Cutest Sawk i could find. Lucario is a nice extra.
Clearly the solution is to ask her to make so that the complex can be underwater without any problem.
Then, when the Island collapses, you can have a sweet underwater base!
Clearly the solution is to ask her to make so that the complex can be underwater without any problem.
... not intentionally? But, hmm. Kuara's core theme - her "essential nature", if you like; the statement I built her around (a concept @EarthScorpion put me onto which I have found enormously helpful in designing demons) is "Self-Aggrandisement (That) Destroys All Around It". So yeah, I guess there are definitely parallels with Asuka, for whom attempts at self-aggrandising are a major theme - though in her case she destroyed herself with them, rather than selfishly destroying others to make herself seem more powerful or important.
Anyway? You know what time it is?
Yes. Adorjan time! The most ~fun~ time of day.
Trufax, the working names for these charms were
~I Know Where You Are Senpai~
~Don't Worry, Senpai, She Won't Bother You Again~
~Did You Get My Text Message Senpai~
~Senpai Seducing Shintai~
Bound by Blood-Red Strings
(Originally by Jon Chung)
Cost: -(+1w); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Tragic Love Amusement
Lovers in Creation whisper of the blue strings of Fate, with which the Maiden of Serenity lovingly binds the fate of those destined to be. This is a comforting lie. While the binding cords of love exist, they are the deep crimson of heart's blood, and it is not Venus who wields them. This Charm upgrades Tragic Love Amusement. The Infernal may commit the cost of Tragic Love Amusement in order to make the Intimacy it creates inviolate against any external influence while the commitment lasts, and grant her the ability to track her beloved wherever he may go, so long as he is on the same plane of existence. This knowledge manifests as a bloody red ribbon which only the Infernal can see.
While the commitment lasts, the Infernal receives her Compassion in bonus successes to track her love at all times, may always make a tracking roll even if no tracks exist to follow, and if she desires, she may spend 1 Willpower in order to automatically succeed at any tracking roll targeting her love with Compassion threshold successes. Should other magic contest this effect, add the Infernal's Essence in automatic successes to the rolloff.
If the Infernal knows Wind-Carried Passion, the Infernal may choose to bestow this ability upon those she targets with it by committing the cost of Tragic Love Amusement in the same way.
While Adorjan could not leave the Demon City save in dreams, the surrender oaths that protected the Solar Marus do not apply to the beloved of the Infernal Exalted. At Essence 4, this Charm may be repurchased. Doing so allows the Infernal to track their Intimacy across realms of existence, and if they choose to spend 1 Willpower to automatically succeed, they also know the method the target used to enter that realm of existence and how to follow them there.
Other Woman Identification
Cost: — ; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Bound By Blood Red Strings
The breezes of Adorjan tie her heart to others with blood-red strings, and those breezes wordlessly whisper many things to her. They tell her of the infidelities of attachment committed by those she loves, and how she can free them from those ties. This charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal makes a roll to read the emotions and displayed Intimacies of a target who she has a Tragic Love Amusement intimacy towards, she automatically succeeds as if she had rolled twice the required number of successes. She learns all Intimacies the character has displayed in the current scene, and their context as they relate to characters who are present. In addition, she now gains the capacity to channel her Compassion towards any attempt to hurt any of those Intimacies and regains a Compassion channel should she succeed; after all, she is doing it out of the maelstrom of her bountiful love.
Love-Born Sweet Fancies
Cost: 4m, 1wp, 1 comp c; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (5 ticks, DV-2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Pantheon
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tragic Love Amusement
Imre the jade-winged Archer Upon the Clouds releases his arrows which fall like rain upon the layers of Malfeas. They seek out those who manage to flee the instruction of the Silent Wind, sinking into hearts and minds bearing her affectionate teachings. Such is love. Upon learning this Charm, the Infernal stirs a new soul to life within them that exists to carry the messages of their heart. When she uses this charm, she weaves a dream or flight of fancy from her boundless compassion which lasts no longer than 444 seconds, targeting a character the Infernal has an intimacy towards. The contents of the dream can be used to make a social attack with a speed no longer than seven long ticks which may be enhanced with charms as normal.
This vision travels down the blood-red ties of love, travelling at forty thousand miles an hour. Once the dream has found the target character, they experience it the next time they sleep and will recall it upon waking. The context of the Intimacy the Infernal used to channel this message is made Obvious to the target, because it flavours every part of the fancy. The Infernal may not reuse this charm against a character until they have experienced the previous dream. Should the target character be within an area warded against scrying, the dream will not find them until the next time they leave a protected area.
