Water and Fire Treaty
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Stackable; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal touches an instance of one of the five elements: air, earth, fire, water, or wood, and activates this Charm. He subtracts his Resistance from the damage of all environmental hazards that might broadly fall into that category; these categories are intended to be all-encompassing, so a Sidereal immune to all five should be proof against all elemental threats. A Sidereal may maintain several activations of this Charm at once, with every activation after the first costing one mote and one willpower.
Someone Else's Destiny
Cost: 4m; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
When exposed to a poison or disease, the Sidereal may lock its fate away to give to someone else. He suffers no ill effects as long as he keeps his motes committed. The next time he makes a Decisive attack that inflicts at least one level of damage, he may choose to release commitment; if he does, the poison or disease passes to his target as though they had originally been exposed to it. A Sidereal may suspend up to (Essence) poisons and diseases simultaneously.
Shield of Destiny
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Someone Else's Destiny
The Sidereal activates this Charm when struck by a Decisive attack. Though destined to be killed, he steals those wounds to give to another. The Sidereal rolls (Dexterity + Resistance) before applying Hardness; each success steals one Initiative from the target and awards it to the Sidereal. This Charm may be used only once per scene, but it can be reset by removing an opponent via a Decisive attack of at least 20 Initiative.
Optimistic Security Practice
Cost: 5m; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal layers his days atop each other, reinforcing his own reality. Increase his soak by (Resistance), or (Essence + Resistance) if he is not wearing armor. If this Charm is activated while in the presence of an enemy, the Sidereal may wrap (Essence or 5, whichever is lower) of his enemy's positive Ties around himself, starting with the strongest. As his foe makes an attack, fate interposes an image of the beloved person or thing. The enemy can choose to either strike through the image, degrading the Intimacy, or hesitate – losing one point of Initiative for Minor Ties, two points for Major Ties, and three points for Defining Ties. A Sidereal may not reactivate this Charm against the same target in a single scene.
Stone Skipping Spirit
Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
Until the Sidereal disembarks from her ship, it does not suffer any penalties or damage from normal environmental conditions: waves, storms, high winds, and so on.
Mirror Shattering Method
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Five days
Prerequisite Charms: Stone Skipping Sleight
The Sidereal casts a handful of salt overboard, and the sea vanishes beneath a sheet of white. The vessel is dematerialized and only faintly visible from Creation, though dematerialized spirits may interact with it normally. Add one to the vessel's speed; it may even sail across dry land, so long as it rematerializes in a sufficiently large body of water, though such feats add two to the difficulty of any navigation rolls required. The journey ends in five days, when the vessel reaches its destination, or when the Sidereal leaves the ship.
It is possible to sail to Yu Shan via this Charm; the trip always requires exactly five days. It may also be possible to sail to Malfeas, the Underworld, or stranger climes, but such feats require intense research and thorough knowledge of the destination. A Sidereal may use this Charm without actually being on a boat, but this requires him to swim on his own for the duration of the Charm.
Icy Hand
Cost: 1m; Mins: Bureaucracy 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal touches a bureaucrat and rolls (Charisma + Bureaucracy) against his target's Resolve. If successful, the bureaucrat is compelled to do his work honestly and to the best of his ability for the next five days. The expenditure of a point of Willpower allows the bureaucrat to ignore this compulsion until the start of the next dawn.
Terminal Sanction
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Icy Hand
The Sidereal challenges an elemental or god at up to Medium range, making a (Charisma + Bureaucracy) roll opposed by the target's Resolve. If he succeeds, the target must materialize, even if he does not have the motes to do so. Should an affected spirit be slain in the current scene, the Sidereal can:
· Destroy it utterly and permanently,
· Bind it to service for a year and a day, as per the spell Summon Elemental.
· Bind it into an artifact with a rating equal to half the Spirit's Essence, with powers chosen by the Storyteller that match the spirit's nature. After a year and a day, the artifact dissolves and the spirit goes free.
· Let the spirit reform in its sanctum, aware of what could have happened to it.
This Charm is also effective against demons of every circle, adding (Sidereal's Essence) non-Charm bonus successes to the initial roll; demons bound by it are treated as if they were bound by sorcery. With a Bureaucracy 4, Essence 3 repurchase, the Sidereal can pay an extra four motes to target up to ten spirits of the same general kind at once. With a final Bureaucracy 5, Essence 4+ repurchase, the Sidereal may target a battle group of Size up to (Essence/2) at once.
Prior Warning
Cost: 6m; Mins: Awareness 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: 5 hours
Prerequisite Charms: None
While this Charm is active, the Sidereal receives a sense of danger before the danger itself actually arrives. She reflexively and automatically makes (Perception + Awareness) rolls to notice threats (Essence * 2) minutes before she would ordinarily be able to do so. If this roll succeeds, the Sidereal receives a general feeling of unease – enough to add a single bonus success on the roll to notice the threat when it does arrive, and to ensure that she is not taken completely by surprise as per the rules on ambush.
