Kind of a hindsight jock. I didn't realize it till we started playing last startday but all my PC's were female except one I can't say anymore lest I give away spoilers. Also "magic realm"?
From this comic:

It's when a player starts putting their fetishes into the game when it's not expected or wanted by the other people involved.
They're fighting for themselves, because they got shafted too! If you read the Lunar fluff further in the book, most of the people who Exalted as Lunars were Thresholders who were shafted by the Realm in their mortal lives. They have every reason to be angry, and they are not universally ecstatic that the Solars are back.
So why were they fighting against the Shogunate in the first place? Shouldn't they have just joined up with the people who overthrew their oppressors rather than fighting a 1500 year war against them? And the Lunar descriptions in the book seem way too much like the 1e barbarian werewolves.
I have to agree with @Havocfett here. 5th ed is pretty sweet. If for no other reason than because armor you're proficient with doesn't have an arcane cast failure %. Why is this important? One of the Dwarf subraces (Mountain, IIR) gives you proficiency with Medium armor.

So yeah, your Wizard can get decked out in full plate so long as you pick up the Heavy Armor feat at 4th level (instead of the stat increase). Not saying it's an optimal choice. I am saying its incredibly fun playing a muscle wizard and being deliberately suboptimal by getting up in goblins faces and bashing them with a warhammer.
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They're all important sources, dude. I know the opening paragraph; it is marginally less shitty. It still makes them subservient. If the writers called the Lunar Exalted slaves somewhere, it means something. It's not like that's a simple slip of the keyboard that could be chalked up to poor wording.

Sure? But just because they were subservient then has no bearing on them being subservient in the actual game. Just like how Dragonblood were nothing more than faceless shocktroopers, but now rule the world and organize death squads to go after their former bosses.

I did read it. And it is several times brought up that they're angry at the Realm, at times explicitly called out that they're angry that it takes the place of the Deliberative.

I don't suppose you can provide quotes?

From this comic:
So why were they fighting against the Shogunate in the first place? Shouldn't they have just joined up with the people who overthrew their oppressors rather than fighting a 1500 year war against them? And the Lunar descriptions in the book seem way too much like the 1e barbarian werewolves.

The most likely reason? The Sidereals simply decided not to bring them in on the Usurpation in the first place. Unlike Dragonblooded, the Lunars are much harder to control and manipulate, what with them having no Destiny ala the Solars.

Honestly, for the most part Lunars seem less like angry Barbarians and more like Third World Revolutionaries. They present themselves as an alternative to Dragonblooded Hegemony to Threshold Nations, mostly because Dragonblooded Hegemony is pure poison to the Threshold.
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You say that to people that have paid people to write Charms like Zeal.

Just grabbing this because it stuck out at me.

No. They didn't.

If you would look at list of people who wrote Lords of Creation and then looked at the list of people writing 3e you will notice that there is not name the same between them.

I did read it. And it is several times brought up that they're angry at the Realm, at times explicitly called out that they're angry that it takes the place of the Deliberative.

To be fair, I would also be less than enthused with a government that regards me as a soul devouring monster to be killed at the earliest possible convenience replacing the one that regards me as a living god to be drowned in every convenience imaginable(and several that aren't).
I don't suppose you can provide quotes?

The Realm's hegemony is founded atop mountains of stolen money and magic, soaked through with blood. It has ripped all its possessions from others, including its very name. The elders of the Silver Pact have marked each crime down through the ages, each affront, each act of theft and murder in the name of the Realm the Lunar Exalted once swore to protect.
"How dare they desecrate the name of the government we liked"

The Silver Pact is an alliance of Lunar Exalted united in purpose: to tear down the Realm and
free themselves from the ancient bonds they once failed to uphold.
"We're fighting the Realm because we failed to defend the Deliberative."

Once a young Lunar has been taken beyond the immediate reach of the Wyld Hunt, they're brought before a No Moon affiliated with the Pact, and given the true story of Luna's Chosen—what they were, what befell them, and why each Lunar Exaltation brings with it a hungry turmoil of the soul.
"Hey you should care a lot about our ancient past."

To be fair, I would also be less than enthused with a government that regards me as a soul devouring monster to be killed at the earliest possible convenience replacing the one that regards me as a living god to be drowned in every convenience imaginable(and several that aren't).
If that was why they were selling the Lunars' fighting the Realm I might agree.
"How dare they desecrate the name of the government we served."

"How dare the greedy exploiters fuck over the people we wanted to protect"

"We're fighting the Realm because we failed to defend the Deliberative."

"We're fighting the Realm because there's way too much baggage and bad blood after they cast us down."

"Hey you should care a lot about our ancient past it's an important motivator."

"Here's why you're not an Anathema, and why that's all Realm propaganda" more like.
"How dare the greedy exploiters fuck over the people we wanted to protect"

"We're fighting the Realm because there's way too much baggage and bad blood after they cast us down."

"Here's why you're not an Anathema, and why that's all Realm propaganda" more like.
You asked for quotes and I provided them. If you want to bend over backwards and insist they say something else, be my guest; just don't insist that any other interpretation is based on someone not reading.
You asked for quotes and I provided them. If you want to bend over backwards and insist they say something else, be my guest; just don't insist that any other interpretation is based on someone not reading.

Fair enough, I won't do that. Just that I disagree on your interpretation.

I have to agree with @Havocfett here. 5th ed is pretty sweet. If for no other reason than because armor you're proficient with doesn't have an arcane cast failure %. Why is this important? One of the Dwarf subraces (Mountain, IIR) gives you proficiency with Medium armor.

I'm still salty at them shit-canning everything I liked about 4th Edition. :(
Actually, the artist posted the map on his personal site quite a while ago.
So yeah. I kinda hope this isn't the final map now, because I have a decent amount of questions just from looking at the east. First, are the Hundred Kingdoms just everything west of Forks until you reach the trees? Where is the closest thing the kingdoms have to a centre, Marita? And where in the book is Port Calin detailed, because I checked and all I can tell you is that it's a realm territory.
So yeah. I kinda hope this isn't the final map now, because I have a decent amount of questions just from looking at the east. First, are the Hundred Kingdoms just everything west of Forks until you reach the trees? Where is the closest thing the kingdoms have to a centre, Marita? And where in the book is Port Calin detailed, because I checked and all I can tell you is that it's a realm territory.
It probably is the final map. Just, you know, the overall map. I expect region specific maps to be much more detailed, and will likely tell more information about various regions.