This is not true.
In Ex2E you dont have to stunt, but you can if you choose. Actions that are automatically successful dont need you to stunt, so , but if its important enough to demand word count, you can stunt.
An action where you are burning Essence to use a Charm? Damn right you can stunt.
IIRC, it was routine to stunt your dodges and parries in combat, let alone the act of investing a spirit in a technological item.
You need around 370g of salt to saturate a liter of water.
A standard US bathtub can hold around 80 gallons of water, which would be around 300 liters.
You would need more than a hundred and ten kilograms of salt to turn a bathtub of water into saturated brine.
Just unlock Sorcery Path Hellfire, and fill the tub half with ice until its deadly cold, or make the water boil.
Alternatively, grab a bottle or two of Clorox and empty it into the bathtub, or pure eucalyptus oil or camphor.
Cheaper, easier to store.
And dont forget to turn on the bathroom fan to get rid of fumes.
Your charms dont hurt you iirc. Old Exalted rule. Nobody pays XP for their intrinsic powers to fuck them over.
Botching Sorcery when summoning something can make your life
Interesting, but thats Sorcery, not charmtech.
If the summoning of demons is a function of your charms, you cant botch. You can just fail.
This is a crossover with Dresden Files.
The whole reason Infernal charms have the flavor they do is because of the background cosmology of Creation with vengeful Primordials intentionally
A non-Primordial universe is under no obligation to work exactly the same way.
Especially a cosmology where the supreme authority is not a video game addict.
Molly Carpenter, daughter of the Fist of God, and attendee of Sunday School, is our PC. She is currently living at home.
While a game where Molly is one of the threats that Michael and his colleagues are supposed to hunt might be interesting to some, its not really the sort of game Im here for. And I doubt most other people are here for it either.
Infernal stories have always been about how you choose to play them.
The framing you're pushing for would IC make an Infernal shard as much a danger, if not more, than a Denarian coin, and in the Dresdenverse, the bearer would be treated the same way.
Nah. I took a look at the W20 core sourcebook.
Garou are arseholes.
Cant blame this on ancestors; their society is systematically fucked up, and remains that way into the modern day.
Because this is a Dresden Files crossover.
Alternative explanation:
Every demon/spirit summoned by Molly's
charms is arcanely linked to her, and if its container is destroyed, it goes to sleep in her anima until she resummons it, like dead familiars do. When she creates her inner Hell, they move to her pocket dimension.
Because Exalted charmtech, that you paid XP for, are not a danger to the wielder.
Avoids all the questions about spirits getting ambushed and interrogated when desummoned.
They are. Lots of them around.
The hexenwulfen belts contained spirits, the lycanthropes were possessed by spirits of rage, Loup Garou are described as possessed by wolf-demons of some sort, the Loa are oracular spirits, boggles are under the bed, etc.
Bonea is Dresden's second daughter by way of Lash, a spirit of knowledge gestated in Dresden's head after Lash died and born via magical brain surgery in a deliberate echo of how Athena was born by splitting Zeus' head.
Yes, mpreg is canon in the Dresdenverse.
Intellectus is rare.
Some angels and angel-related entities, maybe Fae Court Mothers, some genii loci.
To the best of our knowledge, Mab doesnt have it.
Two entities we know who had it in canon: Shagnasty the skinwalker, who had intellectus regarding torture, and Demonreach, which had it regarding the island.Its not something to routinely worry about.
After all, even Captain Anduriel needs to actively spy on people to gather information, and he's the most powerful Fallen around.