I really like al-Anair - actually I think I'd even prefer to use it in uncorrupted form.

So if this is still on, I'm thinking - low-dot demesnes for each of the Maidens (excepting Mercury which we have already)?

The Monk's Cave
Demesne: Serenity 1

Once, or so the story goes, a bloody-handed general grew sick of war and retreated to a remote cave to meditate on his life. The Weaving Ladies were disquieted by this, for he had been a man on whose shoulders the fate of empires had rested. The Yellow Lady came to him and tried to coax him into seeing the world again, but he refused. The Red Lady reminded him of his many battles and showed him visions of the fall of his empire, but he did not move. The Green Lady offered him knowledge of the traitor who had killed his son, but he put such grief aside. And in the end, the Violet Lady reached out her hand and ended his life. The sisters asked the Blue Lady why she had done nothing, and she reached down and closed his eyes. "He had found peace with who he was," she said, "and that was his destiny."

Perhaps it's just a tale, but there is a cave in the mountains where the walls are covered in blue crystals and the mineral-laden waters drip on a sitting figure, legs still crossed in meditation. The crystals cover him and he resembles a stalagmite. The priests and shrine maidens of the nearby temple leave offerings of flowers, rice and wine in front of the entrance to the cave. They do that just in case he should ever wake, and take up the sword again and lay waste to the landscape as he once did.

The Red Cherry Blossom Bar
Demesne: Battles 2

There are Nexan stories about the greatest card shark to ever walk the earth. They might not agree on his name, but they agree that he stole his skill from Mars herself in a small dusty town. If you trust the Nexans - who are a sacrilegious and disrespectful people - he found the Maiden of Battles when her horse had thrown a shoe and was waiting for the blacksmith. One thing led to another, and they started drinking and playing cards. Now, Mars was used to the refined drinks of Heaven, but couldn't hold the base rotgut that the bar was serving. The card shark tricked her into raising the stakes again and again before revealing he had a Full Dragon and cleaning her out. The man walked away from the bar as the master of all tests of skill and luck and went on to become the subject of many contradictory and often explicit stories told in Nexus and - allegedly - slept with the Empress, three of the Incarna, and the Elemental Dragon of Fire (although the latter story has a punchline about 'a burning sensation' and so shouldn't be taken seriously).

These stories are almost certainly nonsense. And yet there is a bar in a dusty town in the Scavenger Lands, where the cherry trees in the garden are always laden with bright red fruit and which serves fine cherry liqueur, and where card sharks and Gateway players gather for high stakes games. This isn't a place where casual players go. Ledaal Kes has been seen there, as has One Ox and Lu Menra. This obscure little town wouldn't attract the masters of the games of Creation if it was nonsense - would it?

The Whisper Well
Demesne: Secrets 1

Everyone knows not to take water from the whisper well. It's been told things, and you wouldn't want to drink that, would you? Anyway, the water is a dirty green and ivy chokes the stone structure. No one knows how the custom got started, but people from the surrounding villages come to the whisper well and shout things that no one else should know into it. They confess their adultery to it, release their fears, and tell it their hidden hopes. And then they walk away, feeling better about whatever they told it.

The well doesn't forget. Generations of voices echo within it, bouncing off the stone walls of the old well. No one can make out any separate voices, but if you listen to it there's an endless susurration coming out of it. If you did drink the green water, then you'd fall into a stupor and be afflicted by the countless things the well had been told. Maybe you'd go mad if you drank too much. The children think there's a monster down there, living in the well - some kind of dragon. But how would you know? The well doesn't tell its secrets, after all.

The Heath of the Gods
Demesne: Endings 2

Up in the highlands there is a heath covered in heather and gorse that blossoms with bright purple flowers. Voices don't carry here - not properly - and people occasionally find old rusted weapons and old bones when they graze their sheep here. Every year they set fire to the heath and offer it the blood of an ewe and a ram and every year it grows back healthy and strong. Ewes who graze up here have many fine and healthy lambs who grow up big, but die young - as if their lives were compressed by their mother's grazing. As a result, the peasants here always hold a few of their sheep back and keep them away from the heath.

If you trust the tales, this health was where the sheep of the gods once grazed. The shepherd folk who live here don't doubt that the gods keep sheep - after all, they'd say, tapping their noses, how'd the gods get their clothes if they didn't have sheep? 'Tis plain to see. And certainly, there are strange sheep horn-like spiral patterns in the rock, found by boys who go up into the gorse on a dare. People don't disturb the spirals, though - not anymore. The last two boys to do this were found - one of them an old man, the other a babe.

