Expanding on this, I would almost directly use the Mass Combat system for water-based combat as well. It is one of the best/most functional systems to come out of 3E, and needs only minimal tweaking.

Here is a look at how I would stat a basic ship for use with the Mass-Combat-based Sail:

Blue-Water Galleon
This workhorse ship is used for hauling goods, people, and novel drinking songs from port to port. It is lightly armed to fend off small coastal raiding parties and aggressive sea life. Its crew has been together for a few seasons and are used to working with each other. These stats represent the capabilities of the average sailor on it, which will be used to extrapolate the stats of the ship as a battle group.

Essence: 1 | Willpower: 5 | Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Senses 4, Navigaton 5, Sailing 5, Bargain 3, Read Intentions 3, Gambling 5
Appearance 2, Resolve 2, Guile 1

Mounted Crossbow: 6 dice (Damage 15, maximum range: medium)
Chopping Sword: 5 dice (Damage 11, minimum 2)
Combat Movement: 5 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 2 (Parry is inapplicable when the ship is targeted as opposed to the crew)
Soak/Hardness: 8/0 (Lamellar/Wooden Hull)

Non-Combat Speed: Current +1, sail +2, empty cargo hold +1
Crew: Size 2 (maximum 3, minimum 1), Average Drill, Might 0

In this writeup, Hull is subsumed into the Magnitude of the resulting battle group, and Maneuverability is swallowed by Combat Movement. Speed is kept, as it applies more to getting from Place A to Place B than it does combat. In general, I tried to add more hooks to hang effects on. You can have your Dawn or Zenith training the crew to fight better. You can have your Twilight building better weaponry or armor, or sleeking the ship to get better Speed. You can have your Eclipse Captain giving boosts to all of the dice pools by using rally and order actions. Hell, you could even end up with a mutiny if your crew fails a rout check.

I will try my hand at formalizing the system hacks needed to make this work another day, and then work the Sail charms over until they fit the new system, which I'm hoping won't be too hard. Please, let me know what you think so far.

EDIT: Just to note, the resulting battle group would have the following stats different from the above.
Magnitude: 9
Mounted Crossbow: 8 dice (Damage 17, maximum range: medium)
Chopping Sword: 7 dice (Damage 13, minimum 2)
Evasion 4, Parry 3
Soak/Hardness: 10/0
Alright, rules time. Keep in mind that this is a first pass and feel free to point out anything I might have missed or any nonsensical bullshit that arises.

Let's start off with a small discussion on scale. Ships in a chase are likely going to be at a distance to each other that is measured in miles, while ships engaged in active combat will be at ranges of "only" tens to hundreds of feet. These distances are different enough from the standard range bands that a new scale should be used.
Close: Entangled ships, as from ramming or boarding actions. The place where melee weapons come into play, as usual.
Short: Anywhere from five to fifty feet between ships. This is where most thrown weapons will be usable. (Equates to short or medium range in the standard scale).
Medium: From fifty feet to five-hundred feet between ships. Archery weapons and most sorcery will find their limits here. (Equates to medium or long range in the standard scale).
Long: From five-hundred feet to half of a mile between ships. The usual maximum range of ship-mounted weaponry such as ballistae and catpults. (Equates to long or extreme range in the standard scale).
Extreme: From half of a mile off to the horizon. Only supernaturally enhanced attacks will be useful here. (Equates to extreme range in the standard scale).

For example, the Mounted Crossbow in the example writeup is literally a standard crossbow attached to the rail of the ship with a swivel mounting, and thus only merits a maximum range of medium on the ship scale. This doesn't keep someone from pulling it off of the mount and attacking someone at the standard scale long range.

On a related note, most ships are going to be large enough that, should boarding happen or melee combat break out on deck, they will contain multiple range bands. This will likely create a "zooming" effect in which a broader view of ship-to-ship-scale conflict is pushed into the distance to focus on the three-to-five standard range bands of a medium-sized ship or grappled pair. In this case, Initiative should be re-rolled and a whole new battle started. However, it should likely remain within the same scene for Charm duration purposes.

Now, on to the actual rules. For the sake of brevity, I'm only going to bring up points where this hack diverges from the standard Mass Combat rules.
  • Ship-to-ship combat takes place on a much longer scale than regular combat. Ship units only act every 2-4 turns. This rule is discarded once a boarding commences.
  • Substitute Sail for War as the skill used for all Command and Strategic Warfare actions.
  • The Parry defense is inapplicable unless the ship itself possesses an active method of self defense. However, an attack targeted only at the crew can be parried.
  • Rout checks may cause a mutiny on a botch.
  • The Engage action is used for ramming or boarding other ships.
  • Ships that sail themselves or otherwise don't require a crew have perfect morale. They also have a fixed Size for abstracting into a battle group.
  • All ship-to-ship battles and boarding actions are subject to the Back to the Sea stratagem. (Rally for numbers restores 1 Magnitude per 3 successes, lost Magnitude represents more casualties and surrenders than desertions, and slaughter actions are extremely effective.)
  • Pursuit is done as per the standard Sail rules. When ships catch up to combat range, they begin at long range with respect to each other.
As an additional rule, ships have both a minimum crew size (how many people are needed to sail the ship) and a maximum crew (how many people can feasibly travel on the ship). The current crew size can vary between them.