This charm may be repurchased at Essence 4. Once the character experience the dream, a Sorcerous blessing is applied to the target. The dream recurs whenever the character sleeps, any social attack likewise repeating. Men have been driven mad, knowing that no matter how far they run they cannot escape the visions that come at night. Only one sorcerous dream may affect a character at once, and should this charm be used again the new dream will overwrite the old.
Seven Nights Shintai
Cost: 12m, 1 lhl, 1 comp c; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (15 ticks, DV-2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-Type
Duration: One dream (one scene)
Prerequisites: Love-Born Sweet Fancies, Bound by Blood Red Strings
Closing her eyes, a happy smile appears on the warlock's face. She smiles because she knows she will dream of her love. Her body tears apart into a cloud of blood-soaked threads which disperse on a sudden gale, leaving her empty skin behind. Upon activating this charm, the character selects one of her Tragic Love Amusement intimacies currently in the same plane of existence. The next time the target sleeps, they find themselves in a dreamscape made up of the Infernal's dream body.
The Infernal builds the dreamscape as if she had accumulated (Essence + Compassion) successes for Adorjan World-Shaping Cosmogenesis. Whenever she channels Compassion on an action within the dreamscape, she may reassign up to (Compassion) of these successes. The Infernal is both world and avatar, and possesses a body with her normal Attributes. In addition, her senses simultaneously observe from all points within the dreamscape as though using All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, though she does not pay attention to all points equally thus permitting stealth.
To the target, the dreamscape is unreal. Though mote expenditures and health levels should be tracked, they are just the product of their imagination and return to their original values when they wake. Willpower and virtue channels lost in the dream are really gone, however. By contrast, the Infernal is physically in the dream and any motes they spend and damage they take are real. When the Charm ends, the Infernal reforms within her empty skin. If her skin has been destroyed, she reforms where she left it and takes 3ahl from her presently skinless condition.
The target character does not automatically realise that there is anything unnatural about the dream, though with 4 successes on a Wits + Occult roll they can realise the hellish note to the landscape. Should the character 'die' by the hand of another in the dream, they wake having lost 1wp from psychic shock and are shaken but otherwise fine. Attempted suicide, however, is not the way out - they 'wake' into another dreamscape, allowing the Infernal to reallocate the points and resetting the duration of the charm. They may escape otherwise by finding a symbolic exit within the dreamscape and spending one willpower. At least one such exit must be included, though the Infernal may hide it.
At Essence 5, this charm may be repurchased allowing it to target characters currently in different realms of existence to the Infernal. Should the Endless Desert separate the two of them, the blood soaked ribbons of the warlock form must travel across Cecelyne before it can reach their beloved. It is as yet unknown how the Silent Wind managed to slip into the dreams of the father of the Four Winds.
The joke here is that Keris will use Bound by Blood-Red Strings to track down her parents, Love-Born Sweet Fancies to send Sasi love-letters (possibly rather steamy ones), and Seven Nights Shintai to pull Sasi into a dreamworld and let her meet Haneyl in person.
The joke here is that Keris will use Bound by Blood-Red Strings to track down her parents, Love-Born Sweet Fancies to send Sasi love-letters (possibly rather steamy ones), and Seven Nights Shintai to pull Sasi into a dreamworld and let her meet Haneyl in person.
No murder, I'm afraid. But the other half of Kerisgame is slice-of-life soul comedy, and LBSF is a Pantheon Charm...Oh Keris why are you such a horrible student
I guess there's probably going to be a lot of murder involved anyways because keris is keris so it's okay I guess
No murder, I'm afraid. But the other half of Kerisgame is slice-of-life soul comedy, and LBSF is a Pantheon Charm...
The joke here is that Keris will use Bound by Blood-Red Strings to track down her parents, Love-Born Sweet Fancies to send Sasi love-letters (possibly rather steamy ones), and Seven Nights Shintai to pull Sasi into a dreamworld and let her meet Haneyl in person.
Only there in spirit form, not actually there so they can't shank the coadjuter, so ES would allow it.Doesn't this break the "nobody but you in your devil domain no matter what" rule?
The Charm in question does specifically say that anything that happens to the Infernal is permanent and Haneyl is part of 'the infernal' in question...
Doesn't this break the "nobody but you in your devil domain no matter what" rule?
The Charm in question does specifically say that anything that happens to the Infernal is permanent and Haneyl is part of 'the infernal' in question...
Actually, the intent to protect the Coadjutor rating makes me wonder; could someone attempt an assassination by planting a large explosive inside a building they knew you were going to absorb using Blossoms of the Tiger-Empire? Or perhaps planting mental triggers into one of your devas, then banish it back to your soul to carry out its task? Having a ban on "anyone not a part of you" doesn't seem sufficient to stop all means of attack.
Not that I know, an Infernal's soul world is defo another plane of existence so even if they had somekind of charm that allowed them to apply charms to a remote explosive, I very much doubt that they would be able to use them against the Coadjuter.