Efficient Secretary Technique
Cost: 2m; Mins: Investigation 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal spits out a tiny crystal spider, which retrieves any publicly-known piece of objective information.
Impeding the Flow
Cost: 4m; Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Uniform; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal cancels up to (Melee) points of penalties to his Parry Defense. If he successfully parries while using this Charm, he also steals a point of Initiatve from his opponent.
Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal is not where the attack lands. An attack that rolls successes exactly equal to his Evasion, which would normally hit, instead misses. The Sidereal may activate this Charm after an attack is rolled.
Duck Fate
Cost: 10m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Absence
The Sidereal avoids an external danger – any external danger. Attacks, social influences, environmental hazards, and the twisting effects of the Wyld can all be avoided; only unexpected attacks and Pattern Spider Bite cannot be dodged. This effect perfectly dodges any effect without a contest. It may even avoid uncountable recurring damage. This Charm may only be used once per scene.
Avoidance Kata
Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Duck Fate
The Sidereal rolls a Disengage action at a difficulty of (5 + # of previous turns this scene). On a success, he simply vanishes, reappearing somewhere else he might plausibly have gone instead. Witnesses remember the Sidereal being present, but also remember him not being present at all – and they find this contradiction perfectly unremarkable. This Charm may only be used once per scene.
Trouble Reduction Strategy
Cost: 5m; Mins: Dodge 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Absence
The Sidereal may protect all allies within Close range as per a Defend Other, but substituting his Evasion for his Parry. Allies so protected may be taken with the Sidereal via Avoidance Kata, but each individual taken along in this way increases the difficulty by 1.
Neighborhood Relocation Scheme
Cost: 15m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Prayer Strip; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Avoidance Kata, Trouble Reduction Strategy
The Sidereal writes the scripture of the Hunted Maiden on a prayer script, which cinches tight around his waist. He may begin to run – and as he does, he pulls with him an area of creation no more than (Essence) miles in radius. When he deactivates it, the pulled location comes to a stop; those affected by the change remember that the city (or other feature) used to be somewhere else, and also that it has always been here, and do not consider this strange. For every full hour that this Charm remains active, the Sidereal suffers an additional level of bashing damage, which may not be prevented by any means.
Blinding the Boar
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
A Sidereal does not hide; he simply stands where no one happens to look. The Sidereal rolls his (Dexterity + Stealth) and compares the result to the Resolve of all other characters in the scene. Anyone whose Resolve is overcome simply fails to locate the Sidereal, who is always somewhere just out of sight: behind a back, beside a momentary distraction.
An opponent who is aware that the Sidereal (or, at least, that someone) is present may spend two Willpower to disregard this effect. If the Sidereal noticeably interacts with a character – stabbing a guard, say, or failing the Larceny roll to pick his pocket – the character receives this benefit for free. Even then, they find it difficult to concentrate on the Sidereal directly, taking -3 dice to all actions targeting him. Reduce this penalty by one for every subsequent action the Sidereal takes in the scene that targets the character or his allies.
Lotus Eye Tactics
Cost: 3m; Mins: Brawl 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal is instantly aware of all combat abilities his target possesses at an equal or higher level than his own, unless this fact is concealed via some supernatural deception.
Lion Mouse Stratagem
Cost: 3m; Mins: Brawl 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Sidereal seems quiet and unassuming; who could possibly suspect him of violence. Add (Essence) dice to all of disguise or impersonation attempts to appear to be an unimposing mortal. When the Sidereal breaks this front, he leaves his opponents reeling, adding (Essence) dice to any Join Battle roll that he initiates. This latter effect functions even if the Sidereal's true nature is known; he appears so still and relaxed that the explosion of violence catches even the best-prepared foe off guard.
Sifu's Useful Fingers
Cost: 3m; Mins: Brawl 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
With five minutes of instruction and demonstration, the Sidereal trains a "shadow finger" – a student of her esoteric arts. For the duration of the Charm's commitment, the shadow finger gains a dot of Brawl (to a maximum of 5) or a relevant specialty. A Sidereal may maintain (Essence x 2) shadow fingers at once. Should any shadow finger be attacked, regardless of distance, the Sidereal is instantly aware of it.
Atop the Shadowed Throne
Cost: 5m; Mins: Brawl 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Lotus Eye Tactics, Lion Mouse Stratagem, Sifu's Useful Fingers
While this Charm is active, all shadow fingers at up to Short range are considered to be protecting the Sidereal with a reflexive Defend Other action. Any of the fingers may perform a Distract gambit on behalf of the Sidereal, losing one fewer point of Initiative than would normally be required (though the Sidereal still gains the full normal amount). As a final benefit, any of the shadow fingers may attack dematerialized spirits while the Charm is active – though it conveys no ability to detect such beings! Using this last power requires an expenditure of one mote per attack, though it may be paid by either the Sidereal or the shadow finger.
Clear Eyes Defense
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Counterattack, Withering-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Atop the Shadowed Throne
The Sidereal may respond to any social influence action mid-combat with an immediate counterattack. Resolve the counterattack before resolving the social influence; if the attack succeeds, the influence is automatically unsuccessful.
