This is pretty much pure nitpicking on my part, but uh, isn't the Blessed Isle somewhere between the size of Australia and North America?

I'm not sure it's exactly appropriate to call it an island.

The importance of the term is that it relates to how the Realm can exert control over territory that is not on the Blessed Isle. Since there is no land bridge between the Isle and the Threshold the Realm is required to use ships to cross the Inner Sea. This means it needs naval supremacy because if it lacks naval supremacy than other nations could prevent the Legions from landing on the Inner Sea coast and thus all those legionnaires become interesting seabed decorations.

Which reminds me of an inherent issue with designing rules for exalted. It's very hard to make a ruleset that can cope with extremely wide ranges of power, but an exalted ruleset has to be able to cope with everything from Solars and 3CDs (primordials should be strictly plot devices) to mortals.

As I mentioned upthread perfect defenses and effects could have been a good way of preventing this. You pick a much more narrow range of power and then have Charms basically force anyone who wants to compete to do so in that range of ability. Thus you can afford to narrate the effects of stuff like mountain sized behemoths, third circle demons and deathlord necromantic disasters basically as whatever scale of narrative fluff you want and then when these effects run into Exalted defense tech they go "That's nice. Now draw your sword."

Trying to turn high Essence combat into its own thing has been a problem for the line since Sidereals 1e.
And as much as I would absolutely love to have a detailed guide on balanced charm tree creation, along with extensive design notes on the Solar charmset, the core book is probably not the best place to put it.
IIRC, the Devs have said something about there being a book that is entirely how to homebrew Exigents and Artifact Evocations. Of course, the projected date on that is something like 2025, sooo...

Seven Nights Shintai
Honestly, I would not have thought that Adorjan would be the Primordial with the Inception charm. I'd have guessed that that would be Hegra's thing.
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IIRC, the Devs have said something about there being a book that is entirely how to homebrew Exigents and Artifact Evocations. Of course, the projected date on that is something like 2025, sooo...
IIRC their comments have instead been "Arms will not contain Evocation guides, you'll have to go with Exigents' charmset tips." If they said anything about a dedicated book, I've missed it entirely.
Honestly, I would not have thought that Adorjan would be the Primordial with the Inception charm. I'd have guessed that that would be Hegra's thing.

Dream invasion (and, uh, seducing senpai in his dreams) is one of Adorjan's earliest described capacities, from Games of Divinity.

That's where the Four Winds (and their three sisters who didn't shed their human skins) came from.
~I Know Where You Are Senpai~
~Don't Worry, Senpai, She Won't Bother You Again~
~Did You Get My Text Message Senpai~
~Senpai Seducing Shintai~
This may be the insomnia talking, but I just realized Charlie and the Chocolate factory would be a great Exalted Modern game. Wonka is either an elder Exalt, or a Raksha.
Yeah, I've noted before that Wonka is totally a raksha lord with the factory as his freehold. The chocolate river is totally one of his Graces.
And like all good Infernal Charms, I can already think of a fair few 'good' uses of these Charms. :V

Well, that's how you do it, ideally - make a useful multipurpose effect, then make it look/feel/sound as villianous and evil as you can get away with. For example, I wrote Bound by Blood-Red Strings a while ago for the express purpose of using it to hunt down and murder people wherever they may hide, but it works perfectly well as a way to monitor the location and living status of someone you actually care about as opposed to Adorjan's definition thereof.
Imre, the Archer Upon the Clouds
Demon of the Third Circle
Sixth Soul of the Silent Wind

Sometimes scarlet clouds sweep through the skies of the Demon City. These clouds cannot block the light of the green sun, but demons down below fear their appearance for their rain is arrows. Winged demons flock around the clouds, and atop them rules Imre, sixth soul of Adorjan.

In his most common forms, Imre is a lithe and almost feminine young man with masses of flowing blond curls. Four wings of white jade sprout from his back, tipped with clawed hands. He carries a great bow carved from ivory and horn, stringed with heart tendons. One of his eyesockets is empty, replaced with a mini tornado made from the winds of his greater self. He usually covers that eye with a patch, but should be reveal it hurricane-strength winds whip out and fill the area. He lost the eye in an archery duel with a Sidereal during the Primordial War - a great game of cat and mouse which went on for forty days and nights. This eye is also missing in his other forms - a two-headed ape who rides a great winged tiger, a red sparrow who brings sleep in its wake, or a ten-legged zebra who runs as fast as the wind.

