I meant a link to the set, not the anathema program.
I meant a link to the set, not the anathema program.
Well, the thing about Kerisgame is that there actually is "technology [that] might be rare and difficult to acquire but scholars knew what it was and what it did".
It's Late Shogunate stuff. The Realm has its painstakingly reconstructed and expensively maintained Shogunate-era shipyard which slowly and expensively produces Late Shogunate cargo ships hulls. These repurposed cargo ship hulls get then used by the Realm in the same way the modern US uses its supercarriers, if a core tactic of supercarriers was declaring "Choo choo, full speed ahead" and ramming wooden boats with a jadesteel hull. And that means the Realm's flagships are scaled like modern cargo ships - they're large enough to have parade grounds built on the deck so the two legions they can carry can train while they're en-route. And since they're repurposed cargo ships, one of their most common Shogunate-era "weapons" is a giant crane which picks up cargo. You know, like other people's boats, and their sentry towers.
If a deliberately triggered localized volcanic explosion is not an attack, I'm not sure what is. This sort of pedantry is why they got rid of keywords like shaping. SSE dodges any attack, even up to recurring uncountable damage. There isn't some hole in the middle where it's useless against an effect that merely will almost certainly kill you.Actually, while you're right about Uncanny Shroud Defense, SSE doesn't work; it's not an attack, nor does it do uncountable damage.
When I said one Ox-Body, I meant it. That's enough that it takes 15 levels of damage to kill you.Ox-body works, obviously; I did say "other than having a lot of health levels".
It's what you'd expect from a large explosion to big to dodge. There were plenty of things like that in the past. It's just that they were generally all either shaping or environmental effects and thus entirely harmless to a prepared Solar.Yeah, it's not really a balance issue, so much as mechanically weird. Something that just plain deals damage, no attack roll, no applicable defenses, is just such a weird thing to see in Exalted. And a bit of a worrisome precedent.
Perfect Defenses work just fine too. All it does is auto-hit and deal 25 HL of damage to you (which may still have to be rolled, so it'd be more like 10. Not sure though).Speaking of Volcano Cutter, is it just me or is there literally no way to survive Pyroclastic Holocaust Judgment other than simply having a lot of health levels?
When I said one Ox-Body, I meant it. That's enough that it takes 15 levels of damage to kill you.
So what is Anathama and how does it work?Come one, come all to the house of madness!
Come play with Oramus!
(To use, download the relevant files [always get the new .properties file] and drop them in the Anathema\repository\custom folder)
A really really nice Program that has every single canon charm from both 1st and 2ed editions, allows for several different styles of Character generation for almost every splat (1st, 1st power, 2ed, and 2.5).
This is the link right?A really really nice Program that has every single canon charm from both 1st and 2ed editions, allows for several different styles of Character generation for almost every splat (1st, 1st power, 2ed, and 2.5).
It's really nice, and all the charms that in the Program have a basic description.
It's dice, so it's not nearly as terrifying as it looks, but it'll still hurt a lot. It's intended to annihilate entire battlefields, not defeat single opponents.Perfect Defenses work just fine too. All it does is auto-hit and deal 25 HL of damage to you (which may still have to be rolled, so it'd be more like 10. Not sure though).
No, you only have to use it once, at an average cost of 10i + 4m. HGD trades HL damage for initiative at a 1 for 1 ratio. Incidentally, this makes decisive attacks actively counterproductive unless you have crashed the Solar.With Heavenly Guardian Defense, you can remove successes on a damage roll. So you either need to use it ~10 times or 25 times, which is admittedly very expensive but it's theoretically doable.
Assuming you're uninjured, you can take 7HL base + 3HL from Ox-Body + up to 5HL from accepting a crippling injury. Legs grow back, right?That's... Not what the last version of Ox Body I've seen does. I don't suppose you can gimme the charmtext?
It's dice, so it's not nearly as terrifying as it looks, but it'll still hurt a lot. It's intended to annihilate entire battlefields, not defeat single opponents.
No, you only have to use it once, at an average cost of 10i + 4m. HGD trades HL damage for initiative at a 1 for 1 ratio. Incidentally, this makes decisive attacks actively counterproductive unless you have crashed the Solar.
Actually, I think you can also spend a flat 4m to block it. Or does that just make it blockable?
Assuming you're uninjured, you can take 7HL base + 3HL from Ox-Body + up to 5HL from accepting a crippling injury. Legs grow back, right?
No, there's actually 3 ways to invoke the charm. Here's the one I was talking about:I think the flat 4m version also costs a willpower, right? And that version's only good against uncountable damage so I don't think it applies here (see, it's 25, I counted!).
I'm pretty sure it's just making it so you can parry them, but in this case there's no attack roll. I assume that means you automatically parry it.Heavenly Guardian Defense allows also the Solar to guard against damage deemed impossible to parry, such as unexpected attacks, hurled bolts of acid or lightning, the burning curses of Kimbery and so on, for just four motes.
Wow. That art is terrible. Both the original stuff(why aren't they using the picture from Masters of Jade?), and the other stuff is really bad. I hope that's changed or addressed at some point.
I may not be as experienced as most peoples here, but Salty Dog Method is still easily the best charm. It may have a single free dice trick(And not spending motes for basically a tenth of an excellency, with extra rerolling mechanincs), but it also has three evocative effects:I... I am honestly baffled here. I am completely lost as to why this continues as is has been.
Exalted 3rd edition has regressed back to Exalted 1st Edition in terms of mechanical clarity and interaction. Oh I'm sure there are some standout bits that are fine, but-
I have consistently seen sprinkled about, Charms that are all described as being invoked in relation to each other or 'Effects' like themselves. We have regressed back from a useful (if admittedly complex) order of modifiers table, and much the same for Combat and it's flow.
Yeah just... I am baffled. This is not good game design. This is not good writing.
Please, share with me an example of a 'well written' 3e Charm.
Salty Dog Method
Cost: —; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Solar is the consummate mariner, seasoned by hardships,
tried by adversity and proven true. This Charm gives
the Exalt the following advantages:
• The Solar's expertise often saves the ship. Reroll any 6s
in the result of a Sail roll until 6s no longer appear.
• She is inured to supernatural horror. Fear effects caused
by monsters, behemoths, demons, Yozis, and other existentially
terrifying beings have less of an effect. Add
half the Exalt's Sail (rounded up) to her Resolve against
such influence.
• If she fails a balance check on land or sea, she still falls
down, but then she immediately falls up, landing on her
feet. In addition, she can never fall from a ship. Even the
most stumble-footed bastard will find a way to keep from
going overboard.
• By land or by sea, the Exalt knows the exact distance
and route to anywhere she's been before.
They did? *goes check* Um, page 154 still says that you can have Martial Arts (Snake Style) 5 and Martial Arts (Tiger Style) 3. So, um, if there is anything in the book that fixed it, where is it?Hey, they also fixed the Martial Arts problem as well!
Still need to pay a merit to learn them, but they aren't totally different skills now! Now I can make that Black Claw stylist even easier!
They did? *goes check* Um, page 154 still says that you can have Martial Arts (Snake Style) 5 and Martial Arts (Tiger Style) 3. So, um, if there is anything in the book that fixed it, where is it?
Not that it's not really easy to fix via houserules. Not a single charm or mechanic or anything is impacted by simply declaring Martial Arts to be a single ability.
That was a pretty interesting session to read.