Shared Silence Complicity
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Our LIttle Secret
This charm acts as a permanent upgrade to Our LIttle Secret. When using that charm, the Infernal can force her target beyond silence and make him complicit in hiding her crimes. In any scene where the target encounters evidence of the Act of Depravity, they must act to conceal, destroy or discredit said evidence. This is a Servitude effect requiring 1 WP to resist per scene. If the target spends a cumulative 3 WP resisting this effect, the effects of Our Little Secrets fade.
In addition, the target gains a negative intimacy - usually shame - towards the Act of Depravity, representing whatever emotions drive them to conceal its existence. This intimacy is inviolate while this charm exists, the dark magics of the Ebon Dragon preventing the target from healing while under his sway.
The Ebon Dragon Knows!
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Our LIttle Secret
This charm enhances a Read Motivations action by the Infernal, allowing her to detect negative intimacies or intimacies related to an Act of Depravity even if not displayed in the scene. The guilt of men is as plain as day to the Ebon Dragon, the better to torment them with.
Guilty Conscience Command
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Stackable, Touch
Duration: (Infernal's Essence) Days
Prerequisites: Shared Silence Complicity
This charm enhances a social attack leveraging a hidden shame, secret or crime that the target would prefer stay hidden. The social attack must be directly related to concealing said knowledge, though the chain of logic can be as twisted and tangled as the player wants - as long as it meets storyteller approval. Husbands can be convinced to slay their wives based on suspicion of their knowledge, or a murderer made to dig up their victim to reassure themselves no other has visited the scene of the crime.
System: The Infernal rolls (manipulation + socialize). If the result exceeds the target's MDV, the target receives a compulsion to follow one order given by the Infernal, subject to the limitations above. The target may resist this influence for 1WP, or 3WP if the social attack targets a subject which is currently under the effects of Evidence Concealing Patsy. The target is not aware of the compulsion, nor does the Infernal need to spell out the order in explicit words. If the target wishes to recognize the influence or remember it later, doing so costs 4 WP which must be spent all at once.
Impotent Stooge Acquisition
Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long tick)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude, Social
Duration: (Infernal's Essence) Months
Prerequisites: Guilty Conscience Command
This charm is a manipulation based social attack in which the Infernal threatens to reveal a secret, shame, or Act of Depravity committed by the target. The Infernal rolls (Manipulation + Presence) as a social attack against the target. If the Infernal is threatening to reveal an Act of Depravity which the subject is currently compelled to keep hidden by Shared Silence Complicity, then the social attack automatically succeeds unless the target spends 4WP. Doding so ends the effects of Shared Silence Complicity.
If the social attack succeeds, the target is compelled to loyally complete a single task given to them by the Infernal as a Servitude effect. They need not spend every waking hour pursuing said task, but they do approach it with the manic fervour of one for whom death - or worse, social censure - is on the line.
In addition, the target gains an intimacy of "Impotent Rage" targeted towards the Infernal. This intimacy is inviolate for as long as the target is affected by the charm.
Note: Failing this roll does not mean that the target will refuse to perform the requested task - mundane blackmail still works - simply that they will not be magically compelled to do so loyally by the Infernal's magics.
This Charm may be used multiple times on the same target, targeting the same secret, shame or Act of Depravity though the WP cost to resist decreases each time. For this reason many Infernals find it wise to ensure each use generates a new Act of Depravity with which to control their target.
Worst Self Justification
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Our LIttle Secret
This Charm acts as an upgrade to Our Little Secret and all subsequent charms in that tree. If the target is presented with proof - which may require it's own social roll - that someone they have a positive intimacy towards committed an Act of Depravity, the Infernal gains a (Compassion) bonus to any rolls she makes while activating those charms. Further, acts compelled by those charms are considered in line with the target's Compassion; they may be enhanced and compelled as normal for that Virtue.