Conditional Magic (1 to 6-pt. Merit or Flaw)
There is one thing in the world that is a great boon, or bane, to your character's magic. Perhaps her spells work particularly well against men, or on Tuesdays, or just after a storm, or on people dressed all in black. Maybe she's powerless to affect those who are or who bear that certain thing, such as her magic being unable to affect Christians or those who carry a piece of rowan and red thread. It may be that a certain individual gave her power over them, or perhaps it is utterly proof against her magic due to an oath she swore or spells that were placed on her.
The conditions that affect your magic may be common, uncommon or rare, and the value of this Merit or Flaw depends on the rarity of the condition. The base costs listed here assume that you have a difficulty modifier of three on all Arete rolls under the given conditions. You may adjust the difficulty by one for every point more or less you devote to the Trait.
Points Condition
1 point Unique: The Sword of Roland, the Matriarch of the MECHA construct, Leap Year.
2 points Scarce as hen's teeth: Current or former members of the Council of Nine, your former Mentors, once in a blue moon.
3 points Rare, but not unheard of: loadstones, Swedish royalty, werewolves, rowan and red thread, the holy days of the archangels.
4 points Special order: virgins, middle eastern eye-bead charms, any member of Iteration X, during a thunderstorm.
5 points Available without much trouble: cold iron, silver, Christians, any member of the Traditions, a windy day, holy ground.
6 points Common as dirt: men, anyone who's ever been baptized, the color purple, under cloud cover, Tuesdays.