Shadow Lost in the Court
Cost: 3m; Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Atop the Shadowed Throne
The Sidereal may activate this Charm to enhance any attempt to re-establish surprise in the presence of a crowd – a group consisting of at least twenty people, or at least two shadow fingers. With the aid of this Charm, such an environment always allows the possibility of re-establishing surprise; the Charm also removes the usual -3 penalty for such attempts.
Welcoming the Uninvited Guest
Cost: 3m; Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: -; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Atop the Shadowed Throne
The Sidereal strikes the air, and the vibration carries back the secrets of his enemies. The Sidereal makes a (Dexterity + Martial Arts) roll, opposed by the (Dexterity + Stealth) results of all hidden opponents at up to Short range. Any foe who rolls fewer successes than the Sidereal is revealed to everyone present and may not re-enter stealth on his next round. The Charm similarly reveals dematerialized beings, who remain visible to mundane senses for the remainder of the scene.
Unobstructed Blow
Cost: 4m; Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Lotus Eye Tactics
This Charm enhances a Brawl- or Martial Arts-based decisive attack. Extra success on the attack roll add to the attack's damage.
Crimson Palm Counterstrike
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Brawl 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Clash, Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Clear Eyes Defense
The Sidereal may make a reflexive Clash attack against an attack directed against him, regardless of his Initiative. This does not count as his action for the turn.
Unnatural Many-Step Stride
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The web of fate connects all things, and the martial artist climbs it as he will. With this Charm active, he can take movement actions to walk into empty air, hanging suspended on nothing at all. At the start of any of his turn, the Sidereal may pay four motes to dematerialize or, if already dematerialized, to resume material form.
Dance of the Hungry Spider
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: -; Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Dance of the Hungry Spider
The martial artist drops into a low, scuttling stance, his limbs bending unnaturally – for a human. He may activate this Charm on his actionto perform a reflexive Rush or Disengage action; in either case, he increases his Evasion by one until the start of his next action. The Sidereal must pay any additional costs of such actions (for instance, the two Initiative for a Disengage) as normal. This Charm may be activated only once per turn.
Maw of Dripping Venom
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-Only; Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm supplements a decisive attack. If that attack inflicts at least one level of damage, the martial artist infects his target with poisoned Essence. The poison has the following statistics: Damage: (martial artist's Essence) motes/round; Duration: (2 * [levels of damage inflicted]) rounds; Penalty: -0; Vector: damage. Targets hemorrhage motes, starting with personal motes; should a target run completely out of motes while suffering from this poison, he falls unconscious
Given three actions of uninterrupted physical contact with the target, the martial artist can tear out and swallow his soul, killing the target. Doing so to an Exalt or significant supernatural creature fully restores the martial artist's mote pool. If a Celestial Exaltation is swallowed in this way, the martial artist grows ill over the next three days; he then spits up the swallowed Exaltation, suffering six dice of lethal damage that may not be negated in any way.
Rain of Unseen Threads
Cost: 8m, 3a or 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Withering-Only; Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
The martial artist compresses his anima into (Essence) threads of fine, nearly invisible Essence. Each thread has the statistics of a light weapon with the following tags: Lethal, Brawl, Disarming, Flexible, Grappling, Piercing, Reaching. Alternatively, a thread may seize an uncontested weapon or similar-sized object in the moment of its creation. On his action, a Sidereal can choose to attack an opponent at up to Short range with any of his threads, or with any weapon attached to one (provided that he has the strength to wield the weapon normally); doing so counts as his attack action for the turn. He may also choose to perform a withering attack from each of his threads (or their attached weapons), including his normal attack if the target is in range. Doing so overtaxes the threads and ends the Charm prematurely, requiring the Sidereal to rebuild his anima to the Bonfire level before it can be reactivated.
Outside combat, the martial artist may waive the anima cost of this Charm to create more fragile threads: unsuitable for the rapid maneuvers of combat, but effective enough at manipulating objects up to one range band away. The threads are subtle, adding (martial artist's Essence) dice to any (Dexterity + Stealth) roll to hide their actions, but they shatter immediately in the stresses of combat.
Nest of Living Strands
Cost: 1a or 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Clash, Decisive-Only; Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: Rain of Unseen Threads
The martial artist may only activate this Charm while its prerequisite is active. He pours one level of anima into the threads, which thicken and congeal into something nearly solid. For the rest of the action, the Sidereal benefits from light cover, as the thickening strands tangle incoming attacks. Opponents also find it hard to move in the sticky morass, losing one point of Initiative at the start of every action that they begin at close range to the Sidereal.
Outside combat, this Charm may be activated at a cost of ten motes and one willpower and does not require its prerequisite to be active. Used in this way, the Sidereal vomits up an enormous mass of threads which rapidly congeal; over the course of five minutes, he can shape them into a structure as solid as stone and large enough to build a bridge or simple fortification – or simply to serve as a silken hammock.