Keeping to a Simmer
12th of November 2006 A.D.
Much as you might wish to have some words with this false priest the facts of the matter remain unchanged and so do your options, either you act of your own accord and then deal with the fallout within the White Court or you play along with Lara. Not only have you promised to do the latter, and you do not break promises on a whim, but that will be the best chance to sweep up all the ringleaders. It is one thing to have the names of the vampires and quite another to track them down if they go to ground 'Reverend Miles', proves that much. So you spend the next two days getting everyone to shelter and then bunking down in the Station. Thank God for the weekend, you are not sure your attendance record could have taken many more 'sick days' even with your mother being... supportive.
Being honest about it mom has been great about this whole thing. She helped Harry do the shopping while everyone was in lockdown sent down some meals, even found a chest full of toys from somewhere to entertain the kids of Cauldron members who had been suddenly uprooted and send on what everyone is calling 'the Grand Adventure' with more or less bitterness. That is not to say it's been boring these last few days, far from it. Pauline does not trust Harry, Anna is skittish around ghouls, Dr Jackson is understandably weary around vampires. On and on it goes, a litany of small emergencies that only you can quell.
If people were anymore on edge they'd cut themselves, Isabela had joked in one of her kinder moods. Not that she hasn't been helpful but...
There goes one of the babies crying again.
Like clockwork. "Communal crèches, surely they can afford
communal crèches. No one actually finds this desirable this surely? Mortals can't be this insane. It would be catching."
suspects she's hamming it up for the sake of Sarah and the other younger ghouls, who seem to have gained a new appreciation for all they have in common with the scion of house Syliga in the face of the invasion from the sunlit world.
On the other side, thinking back to the most recent conflict, Abby is a teacher, it makes perfect sense for her to ask what looks like teenage runaways if they have been in school, no matter how little the kids in question might want to think about it.
Right on cue the next one shows, a worried mom, Linda you think her name is, dragging a miserable looking seven year old along. "Tim went to see the rat races, the rat races. Those can have
rabies. Tell him its not safe."
As it happens all the rats are clean and well cared for, not like one can have many other pets down here, but you know better than to argue with her. This one's an Anna problem. Delegation you had learned is key in keeping on top of the barely organized chaos that now reigned over the last station. Ducking out of that conversation a little faster than is polite you grab a turkey sandwich from the buffet and go looking for Father Forthill.
"So what do you think?" you ask sombrely. He had asked for a few days to form an opinion of your prisoners before he came to a conclusion.
"I think both of them are more of a danger to themselves than others, but the latter cannot be wholly dismissed. It would do little good to incarcerate either of them, but I am afraid most mental institutions would treat their very real experiences as delusions. As you can imagine that can do very badly indeed."
"But?" you prompt. You know him well enough that you're quite sure he would not just show up with a problem and no solution.
"I know of a pair of institutions that would be willing to take them, specializing in harm like this, though I do not think the one in the US can take all of them. The other is In Italy which may be a problem depending on what's on their record..."
could be on their record?" you ask meaningfully.
"You ae right initiation by killing is universal among the 'Ants of the Lord'," he says the name with a tinge of barely supressed anger. "Many people touched by magic have already died across the country. How many neither of them could tell for certain partly because they operate on a 'need to know' basis and partly because it was harder and harder to pay attention to what everyone else was doing."
Wincing in sympathy for everyone tangled in this web of madness you resolve then and there...
[] To get Lara to pay some kind of compensation to the victims
[] To make the order a much harder target, people have been getting along mostly, it's a start
[] Write in
Speaking of dealing with vampires, you ponder what kind of statement you want your wardrobe to make tomorrow?
[] Dress as you did when you met Mab
[] It's a party right, normal party attire sounds good, all the more surprising when you close the trap on the ringleaders
[] Write in
OOC: A bit of a glimpse of Molly growing into her role.