Few within the Demon City are as skilled with a bow as he is. When he is sober, he can reach across a hundred layers of Malfeas with ease and hit his intended target. When he is drunk - a more common state of being - he will still always hit someone, even if they were not who he is aiming for. Fletched with his own feathers, his arrows ignore all inclement weather and seek out the eyes or hearts of targets. If they strike an eye, they kill. Should they strike a heart, however, they send the target into a deep sleep filled with maddening visions of the teachings of Adorjan and dreams of the agony of love until the shaft and head are removed.

The Archer Upon the Clouds is a reprobate and a hedonist. Frequently he descends from his lands at the lead of a horde of winged demons to pillage at his whim, returning laden down with drink and slaves. Many of the other Unquestionable think little of his intellect, viewing him as a fool. He has tried many times to rise above the blood-red moon in the skies of Malfeas. Despite the fact that he can slay an army in moments each time he has been defeated through his impulsiveness and lack of forethought. Seldom is he seen without a clay jar of some form of alcohol at his hip, and when he is drunk he will fly over the Demon City shooting whatever takes his fancy.

Yet despite the fact he is no great thinker he is also one of the most skilled of the demon princes in slipping the chains of the Demon City. He can escape when the child of a ruling monarch wishes for their unknowing beloved to pay attention to and love them and appears to deliver the message they wish the beloved to know. Alternatively, he can also slip free when Adorjan bids him to carry a message and his target flees to Creation before he can find them. The Chosen of the Maidens have found that he can often be coaxed to return to the demon realm if bribed with fine spirits or if defeated in a game of chance - and that if offered Celestial Wine he will perform a favour for them out of gratitude before returning.

It is of course entirely illegal to trade the drinks of the gods to a demon prince. It is doubly illegal to arrange for him to escape Malfeas just so he can be bribed with Celestial Wine to perform a task, even if it can be very convenient at times. No doubt the Bureau of Destiny would impose the harshest sanctions were it to discover that one of its members had done such a thing.

Notes and abilities: Imre looks like he is just playing the fool, acting like a drunkard to hide his greater schemes. Alas, he really is that simple. Born in the Primordial War and painfully close to the coldness of the Silent Wind that swirls within his eye socket, he drinks because life is easier when he is not sober. He has entirely given up on the idea that things can be different. The Yozis will never escape, the gods will never relent on their torture, and thus he might as well take what pleasures he can. Liquor numbs the pain.

Sorcerers call upon Imre as a weapon of war or as a messenger. Upon the battlefield and as long as he is sober enough to tell friend from foe, the Archer Upon the Clouds can wipe out an enemy army in a few heartbeats. His hands move faster than can be seen and the air catches fire from the speed at which he draws and releases. This leaves him exhausted and surly. As a messenger he can send dreams, visions and fancies wrapped around his arrows to anyone he perceives, or he is given the name and description of.

His lost eye was taken as a trophy, and lies somewhere within the vaults of Heaven crafted long ago into the pommel of a deva-slaying blade. None can say what would happen were he to be reunited with it.
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is it homebrew teim? Yase et eeeiz!

Name: The Hanging Mystery
Artifact 2
Attune: 5m

This grisly looking artifact takes the form of a hangman's noose. It was made from rope that ripped free a hundred souls, and then a soulsteel spike was driven through the knot.

The true purpose of the Hanging Mystery has been lost to time, but it remains a useful if curious artifact. When worn around the neck and attuned, the bearer appears to be a ghost- they are not actually turned into a spirit, but mundane efforts to discern them from another corpus fail outright.

Otherwise, the wearer gains +4 dice on any attempt to disguise themselves as a ghost against magical perception. The artifact allows the wearer to convincingly fake various ghostly feats such as floating a few inches off the ground or an ill, spiritual pallor.

Of particular note is that this artifact does explicitly enable the wearer to regain Essence via consuming blood offerings, exactly as a ghost would. This includes the MDV penalties detailed in Roll of Glorious Divinity Volume 2, Pg 109.