As always, I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

PS: @sebsmith I hope that whatever your ST is in the hospital for gets better

EDIT to avoid triple-post:
I never would have thought to use mass combat rules like this, with Sail as a replacement for War. I wonder if something like this could also work for organizations in Bureaucracy.
It could, but we'd need a decent Bureaucracy system for the resulting organizations to hook into. This only works because both the core combat system and the mass combat system are already there and mechanically solid (before Charm fuckery). With Bureaucracy, there just is no system to work off of because the devs decided that people "should just roleplay it". However, lifting the way that battle groups are done and applying it to organizations, with the head of the organization playing the "general" role, would likely work with some fiddling.
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Why, Keris! Look at that! Your Essence increased! Did your essence reservoirs get bigger? No? Well, don't worry, it'll happen in time. Soon your essence reserves might be as big as Sasi's, even!

Sadly, Keris's Enlightenment 9 Seeking took place in the Endless Desert, within the Mythos of an infant Primordial and decidedly outside Fate. The Bureau of Destiny is working hard to find records of what occurred there, but it may be some time before they are successfully retrieved and put through censorship by the Bureau of Secrets. Watch the stars for them.

In the meantime, you'll have to move on to the aftermath of this momentous quest for personal growth, and the records of Kerisgame 50. Which are far less interesting, since all Keris does is return triumphant across the Desert with more raksha than Ligier has had to work with in thousands of years, speak with Lilunu and start investigating the possibility of getting yet another ridiculously powerful and high-status Mentor, and pretty much win Kuha's eternal loyalty. Tune in next time to see if she can do the same with an Ellogan akuma!

