She isnt an Exalt, so presumably she doesnt get the Exalt Familiar background.
My plan involves building her a transforming 3-5 dot Arcana as her Familiar, though.
Essentially an Alanson R25 hardsuit fluffed as an Iron Man suit.
Or Blue Beetle.
If we're doing the Power Ranger reference, lean into it.
If we have 5 points i would put that in destiny or legend, whichever one is stronger or in the ancestors one from were wolf. It basically makes her more flexiable skill wise and she has a ancestors so it synergies with the story as well.
Hmm... I am tempted to replace Arcane background with Familiar background. @DragonParadox if Olivia was to take Familiar background, would she be taking Mage Familiar background, or Exalted Familiar background? Those two are completely different things.
I suddenly remembered how my familiar in a game based on the Middle Ages failed the enemy mage's roll with one of familiar abilities(Turns successes into failures as I remember) and she was sucked into the black hole along with the house... Yes, familiars can be more than just a vaguely useful animal for the Mage... BUT I'm not sure what Olivia may have something available to Mages.
Edit rules were from Forged by Dragon's Fire/ And GM, already said that she can take a familiar from the Mage. My objections are zero.
She'd always be Molly's minion, by the nature of her empowerment, something we intentionally avoided with Tiffany, despite very much being able to make it so.
She'd always be Molly's minion, by the nature of her empowerment, something we intentionally avoided with Tiffany, despite very much being able to make it so.
Yes it was dumb then and she still would have become a circle member. Molly is allowed to be the leader of her group. I don't know why so many voter have a problem with it.
I think the wheel one is very interesting; it doesn't need to be vicious torture to achieve the goal of overwhelming someone.
It'd basically be hitting someone with the concentrated emotional bonds of a soul that's potentially lived and died for thousands of years. All the highs and lows, all the attachments made and broken. Even if you're immortal that's a lot, especially since each is given on the color of a mortal life.
Mechanically this isn't what we'd be doing, but I'm imaging it as something like briefly having the usual rules turned off and being subject to say 120* potentially conflicting intimacies at once.
*Assuming the sample uses a hundred year life cycle with only 3 intimacies per turn of the wheel for someone with 4000 years behind them, which is plausible even if it isn't necessarily the best model.
Honestly, I think Familiar is a rare case when magic background can be bought in a game in a fairly direct way. Whether through experience or crafting from Molly. So she can get it later just if someone decides it's good investment.
I just think mage familiars are cool... Although it depends on what system we're using.
Like this is from Forged by Dragon's Fire
- By spending 1 Essence, the Familiar can cause a target to have bad luck. Roll the Familiar's Willpower. Every success on the roll converts one of the target's successes on any one roll to a 1.
It seems to me that arcane would actually be great for an actor; it helps active stealth, but the passive mod doesn't make people forget you when you're being obvious as it outlines in the given examples.
So if you're projecting a role with obvious memorable features then it should make it hard to focus on anything but the character she's playing.
As to how it effects her close relationships; this seems like it should be MiS thing. It's literally a consequence of her supernatural powers causing her problems in the same way acid breath that ate your teeth would be. It's also the direct result of one charm putting her into the category that the other keys off of. Even if arcane fate in general is beyond MiS' grasp it seems like arcana gained in this manner should fall within it.
If we can't suppress 5 dots of it would a lesser amount fit into its domain?
Ok, second stage - XP spending. She's a sniper/ranger build. To me, it means, among other things, ability to see through stealth, and to perceive others, including from afar. So, let's do this. Buy costs from M20 are:
New Ability 3
New Path 10
Path current rating x 5
Attribute current rating x 4
Ability current rating x 3
Background* current rating x 3
Willpower current rating x 1
Strength ●●○○○
Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●○
Dexterity ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Intelligence ●●●○○
Stamina ●●○○○
Appearance ●●●○○
Wits ●●●●●
Alertness ●●●●○
Animal Ken ○○○○○
Academics ●○○○○
Athletics ○○○○○
Crafts ○○○○○
Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●○
Drive ○○○○○
Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ○○○○○
Etiquette ○○○○○
Investigation ○○○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●●○
Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○
Larceny ●●○○○
Medicine ○○○○○
Intimidation ○○○○○
Melee ○○○○○
Occult ●●●○○
Leadership ○○○○○
Performance ●●●●●
Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○
Stealth ●●●●●
Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○
Survival ○○○○○
Technology ○○○○○
Psychics, spies and magicians have all desired the
ability to see things that are far away from them as they
happen. This power allows psychics to cast their senses
out and observe places far away from them. Though sight
is the easiest, as they advance in this power, they can
use their other senses as well, though even their sense
of touch will let them feel sensations without affecting
the place they are observing. Despite sensing whatever is
happening at the place being viewed, the psychic is not
actually present in any sense. For that, Astral Projection
is necessary.
