And fuck oooooffff with the 'lol 2e' smugness. A lot of 2e shit was bad. So was a lot of 1e shit. Get over it.
Really, so you would assert that it was good that the 2e book made it clear that "haha no fire aspects were just concubines for their glorious solar masters haha", just like the Dragon-Blooded Charmset, and indeed
most of the book was copy/pasted directly from the 1e book and then expanded slightly in ways that made it more dry? A most fascinating conclusion I must say, I admit that the 1e book has several flaws, such as not addressing the
libidos of epic proportion that the Dragon-Blooded possess? Or how they all
fucked until there was so many of them? Or what about the amazing elemental rape camps? I
sure did love me some elemental rape camps!
When did I assert 1e was perfect or didn't have flaws? Citation please. Likewise, I don't want to "get over" that 2e was bad, neither do I want to do that for 1e (haha at least combat had a
fucking end in 2e), but I will however assert that 1e's lore generally was a lot closer to the original vision of the line and what was
intended originally, besides I don't think "get over it" is a very good argument when you seem to be throwing copious amounts of salt at me right there for the daring assertion that the 2e Dragon-Blooded book was, in fact pretty fucking bad.
EDIT: As for your assertion that the Realm is a warrior-aristocracy, not only did
@Broken25 already handle that far better than I feel like spending time on, but I also reached a conclusion with
@FBH that was actually rather interesting, I might even make a Legions effortpost later.
Does anyone know any good sources for more dragon blooded war charms?
Cause the ones in the main DB book are kind of lame.
I have a rewrite of them in this very thread! If you have any ideas, I'll gladly do writeups for both 1e, 2e and 3e if you want me to!