Name: Sentry Stone Mask
Artifact 3
Attune: 6m

This ornate visor covers the head from chin to brow, sculpted to give the impression of stern disapproval no matter the viewing angle. Crafted of white and black Jade, it looks unassuming. When attuned, the artifact affixes to the wearer's face and cannot be removed while she remains conscious.

Wearing the mask inverts the bearer's material nature- open air becomes choking nothingness in her lungs. In exchange for this, the wearer and her equipment is able to merge seamlessly with stone walls and floors. Doing so is a Miscellaneous action.

So long as she merges with a purpose-built stone structure, she may breath stone as if it were air, cannot sleep, and does not need food and water. While inhabiting the walls, the wearers add 12 yards to their movement and dash speeds after other modifiers, ascending or descending levels within the structure so long as there are no gaps where stone does not touch.

Exiting a wall only requires a Reflexive Move Action, but one cannot reach out with just a limb or weapon.

The purpose of this artifact was to create a hidden security force in a vast stone palace that was too large to defend on foot. Guardians would wear these masks and hide in the walls, leaping out to ambush unsuspecting foes. Characters who attempt an Ambush from the surrounding structure add +4 automatic successes to the Stealth Roll to evade detection.

Unfortunately, this advantage has a price- the wearer cannot breathe in open air, and will be forced to hold their breath (Exalted 2e core, pg 130). This incidentally grants immunity to inhaled Poisons and Sickness Effects. It is also how one normally removes the mask- they must successfully allow themselves to 'drown' on air. The artifact can only be removed if the wearer is rendered unconscious. At that point, the mask pops free.

AN: I am aware these invoke *sigh*, Unexpected Attacks.
Well, see, now I have to join in.

Kuara, She That Shakes the Earth ("Self-aggrandisement that destroys all around it")
Demon of the Third Circle
Sixth Soul of Isidoros

Drawn by terrible charisma, praise-choirs trail after the demon queen Kuara until their voices break and they die of exhaustion. Wherever they stop to sing her glory, fire rains from the sky in the ruddy hues of light that skims the surface of the Black Boar that Twists the Sky. It melts the basalt and brass of the City and fuses the silver sands of the Desert, and upon the scorched ground it solidifies into monuments of red metal that announces her glory to the sky.

For as long as she tarries there; the rain of fire will spread; her worshippers clustering around her temple-obelisks and statues as the land around them blisters and boils to make way for new architecture. Eventually, the complex will reach such tremendous weight that it will collapse through the layer and fall into the Sea; leaving nothing but a gaping chasm in its wake. Then, and only then, Kuara will move on to find a new source of adulation.

The land around her tabernacles is no safer than that the buildings crushed under it, for it is Kuara's habit to test her weapons indiscriminately and in all directions from the peak of her highest tower. Her craft has none of the subtlety or beauty of Ligier's, but her expertise rivals his in the raw force of destruction. Excessive force and vast collateral damage are her watchwords, and though her contraptions are hulking and brutal mechanisms, they excel at what they do. Most operate from range - bore-mangonels that hurl stones so heavy they crush space to a pinpoint where they land, or scorching ballistae whose bolts of unseen fire strike through the skulls of all in their range, reducing their brains to charred ash. There are always exceptions, though, and many are the shattered ruins in Malfeas where a battering ram or wall-render of her devising has seen use.

In person, Kuara stands rust-skinned and barrel-chested; twice the height of a man and bedecked with precious metal ornaments. Her feet are cloven hoofs and her hair is a wild mane of smouldering lead wires. Of her three faces; two are reciting endless praise-paeans to her glory at any given time, and the eyes of the third flash with black fire as she speaks. Such is her strength that she can create a crater ten feet deep with a single stamp or break the back of a Lesser Elemental Dragon with her bare hands - and the skulls of great opponents that her vassals carry boast that she has done so many times. Sometimes she takes monstrous form - an elephantine horse with six legs and tusks of blood-stained bronze, or a colossal head whose lips are lined ruby within a fiery leaden wheel - but when she deigns to fight herself it is most often in her humanoid form, with a black iron flail tipped with the burning bristles of her greater self.

