Further, you need to set some basic sanity restraints on. Things like preventing free travel for the Unquestionables to Creation, and even unlimited travel for 2CDs is sketchy.
Well, on that end of things you have the Surrender Oaths as a justification for why Second and Third Circles can't use a gate personally.
The Third Circles are probably flatly incapable of using it. The Gods and Exalts would have wanted them to have as few paths to Creation as possible, their release conditions and direct Summoning probably being the limit.
For Second Circles, they're likely less restricted and can maybe use the gate under certain restrictions or at certain times, but probably wouldn't be able to use it on a day to day basis.
Further, an open conduit to creation is something very valuable, even if beings like the Unquestionables can't use it themselves, so you'd be viaing with some powerful beings for the portal. Or owing some powerful favors for use of it.
Depends on how you get your hands on it and where the gate leads out, in my opinion.
If, for example, the Manse is one you built yourself or rediscovered/repaired, you've got a fairly hefty claim on it.
Then there's the Malfeas side portal to think of.
If, for example, the portal opens up in Ligier's domain, you'd probably be dealing with him in concerns of major trade, moving Magical Materials or raksha, for example. For comparably lesser things like spices, foods, general wealth, etc, I doubt that he'd be
personally involved.
On the other hand, if the portal opens up in say Octavian's empire, he'll probably be the one you initially deal with, at least until one or more of the Third Circles finds out and decides to kick him out and then deal with you.
If the Manse is something preexisting and already owned, then there's probably some form of tax or another for its use since something like that is probably already owned by someone.
So yeah. Lots of fun stuff.