Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Actually one thing I gust realized, why are we expanding the order for venators? And not republics?
Q3 24 BBY Results

Q3 24 BBY Results

Resources (R): Too Many To Spend
Sith Support (SS): 44
Exposure (E): 25 (-1 per turn)
Free Dice: 3

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Major Shortages (-10)
Production: Major Surpluses (+38)
Logistics: Major Shortages (-10) (+15 per turn)
Trainers: Significant Surpluses (+18) (+2 per turn)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 389,570,000 (+38,957) (+8,192 per turn)
-Troopers: 7,610,000 (+761)
-Commandos: 690,000 (+69) (+12 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +159,700 (+16,914 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +69,412 (+4,064 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,212 (+140 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +522 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Speeder: Crusader-class Strike Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +3,318 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: Verdjur-class Combat Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Heavy Speeder: Canderous-class Assault Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,104 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +240 (+14 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +28
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +1,160 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Starfighter: Liberator-class Starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor: Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +3,660 (+258 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor: Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +492 (+32 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +324 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +36,124 (+6,000 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +784 (+232 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Gunship: Defender-class Light Corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: CR90 Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +152 (+18 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Medium Escort: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Escort: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,710 (+518 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Escort: Thranta-class Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Escort: Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +291 (+71 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort: Hammerhead-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +235 (+19 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Capital: Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +1,930 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Capital: Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Capital: CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +1,804 (+126 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +214 (+70 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Capital: Valour-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +232 (+22 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Centurion-class Battlecruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Heavy Capital: Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +9
Medium Superheavy Capital: Democracy-class Dreadnought (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +4
-Quality: +6

Original Goals (Q1 25 BBY to Q4 23 BBY)
Construct 4 Dreadnoughts. (+15 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 12) by Q4 25 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 13) by Q4 24 BBY (+5 SS)

Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 14) by Q4 23 BBY (+5 SS)

[-] Off-World Expansion (Phase 5)
While Kamino has proven sufficient so far, you are rapidly approaching the limits of the watery world's ability to support a project of this size. As you have no intention of slowing down, you will need to expand your operations to other planets though this will make secrecy harder to maintain.
(875/300, 25 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (575/350) (225/400) (++++ Facilities)

In order to meet your rapidly increasing demand for additional, you begin a flurry of expansion into uninhabited worlds. Fortunately, you have built up enough infrastructure on prior worlds that you can expand more readily on them using those foundations. Less fortunately, it just isn't enough with the latest expansion to cloning operations and your operations have become massively cramped from insufficient space. While things are sustainable at the moment, you will be seeing a major impact if you don't find sufficient space very soon and even now you are beginning to have a negative impact on your operations.

[-] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 3)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin Dreadnought production.
(1,471/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)
[-] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 2)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin dreadnought production. With vast amounts of unused shipyards at Kamino, it is possible to construct two dreadnoughts at once.
(1,453+50/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (3/1,500) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

The fourth Democracy-class Dreadnought completes this quarter, barely in time for the final months of the year. The fifth Democracy is almost finished and if given a crew, it should be sent into battle. As things are, it is still missing a few weapons and other components that need to be installed before it can be called done.

[-] Expand Clone Production (Phase 13)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(666/475, 15 Resources per Die) (191/500) (-64 Facilities, -64 Logistics, -32 Trainers, +2,048 Clones)
[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 13)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(294/100, 10 Resources per Die) (194/100) (70 Resources per turn) (+4,096 Clones per turn)

For the first time in several months, you organised another expansion to clone production. The number of clones being produced every quarter is massively ramped up to the point that there are concerns about the logistics of supplying everything. You have enough trainers to meet demand, but you currently have shortfalls when it comes to both foodstuff and room. While imports from Abrion should quickly make up the projected foodstuff shortages before there are enough new clones to have a meaningful impact, you are already beginning to suffer from not having another room on Kamino and other systems for all of your operations.

[-] Clone Trainers (Phase 23)
As the clone cadets begin to come of age and finish their training, it is possible to start them to work assisting your Mandalorian trainers. While it would take some time to give them the proper instruction on how to train others, it could be done and help supplement your reserves of available teachers and trainers. After some serious failures and inefficiencies with the previous method, you have gone from training an entire batch of clones at once to training the adult clones with the most attitude for the task.
(611/100, 15 Resources per Die) (511/100) (411/100) (311/100) (211/100) (111/100) (11/100) (++ Trainers)

To help keep up with the expected demands of increasing clone production, you focus on training up more clone trainers over expanding commando classes.

