Bursting Eagerness Soul
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Alright, rules time. Keep in mind that this is a first pass and feel free to point out anything I might have missed or any nonsensical bullshit that arises.Expanding on this, I would almost directly use the Mass Combat system for water-based combat as well. It is one of the best/most functional systems to come out of 3E, and needs only minimal tweaking.
Here is a look at how I would stat a basic ship for use with the Mass-Combat-based Sail:
Blue-Water Galleon
This workhorse ship is used for hauling goods, people, and novel drinking songs from port to port. It is lightly armed to fend off small coastal raiding parties and aggressive sea life. Its crew has been together for a few seasons and are used to working with each other. These stats represent the capabilities of the average sailor on it, which will be used to extrapolate the stats of the ship as a battle group.
Essence: 1 | Willpower: 5 | Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Senses 4, Navigaton 5, Sailing 5, Bargain 3, Read Intentions 3, Gambling 5
Appearance 2, Resolve 2, Guile 1
Mounted Crossbow: 6 dice (Damage 15, maximum range: medium)
Chopping Sword: 5 dice (Damage 11, minimum 2)
Combat Movement: 5 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 2 (Parry is inapplicable when the ship is targeted as opposed to the crew)
Soak/Hardness: 8/0 (Lamellar/Wooden Hull)
Non-Combat Speed: Current +1, sail +2, empty cargo hold +1
Crew: Size 2 (maximum 3, minimum 1), Average Drill, Might 0
In this writeup, Hull is subsumed into the Magnitude of the resulting battle group, and Maneuverability is swallowed by Combat Movement. Speed is kept, as it applies more to getting from Place A to Place B than it does combat. In general, I tried to add more hooks to hang effects on. You can have your Dawn or Zenith training the crew to fight better. You can have your Twilight building better weaponry or armor, or sleeking the ship to get better Speed. You can have your Eclipse Captain giving boosts to all of the dice pools by using rally and order actions. Hell, you could even end up with a mutiny if your crew fails a rout check.
I will try my hand at formalizing the system hacks needed to make this work another day, and then work the Sail charms over until they fit the new system, which I'm hoping won't be too hard. Please, let me know what you think so far.
EDIT: Just to note, the resulting battle group would have the following stats different from the above.
Magnitude: 9
Mounted Crossbow: 8 dice (Damage 17, maximum range: medium)
Chopping Sword: 7 dice (Damage 13, minimum 2)
Evasion 4, Parry 3
Soak/Hardness: 10/0
Let's start off with a small discussion on scale. Ships in a chase are likely going to be at a distance to each other that is measured in miles, while ships engaged in active combat will be at ranges of "only" tens to hundreds of feet. These distances are different enough from the standard range bands that a new scale should be used.
Close: Entangled ships, as from ramming or boarding actions. The place where melee weapons come into play, as usual.
Short: Anywhere from five to fifty feet between ships. This is where most thrown weapons will be usable. (Equates to short or medium range in the standard scale).
Medium: From fifty feet to five-hundred feet between ships. Archery weapons and most sorcery will find their limits here. (Equates to medium or long range in the standard scale).
Long: From five-hundred feet to half of a mile between ships. The usual maximum range of ship-mounted weaponry such as ballistae and catpults. (Equates to long or extreme range in the standard scale).
Extreme: From half of a mile off to the horizon. Only supernaturally enhanced attacks will be useful here. (Equates to extreme range in the standard scale).
For example, the Mounted Crossbow in the example writeup is literally a standard crossbow attached to the rail of the ship with a swivel mounting, and thus only merits a maximum range of medium on the ship scale. This doesn't keep someone from pulling it off of the mount and attacking someone at the standard scale long range.
On a related note, most ships are going to be large enough that, should boarding happen or melee combat break out on deck, they will contain multiple range bands. This will likely create a "zooming" effect in which a broader view of ship-to-ship-scale conflict is pushed into the distance to focus on the three-to-five standard range bands of a medium-sized ship or grappled pair. In this case, Initiative should be re-rolled and a whole new battle started. However, it should likely remain within the same scene for Charm duration purposes.
Now, on to the actual rules. For the sake of brevity, I'm only going to bring up points where this hack diverges from the standard Mass Combat rules.
- Ship-to-ship combat takes place on a much longer scale than regular combat. Ship units only act every 2-4 turns. This rule is discarded once a boarding commences.
- Substitute Sail for War as the skill used for all Command and Strategic Warfare actions.
- The Parry defense is inapplicable unless the ship itself possesses an active method of self defense. However, an attack targeted only at the crew can be parried.
- Rout checks may cause a mutiny on a botch.
- The Engage action is used for ramming or boarding other ships.
- Ships that sail themselves or otherwise don't require a crew have perfect morale. They also have a fixed Size for abstracting into a battle group.
- All ship-to-ship battles and boarding actions are subject to the Back to the Sea stratagem. (Rally for numbers restores 1 Magnitude per 3 successes, lost Magnitude represents more casualties and surrenders than desertions, and slaughter actions are extremely effective.)
- Pursuit is done as per the standard Sail rules. When ships catch up to combat range, they begin at long range with respect to each other.
As always, I'm open to suggestions for improvement.
PS: @sebsmith I hope that whatever your ST is in the hospital for gets better
EDIT to avoid triple-post:
It could, but we'd need a decent Bureaucracy system for the resulting organizations to hook into. This only works because both the core combat system and the mass combat system are already there and mechanically solid (before Charm fuckery). With Bureaucracy, there just is no system to work off of because the devs decided that people "should just roleplay it". However, lifting the way that battle groups are done and applying it to organizations, with the head of the organization playing the "general" role, would likely work with some fiddling.I never would have thought to use mass combat rules like this, with Sail as a replacement for War. I wonder if something like this could also work for organizations in Bureaucracy.
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