Once they pick a location to view, they can move their
vision around the area. However, they cannot leave the
area with their senses, and to even go to the next room,
or the forest around the clearing they are viewing, they
must make another Clairvoyance roll.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Perception + Awareness
Modifiers: -2 to +2 difficulty modifier based on how
familiar the psychic is with the location.
Duration: Concentration
Cost of Failure: On a botch, the psychic has sent their
senses away but gains nothing from it, they are rendered
blind (and otherwise insensate depending on the level)
for one turn per success.
• Though hazy and often dreamlike, the psychic can
see anything within approximately a mile of them.
•• At this level, sight clears up and faint hearing is
available. The range also increases, to 4 miles plus one
mile per success.
••• Sound is now clear, and a limited sense of touch
becomes available to the psychic. Texture is too subtle to
detect, but solidity can be managed, as though through a
heavy pair of gloves. The range now extends to 10 miles
per success rolled.
•••• Touch improves to the point where textures can
be made out, and strong scents can be perceived. The
location can now be 100 miles away per success rolled.
••••• With mastery of this power, the psychic can use
all five senses as though they are there, and can do so for
a location that is 1000 miles away per success.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
This power allows a psychic to travel from one place
to another without visiting the intervening space. They
simply disappear from one place an then reappear in
another. How this works is mysterious, but most of the
psychics who do it don't particularly care, they only care
that they can get where they're going very, very quickly.
When the psychic teleports, they can carry a reason-
able load of personal possessions with them. No psychic
has ever been recorded successfully transporting more
than about 100 pounds of materials, however. Whenever
this is attempted, a feedback loop of some sort occurs
causing the psychic to take 6 levels of bashing damage.
Cost: One Willpower point
Roll: Perception + Alertness
Time: Instantaneous
Cost of Failure: One a botch, the psychic ends up
inside a solid object, taking 8 dice of Aggravated damage
and the same to the object teleported into. Alternatively,
the psychic ends up somewhere wildly different than
their intended location, often leaving behind valuable
equipment and even their clothing.
• Short Hop: The teleporter can appear 12 + Intel-
ligence meters from where they started. Through some
means, they must be able to perceive their destination.
•• Simple Jump: Exactly like Short Hop, but with
range 20 + (3 x Intelligence) meters.
••• Long Jump: Similar to Simple Jump, though
the distance is now 40 + (6 x Intelligence) meters and it
can be doubled by spending a full turn in concentration
to prepare.
•••• Very Long Jump: Exactly as Long Jump, though
range is now 80 + (12 x Intelligence) meters.
••••• Blind Jump: Finally, with this power, the psychic
no longer needs to be able to see their destination, but
can teleport to places they are familiar with. This requires
that they spend a scene memorizing a location and spend
a point of Willpower. These locations must be stationary.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
Not actually tied to the powers of darkness, the Path
of Hellfire draws instead from the purest, most primally
destructive of forces. Because it is so often mistaken for
a power that is actually evil, sorcerers who specialize in
Hellfire (at least, mystic ones) are often believed to be In-
fernalists. Scientific sorcerers have an easier time, because
most people assume that the power is in the weapon,
rather than coming straight from the depths of hell.
This Path doesn't always appear as fire, though that is
the most common manifestation. Any sort of destructive
energy can occur, including blasts of light, electricity,
death lasers, and even more general destructive forces
like earthquakes and decay can be called up with it. The
sorcerer using this Path should remember, however, that
nothing is more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge
and power, and if used injudiciously, it will eventually
give them problems of their own.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Dexterity + Ability
Modifiers: -1 to -3 for a nearby source of whatever
sort of energy is being used.
Time: One turn for spells
Duration: Instant
Cost of Failure: As the roll combines both targeting
and damage, failure either malfunctions or simply misses,
whereas a botch causes whatever damage the sorcerer
was attempting to accomplish to rebound back on them.
For each success allocated to damage, two dice of
Lethal damage are done. An additional two successes can
convert the damage to Aggravated, as can the expenditure
of a point of Mana.
X A single target
• Roughly 3 square feet
•• Roughly 10 square feet (which can be arranged
vertically to create a wall of fire)
••• Roughly 15 square feet
•••• Roughly 20 square feet
••••• Roughly 50 square feet
X Touch Only, the caster needs to also make a Dex-
terity + Brawl roll, which can do regular brawl damage
n addition to the damage from Hellfire
• Less than 10 feet
•• Less than 25 feet
••• Less than 50 feet
•••• Less than 150 feet
••••• Less than 500 feet
These special effects are not just cosmetic and re-
quire purchasing. They can be bought with freebies or
experience points at the cost in successes + 1 and each
is separate. When casting, the sorcerer chooses which,
if any, to include.
