So, finally got around to reading this and... well.
Goodness, you don't do things by half measures, do you? I'm clearly too used to Kerisgame, where Keris is fundamentally a Night - even if she's a Scourge - and she reflexively hides herself, establishes convoluted disguise schemes, and never flares her anima if she can possibly avoid it. Some of that is an Infernal thing, but most of it is, I think, just how
@Aleph plays.
Also, her tiger is super cool. Go tiger!
Generally, most of my play experience has been between two extremes- people who HAM AND CHEESE exalted up to 11, or 'Nights Nights Nights NIGHTS'. The latter almost
live in fear of their storytellers. Now, I have something of a rocky history with ham/cheese exalted, because most of the time it was people making explicit or implicit references to hot-blooded giant robot shows or memes, as opposed to... well, actual decent roleplaying ham/cheese. I have nothing against being a huge, larger than life hero, I just am tired of hearing the Shining Finger Speech over and over again.
As far as
play experience goes, I really didn't start getting meaningful
characters until relatively recently- as opposed to ciphers of my own personality or thinly veiled justifications for mechanical experiments. Scarlet Edge, Venerable Forge of Iron Wills, Smiling Lotus and Inks were all of that 'generation' of character. Edge was a first-ager, so she existed in a different culture. Forge is an Alchie, Lotus is both a bluesid and
doesn't talk, and is the
laziest sidereal ever. And then we have Inks, who I described as 'Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne with great legs'; the idea being that she's a
mercantile hero or a
knowledge hero, not a punch-dudes big speeches hero.
So for Inks, this basically means that she's... got enough development to have a
way of doing things. Her way is Investment. Throwing time, effort and money into something until she gets the return she wants. Since she's a Solar, she can afford to be a bit wasteful in conventional ways. PR is an investment in it's own way and I expect to tackle that... by building a swank house and hosting huge parties.
As for Maji- that was part of the 'Exalted Bucketlist' talking. I've never had or played alongside a Familiar worth engaging with. SEcondly, most of the time I've run into Familiars, people have deliberately gone Too Special Snowflake and left the ST hanging as far as 'the fuck do I do with this?' Also, Familiars (and similar characters) lead to what I call Sight-Gag bloat. Given the option for a gag, an ST may invoke it For the Gag and not much else.
Like, a lot of Familiars grow out of memes or references, like Fuck You I'm an Anteater, or the Mantis Shrimp with it's SONIC BOOM PINCERS. That's cool and all... but it really doesn't help make a good game or asset. Cats and dogs are boring familiars of course too. A tiger is on the one hand generic, and on the other, actually Really useful, because you know Exactly what to do with a tiger as both a player and storyteller. The tiger is big, scary and cuddly. I expect to use Maji like a backup in combat much like I would a blood ape or similar.
Specifically to Maji, however, is that Aleph ran with the original idea we had and we started pinging off each other to get what you see here- where Maji is the grandson of a southern wargod (and may or may not have cute tigergirl cousins). I Also picked him specifically as part of testing the Sorcerous Anchors mechanic- he serves as the means in which Inks cast Infallible Messenger and Invulnerable Skin of Bronze. On
top of that, I specifically wanted to emphasize Maji aesthetically as being the 'hyper-masculine big brother' figure to Inks's hyper-feminine presence. That and I am at heart an unrepentant fan of Disney and could not pass up the idea to do a Jasmine/Rajah dynamic- I grabbed Friendship With Animals technique
exactly for Maji.
@Aleph sort of flatstared at me when I showed her the Solar Familiar Training Charm and how it could make the already Large Mutation'd Tiger
even bigger. I did some scale checks, and I think Maji's head comes up to about Inks's bicep, and Inks is 5'10"
without her shoes
I've generally experienced the following problem wtih Animal and Little Kid characters in games- they monpolize screentime. This is the internet, and we are all at heart softies who like cat videos and cute things, so having a 'cuteness button' means people mash it.