[-] Slowed Ageing (Phase 3)
As room for more genetic enhancements run out, Doctor Desnos wishes to return to helping improve the lifespans of the clone troopers.
(1,583/1,500, 30 Resources per Die) (83/2,000)

Doctor Desnos and her team finish the next stage of the slowed ageing genetic modification. Working off of her previous work in the area, the new slowed ageing treatment means that the clones will consistently be reaching the end of their second century and only the clones from the oldest batches will be struggling to do so.

[-] Expand Venator-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Kuat Drive Yards to produce Venator-class Star Destroyers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Kuat Drive Yards about expanding your Venator-class Star Destroyer contract.
(230/40, 5 Resources per Die) (190/40) (150/40) (110/40) (70/40) (30/40) (-50 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Capitals per turn)

As usual, Kuat Drive Yards is more than happy to make more credits from a valued customer and you massively increase your order of Venator-class Star Destroyers.

[-] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out. Of particular note, the Jedi Order has been actively investigating what they can of your operations.
(359) (DC 168/188/208/228/248) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)

For once, the Sith and their agents prove competence at diverting troublesome Jetiise and other unwanted investigators. Unfortunately, their efforts are cancelled out by your own massive off-world expansions, leaving the secrecy of your operations at a net no change.


Nothing too much to say here. You will really want to deal with those shortages quickly, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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demand for additional space, you

All in all a productive turn I would say. The need for more space is an issue but honestly when isn't it? We are buying enough equipment to probably equip most if not all PDFs to professional standard once the war starts which isn't a bad thing as long as systems unlikely to side with Palpatine are prioritized and replace whatever outdated and underguned designs the SDFs are flying with proper modern warships. Amidala and her pacifist friends will likely scream bloody murder but screw them. We will be at war. Not upgrading at least you're militias (since this is what they effectively are) gear to proper military standards is begging to lose when you're enemy does have a proper military. I know that the Republic technically has Clones but the Separatists have them outnumbered not to mention that they are bound to be early growing pains with figuring out who should be in charge of what clone unit and where that the Separatists will exploit plus there aren't enough Clones to both wage a galactic war and tie down units with garrison duties.
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Amidala and her pacifist friends will likely scream bloody murder but screw them.
Nice misrepresentation of Padme.

She was not some shrieking harridan who advocated that everyone should just line themselves up and be shot by the Seperatists without fighting back. What she fought against was unnecessary escalations of the conflict when it would've been better to try and settle for a Peaceful Solution rather then involving more and more Worlds in the War and invading the Rim-Worlds, trying to score total Victory. She could see how much damage the War was doing both to the wider Galaxy and the Republic the longer it dragged on.
Of course, with Palps secretly in charge on both sides and deliberately escalating the conflict, there was no chance of a peaceful settlement ever happening. But she didn't know that and I can't fault her for at least TRYING to end things peacefully.
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Q4 24 BBY

Q4 24 BBY

Resources (R): Too Many To Spend
Sith Support (SS): 44
Exposure (E): 25 (-1 per turn)
Free Dice: 3

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Major Shortages (-10)
Production: Major Surpluses (+38)
Logistics: Major Shortages (-10) (+15 per turn)
Trainers: Significant Surpluses (+18) (+2 per turn)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 389,570,000 (+38,957) (+8,192 per turn)
-Troopers: 7,610,000 (+761)
-Commandos: 690,000 (+69) (+12 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +159,700 (+16,914 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +69,412 (+4,064 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,212 (+140 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +522 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Speeder: Crusader-class Strike Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +3,318 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: Verdjur-class Combat Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Heavy Speeder: Canderous-class Assault Tank (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +2,104 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +240 (+14 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +28
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +1,160 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Starfighter: Liberator-class Starfighter (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor: Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +3,660 (+258 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor: Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +492 (+32 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +324 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +144 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +36,124 (+6,000 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +784 (+232 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Gunship: Defender-class Light Corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: CR90 Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +152 (+18 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Escort: Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Medium Escort: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Escort: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +2,710 (+518 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Escort: Thranta-class Corvette (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Escort: Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +291 (+71 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort: Hammerhead-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +235 (+19 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Capital: Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +1,930 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Capital: Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Capital: CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser (Corellian Engineering Corporation)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +1,804 (+126 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +214 (+70 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Capital: Valour-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +232 (+22 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Centurion-class Battlecruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Heavy Capital: Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +208 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +9
Medium Superheavy Capital: Democracy-class Dreadnought (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +4
-Quality: +6