• Earthquake: The sorcerer cracks the ground open so
that it attempts to engulf and crush the target. The target
must make an extended Strength roll against difficulty 6
and gain more successes than damage done to them to
break free. This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
• Lightning: While the Path may strike with electricity
normally, this effect takes advantage of conductivity. If
the target is touching anything conductive, then anyone
else touching that object will suffer the same damage as
the target does.
X Decay: While this effect causes no damage to living
targets, it will rust, decay, warp or rot anything they are
wearing or carrying. It will destroy roughly three pounds
of material per success (magical objects are more resis-
tant, though) and those things will have been destroyed
within 2-3 turns.
X Dust Storm: Must have at least three successes
allocated to Area. This effect brings up a cloud of dust,
blinding everyone in the targeted area for one turn per
health level of damage taken.
X Sleet: The attack takes the form of sudden freezing
water and ice across the area. In addition to the damage,
for one turn per success on the roll, the area is slippery (+1
difficulty to all Dexterity rolls) and those caught in it have
their vision obscured (+1 difficulty to all tasks requiring
sight). This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
X Smoke: Must have at least three successes allocated
to Area. A billowing cloud of smoke emanates from the
caster to cover the targeted area. Everyone within the
area takes one level of lethal damage per turn (unless
that have protection or no need to breathe). The cloud
lasts for one turn per damage dealt, and it completely
obscures all vision, including most supernatural vision,
in the meantime.
• Tanglewood: This effect causes plants near the
target to lash out and cause damage to them. If they are
standing in dense underbrush, then they will be envel-
oped, requiring an extended Strength roll, difficulty 7
and needing one success per damage taken, to break
free. Because the plants are throwing splinters, thorns,
etc., it is theoretically possible to stake a vampire (or
other creatures with a weakness against wood). Such a
feat is nearly impossible, however, and requires at least
5 successes at difficulty 9.
••• Drowning Tide: This requires the target to be in a
large body of water. A sudden wave or undercurrent pulls
the target underneath, smashing them against things and
attempting to drown them (see M20 for rules on drowning).
To escape, the target must make an extended Strength
roll, difficulty 8. This roll requires at least two successes,
and perhaps more depending on how far from shore
they are and how many successes the sorcerer achieved.
Perception to 4 dots 8+12 = 20 XP
Intelligence to 3 dots 8 XP
Alertness to 4 dots 9 XP
Awareness to 4 dots 9 XP
Firearms to 4 dots 9 XP
Clairvoyance to 2 dots 10+5 = 15 XP
Psychoportation to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Hellfire to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Character concept: a sniper/inflitrator. Shoot from stealth using clairvoyance to locate the target, then relocate using teleportation. If enemy closes the distance, use hellfire in self-defense. If you are acting as infiltrator, use a combination of stealth, psychoportation and clairvoyance to port in, and hellfire for stuff like busting locks. @DragonParadox would Hellfire as Dexterity + Performance role work, if Olivia leans into tandava paradigm?
Ok, second stage - XP spending. She's a sniper/ranger build. To me, it means, among other things, ability to see through stealth, and to perceive others, including from afar. So, let's do this. Buy costs from M20 are:
Character concept: a sniper/inflitrator. Shoot from stealth using clairvoyance to locate the target, then relocate using teleportation. If enemy closes the distance, use hellfire in self-defense. If you are acting as infiltrator, use a combination of stealth, psychoportation and clairvoyance to port in, and hellfire for stuff like busting locks. @DragonParadox would Hellfire as Dexterity + Performance role work, if Olivia leans into tandava paradigm?
Do we buy social Backgrounds?
For example, Olivia can probably count Molly/Lydia as Patrons, and Cauldron as Allies.
Should we bother spending XP/Freebie Points to put this on her character sheet?
Yes. I expect Lash to do some tuning with Lore of Flesh 5 at least sooner, rather than later. But most of Olivia's magic is either Wits or Perception based, so that doesn't require additional boosts. Additionally, she is not engaging in close combat at all, and, ideally, is not being shot at because she's sniping people from stealth. So, she doesn't really need high soak or super high dexterity. Equipment bonuses and upgrades come later.
Might I suggest not bothering to buy hellfire? Hellweaving seems like the obvious demon art to pick for Favor of Molly (•••) and Razor Winds (••) is a prereg that serves the same function.
