Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Infra: Focusing on Farms because we need logistics for clone production, but also making some progress on facilities since they will be in short supply soon.
You may want to switch over a dice to imports supplies since it will add 1 Logistic per turn with us only needing to pay 5R a turn and all we need is to roll higher than 27.
[X]Plan: Bombers, Artillery and Burying Secrets
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I just realized we haven't even Started on Commando training. I feel like that needs a fuck ton of dice dumped on it the moment we have spares, because we are going to Need them Commando's.
If we are going for a Warrior Class heavy fleet in terms of capital vessels and hence limited Starfighter carrying capacity within the fleet, we probably should be going for the philosophy of higher quality Starfighters of greater survivability in my opinion,
@Durabys You were advocating for contacting In-com and pushing for a Proto X-wing analogue several pages on the table. Do you have any more arguments for your point of view to put on the table, and maybe an alternative plan to push for such an action, especially in light of the warship options we've received? The plan put forth right now takes us away from that path, and with every passing turn, I sense your position would be harder to push due to the nature of contract expansion.
I have only this to support my idea:
[] Contact Incom Corporation
Incom Corporation is one of the better starfighter designers out there and you are already purchasing their Z-95 Headhunters. Contact Incom Corporation and see if they are willing to produce some new starfighter designs for you.
(DC 50) (-3 SS, +5 E)
Do you think we could get them to commission a study on a potential future fighter that would result in the X-wing?
GM's reaction:
Try it and find out.
[X]Plan: Bombers, Artillery and Burying Secrets
-[X] Expand into Tipoca City (Stage 4) 1D 15R
-[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 4) 6D 90R
-[X] Local Blaster Production (Phase 3) 1D 5R
-[X] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1) 1D 5R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 2) 4D 80R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 7) 7D 105R
-[X] Commander Courses 2D 40R
-[X] Commando Courses 2D 40R
-[X] Security Courses 2D 40R
-[X] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Final Phase) 1D 15R
-[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 3) 3D 60R
-[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 3) 1D 20R
-[X] Disable Inhibitor Chips 3D 90R
-[X] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 5) 5R 1E
-[X] Contact Incom Corporation 2D 3SS 5E
-[X] Contact Rothana Heavy Engineering 2D
-[X] Burying Secrets 3FD
Cost: 610 Resources, 3 Sith Support, 6 Exposure

Infrastructure - working towards expanding our facilities and hopefully catching up with our logistic needs.
Industry - 1 die into blaster production to activate the existing factory, 1 die into Aurek-class to get more of our best interceptor and the rest into expanding Starfighter factories to increase the production of bombers.
Cloning - Everything into expanding production as that is the only choice.
Training - 1 die into getting more Mandalorian trainers, and 2 dice into each training program. It will only have a 25% chance of finishing this turn but it is possible we could end our Commander and Security Courses.
Research - I think we should first get all the base enhancements to Rank 3 before shifting to the special projects (Night Vision, Force Resistance). Also 3D into disabling inhibitor chips so it is a little over half of the budget. Should finish it within 3 quarters this way.
Administration - first of all I am putting 3 free dice into burying secrets. That is because we set our limit at 25 Exposure with plan goals and expanding contracts except for Rothana/Kuat costs us Exposure. If we manage to bury all 5 Exposure in Burying Secrets my plan will only increase our Exposure to 13. @BOTcommander plan will get us to 21 Exposure if I'm counting it right. And it could be worse if a Nat1 happens and it will increase exposure. As for contacting companies. I want Rothana for more of their products so we can increase their orders. The LAATs and ground vehicles like artillery in large production orders. Incom is to start getting bombers. Also 1 die into Armour Contracts to catch up to blasters and clones.
I want Rothana for more of their products so we can increase their orders. The LAATs and ground vehicles like artillery in large production orders. Incom is to start getting bombers. Also 1 die into Armour Contracts to catch up to blasters and clones.
