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My rockstar Infernal needed a sick guitar, so I made this.
Here's a preview of the first charm to entice y'all to click the link:
Screaming Devil
Screaming Devil (Artifact 5) Screaming Devil is a shamisen made to a grimcleaver’s proportions and given the same deadly edge. Forged of vitriol-tainted orichalcum tainted and strung with malfean brass. The vibrating of its strings has all the seeming of a screaming demon. Screaming Devil’s str...
Here's a preview of the first charm to entice y'all to click the link:
A Motley Crew
Cost: 1m
Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prereqs: -
This charm summons a disreputable collection of first circle demons, the souls of those used to forge this artifact artifact. These demons come equipped with musical instruments which double as weapons and obey the wielder as if bound. These demons are treated as a size 1 battlegroup using the statistics below.
The Motley Crew
Essence: 2; WP: 5; Join Battle: 6 Dice
Personal Motes: 70
HL: -0/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap
Actions: Music (12), Partying (10), Dance (10), Resisting (the effects of) Drugs/Illness/Poison (8), Strength (8), Threaten (7), Athletics (6), Senses (6), Make alcohol/drugs (6), Craft: Musical Devices, Jury Rigging (6), Occult (5)
Combat: Attack (Instrument): 11 Dice (Damage 15), Attack (Grapple): 8 Dice (10 dice to control); Combat Movement: 7 Dice, Evasion: 1; Parry 5
Offensive Charms:
As Blood Ape
Performance Charms:
The Show Must Go On (6m, Supplemental, One Scene, Essence 2):
While the Motley Crew is playing music, characters must pay a point of WP to attack them. This charm deactivates if the Motley Crew engages in combat and cannot be activated again for the rest of the scene.
Mesmerizing Typhoon of Sound and Fury (6m, Simple, One Scene, Essence 2): The Motley Crew spends 6 motes and rolls their [Music] in dice. Any target with a Resolve lower than the rolled successes cannot leave the scene and must pay attention to the band for as long as they play. This can be resisted for 2 WP.
Misc Charms:
As Blood Ape
Special Notes: The Motley Crew may make a variety of psychedelics and minor magic drugs and brews. These range in effect from intoxicants which give brief glimpses of the future to alcohol which allow the drinker to spit flames (treat as a Flamewand with one shot). It is unclear where the crew get the ingredients for these creations, but they can teach their user how to do the same.
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