Might I suggest not bothering to buy hellfire. Hellweaving seems like the obvous demon art to pick for Favor of Molly and Razor Winds is a prereg that serves the same purpose.
I am currently trying to wrap my head around how KOTE works at all, so I'll probably go back and edit the current proposal with it in mind. At this point I am completely unfamiliar with it.
Ok, second stage - XP spending. She's a sniper/ranger build. To me, it means, among other things, ability to see through stealth, and to perceive others, including from afar. So, let's do this. Buy costs from M20 are:
New Ability 3
New Path 10
Path current rating x 5
Attribute current rating x 4
Ability current rating x 3
Background* current rating x 3
Willpower current rating x 1
Strength ●●○○○
Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●○
Dexterity ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Intelligence ●●●○○
Stamina ●●○○○
Appearance ●●●○○
Wits ●●●●●
Alertness ●●●●○
Animal Ken ○○○○○
Academics ●○○○○
Athletics ○○○○○
Crafts ○○○○○
Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●○
Drive ○○○○○
Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ○○○○○
Etiquette ○○○○○
Investigation ○○○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●●○
Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○
Larceny ●●○○○
Medicine ○○○○○
Intimidation ○○○○○
Melee ○○○○○
Occult ●●●○○
Leadership ○○○○○
Performance ●●●●●
Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○
Stealth ●●●●●
Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○
Survival ○○○○○
Technology ○○○○○
Psychics, spies and magicians have all desired the
ability to see things that are far away from them as they
happen. This power allows psychics to cast their senses
out and observe places far away from them. Though sight
is the easiest, as they advance in this power, they can
use their other senses as well, though even their sense
of touch will let them feel sensations without affecting
the place they are observing. Despite sensing whatever is
happening at the place being viewed, the psychic is not
actually present in any sense. For that, Astral Projection
is necessary.
Once they pick a location to view, they can move their
vision around the area. However, they cannot leave the
area with their senses, and to even go to the next room,
or the forest around the clearing they are viewing, they
must make another Clairvoyance roll.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Perception + Awareness
Modifiers: -2 to +2 difficulty modifier based on how
familiar the psychic is with the location.
Duration: Concentration
Cost of Failure: On a botch, the psychic has sent their
senses away but gains nothing from it, they are rendered
blind (and otherwise insensate depending on the level)
for one turn per success.
• Though hazy and often dreamlike, the psychic can
see anything within approximately a mile of them.
•• At this level, sight clears up and faint hearing is
available. The range also increases, to 4 miles plus one
mile per success.
••• Sound is now clear, and a limited sense of touch
becomes available to the psychic. Texture is too subtle to
detect, but solidity can be managed, as though through a
heavy pair of gloves. The range now extends to 10 miles
per success rolled.
•••• Touch improves to the point where textures can
be made out, and strong scents can be perceived. The
location can now be 100 miles away per success rolled.
••••• With mastery of this power, the psychic can use
all five senses as though they are there, and can do so for
a location that is 1000 miles away per success.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
This power allows a psychic to travel from one place
to another without visiting the intervening space. They
simply disappear from one place an then reappear in
another. How this works is mysterious, but most of the
psychics who do it don't particularly care, they only care
that they can get where they're going very, very quickly.
When the psychic teleports, they can carry a reason-
able load of personal possessions with them. No psychic
has ever been recorded successfully transporting more
than about 100 pounds of materials, however. Whenever
this is attempted, a feedback loop of some sort occurs
causing the psychic to take 6 levels of bashing damage.
Cost: One Willpower point
Roll: Perception + Alertness
Time: Instantaneous
Cost of Failure: One a botch, the psychic ends up
inside a solid object, taking 8 dice of Aggravated damage
and the same to the object teleported into. Alternatively,
the psychic ends up somewhere wildly different than
their intended location, often leaving behind valuable
equipment and even their clothing.
• Short Hop: The teleporter can appear 12 + Intel-
ligence meters from where they started. Through some
means, they must be able to perceive their destination.
•• Simple Jump: Exactly like Short Hop, but with
range 20 + (3 x Intelligence) meters.
••• Long Jump: Similar to Simple Jump, though
the distance is now 40 + (6 x Intelligence) meters and it
can be doubled by spending a full turn in concentration
to prepare.
•••• Very Long Jump: Exactly as Long Jump, though
range is now 80 + (12 x Intelligence) meters.