Bonus stuff, as usual. I make no apologies for the first bit, for I am shamelessly evil. :V
Aleph: So.
Aleph: As might be evident, KerisSeeking is not yet complete.
Aleph: How are we handling this?
EarthScorpion: We can probably just assume it happened on the trip
EarthScorpion: and make cryptic references to it.
Aleph: : 3
Aleph: Oh, Kuha. This may not be a comfortable trip for you. Well, physically it's probably comfortable - Keris's hair is soft and strong, and she can hold five days worth of food and water plus a child easily enough. But she's completely unresponsive as she runs, and Wyldeater is still glowing blindingly bright where it's slung across her back, and they're running across the lunar desert and it is very creepy.
Aleph: ... though Keris has healed her crippled limbs and is working to fix her ailing organs and make her less of a freakish child-adult and basically give her a life back, so she may actually be more worried about Keris not responding than anything else.
EarthScorpion: Yes. She may well be one of the owlriders who has been responsible for letting a szelkerub out.
EarthScorpion: After all, she spent an entire month around Keris.
Aleph: ... for Keris? Oh, Kuha.
EarthScorpion: No, not necessarily for Keris specifically.
Aleph: ... no, little szelkerub, don't chase her across the Desert because you still haven't given her romance and Big Mama is taking her away when you haven't finished.
Aleph: (echo approves of her determination)
EarthScorpion: But it is possible - after all, Keris has been lavishing attention on her body and... sigh, may have given her hair massages. But then again, she might just be moping after someone she knows and she had been working herself into a tragedy about now she was going to die and wasn't going to be between him and the woman he loved and he just treated her as an owlrider, like a sickly child...
Aleph: Oh, Kuha. : (
Aleph: Hmm. She probably has some fairly high-rated Principle towards Keris after she gave her her legs back. And, heh:
Session 48 said:
As she tells Keris, her child-proportioned eyes wide; "You saved me. I would be dead if not for you."
It's just a question of whether it's "omg <3 <3 <3", or whether she's straight and sees Keris as a benevolent hero-worship goddess or something.
Aleph: ... honestly, Keris walking into the place of the hungry men with but twenty five warriors and coming back alone, unharmed and grinning with a blazing tetsubo and a "welp, that's them all dead; let's go" has probably not reduced her feelings; whichever it was.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Kuha. She'll submissive-bossily insist Keris make her a proper cot of furs that she can wrap herself in.
EarthScorpion: How does Keris feel about how she's calling her Kerishyra? : p
Aleph: Keris is fairly lax with nicknames. She calls Sasimana "Sasi", after all.
Aleph: And she knows Kuha is having trouble with pronouncing some words.
EarthScorpion: "-hyra" is an honorific suffix. : V
Aleph: I thought it might be, but Keris hasn't put that together yet.
EarthScorpion: (If she was just overwhelmed by Keris before, something like this and 'giving' her an anyaglo might well push her fucked-up-by-the-drugs romantic drive to focus on Keris).
EarthScorpion: (After getting to ride an anyaglo on her own, she's probably going to totally crush on Keris because holy shit she gave me a mount that goes at 80mph).
Aleph: wheeeeee~
Aleph: Echo nods wisely, agreeing that her horsies are indeed the bestest best horsies ever, and that falling in love is a totally appropriate reaction to being given one.
EarthScorpion: The szelkeruby cheer the display of love, and start plotting to get Keris to marry Kuha.
EarthScorpion: One wise szelkerub points out that they will have the tiniest babies.
Aleph: le gasp!
Aleph: she is genius-szelkerub
Aleph: Next session, we can see if Keris can talk a powerful akuma round to... well, tolerating her more warmly, if not actually liking her.
Aleph: And also how much she'll grumble about having to plod far enough away from the manse that she won't disrupt it by popping a Kimbery-lake down so she can get her alchemy-tower out and give them a living space.
EarthScorpion: Yes. She'll need to be careful about the weather, too.
Aleph: Keris: *grumble grumble grumble ten minute run to the manse every morning grumble grumble sulk*
EarthScorpion: And to be careful that Kuha doesn't have to take too many Endurance-based checks to not fall ill from Malfeas' environment.
EarthScorpion: Which doesn't have a lethal kill-aura, but still isn't exactly healthy.
Aleph: Yes, that's the other reason for the tower. It has some nice sheltered rooms inside it that Keris can put ice from her Domain into to cool them down a bit.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris. You may well also want to take care to have quiet rooms and dark places for both of you to sleep, because Kuha doesn't need the stress of the sleep problems.
EarthScorpion: Although, heh
EarthScorpion: She is from far enough North
EarthScorpion: that her sleep cycle is a bit broken anyway
EarthScorpion: ... wait
EarthScorpion: Urgh
EarthScorpion: fucking Creation
Aleph: ... lol.
EarthScorpion: ... I guess all days are longer in the season of fire?
EarthScorpion: But wait, that wouldn't be latitude based
EarthScorpion: URGH
Aleph: Oh man. I know what it is.
Aleph: Midnight Sun in Creation isn't latitude-based
Aleph: it's radius-based.
Aleph: It's seasonal Wyld-light.
EarthScorpion: ... the Wyld catches fire?
EarthScorpion: from summer sunlight?
Aleph: Well, even in the far North, the sky was burning when Keris was there.
Aleph: All bright colours and chaos.
EarthScorpion: Well, yeah, Creation's auroras are caused by the Wyld
Aleph: So, heh. Yeah, the Sun may cause seasonal reactions in the Wyld at various times of the year.
EarthScorpion: Mmm.
Aleph: But yes, dark rooms and pillars of ice in buckets as air conditioning.
Aleph: Rathan: "Yay! I'm helping!"
Haneyl: "Well I'm making food for them!"
*Echo gestures that it's her horsie that Kuha is riding*
Neat as usual, though I've got a couple of questions (as usual).

Sadly, Keris's Enlightenment 9 Seeking took place in the Endless Desert, within the Mythos of an infant Primordial and decidedly outside Fate. The Bureau of Destiny is working hard to find records of what occurred there, but it may be some time before they are successfully retrieved and put through censorship by the Bureau of Secrets. Watch the stars for them.
How would the Bureau even know? Is this something you've put together where they can keep tabs on every exalt? If so, how have Infernals avoided attention?

And there was mention of Keris growing basalt ribs. I was curious and did some searching, and I don't think basalt is actually better than bone. It's mostly silica, followed by various other components like iron and quartz. So it'd actually be heavy and prone to fracture, without any of the sponginess that lets bone bend and bend back. It strikes me odd that Malfeas would make use of such a substance.

Unless it's magical basalt, in which case all bets are off.
How would the Bureau even know? Is this something you've put together where they can keep tabs on every exalt? If so, how have Infernals avoided attention?
... that was a joke. That was leaning on the fourth wall. About how I am posting the logs of Kerisgame, and haven't finished writing her Seeking yet. And so made up an excuse that the Bureau of Fate (where histories are filed, among other things) hadn't found the records.
And there was mention of Keris growing basalt ribs.
No, that was Malfeas growing basalt ribs. Not Keris.
The walls of Malfeas are tall in the distance. Even from here, Keris can see that they're broken and shattered for once, but there are already new basalt ribs forcing their way out of the ground to take the place of the old ones.
Because, you know, he's a giant city of basalt and brass. Though yes, it is magical basalt.
... that was a joke. That was leaning on the fourth wall. About how I am posting the logs of Kerisgame, and haven't finished writing her Seeking yet. And so made up an excuse that the Bureau of Fate (where histories are filed, among other things) hadn't found the records.
Right. 4 hours of sleep is not conducive to sound thinking.