Original Goals (Q1 25 BBY to Q4 23 BBY)
Construct 4 Dreadnoughts. (+15 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 12) by Q4 25 BBY (+5 SS)
Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 13) by Q4 24 BBY (+5 SS)

Complete Cloning Operations (Phase 14) by Q4 23 BBY (+5 SS)

Infrastructure (8 Dice): +20

[] Expand into Tipoca City (Phase 9)
Tipoca City is the capital city of Kamino and where your initial cloning operations are located. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Tipoca City to be used for your purposes.
(36/900, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Timira City (Phase 5)
Timira City is a secondary major settlement located in the northern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Timira City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(2/500, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tidema City (Phase 6)
Tidema City is a secondary major settlement located in the southern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tidema City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(4/600, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tibara City (Phase 6)
Tibara City is a secondary major settlement located in the eastern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tibara City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(90/600, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Titala City (Phase 5)
Titala City is a secondary major settlement located in the western regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Titala City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(280/500, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Construct Indoor Farms (Phase 6)
With all of these clones that you will be making, you are going to need to feed them all. While purchasing all of it from the nearby Abrion sector can be done if it proves necessary, you can hide just how many people who need to feed by constructing some farms on Kamino.
(59/600, 15 Resources per Die) (---- Facilities, +++++ Logistics)

[] Local Shield Generators (Phase 2)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Shield generators would be expensive, but setting up one in each major city would be a good way to minimise any damage done by an attack, be it a raid or a full-scale invasion.
(1/300, 50 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities)

[] Planetary Defence Network (Phase 2)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Setting up a series of defensive outposts and turbolaser turrets will greatly help fend off any invaders and latter stages could include weapon emplacements capable of engaging warships in orbit.
(36/200, 30 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities)

[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 7)
While Kamino has proven sufficient so far, you are rapidly approaching the limits of the watery world's ability to support a project of this size. As you have no intention of slowing down, you will need to expand your operations to other planets though this will make secrecy harder to maintain.
(225/400, 25 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (+++++ Facilities)

Industry (10 Dice): +30

[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 3)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin Dreadnought production.
(1,471/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 3)
Having constructed extensive orbital shipyards over Kamino and having acquired dreadnought designs from Rendili StarDrive, it is finally time to begin dreadnought production. With vast amounts of unused shipyards at Kamino, it is possible to construct two dreadnoughts at once.
(3/1,500, 50 Resources per Die) (-100 Production whilst project is underway) (+1 Medium Superheavy Capital)

[-] Local Blaster Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of blasters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(80/30, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-40 Resources per turn) (++++ Blasters per turn)

[-] Local Armour Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of personal armour to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(12/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-80 Resources per turn) (++++ Armour per turn)

[] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 5b)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of Aurek-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(2/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++++ Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Local Fang-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Fang-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Interceptors per turn)

[] Local Z-96 Headhunter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Z-96 Headhunters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Local Liberator-class Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Liberator-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Local Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Starfighters per turn)

[] Local PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some PTB-625 Planetary Bombers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Local NTB-630 Naval Bomber Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of NTB-630 Naval Bombers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(23/40, 5 Resources per Die) (---- Production) (-80 Resources per turn) (++++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Local LR-20B Troop Transport Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some LR-20B Troop Transports to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Gunships per turn)

[] Local Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunships to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunships to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transports to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Gunships per turn)

[] Local Defender-class Light Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Defender-class Light Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Gunships per turn)

[] Local CR90 Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some CR90 Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Local DP20 Frigate Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some DP20 Frigates to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Thranta-class Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Thranta-class Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Arquitens-class Light Cruiser Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Arquitens-class Light Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Local Harbinger-class Cruiser Production (Phase 2)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can expand your local production of Harbinger-class Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(20/30, 5 Resources per Die) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Local Hammerhead-class Cruiser Production (Phase 3)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Hammerhead-class Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(20/35, 5 Resources per Die) (--- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Local Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Galaar'kyramud-class Corvettes to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(0/25, 5 Resources per Die) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 12)
While Kamino now has constructed some substantial orbital shipbuilding capability, there is still room for it to grow. Expand the local shipyards by either putting up new docks or adding to what is already there.
(610/1,200, 30 Resources per Die) (+++++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase 4)
You have already completed the construction of a local blaster factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build another blaster factory on Kamino.
(2/400, 20 Resources per Die) (--- Facilities, ++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 4)
You have already completed the construction of a second local personal armour factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build additional personal armour factories on Kamino.
(15/400, 20 Resources per Die) (--- Facilities, ++++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Tank Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing tanks from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Walker Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing walkers from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Speeder Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing speeders from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 6)
Rather than purchasing starfighters from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some additional local production.
(31/600, 20 Resources per Die) (---- Facilities, +++++ Production)