••••• Blind Jump: Finally, with this power, the psychic
no longer needs to be able to see their destination, but
can teleport to places they are familiar with. This requires
that they spend a scene memorizing a location and spend
a point of Willpower. These locations must be stationary.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
Not actually tied to the powers of darkness, the Path
of Hellfire draws instead from the purest, most primally
destructive of forces. Because it is so often mistaken for
a power that is actually evil, sorcerers who specialize in
Hellfire (at least, mystic ones) are often believed to be In-
fernalists. Scientific sorcerers have an easier time, because
most people assume that the power is in the weapon,
rather than coming straight from the depths of hell.
This Path doesn't always appear as fire, though that is
the most common manifestation. Any sort of destructive
energy can occur, including blasts of light, electricity,
death lasers, and even more general destructive forces
like earthquakes and decay can be called up with it. The
sorcerer using this Path should remember, however, that
nothing is more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge
and power, and if used injudiciously, it will eventually
give them problems of their own.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Dexterity + Ability
Modifiers: -1 to -3 for a nearby source of whatever
sort of energy is being used.
Time: One turn for spells
Duration: Instant
Cost of Failure: As the roll combines both targeting
and damage, failure either malfunctions or simply misses,
whereas a botch causes whatever damage the sorcerer
was attempting to accomplish to rebound back on them.
For each success allocated to damage, two dice of
Lethal damage are done. An additional two successes can
convert the damage to Aggravated, as can the expenditure
of a point of Mana.
X A single target
• Roughly 3 square feet
•• Roughly 10 square feet (which can be arranged
vertically to create a wall of fire)
••• Roughly 15 square feet
•••• Roughly 20 square feet
••••• Roughly 50 square feet
X Touch Only, the caster needs to also make a Dex-
terity + Brawl roll, which can do regular brawl damage
n addition to the damage from Hellfire
• Less than 10 feet
•• Less than 25 feet
••• Less than 50 feet
•••• Less than 150 feet
••••• Less than 500 feet
These special effects are not just cosmetic and re-
quire purchasing. They can be bought with freebies or
experience points at the cost in successes + 1 and each
is separate. When casting, the sorcerer chooses which,
if any, to include.
• Earthquake: The sorcerer cracks the ground open so
that it attempts to engulf and crush the target. The target
must make an extended Strength roll against difficulty 6
and gain more successes than damage done to them to
break free. This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
• Lightning: While the Path may strike with electricity
normally, this effect takes advantage of conductivity. If
the target is touching anything conductive, then anyone
else touching that object will suffer the same damage as
the target does.
X Decay: While this effect causes no damage to living
targets, it will rust, decay, warp or rot anything they are
wearing or carrying. It will destroy roughly three pounds
of material per success (magical objects are more resis-
tant, though) and those things will have been destroyed
within 2-3 turns.
X Dust Storm: Must have at least three successes
allocated to Area. This effect brings up a cloud of dust,
blinding everyone in the targeted area for one turn per
health level of damage taken.
X Sleet: The attack takes the form of sudden freezing
water and ice across the area. In addition to the damage,
for one turn per success on the roll, the area is slippery (+1
difficulty to all Dexterity rolls) and those caught in it have
their vision obscured (+1 difficulty to all tasks requiring
sight). This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
X Smoke: Must have at least three successes allocated
to Area. A billowing cloud of smoke emanates from the
caster to cover the targeted area. Everyone within the
area takes one level of lethal damage per turn (unless
that have protection or no need to breathe). The cloud
lasts for one turn per damage dealt, and it completely
obscures all vision, including most supernatural vision,
in the meantime.
• Tanglewood: This effect causes plants near the
target to lash out and cause damage to them. If they are
standing in dense underbrush, then they will be envel-
oped, requiring an extended Strength roll, difficulty 7
and needing one success per damage taken, to break
free. Because the plants are throwing splinters, thorns,
etc., it is theoretically possible to stake a vampire (or
other creatures with a weakness against wood). Such a
feat is nearly impossible, however, and requires at least
5 successes at difficulty 9.
••• Drowning Tide: This requires the target to be in a
large body of water. A sudden wave or undercurrent pulls
the target underneath, smashing them against things and
attempting to drown them (see M20 for rules on drowning).
To escape, the target must make an extended Strength
roll, difficulty 8. This roll requires at least two successes,
and perhaps more depending on how far from shore
they are and how many successes the sorcerer achieved.
Perception to 4 dots 8+12 = 20 XP
Intelligence to 3 dots 8 XP
Alertness to 4 dots 9 XP
Awareness to 4 dots 9 XP
Firearms to 4 dots 9 XP
Clairvoyance to 2 dots 10+5 = 15 XP
Psychoportation to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Hellfire to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Character concept: a sniper/inflitrator. Shoot from stealth using clairvoyance to locate the target, then relocate using teleportation. If enemy closes the distance, use hellfire in self-defense. If you are acting as infiltrator, use a combination of stealth, psychoportation and clairvoyance to port in, and hellfire for stuff like busting locks. @DragonParadox would Hellfire as Dexterity + Performance role work, if Olivia leans into tandava paradigm?
