Why not? And even if it isn't, we can spare an hour to go visit them in person, and get back to Murphy.
Still, that's a point. SO
[X] Call Anna, and convince her to provide order's addresses to Murphy.
-[X] Use Empathy excellency and Without Honor Without Hope to sell her on letting Murphy help
-[X] STUNT: You step out of the car and into the invigorating chill of winter. Staying within lieutenant Murphy's earshot, you dial Anna: "Anna, hello. Has dr. Jackson called you yet? She was attacked tonight. She's ok, I got her to safety. There is likely to be trouble for some time. I am here with lieutenant Murphy of Chicago Special Investigations division. She's good people. Saved my life several times. She wants to help. I trust her, and her people helped me before too, with stuff like providing security to Lydia's cemetery party. Can I put you on speaker so you can work things out? I don't want to betray your trust, and I'm still new to the group, so I'm calling you. It'll really make you guys safer. We'll arrange formal meet and greet later, when things have settled down. Or, if you want, I can come visit you and we'll talk in person"