Cloning (7 Die): +25

[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 14)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(191/500, 15 Resources per Die) (-64 Facilities, -64 Logistics, -32 Trainers, +4,096 Clones)

[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 14)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(194/100, 10 Resources per Die) (75 Resources per turn) (+8,192 Clones per turn)

Training (7 Dice): +30

[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 14)
With the completion of the commando courses, you will have a small batch of clone commandos once the trainees are old enough. They are a marginal amount compared to the rest of the army however and further expansions are required to increase the number of clone commandos that will be trained. Fortunately, Kal Skirita's new methods should make the training process quicker and more efficient.
(16/100, 25 Resources per Die) (+ Commandos per turn, -Trainers)

[] Clone Trainers (Phase 29)
As the clone cadets begin to come of age and finish their training, it is possible to start them to work assisting your Mandalorian trainers. While it would take some time to give them the proper instruction on how to train others, it could be done and help supplement your reserves of available teachers and trainers. After some serious failures and inefficiencies with the previous method, you have gone from training an entire batch of clones at once to training the adult clones with the most attitude for the task.
(11/100, 15 Resources per Die) (++ Trainers)

Research (7 Die): +20

[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4)
As room for more genetic enhancements run out, Doctor Desnos wishes to return to helping improve the lifespans of the clone troopers.
(83/2,000, 30 Resources per Die)

Administration (7 Dice): +38

[] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 4)
Paper works need doing, but that doesn't mean that you have to do it. You've already hired some papers to help you out, but look around for some more bureaucrats that have a good appreciation for discretion and secrecy.
(106/250, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (+4 to Administration Dice)

[] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 12)
While you have contracted various armoursmiths to purchase large quantities of Mandalorian armour for your clones to use, the current order can be increased even further. It will cost more credits, but you need those extra sets of armour and it isn't like you are spending your own money.
(39/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-51,200 Resources per turn) (+4,096 Armour per turn)

[] Expand AT-RT Contract (Phase 6)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce All Terrain Recon Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your AT-RT contract.
(10/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-160 Resources per turn) (+128 Scout Walkers per turn)

[] Expand AT-TE Contract (Phase 7)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce All Terrain Tactical Enforcers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your AT-TE contract.
(9/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-640 Resources per turn) (++++++++ Heavy Walkers per turn)

[] Expand Sabre Tank Contract (Phase 6)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your Sabre Tank contract.
(31/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-1,280 Resources per turn) (+256 Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand SPHA-T Contract (Phase 3)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolasers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your SPHA-T contract.
(31/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-80 Resources per turn) (++++ HeavyWalkers per turn)

[] Expand Falchion Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your Falchion Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Aurek-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 2)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Aurek-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Aurek-class Starfighter contract.
(19/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (+4 Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Fang-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 8)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Fang-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Fang-class Starfighter contract.
(12/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-1,280 Resources per turn) (+256 Medium Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Z-96 Headhunter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-96 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Z-96 Headhunter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand NTB-630 Naval Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce NTB-630 Naval Bombers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your NTB-630 Naval Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce PTB-625 Planetary Bombers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your PTB-625 Planetary Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand LR-20B Troop Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce LR-20B Troop Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your LR-20B Troop Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Gunships per turn)

[] Expand Defender-class Light Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Defender-class Light Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Defender-class Light Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Gunships per turn)

[] Expand Hammerhead-class Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Hammerhead-class Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Hammerhead-class Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Aurek-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Aurek-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Aurek-class Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Interceptors per turn)