Hellfire seems like a suboptimal purchase. Her primary as a sniper will probably be a really fancy gun from our hell, potentially a selection of them for different targets.
Firearms doesn't always apply evenly to all kinds of guns, but this is a download from an infusion of hell power. Getting a pistol as a sidearm would be more effective.
Ok, second stage - XP spending. She's a sniper/ranger build. To me, it means, among other things, ability to see through stealth, and to perceive others, including from afar. So, let's do this. Buy costs from M20 are:
New Ability 3
New Path 10
Path current rating x 5
Attribute current rating x 4
Ability current rating x 3
Background* current rating x 3
Willpower current rating x 1
Strength ●●○○○
Charisma ●●○○○
Perception ●●●●○
Dexterity ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Intelligence ●●●○○
Stamina ●●○○○
Appearance ●●●○○
Wits ●●●●●
Alertness ●●●●○
Animal Ken ○○○○○
Academics ●○○○○
Athletics ○○○○○
Crafts ○○○○○
Computer ○○○○○
Awareness ●●●●○
Drive ○○○○○
Finance ○○○○○
Brawl ○○○○○
Etiquette ○○○○○
Investigation ○○○○○
Empathy ○○○○○
Firearms ●●●●○
Law ○○○○○
Expression ●○○○○
Larceny ●●○○○
Medicine ○○○○○
Intimidation ○○○○○
Melee ○○○○○
Occult ●●●○○
Leadership ○○○○○
Performance ●●●●●
Politics ○○○○○
Streetwise ○○○○○
Stealth ●●●●●
Science ○○○○○
Subterfuge ○○○○○
Survival ○○○○○
Technology ○○○○○
Psychics, spies and magicians have all desired the
ability to see things that are far away from them as they
happen. This power allows psychics to cast their senses
out and observe places far away from them. Though sight
is the easiest, as they advance in this power, they can
use their other senses as well, though even their sense
of touch will let them feel sensations without affecting
the place they are observing. Despite sensing whatever is
happening at the place being viewed, the psychic is not
actually present in any sense. For that, Astral Projection
is necessary.
Once they pick a location to view, they can move their
vision around the area. However, they cannot leave the
area with their senses, and to even go to the next room,
or the forest around the clearing they are viewing, they
must make another Clairvoyance roll.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Perception + Awareness
Modifiers: -2 to +2 difficulty modifier based on how
familiar the psychic is with the location.
Duration: Concentration
Cost of Failure: On a botch, the psychic has sent their
senses away but gains nothing from it, they are rendered
blind (and otherwise insensate depending on the level)
for one turn per success.
• Though hazy and often dreamlike, the psychic can
see anything within approximately a mile of them.
•• At this level, sight clears up and faint hearing is
available. The range also increases, to 4 miles plus one
mile per success.
••• Sound is now clear, and a limited sense of touch
becomes available to the psychic. Texture is too subtle to
detect, but solidity can be managed, as though through a
heavy pair of gloves. The range now extends to 10 miles
per success rolled.
•••• Touch improves to the point where textures can
be made out, and strong scents can be perceived. The
location can now be 100 miles away per success rolled.
••••• With mastery of this power, the psychic can use
all five senses as though they are there, and can do so for
a location that is 1000 miles away per success.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
This power allows a psychic to travel from one place
to another without visiting the intervening space. They
simply disappear from one place an then reappear in
another. How this works is mysterious, but most of the
psychics who do it don't particularly care, they only care
that they can get where they're going very, very quickly.
When the psychic teleports, they can carry a reason-
able load of personal possessions with them. No psychic
has ever been recorded successfully transporting more
than about 100 pounds of materials, however. Whenever
this is attempted, a feedback loop of some sort occurs
causing the psychic to take 6 levels of bashing damage.
Cost: One Willpower point
Roll: Perception + Alertness
Time: Instantaneous
Cost of Failure: One a botch, the psychic ends up
inside a solid object, taking 8 dice of Aggravated damage
and the same to the object teleported into. Alternatively,
the psychic ends up somewhere wildly different than
their intended location, often leaving behind valuable
equipment and even their clothing.
• Short Hop: The teleporter can appear 12 + Intel-
ligence meters from where they started. Through some
means, they must be able to perceive their destination.
•• Simple Jump: Exactly like Short Hop, but with
range 20 + (3 x Intelligence) meters.