I think this depends on where the coadjutor is relative to the bomb. It's unlikely, but not impossible for the Coadjutor to be taking a walk, or for the soul-side gate to be near their home.even if they had somekind of charm that allowed them to apply charms to a remote explosive, I very much doubt that they would be able to use them against the Coadjuter.
Expanding on this, I would almost directly use the Mass Combat system for water-based combat as well. It is one of the best/most functional systems to come out of 3E, and needs only minimal tweaking.To start, I'd expand the stats for ships. Give even the most basic ship a full mortal's worth of HLs, give them actual attack stats, and in general make them analogous to a mass combat unit. That way you can take Sail and make it analogous to War. The parallels are already heavy to begin with.
This way, your sniper can be doing "magnitude" damage, as can your sorcerer. Your Sail-favored character can be your "general" and boost the ship's performance, and your crafter can make repairs, bitching weapons, cool armor, etc.
Good enough to replace the 2e MC system? Or is there a problem with edition compatibility?Expanding on this, I would almost directly use the Mass Combat system for water-based combat as well. It is one of the best/most functional systems to come out of 3E, and needs only minimal tweaking.
Sadly, this isn't a question I can give a useful answer to. Given that my storyteller is still in the hospital and thus can't get to a computer right now, (also, he isn't yet a member of this forum) I'll have to rely on our sail expert. @StormofCrows do you have an opinion on this?
Expanding on this, I would almost directly use the Mass Combat system for water-based combat as well. It is one of the best/most functional systems to come out of 3E, and needs only minimal tweaking.
Here is a look at how I would stat a basic ship for use with the Mass-Combat-based Sail:
Blue-Water Galleon
This workhorse ship is used for hauling goods, people, and novel drinking songs from port to port. It is lightly armed to fend off small coastal raiding parties and aggressive sea life. Its crew has been together for a few seasons and are used to working with each other. These stats represent the capabilities of the average sailor on it, which will be used to extrapolate the stats of the ship as a battle group.
Essence: 1 | Willpower: 5 | Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.
Actions: Senses 4, Navigaton 5, Sailing 5, Bargain 3, Read Intentions 3, Gambling 5
Appearance 2, Resolve 2, Guile 1
Mounted Crossbow: 6 dice (Damage 15, maximum range: long)
Chopping Sword: 5 dice (Damage 11, minimum 2)
Combat Movement: 5 dice
Evasion 3, Parry 2 (Parry is inapplicable when the ship is targeted as opposed to the crew)
Soak/Hardness: 8/0 (Lamellar/Wooden Hull)
Non-Combat Speed: Current +1, sail +2, empty cargo hold +1
Crew: Size 2 (maximum 3, minimum 1), Average Drill, Might 0
In this writeup, Hull is subsumed into the Magnitude of the resulting battle group, and Maneuverability is swallowed by Combat Movement. Speed is kept, as it applies more to getting from Place A to Place B than it does combat. In general, I tried to add more hooks to hang effects on. You can have your Dawn or Zenith training the crew to fight better. You can have your Twilight building better weaponry or armor, or sleeking the ship to get better Speed. You can have your Eclipse Captain giving boosts to all of the dice pools by using rally actions. Hell, you could even end up with a mutiny if your crew fails a rout check.
I will try my hand at formalizing the system hacks needed to make this work another day, and then work the Sail charms over until they fit the new system, which I'm hoping won't be too hard. Please, let me know what you think so far.
Given my suggestion was going to be "We should just use the mass combat rules for sail"? It solves like 90% of the issues and the sail charms mostly require minimal tweaking. I'd fold maneuverability into size though. At that point the really problematic charms are pretty few and far between.Sadly, this isn't a question I can give a useful answer to. Given that my storyteller is still in the hospital and thus can't get to a computer right now, (also, he isn't yet a member of this forum) I'll have to rely on our sail expert. @StormofCrows do you have an opinion on this?
I still need to read the Sail System, but any attempt at making EX3 less "Let's the GM deal with it case for case"-y is welcome in my book.I will try my hand at formalizing the system hacks needed to make this work another day, and then work the Sail charms over until they fit the new system, which I'm hoping won't be too hard. Please, let me know what you think so far.
And now, a question: was Hungarian the language that was warped into some Demon's names? I really want to finally write my two very bizzare demons, but i don't feel like giving them a place holder name(Or i am procastinating. I am definitively procastinating.)
And now, a question: was Hungarian the language that was warped into some Demon's names?
Some demons use Hungarian, but others use Latin - hence "Octavian".
It's a simple enough system that you could theoretically do it, but it would take a whole lot of back-hacking and balancing.Good enough to replace the 2e MC system? Or is there a problem with edition compatibility?