[] Expand Acclamator-class Assault Ship Contract (Phase 8)
You have contracted Kuat Drive Yards to produce Acclamator-class Assault Ships for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Kuat Drive Yards about expanding your Acclamator-class Assault Ship contract.
(1/40, 5 Resources per Die) (-5,120 Resources per turn) (+256 Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Valour-class Cruiser Contract (Phase 3)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Valour-class Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Valour-class Cruiser contract.
(8/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-60 Resources per turn) (+8 Medium Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Centurion-class Battlecruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Centurion-class Battlecruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Centurion-class Battlecruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-100 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Republic-class Star Destroyer Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Rendili StarDrive to produce Republic-class Star Destroyers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rendili StarDrive about expanding your Republic-class Star Destroyer contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-120 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Liberator-class Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce Liberator-class Starfighters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your Liberator-class Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand CR90 Corvette Contract (Phase 2)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce CR90 Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your CR90 Corvette contract.
(4/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (+4 Light Escorts per turn)

[] Expand DP20 Frigate Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce DP20 Frigates for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your DP20 Frigate contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Thranta-class Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce Thranta-class Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your Thranta-class Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Escorts per turn)

[] Expand Canderous-class Assault Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Canderous-class Assault Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Canderous-class Assault Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-15 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Speeders per turn)

[] Expand CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Corellian Engineering Corporation to produce CC-2100 Interdictor Cruisers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Corellian Engineering Corporation about expanding your CC-2100 Interdictor Cruiser contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Capitals per turn)

[] Expand Verdjur-class Combat Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Verdjur-class Combat Transports for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Verdjur-class Combat Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Crusader-class Strike Tank Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Crusader-class Strike Tanks for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding your Crusader-class Strike Tank contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Speeders per turn)

[] Expand Galaar'kyramud-class Corvette Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted MandalMotors to produce Galaar'kyramud-class Corvettes for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to MandalMotors about expanding yourGalaar'kyramud-class Corvette contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Light Escorts per turn)

[] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out. Of particular note, the Jedi Order has been actively investigating what they can of your operations.
(DC 184/204/224/244/264) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)


Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[]Plan AAAH
-[] Local Shield Generators (Phase 2) 3D 150R
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 7) 5D 125R
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 3) 1D 50R
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 3) 9D+3FD 600R
-[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 14) 2D 30R
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 14) 4D 100R
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 29) 3D 45R
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D 210R
-[] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 12) 1D 5R
-[] Expand SPHA-T Contract (Phase 3) 1D 5R
-[] Burying Secrets 5D
[]Plan AAAH
-[] Local Shield Generators (Phase 2) 3D 150R
-[] Off-World Expansion (Phase 7) 5D 125R
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 3) 1D 50R
-[] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 3) 9D+3FD 600R
-[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 14) 2D 30R
-[] Expand Commando Training (Phase 14) 4D 100R
-[] Clone Trainers (Phase 29) 3D 45R
-[] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D 210R
-[] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 12) 1D 5R
-[] Expand SPHA-T Contract (Phase 3) 1D 5R
-[] Burying Secrets 5D

How do you feel about going all in on Commando Training this turn instead of splitting with Trainers?

With the increase in Offworld to 16 per completion, we might be able to actually meet the Facilities we need by the plan date, but I'd honestly rather go in on Defenses instead.
How do you feel about going all in on Commando Training this turn instead of splitting with Trainers?

With the increase in Offworld to 16 per completion, we might be able to actually meet the Facilities we need by the plan date, but I'd honestly rather go in on Defenses instead.
We still need a lot of trainer IF we want to do the final phase of clone expansion and I'd rather have those trainers and decide Palpatine can go **** himself and use those trainer for more Commandos than not have enough trainers.
[X]Plan AAAH
-[X] Local Shield Generators (Phase 2) 3D 150R
-[X] Off-World Expansion (Phase 7) 5D 125R
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Aurek (Phase 3) 1D 50R
-[X] Democracy-class Dreadnought Construction Besh (Phase 3) 9D+3FD 600R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 14) 2D 30R
-[X] Expand Commando Training (Phase 14) 4D 100R
-[X] Clone Trainers (Phase 29) 3D 45R
-[X] Slowed Ageing (Phase 4) 7D 210R
-[X] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 12) 1D 5R
-[X] Expand SPHA-T Contract (Phase 3) 2D 10R
-[X] Burying Secrets 4D
[X]Plan AAAH

5D to Offworld
-100% chance for 150 progress to Phase 7, Facilities shortage would be sorted.
- 450 more progress to Phase 8 is virtually out of reach, but it won't hurt to progress on it.
3D to Shield Generators
- 4.17% chance to completion

Reasoning: 5 Dice is being rolled because we also have to sink one more exposure to get our armour research on pace with Clone Production. With the latest phases offering 16 Facilities, we now need Phase 8, 9, 10 and 11 to fulfil Sidious demand... if we choose to, so overflow is always a good thing here.