••• Long Jump: Similar to Simple Jump, though
the distance is now 40 + (6 x Intelligence) meters and it
can be doubled by spending a full turn in concentration
to prepare.
•••• Very Long Jump: Exactly as Long Jump, though
range is now 80 + (12 x Intelligence) meters.
••••• Blind Jump: Finally, with this power, the psychic
no longer needs to be able to see their destination, but
can teleport to places they are familiar with. This requires
that they spend a scene memorizing a location and spend
a point of Willpower. These locations must be stationary.
Associated Spheres: Correspondence
Not actually tied to the powers of darkness, the Path
of Hellfire draws instead from the purest, most primally
destructive of forces. Because it is so often mistaken for
a power that is actually evil, sorcerers who specialize in
Hellfire (at least, mystic ones) are often believed to be In-
fernalists. Scientific sorcerers have an easier time, because
most people assume that the power is in the weapon,
rather than coming straight from the depths of hell.
This Path doesn't always appear as fire, though that is
the most common manifestation. Any sort of destructive
energy can occur, including blasts of light, electricity,
death lasers, and even more general destructive forces
like earthquakes and decay can be called up with it. The
sorcerer using this Path should remember, however, that
nothing is more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge
and power, and if used injudiciously, it will eventually
give them problems of their own.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Dexterity + Ability
Modifiers: -1 to -3 for a nearby source of whatever
sort of energy is being used.
Time: One turn for spells
Duration: Instant
Cost of Failure: As the roll combines both targeting
and damage, failure either malfunctions or simply misses,
whereas a botch causes whatever damage the sorcerer
was attempting to accomplish to rebound back on them.
For each success allocated to damage, two dice of
Lethal damage are done. An additional two successes can
convert the damage to Aggravated, as can the expenditure
of a point of Mana.
X A single target
• Roughly 3 square feet
•• Roughly 10 square feet (which can be arranged
vertically to create a wall of fire)
••• Roughly 15 square feet
•••• Roughly 20 square feet
••••• Roughly 50 square feet
X Touch Only, the caster needs to also make a Dex-
terity + Brawl roll, which can do regular brawl damage
n addition to the damage from Hellfire
• Less than 10 feet
•• Less than 25 feet
••• Less than 50 feet
•••• Less than 150 feet
••••• Less than 500 feet
These special effects are not just cosmetic and re-
quire purchasing. They can be bought with freebies or
experience points at the cost in successes + 1 and each
is separate. When casting, the sorcerer chooses which,
if any, to include.
• Earthquake: The sorcerer cracks the ground open so
that it attempts to engulf and crush the target. The target
must make an extended Strength roll against difficulty 6
and gain more successes than damage done to them to
break free. This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
• Lightning: While the Path may strike with electricity
normally, this effect takes advantage of conductivity. If
the target is touching anything conductive, then anyone
else touching that object will suffer the same damage as
the target does.
X Decay: While this effect causes no damage to living
targets, it will rust, decay, warp or rot anything they are
wearing or carrying. It will destroy roughly three pounds
of material per success (magical objects are more resis-
tant, though) and those things will have been destroyed
within 2-3 turns.
X Dust Storm: Must have at least three successes
allocated to Area. This effect brings up a cloud of dust,
blinding everyone in the targeted area for one turn per
health level of damage taken.
X Sleet: The attack takes the form of sudden freezing
water and ice across the area. In addition to the damage,
for one turn per success on the roll, the area is slippery (+1
difficulty to all Dexterity rolls) and those caught in it have
their vision obscured (+1 difficulty to all tasks requiring
sight). This cannot be made to do aggravated damage.
X Smoke: Must have at least three successes allocated
to Area. A billowing cloud of smoke emanates from the
caster to cover the targeted area. Everyone within the
area takes one level of lethal damage per turn (unless
that have protection or no need to breathe). The cloud
lasts for one turn per damage dealt, and it completely
obscures all vision, including most supernatural vision,
in the meantime.
• Tanglewood: This effect causes plants near the
target to lash out and cause damage to them. If they are
standing in dense underbrush, then they will be envel-
oped, requiring an extended Strength roll, difficulty 7
and needing one success per damage taken, to break
free. Because the plants are throwing splinters, thorns,
etc., it is theoretically possible to stake a vampire (or
other creatures with a weakness against wood). Such a
feat is nearly impossible, however, and requires at least
5 successes at difficulty 9.
••• Drowning Tide: This requires the target to be in a
large body of water. A sudden wave or undercurrent pulls
the target underneath, smashing them against things and
attempting to drown them (see M20 for rules on drowning).
To escape, the target must make an extended Strength
roll, difficulty 8. This roll requires at least two successes,
and perhaps more depending on how far from shore
they are and how many successes the sorcerer achieved.
