Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

[X] [BR] Small production. (-25 R) (-5 R per turn) (++ Light Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [HC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (++++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Designs only. (-50R) - Designs first, than if it will really be good quality, than we gobble it up
The vote is still open.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Sep 23, 2021 at 12:49 PM, finished with 31 posts and 15 votes.
[X] [HH] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Medium production. (-25 R) (-30 R per turn) (+++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] None.
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Large production. (-25 R) (-480 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)
[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (++++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-960 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)
[X] [HH] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Medium production. (-25 R) (-30 R per turn) (+++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] None.
[X] [VC] None.
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Designs only. (-50R)

edit: doesnt the valour look like a cruise ship? lmao
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Do you think we can get Kuat to build the All-Terrain Heavy Enforcer 3 years ahead of schedule?

All Terrain Heavy Enforcer

The All Terrain Heavy Enforcer (abbreviated AT-HE) was a heavy walker model designed in the years that followed the introduction of the Clone Wars-era All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. Thanks to its raised hull, the AT-HE was above the reach of exploding mines, and had greater vantage for its...

AKA: The more armored and better armed predecessor to the AT-AT. I would rate it semi-fanon/one-third-canon.
Because having those on Geonosis would be hilarious just for the sheer WTFness reactions from the Separatist council.
[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (++++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-960 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)
[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (++++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-960 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)
[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (++++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-480 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [BC] Desperate for credits production. (-50 R) (-800 R per turn) (+++++ Medium Capitals per turn)
[X] [SD] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-960 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)

That guy is going to make bank on his commission.
Foray-Class Blockade Runner from Rendili StarDrive (Quality ++)

Oh my time has not been kind to the Foray. I suppose it's hard to make a case for it when it's completely outclassed by its competition. The question now is whether or not to go to CEC or MandalMotors for a corvette. CEC has the advantage of having several preexisting and proven designs whereas MandalMotors doesn't, though given the company's pedigree and what they achieved in canon with the Crusader-class their offer could potentially exceed in performance the corvettes of CEC.

At this point in time CEC has the following corvettes on offer, those being the CR70, CR90, DP20, and the Consular-class cruiser. The Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette despite being technically called a corvette is more of an armed freighter though it has potential as a fighter and is definitely small enough to fit the classification. The Thranta-class corvette meanwhile is most certainly not a corvette as it as large as the Hammerhead-class cruiser and in fact fills much the same niche as the older vessel.

Of those ships two come from the shipyards unarmed. Those ships would be the CR70 and Consular. Both have refit packages from CEC that equip them with weapons granting them about as much firepower as the CR90. In the case of the CR70 the Vanguard c20 retrofit suite specifically grants it performance on par with that of a CR90. For the Consular there is the Charger c70 retrofit and the option to rebuild the Consular into Republic light assault cruisers. The former was a Clone Wars era refit meaning it is unlikely to be available currently while the latter dates back to when the Republic Outland Regions Security Force still existed though it is unknown of that modification was one done by CEC or someone else.

The meat of CEC's corvettes consist of the CR90 and the DP20. The CR90 needs no introduction. It is considered the best corvette out there in much the same way the X-wing is the best starfighter. It is a small and powerful ship. Smaller and more powerful is the DP20 which carries well over twice the firepower of a stock CR90. Not quite as small or powerful is a successor to the CR90, the CR92a. The CR92a is a militarized version of the CR90 better armored and better equipped for frontline combat. The one downside to the design is that it may be a post-Clone Wars creation as it primarily appears during the Galactic Civil War era.

Dreadnought-Class Heavy Cruiser from Rendili StarDrive (Quality +++)

Right now all we have in the light capital category are the Acclamators which even in canon weren't that great in the ship-to-ship role. Having a starship that can properly slug it in the same weight range doesn't seem like a bad idea and most of the problems of the stock Dreadnaught can be patched over anyways to make it a viable warship. That being said I'd like to see if we couldn't get a team to more extensively modify the Dreadnaughts. As evidenced by the Providence-class, the Assault Frigate Mark I, and Assault Frigate Mark II the Dreadnaught has the potential to be made into something much greater. This would have the added benefit of allowing us to offer the Republic and Republic aligned forces a way to make more effective their own fleets of Dreadnaughts.

'Rendili Star Destroyer' from Rendili StarDrive (Quality +++ ++)

Given the description this almost sounds like a proto-Victory-class Star Destroyer. The Victory was known as a tough little Star Destroyer that packed a punch, but that's the thing the Victory was on the smaller end of Star Destroyers. The Rendili Star Destroyer is a 'Heavy Capital.' The Warrior and Venator are both considered mediums and the canon Victory was smaller than the latter ship. A proto-Victory by all accounts should be a medium or larger light capital not a heavy. Given the Acclamator is a light at 752 meters and the Venator is 1,137 meters a heavy can be presumed to be somewhere in the range of 1,500 meters. I'm almost tempted to suggest that rather than a proto-Victory this ship is a proto-Providence given those ships could be as long as 2 kilometers. In fact the larger variant of the Providence was even classified as a Star Destroyer.

In canon Rendili sold the Quarren a license to build Dreadnaughts and from that the Quarren would end up developing the Providence. What's to say the idea of a larger Dreadnaught didn't start with Rendili or if what eventually ended up as the Providence didn't start of as a joint project between the Quarren and Rendili with Rendili settling for selling a license to the Quarren instead because they couldn't afford to fund their half of development?

We have the funds and we can assign the Defenders to Jedi as personal ships. But I doubt we will be expanding that contract.

With this maybe we'll be able to convince the Jedi to stop flying around in 'borrowed' freighters all the time.
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[X] [HH] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-40 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Escorts per turn)
[X] [LC] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-120 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Gunships per turn)
[X] [BR] None.
[X] [HC] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (+++++ Light Capitals per turn)
[X] [VC] None.
[X] [BC] None.
[X] [SD] Desperate for credits production. (-25 R) (-960 R per turn) (+++++ Heavy Capitals per turn)