Contract expansion increases the amount there shipping to us much faster than contacting to get different equipment from them. It increases by magnitude, which means each level doubles the amount we recieve each turn. Contacting them at best gives us new contracts with the starting aomounts, while expansion could easily see us boosted up into dozens per turn of whatever we throw enough dice at.
Contract expansion increases the amount there shipping to us much faster than contacting to get different equipment from them. It increases by magnitude, which means each level doubles the amount we recieve each turn. Contacting them at best gives us new contracts with the starting aomounts, while expansion could easily see us boosted up into dozens per turn of whatever we throw enough dice at.
Yes, you are right about that. If we are just worrying about numbers then it is better to expand existing contracts instead of getting new ones. But if we want to have a properly equipped force we first need to fill the slots. The most glaring holes right now are the lack of any bombers in our arsenal and no smaller air transport like the LAAT. We need to start producing them early so we have time to expand the orders. If we have a single LAAT for every 100 AT-TE and we make the deadline then our forces will be very slow on the ground.
Yes, you are right about that. If we are just worrying about numbers then it is better to expand existing contracts instead of getting new ones. But if we want to have a properly equipped force we first need to fill the slots. The most glaring holes right now are the lack of any bombers in our arsenal and no smaller air transport like the LAAT. We need to start producing them early so we have time to expand the orders. If we have a single LAAT for every 100 AT-TE and we make the deadline then our forces will be very slow on the ground.
We have 3 more cycles after this one to get the balance right. Lets use these early turns where expansion matters most to ensure we reach our qouta's and prep for a cycle focused on balancing out the Gars weak point towards the end of this cycle. As it is now, we still need to get some kind of bomber intake and ramp up Clones, blasters and armour and half a dozen other things.

Also Rothana doesn't produce bombers. Oshha has said we need incom, mandal motors or correlian engineering for bombers.
Yes. Also at MandalMotors and possible Corellian Engineering Corporation.
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The vote is still open.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Sep 5, 2021 at 3:46 PM, finished with 49 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Bombers, Artillery and Burying Secrets
    -[X] Expand into Tipoca City (Stage 4) 1D 15R
    -[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 4) 6D 90R
    -[X] Local Blaster Production (Phase 3) 1D 5R
    -[X] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1) 1D 5R
    -[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 2) 4D 80R
    -[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 7) 7D 105R
    -[X] Commander Courses 2D 40R
    -[X] Commando Courses 2D 40R
    -[X] Security Courses 2D 40R
    -[X] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Final Phase) 1D 15R
    -[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 3) 3D 60R
    -[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 3) 1D 20R
    -[X] Disable Inhibitor Chips 3D 90R
    -[X] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 5) 5R 1E
    -[X] Contact Incom Corporation 2D 3SS 5E
    -[X] Contact Rothana Heavy Engineering 2D
    -[X] Burying Secrets 3FD
    [X]Plan Need to expand faster
    -[X] Expand into Titala City (Stage 2) 1D 15R
    -[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 4) 6D 90R
    -[X] Local Blaster Production (Phase 3) 2D 10R
    -[X] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1) 1D 5R
    -[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 2) 3D 60R
    -[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 7) 7D 105R
    -[X] Commander Courses 2D 40R
    -[X] Security Courses 2D 40R
    -[X] Commandeo Courses 1D 40R
    -[X] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Final Phase) 2D 30R
    -[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 3) 1D 20R
    -[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 3) 1D 20R
    -[X] Low Light Vision 3D 60R
    -[X] Disable Inhibitor Chips 2D 60R
    -[X] Expand Blaster Contracts (Phase 8) 1D 5R
    -[X] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 5) 2D 10R
    -[X] Expand AT-TE Contract (Phase 1) 2D 10R
    -[X] Expand Z-95 Headhunter Contract (Phase 3) 1D 5R
    -[X] Contact Incom Corporation 2D
[X]Plan Need to expand faster
If only for the greater effort in the armour contracts which is our greatest current shortfall.