Perception to 4 dots 8+12 = 20 XP
Intelligence to 3 dots 8 XP
Alertness to 4 dots 9 XP
Awareness to 4 dots 9 XP
Firearms to 4 dots 9 XP
Clairvoyance to 2 dots 10+5 = 15 XP
Psychoportation to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Hellfire to 2 dots 10 + 5 = 15 XP
Character concept: a sniper/inflitrator. Shoot from stealth using clairvoyance to locate the target, then relocate using teleportation. If enemy closes the distance, use hellfire in self-defense. If you are acting as infiltrator, use a combination of stealth, psychoportation and clairvoyance to port in, and hellfire for stuff like busting locks. @DragonParadox would Hellfire as Dexterity + Performance role work, if Olivia leans into tandava paradigm?
Sure, perform works as a magic attribute though it would make her magic rather obvious, so as soon as she starts throwing evocation around she would no longer find it as easy to stealth, but then that would naturally happen with that kind of magic anyway
Do we buy social Backgrounds?
For example, Olivia can probably count Molly/Lydia as Patrons, and Cauldron as Allies.
Should we bother spending XP/Freebie Points to put this on her character sheet?
No, I mean one could make the argument for it, but then one could make the argument for the Exalts. If I am not making them pay for social dots than Olivia who needs every advantage she can get to keep up mechanically really does not need it.
Character concept: a sniper/inflitrator. Shoot from stealth using clairvoyance to locate the target, then relocate using teleportation. If enemy closes the distance, use hellfire in self-defense. If you are acting as infiltrator, use a combination of stealth, psychoportation and clairvoyance to port in, and hellfire for stuff like busting locks. @DragonParadox would Hellfire as Dexterity + Performance role work, if Olivia leans into tandava paradigm?
Given the nature of combat here?
Combat doesnt really occur at ranges where sniping is useful.
Ranged yes, sniping no.
And psychoportation is distinctly suboptimal when she needs support.
Thats just asking for someone to bring a deployable ward and lock her down. Do remember that this is the universe where Eldest Malk, Cat Sith, was ganked, and he was a Cheshire Cat style teleporter as well.
No, I mean one could make the argument for it, but then one could make the argument for the Exalts. If I am not making them pay for social dots than Olivia who needs every advantage she can get to keep up mechanically really does not need it.
She would start at a Po of 1 though she can buy Strong Po which is a 4 point Merit for her (as that is where all her Chi comes from). She would be able to deepen it in the future but 2 is as high as it can go in character creation.
That means she has a Demon Chi pool of 1, can only use one dot of Demon Arts (although I think can technically have a higher rank, she can't use a higher rank than her current P'o rating), and rolls one die every sunset to recover Demon Chi.
I am currently trying to wrap my head around how KOTE works at all, so I'll probably go back and edit the current proposal with it in mind. At this point I am completely unfamiliar with it.
Reading though it myself and I think that you can likely ignore just about everything, but the demon arts section of the companion. About half of normal character creation is picking the aspects of your po soul and how it influences you, but with Mercy In Servitude the Po soul will behave itself so it isn't an issue.
That means she has a Demon Chi pool of 1, can only use one dot of Demon Arts (although I think can technically have a higher rank, she can't use a higher rank than her current P'o rating), and rolls one die every sunset to recover Demon Chi.
Not giving Lash restrains when the entire point of making her a body in the first place was to give her agency and the means to become her own person wasn't dumb.
Dhampyr, at least, can get up to P'o 5, I think, although that's pretty nuts for them (as Joss is better).
It's important to note though that for someone without transhuman enlightenment, the total of P'o and Hun/Humanity can't exceed 10. If she has P'o 3, her maximum Humanity is 7. There's only so much soul a person has.
Reading though it myself and I think that you can likely ignore just about everything, but the demon arts section of the companion. About half of normal character creation is picking the aspects of your po soul and how it influences you, but with Mercy In Servitude the Po soul will behave itself so it isn't an issue.
Dhampyr, at least, can get up to P'o 5, I think, although that's pretty nuts for them (as Joss is better).
It's important to note though that for someone without transhuman enlightenment, the total of P'o and Hun/Humanity can't exceed 10. If she has P'o 3, her maximum Humanity is 7. There's only so much soul a person has.
She should still have a P'o soul playing devil's advocate on her shoulder, it just can't take over.
Hun is equal to Humanity for a mortal, not Willpower
I know that Hun and Willpower not the same thing, but the character creation says to set willpower to be equal to Hun. So I figured with how we are doing the character creation right now doing it the other way round makes sense.