No, that was Malfeas growing basalt ribs. Not Keris.
Or clear reading.
Kingslayer Archway

Like many wonders of the previous Ages, this one's origins were lost to time. The Archway stands as the entrance to an abandoned audience chamber inside a grand castle, where a proud king once held court. No one knows how old it is, though most savants guess that it predates the Shogunate. Wrought of Orichalcum and precious Starmetal, the foot-deep threshold appears as something decorative and wholly welcoming.

Unfortunately, it is not.

In the kingdom where it sits, the castle had long been converted to a prison gulag, where criminals awaiting execution throughout the region are remanded.

Now, the archway instantly kills anyone who passes completely through it. Their souls are neatly, painlessly and completely removed. No ghosts rise from those slain by its invisible magics. The executioners do not risk entering the audience chamber from any other door- instead they tie ropes to the condemned, ensuring they can drag the corpse back into the safer main hallway.

Due to the well-known danger, the archway is heavily guarded when not in use, and is sentries have respect for it firmly drilled into their minds. The soul-cutting power itself is an Undodgable, Unblockable Shaping Effect which automatically slays unenlightened Mortals. Essence-wielders, including the Exalted, must succeed on a Difficulty 3 Essence roll to survive. The archway has no effect on spirits of any sort, but offers no benefit either.

The Kingslayer Archway's true name is unknown, but it is commonly accepted that it would only allow the blood descendants of the royal family to pass through safely. The stories go on to describe a great celebration, lasting weeks as each king performed the ritual passing of authority. The current king would leave their chambers for the last time, walking through the archway to activate it, and then await their son or daughter to approach and receive a blessing from the archway and their coronation.

They say the archway cursed the kingdom, after a respected scion died going through the veil. Perhaps they had been replaced by a fae impostor, or were corrupted by a malfean courtesan. The scandal grew improbably vast, leading to a terrible purge and diaspora that broke the line of succession.

So what does it do?
This is an experiment to offer a handful of plot hooks and functions to a conditional, highly situational plot hook. If left alone, it does nothing other than slay people who walk through it. This isn't very useful or interesting yet.

It's safe to assume that the archway only responds to legal successors, justifying it as an Artifact 3 instead of 4.

- A worthy successor is granted great authority over their ancestral lands. This is represented by a 5-dot Influence background with the host kingdom- it is not yet legitimate authority, but it would put someone in prime position to take the throne.

- The archway is in fact a passage, a portal to some far off land or hidden chamber. Perhaps it leads to a secret vault of powerful artifacts or lost lore that the new king needs to rule their land. Ancient codes and pacts with the local spirit courts, or the regalia of the past generations.

- The powers of the Exalted are often more than a match for the Archway- a Lunar with their Moonsilver Tattoos, or a Solar using Integrity Protecting Prana would simply laugh at the archway's deadly influence and pass through unharmed. While there's every chance the Archway might bless the Exalt as if it were a blood relation, it might simply just not kill them... Or put them in a position to bluff about receiving the blessing. If it didn't kill them, obviously they're the rightful heir, yes?

- Perhaps whoever last successfully traversed the archway becomes the exemplar for a new bloodline and line of succession. Be it Exalt, Godblooded or Enlightened Mortal - now their descendants become the rightful heirs.
Hrm, that does bring up a question. Since being Asexual would make you immune to seduction attempts from any gender, is asexuality OP? Should it require a merit or charm or something to balance out it's benefits?
Hrm, that does bring up a question. Since being Asexual would make you immune to seduction attempts from any gender, is asexuality OP? Should it require a merit or charm or something to balance out it's benefits?

In Exalted, an Asexual is one that a Solar or Lunar hasn't gotten around to seducing yet. They simply are that good, no matter what your sexual preference
In Exalted, an Asexual is one that a Solar or Lunar hasn't gotten around to seducing yet. They simply are that good, no matter what your sexual preference
Interesting, so sexual identity is irrelevant in the face of the Exalted? What if it was an Asexual exalt?
Interesting, so sexual identity is irrelevant in the face of the Exalted? What if it was an Asexual exalt?

Then it depends on who is more social focused, the offender or the defender.

A great person being lead to ruin after they were seduced by a someone they should have been more careful of is a classical trope after.