Fame is Kuara's chief desire - fame, wealth and the adulation of all. She hires or conscripts vast armies of serfs to gather tribute and spread worship among the teeming multitudes of Malfeas, and sells her weapons only to those who offer her respect and aggrandisement. Prospective buyers should not be fooled into thinking she will hear only what she wants to hear - her mind is powerful for all that it runs along predictable tracks, and nothing arouses her ire more than being shown pity. Anything she sees as a form of hated disrespect - or worse yet, dismissal - will make an enemy of whoever has failed to recognise her glory. She is rich, for wealth is but another form of renown, and she is mighty, for power is a synonym to prestige, but these things are important to her only as ways to advertise her innate magnificence. She abides no praise of another in her presence unless it references her as the ultimate source of acclaim, and will fall into a terrible rage should she hear of a rival being honoured above her.

Summoning: Rarely is Kuara able to announce her splendour in Creation. She cannot set foot outside the Demon Realm unless it is to step into a royal or noble court that has been brought to utter devastation by the selfishness and arrogance of its leader in increasing their reputation. The wise sorcerer is careful to flatter her when they call upon her, almost invariably for destruction. Whether she uses her terrible engines of war, her slave-armies or her own might, Kuara is a formidable foe. While she can be bound to extol the name of another, she will swiftly fall to madness from the humiliation, and only the foolish or ignorant would think to suggest she is not the greatest being in all existence. The only being she can admit might exceed her - and that only in her darkest moments - is the Unconquered Sun. For such an insult, though they have never met, she hates him and all his works as much as she yearns to challenge him and prove herself the greater.

(for @Eritoshi)
Well, see, now I have to join in.

Kuara, She That Shakes the Earth ("Aggrandisation that destroys all around it")
Demon of the Third Circle
Sixth Soul of Isidoros

Drawn by terrible charisma, praise-choirs trail after the demon queen Kuara until their voices break and they die of exhaustion. Wherever they stop to sing her glory, fire rains from the sky in the ruddy hues of light that skims the surface of the Black Boar that Twists the Sky. It melts the basalt and brass of the City and fuses the silver sands of the Desert, and upon the scorched ground it solidifies into monuments of red metal that announces her glory to the sky.

For as long as she tarries there; the rain of fire will spread; her worshippers clustering around her temple-obelisks and statues as the land around them blisters and boils to make way for new architecture. Eventually, the complex will reach such tremendous weight that it will collapse through the layer and fall into the Sea; leaving nothing but a gaping chasm in its wake. Then, and only then, Kuara will move on to find a new source of adulation.

The land around her tabernacles is no safer than that the buildings crushed under it, for it is Kuara's habit to test her weapons indiscriminately and in all directions from the peak of her highest tower. Her craft has none of the subtlety or beauty of Ligier's, but her expertise rivals his in the raw force of destruction. Excessive force and vast collateral damage are her watchwords, and though her contraptions are hulking and brutal mechanisms, they excel at what they do. Most operate from range - bore-mangonels that hurl stones so heavy they crush space to a pinpoint where they land, or scorching ballistae whose bolts of unseen fire strike through the skulls of all in their range, reducing their brains to charred ash. There are always exceptions, though, and many are the shattered ruins in Malfeas where a battering ram or wall-render of her devising has seen use.

In person, Kuara stands rust-skinned and barrel-chested; twice the height of a man and bedecked with precious metal ornaments. Her feet are cloven hoofs and her hair is a wild mane of smouldering lead wires. Of her three faces; two are reciting endless praise-paeans to her glory at any given time, and the eyes of the third flash with black fire as she speaks. Such is her strength that she can create a crater ten feet deep with a single stamp or break the back of a Lesser Elemental Dragon with her bare hands - and the skulls of great opponents that her vassals carry boast that she has done so many times. Sometimes she takes monstrous form - an elephantine horse with six legs and tusks of blood-stained bronze, or a colossal head whose lips are lined ruby within a fiery leaden wheel - but when she deigns to fight herself it is most often in her humanoid form, with a black iron flail tipped with the burning bristles of her greater self.

