2e did have its upsides, but few of them were attached to the Dragon-Blooded books. As someone who has recently gone over all of the relevant books in both editions, I can attest that almost everything that was good about MoeP: The Dragon-Blooded (including the Charms) was lifted directly from the 1e books.
Thousand Correct Actions? Or does that not count because 2.5?
Thousand Correct Actions? Or does that not count because 2.5?

I said specifically MoeP Dragon-Blooded. Thousand Correct Actions ranks fairly low on memorable books of the Exalted line but it was mostly original material.

Directions: Blessed Isle spun a couple of chapters from Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded out to a full book, so there was some original stuff in there, it just wasn't that interesting.
And fuck oooooffff with the 'lol 2e' smugness. A lot of 2e shit was bad. So was a lot of 1e shit. Get over it.
Really, so you would assert that it was good that the 2e book made it clear that "haha no fire aspects were just concubines for their glorious solar masters haha", just like the Dragon-Blooded Charmset, and indeed most of the book was copy/pasted directly from the 1e book and then expanded slightly in ways that made it more dry? A most fascinating conclusion I must say, I admit that the 1e book has several flaws, such as not addressing the libidos of epic proportion that the Dragon-Blooded possess? Or how they all fucked until there was so many of them? Or what about the amazing elemental rape camps? I sure did love me some elemental rape camps!

When did I assert 1e was perfect or didn't have flaws? Citation please. Likewise, I don't want to "get over" that 2e was bad, neither do I want to do that for 1e (haha at least combat had a fucking end in 2e), but I will however assert that 1e's lore generally was a lot closer to the original vision of the line and what was intended originally, besides I don't think "get over it" is a very good argument when you seem to be throwing copious amounts of salt at me right there for the daring assertion that the 2e Dragon-Blooded book was, in fact pretty fucking bad.

EDIT: As for your assertion that the Realm is a warrior-aristocracy, not only did @Broken25 already handle that far better than I feel like spending time on, but I also reached a conclusion with @FBH that was actually rather interesting, I might even make a Legions effortpost later.

Does anyone know any good sources for more dragon blooded war charms?

Cause the ones in the main DB book are kind of lame.
I have a rewrite of them in this very thread! If you have any ideas, I'll gladly do writeups for both 1e, 2e and 3e if you want me to!
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2e did have its upsides, but few of them were attached to the Dragon-Blooded books. As someone who has recently gone over all of the relevant books in both editions, I can attest that almost everything that was good about MoeP: The Dragon-Blooded (including the Charms) was lifted directly from the 1e books.

So, the thing that kind of summarizes why the general 'lol2e' and 'oh, that's a 2eism' attitudes grate on me as much as they do is that while I was poking through the books to write that post, I asked the Exalted Gaming discord chat about a quote I was looking for. It was a line I remembered reading about how Exalts were expected to go out and Do Shit, and those that didn't got a reputation for being lazy and/or cowardly. I found the bit in question in 2e dragonbloods:

"Travel and adventure are both expected of Dragon-Bloods. Even those who have grown older and burdened by responsibilities and family are expected to go away at least once a year to best a troublesome small god or hunt down a behemoth. Any Dragon-Blood who avoids such acts will likely suffer a reputation for cowardice sufficient to impact his social and political goals."

The gist of this passage (Dragonbloods are expected to get their hands dirty from time to time) fits in perfectly well with the similar quotes I gave from 1e dragonbloods above, but people get stuck on (the admittedly kind of dumb) 'oh my god, yearly behemoth quota'.

Really, so you would assert that it was good that the 2e book made it clear that "haha no fire aspects were just concubines for their glorious solar masters haha", just like the Dragon-Blooded Charmset, and indeed most of the book was copy/pasted directly from the 1e book and then expanded slightly in ways that made it more dry? A most fascinating conclusion I must say, I admit that the 1e book has several flaws, such as not addressing the libidos of epic proportion that the Dragon-Blooded possess? Or how they all fucked until there was so many of them? Or what about the amazing elemental rape camps? I sure did love me some elemental rape camps!

When did I assert 1e was perfect or didn't have flaws? Citation please. Likewise, I don't want to "get over" that 2e was bad, neither do I want to do that for 1e (haha at least combat had a fucking end in 2e), but I will however assert that 1e's lore generally was a lot closer to the original vision of the line and what was intended originally, besides I don't think "get over it" is a very good argument when you seem to be throwing copious amounts of salt at me right there for the daring assertion that the 2e Dragon-Blooded book was, in fact pretty fucking bad.

It's amazing how you seem to know what I'm trying to argue better than I do! Except I didn't say any of that! At All! Please tell me more things that I'm trying to say!
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I have a rewrite of them in this very thread! If you have any ideas, I'll gladly do writeups for both 1e, 2e and 3e if you want me to!

I guess I'm looking for dragon blooded leaders to be able to do some stuff that's a little more interesting with their troops than "Make a handful of troops vaguely resistant to my aura." "Make their armour toughter" and "make them march longer."

Like, it's cool that dragon blooded can launch shattering elemental volleys but they should be able to do some more command stuff too.
I guess I'm looking for dragon blooded leaders to be able to do some stuff that's a little more interesting with their troops than "Make a handful of troops vaguely resistant to my aura." "Make their armour toughter" and "make them march longer."

Like, it's cool that dragon blooded can launch shattering elemental volleys but they should be able to do some more command stuff too.

