn't great) the things we need for them, the increase in arms sales, joint attacks on the Reds, them helping the FCF fit into the world economy, better contacts with more friendly factions etc, don't need goodwill but trust, which needs time to grow and the way Molly moves in such short bursts we don't have time to wait, and we were proven in this event that the WC high government may like us but doesn't trust us.

Or do you really think you can keep the interest of the majority of the thread for months IRL by saying "don't worry we may be wasting our precious time with them, but soon they will reward us"? Keeping long-term plans in a quest is very difficult, most players (like me) don't like to wait months for the results of many efforts, and every damn turn a different crisis appears that either threatens the world or makes us rethink all our previous plans (Vegas, Boston and now this).

And GateKeeper appears so busy all the time that he can't even help the organization he belongs to, besides being tied up by many nebulous obligations that we know nothing about. So between him and McCoy, I prefer the second one who has helped us before and trusts us. The first one I pretend doesn't even exist unless he appears in front of us because during the entire quest he didn't interact with us at all.
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If all we get out of this is goodwill, then fairies are officially more politically intelligent creatures than wizards. They understand the benefits of actual interstate gratitude. We don't have time for the effects of goodwill, either. We need things now. Not in five years or never. Goodwill is far from a guarantee of help.

If they don't want to do anything in response, then I vote to just leave the high council except McCoy to die the next time they get screwed.

I won't ask much. But the council will have to make reciprocal gestures of trust. For example, approve a program to treat warlocks without wasting our time. For starters
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If they don't want to do anything in response, then I vote to just leave the high council except McCoy to die the next time they get screwed.
Honestly complete agreeance I had some pretty sour grapes with the white Council as a whole before this incident started. The grapes are now poisonous in how sour they are. If these people cannot Supply some material Aid in exchange for the help given to them then they are literally worthless because they can't Supply Military or situational or even really magical Aid in a lot of situations. If they can't even Supply material Aid fuck'em.

Incompetent elitist nepotistic gerontocratic ass Government.
Very specifically we don't have a perfect physical defense so both of our defenses are capable of running off of willpower so the second statement is wrong.

As I said, no one said anything about Exalts not being dangerous after being out of motes.
It's not that they explode into a cloud of gore or something when out of motes, they're still dangerous

The quote from Dragon paradox is that of the quest Runner. As well as being out of context
It isn't. The point of the quote was to bring attention to the fact that the person writing the story you're reading sees a direct relation between remaining motes/mote expenditure and the player character's chances of getting killed.
[X] Open Calibration's Gate to the Heart of the Labyrinth (-4 Essence)
-[X] [Stunt]As you call the Calibration gate you feel your kingdom shift. Not just a overlay on the Labyrinth, but a claiming of reality. All roads in the Labyrinth now lead to you.

There was a point to be made potentially about it being something they could guess, but there was no reason to give it away even so.
Thank you. There's a big difference between a reasonably confident guess, and confirmation certainty.