Fame is Kuara's chief desire - fame, wealth and the adulation of all. She hires or conscripts vast armies of serfs to gather tribute and spread worship among the teeming multitudes of Malfeas, and sells her weapons only to those who offer her respect and aggrandisement. Prospective buyers should not be fooled into thinking she will hear only what she wants to hear - her mind is powerful for all that it runs along predictable tracks, and nothing arouses her ire more than being shown pity. Anything she sees as a form of hated disrespect - or worse yet, dismissal - will make an enemy of whoever has failed to recognise her glory. She is rich, for wealth is but another form of renown, and she is mighty, for power is a synonym to prestige, but these things are important to her only as ways to advertise her innate magnificence. She abides no praise of another in her presence unless it references her as the ultimate source of acclaim, and will fall into a terrible rage should she hear of a rival being honoured above her.

Summoning: Rarely is Kuara able to announce her splendour in Creation. She cannot set foot outside the Demon Realm unless it is to step into a royal or noble court that has been brought to utter devastation by the selfishness and arrogance of its leader in increasing their reputation. The wise sorcerer is careful to flatter her when they call upon her, almost invariably for destruction. Whether she uses her terrible engines of war, her slave-armies or her own might, Kuara is a formidable foe. While she can be bound to extol the name of another, she will swiftly fall to madness from the humiliation, and only the foolish or ignorant would think to suggest she is not the greatest being in all existence. The only being she can admit might exceed her - and that only in her darkest moments - is the Unconquered Sun. For such an insult, though they have never met, she hates him and all his works as much as she yearns to challenge him and prove herself the greater.

(for @Eritoshi)

Thank you!
Speaking of utility uses for the Yandere Charms: There's nothing in Other Woman Identification about the intimacies being positive, so you can use it to channel Compassion against your girlfriend's archnemesis. Love-Born Sweet Fancies and Seven Nights Shintai are both seriously sweet communications charms.

I wonder how Ligier feels about Kuara. She seems to compete with him in some areas and if she doesn't think any than the Sun is greater than her, that means she considers she's the most powerful demon-princess in existence.* That can't end well.

*I assume she recognizes that the Yozis and especially Isidoros are her betters.

I wonder how Ligier feels about Kuara. She seems to compete with him in some areas and if she doesn't think any than the Sun is greater than her, that means she considers she's the most powerful demon-princess in existence.* That can't end well.
Like many Unquestionable relationships, they vary between politely ignoring each other and having furious wars over (comparatively) minor offences. Most of which she starts.

Edit: It is also possible to summon her to get a sweet red-metal demonic temple-complex, incidentally. The only problem with that is that you have to judge at what point it's going to become heavy enough to collapse the land under it, and then release her binding before that, and the kind of summoner who would want to bind her to make them a massive demonic temple-complex is the kind of summoner who'll keep her around for just one day more to get it a bit bigger and a bit closer to the line and whoops, there goes the island.
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Like many Unquestionable relationships, they vary between politely ignoring each other and having furious wars over (comparatively) minor offences. Most of which she starts.

Kuara: "Look, I'm make it fair. I'll draw a line around the innermost layer. That one belongs to you. I'll be fine with all the rest."

Ligier: "You're boring me. No, you don't get to claim all the layers of Malfeas bar one. And you have no sense of style."

Kuara: "You rejected my magnanimity! This means war!"

Lilunu: "Can't we talk this over like sensible people?"

Ligier: "No. I'll melt her ugly cities into radioactive slag."

Kuara: "Not a chance! I've tolerated his insults long enough!"

Lilunu: "Nyoro~n."
Kuara, She That Shakes the Earth
Anything she sees as a form of hated disrespect - or worse yet, dismissal - will make an enemy of whoever has failed to recognise her glory
She abides no praise of another in her presence unless it references her as the ultimate source of acclaim, and will fall into a terrible rage should she hear of a rival being honoured above her.
Dear Maidens, you've made Asuka an Unquestionable... :o
Dear Maidens, you've made Asuka an Unquestionable... :o
... not intentionally? But, hmm. Kuara's core theme - her "essential nature", if you like; the statement I built her around (a concept @EarthScorpion put me onto which I have found enormously helpful in designing demons) is "Self-Aggrandisement (That) Destroys All Around It". So yeah, I guess there are definitely parallels with Asuka, for whom attempts at self-aggrandising are a major theme - though in her case she destroyed herself with them, rather than selfishly destroying others to make herself seem more powerful or important.