Even if you're not playing Ex3, @Crumplepunch's Clutch of Dragons pdf has a lot of really cool War charms that you can mine for ideas at the very least.
So, the thing that kind of summarizes why the general 'lol2e' and 'oh, that's a 2eism' attitudes grate on me as much as they do is that while I was poking through the books to write that post, I asked the Exalted Gaming discord chat about a quote I was looking for. It was a line I remembered reading about how Exalts were expected to go out and Do Shit, and those that didn't got a reputation for being lazy and/or cowardly. I found the bit in question in 2e dragonbloods:
And see, I totally agree, but this doesn't actually address anything I've said, neither does it make them a warrior-aristocracy; I'll call things 2eisms if they happen to be stupid and be from 2e, just like I call things 1eisms if they're stupid and from 1e. It's just that large parts of 2e are watered-down versions of 1e, sprinkled by bad writing and even worse editing and thought to what was the actual intent and purpose of such things, but just because I think X is stupid doesn't mean I can't find Y interesting; I can't assert that I hate all of 2e because Infernals are a thing from 2e and I fucking love Infernals, I'm just deeply skeptical of 2e Dragon-Blooded because a bright-eyed, 16-year-old @ManusDomine once paid 60 dollars in a store to buy himself a brand new and shiny Dragon-Blooded book only to discover it was literally the 1e book copypasted and worsened in every single way.

It's amazing how you seem to know what I'm trying to argue better than I do! Except I didn't say any of that! At All! Please tell me more things that I'm trying to say!
I know right! I'm just that good at argumentation that I know enemies better than they do themselves! And, well, since you ask so nicely, we'll also pretend you've said that ghost rape brothels are really cool and you'd love to see more of them, and we'll also settle on you being a great fan of uh, paranoia combat! You simply love paranoia combat! :V

I guess I'm looking for dragon blooded leaders to be able to do some stuff that's a little more interesting with their troops than "Make a handful of troops vaguely resistant to my aura." "Make their armour toughter" and "make them march longer."

Like, it's cool that dragon blooded can launch shattering elemental volleys but they should be able to do some more command stuff too.
A Clutch of Dragons is amazing and you should read it, by the way.
The gist of this passage (Dragonbloods are expected to get their hands dirty from time to time) fits in perfectly well with the similar quotes I gave from 1e dragonbloods above, but people get stuck on (the admittedly kind of dumb) 'oh my god, yearly behemoth quota'.

It's mildly annoying because it's so close to being just fine and then it says that. They were so close.

It's a really minor crime in the scheme of how rough the whole book is, but I think part of the comedy is derived from how even this mild sidebar can't resist including something ridiculous like that, and it's already a hard sell when all the good stuff is mostly copy-pasted from 1e anyway.
I know right! I'm just that good at argumentation that I know enemies better than they do themselves! And, well, since you ask so nicely, we'll also pretend you've said that ghost rape brothels are really cool and you'd love to see more of them, and we'll also settle on you being a great fan of uh, paranoia combat! You simply love paranoia combat! :V

Full disclosure: I was kind of ticked after your last post, but that got a chuckle out of me. Take your rating and get outta here, ya scamp!
Deep-Listening Palm
Cost: 5m; Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple

Keywords: Earth

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: None

Touching a surface or barrier made out of earthen or wooden materials, the Dragon-Blooded displaces her sense of hearing into the Essence of earth. She can listen through that barrier as though it were not there. Metal or similarly durable materials may require a (Perception + Awareness) roll of difficulty 3+ to hear through. On a failed roll, the Exalt is only able to hear fragments of conversation or certain noises determined by the Storyteller with this Charm for the rest of the scene. She cannot listen through barriers made of the magical materials, or those enchanted to be impervious to harm or warded against scrying.

I have seen charms more useless than this one.

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A recent dev post discussed this explicitly in the context of 3e's somewhat analogous First Age Artiface.
:eyebrow: Yeah, no.
That is a specialty at best, "Craft: Magitech(First Age Artiface)".
I have seen charms more useless than this one.
So basically it lets you do something that a normal Awareness roll should let you do, maybe even without a Stunt?

What does it mean by "barriers", like how thick are we talking about here?
It looks like this is probably talking about walls, but could it let you touch the floor and listen for cave systems underground?
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I guess I'm looking for dragon blooded leaders to be able to do some stuff that's a little more interesting with their troops than "Make a handful of troops vaguely resistant to my aura." "Make their armour toughter" and "make them march longer."

Like, it's cool that dragon blooded can launch shattering elemental volleys but they should be able to do some more command stuff too.
See, I actually like the DB War charms for precisely that reason. Its thematic and in line with what they were made to do.

Like look at Solar War Charms. What do they do? They make enemies more likely to route and allies less likely, train up soldiers really fast, and enables them to have a top-down view of the battle field that stretches out for miles. They do nothing to actually enhance their troops ability to actually fight beyond Excellencies, like the Dragon-Blooded can.

An the fits, because Solars are generals, while the Dragon-Blooded are NCOs. Solars command, while Dragon-Blooded help their men fight and stay alive.

In what book was that idiocy created?
Underworld splat, its in the Labyrinth section. To play devil's advocate for the ghost rape brothels, though, all of the whores are former rapists themselves.
Underworld splat, its in the Labyrinth section. To play devil's advocate for the ghost rape brothels, though, all of the whores are former rapists themselves.

No, that's just Alex "Rape Rape Rape" Alexander at work.

His other work includes the full write up of the Nameless Lair of Ma Ha Suchi, for when there just isn't enough rape in your rape-brothel filled with forcefully sex-changed rapist-ghosts. Charming.