You joke... but I propose we actually send in a letter very close to this to the woman with an attached fruit basket through a proxy.
I agree with other posters that she is the least of many evils, but I consider her high blood pressure a strategic resource.
You made me do this....
Sundari Palace.
Satine was marching to her inner chambers with purpose in her steps, she nedded to cool off before she did something she would regret later. She huffed, to say she was annoyed by current situation would be understatment, while no one would be brave enough to say it to her face she know some of the Palace gurads and close advisors that she crossed during walking could feel she was fuming with anger under her calm exterior.
And it looked this state will continue for some time unfortunetly, especially since even thinking about the lawsuit and how it ended made her recal those mocking looks and hidden amusement visible in eyes of the Concordia representatives during the last meeting that ended just half an hour ago. While they had so called neutral looks on their faces and been
extremly polite she spend enough time in Core Worlds and around Republic Elite to learn how to read people even when they try to hide their fealings from her.
So she could easly see past their polite exterior and see both their amusement at her losing and smug stisfaction at their victory of the trial. She reflexivly stopped herself from grittting her teath when thinking about that so called "Trial", it was a mocking show of how corruption and money could influnce Republic and its institutions, it was a disgrace!
But couldn't do anything about it for now and she relaxed her face because she relaised she was scowling, it was unbecoming of some of her station to show visible anger even or even
especially when those close to her could see it. She scholled her features and took deap breath, she was nearing her destination. The entrance was in sight.
After calmly approaching the entrence to her private rooms she inclned her head in greeting to the Gaurds, only those from her Clan that she was realy close to and had her absolute trust were selected to guard this part of palace.
"My Lady, there is a package wating for you inside" The senior most Guard said.
"Really, from who?" She was curious, normaly any correspondence or packages which were send to her were recived by her staff to be checked and segregated and only those most important, valuable or private reached her personaly. So to something pass the security and selection was unusual.
"We don't know My Lady, it was unfortunetly send anonymously. While normaly we would never allow it inside not knowing who was the sender it already passed positivly the automated security scan and as such it was followed up by opening and manual checking and scanning again by members of the Guard with more precise equipment, its content were found to be nothing eighter suspicious or dangerous and after seeing what exactly was inside and double checking everything again it was decided that while it was unusual there is no danger in delivering it tught we didn't open the letter since it was considered to be a breach of privacy. It is on the table in your main room My Lady, we hope you will like it." He reported with smile.
She raised her eyebrow, that was really surprising turn of events especialy the sugestive behaviour of the Gaurd impling she will like the content. Well since it was deemed safe she could see what this mysterious package was, maybe it will help her not think about that blasted Trial.
"Wery well, good work" Waiting a moment for the Guards to open the reinforced doors(she was pacifist, not an idiot) she entered.
After passing the door and looking inside she indded sees a quite saizable parcel on the table of her main room, hearing the sound of them closing behind her she approched the mystery.
It was quite a packadge the size of a couch made from some from of synthetic material, on the front was small writing 'To Satine Kryze the Duchess of Mandalore from her Biggest Fan, in thanks for all your hard work for better future Mandalore and Galaxy'.
Well wasn't that quite charming? She had a fan, that was nice.
As long it wasn't some kind of weirdo, those were the worst. Even assasins were better because they at least wanted her only dead.
Curious what was inside she got to work opening it.
Few momens later she seen what was inside.
Her Gaurd was right she quite liked it, inside was a big and beautiful bouquet of flowers in all clours of rainbow but tastfuly balanced done to look elegant and not garish, a gigantic package of luxurious sweets(her favorites) and a old fashined sealed paper letter.
It brought a geniuine smile to her face, it was really nice. Especially in a day like this one.
After a quiet moment of enjoing the amazing bouquet(and eating few sweets) she reached for the letter, took it and sat in a plush armchair she used when wanting to relax.
With smile she opened the letter and started reading.
Prime Minister Almec was hurriedly walking in the direcetion of Duchess Kryze private chambers, the news were both urgent and of... delicate matter.
While it would be easier to just send a message it was not advised taking in consideration both the type of news and the Duchess current frayed nerves.
Delivering the news privatly would allow him to... mitigate any outburst and help in calming Satine away from any praying eyes.
With satisfaction he sees his destination at the end of the corridor.
Nearing the door he sees the tense Guards.
Reaching the door and stooping before the Gaurds he opens his mouth to ask for entry when he hears a loud crash of somethign heavy inside followed by bellows of angry screaming mixed with some very... colorfull linguage he didn't suspect the Dushess to know.
Especailly in Huttese.
He slowly closes his mouth and looks closely at the Gurads, he notes their rapidly pailing faces under their helmets combined with visible sweating.
"Is everything alright? I hoped to speek with Duchess if possible."
The nearest Gaurd is wisibly struggling to find words but finally speaks with light croak to his voice.
"I'm afraid it will not be possible Minister. The Duchess recived some... unfortunate news and is currently... occupied, she asked to not disturb her tonight outside of any emergencies."
He took in the words followed by another loud crash inside and even more colorful words, this time in Mando.
Who knew that she could swear with the best(or worst) of them? Adonai would have been proud.
But yes it looked like it would be best to not disturb the Duchess right now.
"Very well, I will contact her in another time. Please infrom the Duchess that I would like to speak with her when she will be aveliable."
After reciving confirmation Almec turned around and not quite run but certainly energiticaly walked in opposite direction.
While walking he tought its quite a good idea to not tell right now Satine that Concordia Crescent Technologies just recived biggest single order for Blasters in their history.
Edit: This is my litle addition to this Quest, this almost exact scene stuck in my head and just didn't leave me alone till I wrote it down.
So I hope it gets Omake status but Apocrypha will be nice to.