12D to Besh:
- 0.99% chance of Completing Besh at 1497 Progress
- 9.21% chance of 1400 Progress
- 37% chance of 1300 Progress
- 74% chance of 1200 Progress
- 95% chance of 1100 Progress

Reasoning: After the completion of Aurek (1 dice will settle this), Aurek needs just one more phase to complete ( Dread 5 is basically one dice roll away, and progress will begin on Dread 6, the last Aurek we need to complete).

Besh needs to complete two more phases (Dreads 7 &8). We can switch back to an 8-5 split next turn, considering how much progress will likely happen to Besh. Sooner we finish Dreads, the sooner we can switch to producing Republics, Aureks, Liberators and CR90s and Valors exposure free - our best warships.

Reasoning: We can't go all Gung ho on Commandos yet, unless we want to tell Sidious to stuff this. We actually will be at +28 Trainers with no investments by the time the next Clone Phase is due... but we then need 4 more Trainers.

This means we need one phase of Clone Trainers for every Commando Phase for two turns, then one phase of Clone Trainers for every two commando phases.

Reasoning: SPHA-T's are heavy artillery with the firepower to shoot down warships en-masse. Phase 3 is really low, considering how useful they are compared to the rest of our vehicle fleet... and we can still afford to roll 4 dice for Burying Secrets since the highest DC is still at 95% chance of being hit at 4D. Armour expansion occurs in response to our current phase of Clone Expansion,our plus 38 to Admin takes us up one more phase for sure and just rolling a 3 will take us two phases, and 43 three phases. We'd be drowning in armour with just 1D, easily again.
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We really need to increase production of the little things like armor and blasters.

Yes and no. Its now time to prep for rebellion.

And holy shit Dr. Desnos, the clones will already have lifespans of nearly 2 centuries and you still want to improve it?

We are going to have original clone troopers still running around soldiering past the furthest point the old star wars expanded universe stopped updating to: 140 ABY.

Edit: Might as well refer to the clones as human shaped Krogan-lite when you add up all their toughness enhancements and lifespan.
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Nice misrepresentation of Padme.

She was not some shrieking harridan who advocated that everyone should just line themselves up and be shot by the Seperatists without fighting back. What she fought against was unnecessary escalations of the conflict when it would've been better to try and settle for a Peaceful Solution rather then involving more and more Worlds in the War and invading the Rim-Worlds, trying to score total Victory. She could see how much damage the War was doing both to the wider Galaxy and the Republic the longer it dragged on.
Of course, with Palps secretly in charge on both sides and deliberately escalating the conflict, there was no chance of a peaceful settlement ever happening. But she didn't know that and I can't fault her for TRYING to end things peacefully.
I admit that my perception of Amidala and co. is a bit coloured by the fact that Palpatine run both sides and would never allow peace before it suited him so trying to get peace with the Confederacy was a bit naive, especially since even if Palpatine did allow the negotiations to proceed the Core would most likely push for Total Victory anyway in order to 'punish the traitorous Rim' and what the Core wants the Core generally gets especially since it is a senator from some Mid Rim planet that advocates for it though I would think Padme would be smart enough to let Bail take the lead on this one as a senator form a very influential (form my understanding) Core Founder.
Clones: 389,570,000 (+38,957) (+8,192 per turn) 10960

Not entirely certain what that stray 10960 is doing there, but it should probably be removed.

We really need to increase production of the little things like armor and blasters.

Actually, we're most likely set for blasters since even if we go for that final expansion of clone production we'll still be meeting demand on them, but we should definitely put a die on armor at some point in the next year or two since we need to double it to meet the current level of clone production, and quadruple it if we go for the last expansion.

I admit that my perception of Amidala and co. is a bit coloured by the fact that Palpatine run both sides and would never allow peace before it suited him so trying to get peace with the Confederacy was a bit naive, especially since even if Palpatine did allow the negotiations to proceed the Core would most likely push for Total Victory anyway in order to 'punish the traitorous Rim' and what the Core wants the Core generally gets especially since it is a senator from some Mid Rim planet that advocates for it though I would think Padme would be smart enough to let Bail take the lead on this one as a senator form a very influential (form my understanding) Core Founder.

I'll be honest, it rather looks like your view is both somewhat flanderized and using OOC knowledge (namely, Palpatine being in charge of everything) that people in universe have no clue about.