Thank you very much for answering, and that does make the anima effect as useful as it's competitors. Would that also apply to ranged attacks against someone underwater if you aren't?
I think that water would be good cover against ranged attacks. That way, a solar could totally jump into the ocean to stay safe whenever the Wyld Hunt brings enough archers.
Is there any way to help those doomed to eternal torture by the Ebon Dragon?
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack
The Ebon Dragon does not accept that life is hope. His
curses prove otherwise. The character must choose a living
being within sensory range that he inflicted damage upon
earlier in the scene. Until the scene ends, the target can't
heal damage by any means, including effects that convert
injuries to less serious types of damage (lethal to bashing, etc.).
Whenever a wound would heal and does not, black Essence
oozes like tar from it instead, making the curse Obvious. If
the Charm is dispelled, the vile secretions combust in a single
flare of green fire, inflicting one die of lethal damage that
ignores armor but also renders the target immune to further
activations of this Charm for the rest of the scene. Charms
that build on Life-Denying Hate as a prerequisite with similar
effects do not stack the damage burst for being dispelled.
Whenever a spirit cursed by this Charm dies, Soul-
Absorbing Barrage shunts the spirit into darkness beyond
existence unless it perishes exposed to sunlight. Within
this oubliette of perfect solitude, the spirit experiences the
passage of time and nothing else, forever. From time to time,
the Infernal dreams of the exiled spirit's pain, but the exile
is functionally annihilated from the perspective of Creation
and ceases to be a valid target for effects.
Essence 4+ Infernals may purchase this Charm a second
time, in which case the curse lasts until dispelled but remains
vulnerable to Emerald Circle Countermagic. A third and
final purchase at Essence 7+ upgrades the curse to require
Sapphire Circle Countermagic for removal.
This is a little too fucking grimdark for my tastes, when you factor in how many demons TED could have hit with it in the last 10,000 years in confinement.
Could it apply to more beings than spirits? It was called Soul-Absorbing Barrage at one point.
Does Ligier count as Sunlight?