There's an old Shogunate fortress up on the heath, ruined and shattered. The amethysts have fallen out of the walls and the heavy granite walls and dragon-headed statues are eroded and worn. Boys might go onto the heath as a dare, but no one goes near the temple. You can hear the gods talking inside and see armoured warriors patrolling the walls, and no one wants to disturb them. Anyway, the gates are shut and none can pass. There's a hole in the wall, but there is a pile of skeletons and shattered weapons there. Some of the skeletons wear the clothing of the shepherd-folk.
Nope, the Sun, Moon, and Stars don't appear during the Calibration.

An Eclipse only happens on exceedingly rare occasions. The last time one happened was when the Jade Prison got cracked open and the Solars returned.
Canonically Calibration is just five days without moon. It still looks pretty weird because it comes completely separate from the lunar cycle so you can go from a half-moon to nothing for five days then back to a half-moon, but Calibration looks very normal on the ground. Its inauspiciousness is more insidious.
Canonically Calibration is just five days without moon. It still looks pretty weird because it comes completely separate from the lunar cycle so you can go from a half-moon to nothing for five days then back to a half-moon, but Calibration looks very normal on the ground. Its inauspiciousness is more insidious.

As I recall, anyway, because the Creation Month is always 28 days, it's aligned with the moon and you have a new moon from the 28th to the 1st. So you'd expect to have a new moon on the first day of Callibration. It's just that... it stays new for 5 days.

(I mean, I go for full on "No sun, no stars, no moon" for Calibration, but that's because I like that kind of supernatural weirdness being commonplace, like how I like farmers just casually seeing wind bears pushing clouds around and knowing there's a water nymph living in a nearby pool and that she'll take any of your sheep that fall in as a gift so for gods' sake don't jump in to try to rescue one of your animals)
The Heath of the Gods
Demesne: Endings 2

Up in the highlands there is a heath covered in heather and gorse that blossoms with bright purple flowers. Voices don't carry here - not properly - and people occasionally find old rusted weapons and old bones when they graze their sheep here. Every year they set fire to the heath and offer it the blood of an ewe and a ram and every year it grows back healthy and strong. Ewes who graze up here have many fine and healthy lambs who grow up big, but die young - as if their lives were compressed by their mother's grazing. As a result, the peasants here always hold a few of their sheep back and keep them away from the heath.

If you trust the tales, this health was where the sheep of the gods once grazed. The shepherd folk who live here don't doubt that the gods keep sheep - after all, they'd say, tapping their noses, how'd the gods get their clothes if they didn't have sheep? 'Tis plain to see. And certainly, there are strange sheep horn-like spiral patterns in the rock, found by boys who go up into the gorse on a dare. People don't disturb the spirals, though - not anymore. The last two boys to do this were found - one of them an old man, the other a babe.

There's an old Shogunate fortress up on the heath, ruined and shattered. The amethysts have fallen out of the walls and the heavy granite walls and dragon-headed statues are eroded and worn. Boys might go onto the heath as a dare, but no one goes near the temple. You can hear the gods talking inside and see armoured warriors patrolling the walls, and no one wants to disturb them. Anyway, the gates are shut and none can pass. There's a hole in the wall, but there is a pile of skeletons and shattered weapons there. Some of the skeletons wear the clothing of the shepherd-folk.
What's this?
Say, what do we know about the new exalt types so far?
Liminals are Exalted associated with the underworld. They are created when someone attenpts to resurrect someone, and seem to involve some amount of grafting new body parts to gain abilities, but it's not clear how true that is. They also have some nebulous backing from something called the Dark Mothers, but little else.

Gentiams are associated with Fate/Sidereals. They appear to be related to fate errors, and their charms will have 2 modes or something. There's also a whole shadow war in heaven, with the getiams being used by a renagade Sidereal against the rest.

Finally, the last type is more random. Created by a god using power granted by the Unconquered Sun (generally consuming the god is the process), the resulting exalted has powers in line with the diety. It's still very unclear how exactly this is going to be made managavle for PC's.
What's what?

Try not to ask absolutely zero effort questions. Quite apart from wasting everyone's time with syntactic ambiguity that forces people to ask you what the hell you actually mean, it doesn't exactly incentivise people to put effort into answering your - frequent - questions when you don't seem willing to put the effort in yourself.
Apologies. I was on the phone. What I meant was, what kind of manse is this? Some kind of manse that speeds up development and time? But then why is it labelled endings 2? And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.
A question for the thread. This is Maleas' Excellency.

The fallen King of the Primordials is arrogant, cruel and given to excessive displays of obvious force for the chance to show off and the sadistic joy he feels when enemies and allies look upon him in awe and terror. He is vast and full of hate toward those who betrayed and imprisoned him, seeking vengeance with indiscriminate callousness to the collateral damage he inflicts on the innocent. The Demon City is resilient and strong enough to lift the world or crush it underfoot. The green fires raging in his heart blight the very Essence of everything they touch, marking the world with his wrathful glory. He holds authority over all things wise enough to bow before the world's creators.

Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they choose the ostentatious or overkill approach over merely adequate solutions. Any intentional subtlety or display of restraint makes this Excellency inapplicable, including adding less than half the maximum possible dice bonus to a roll (rounded down). Note that force does not necessarily equate to violence. A forceful seduction in which an Infernal confidently orders a prospective paramour to accompany him rather than cajoling or flattering her can benefit from this Charm just as readily as a stomp delivered to a prone enemy's face. Strangely, the power of Malfeas may also enhance any Performance action to dance or create music. These are the secret pleasures of the Demon City that embarrass Ligier.

Now the first paragraph defines who Malfeas is. The second one then explicitly states what actions this excellency can be used to enhance (ostentatious, overkill, no subtle or restraint). Now I've always been under the impression that the firs paragraph is just as valid a resource when deciding whether this excellency can be applied to an action, and that you can pick and choose from the two descriptions to decide your actions. For example you can torture a person for the sadistic joy of it, but you don't need to be indiscriminate when you do so.

My question is this. Are both paragraphs valid for deciding what actions to enhance? Or does only the second paragraph (ostentatious, overkill, no subtly or restraint) apply? If both paragraphs are valid, can you enhance an action which is counter to part of Malfeas' nature if the action is in line with another? I.e. Can I build a resilient and strong weapon device which causes crops to grow hale and hearty without partaking of the blight part of his description? Or would the crops it affects internalize that blight and grow with some strange side effects, such as being poisonous, sucking all the nutrients from the land and not letting anything else grow their, etc.

For clarity, Malfeas was just used as an example because he's my favorite Yozi and I know him the best, the question is really actually about the nature of Yozi excellencies as a whole, and could equally apply to any of them.

Edit: While I'm here I might as well ask @EarthScorpion a question about pantheon and pantheon-anchored charms. My understanding of these charms is that they are designed to cover the same thematic space as the Devil tiger stuff, but without sucking. Basically, the infernal takes the themes of the Yozi's, throws them all into a blender, and then recombines them through the lens of their own world view. This creates a bunch of new third circle demons which represent aspects of the character and how they deal with the world. The infernal can then create new charms which partake of the essence of their own third circle demons instead of a Yozi. Because these third circles represent the aspects of the Yozi, recombined in new ways and seen through the lens of the infernal, they often have charms similar to an existing Yozi, but different in some way. Haynel for instance has Malefeas' green fire but it acts more like napalm.

My question is this. Is it possible for an infernal to replace their existing charms with version embodied by their Third Circle demons? For example: The City Which Supplants the world is an Infernal. He has invested heavily into the Malfean Nuclear Fire charms and Isidoros gravity charms. One of his Third Circles is The Black Hole Sun which partakes of both of these natures. The fire of the Black Hole Sun is actually a pitch black event horizon which crushes instead of burning what it touches. Could the infernal, upon creating The Black Hole Sun, be refunded the experience cost used to buy the original charms and re-spend it on custom ones which fit the themes of his new soul? So his Green Sun Nimbus Flare (GSNF) becomes Black Hole Spaghettification (BHS) and charms which require it as a GSNF as a prerequisite either count BHS as a valid prerequisite,are changed to match Black Hole Sun's nature, or end up in the Charm tree of a different third circle (assuming Black Hole Sun did not end up incorporating them into his nature for some reason.)
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Apologies. I was on the phone. What I meant was, what kind of manse is this? Some kind of manse that speeds up development and time? But then why is it labelled endings 2? And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.
It's a demense, a place of essence where the dragon lines of Creation overlap, making it an ideal place to build a manse. It's aspected to the Maiden of Endings because of its association with death.
Apologies. I was on the phone. What I meant was, what kind of manse is this? Some kind of manse that speeds up development and time? But then why is it labelled endings 2? And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.

It's a demesne that has alignment with the Maiden of Endings, not a manse. Demesnes are uncapped wells of essence, and they affect the world in different ways. In this case, the heath causes time wonkiness.
Apologies. I was on the phone. What I meant was, what kind of manse is this? Some kind of manse that speeds up development and time? But then why is it labelled endings 2? And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.
It's a demesne, not a manse, one aspected towards Saturn, the maiden of endings.
And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.
This is what's called a 'plot hook'. The answer depends on what the ST wants out of the demense.

Spirals are used because they're obviously some kind of symbols, and one easily related to endings in some way.
A question for the thread. This is Maleas' Excellency.

The fallen King of the Primordials is arrogant, cruel and given to excessive displays of obvious force for the chance to show off and the sadistic joy he feels when enemies and allies look upon him in awe and terror. He is vast and full of hate toward those who betrayed and imprisoned him, seeking vengeance with indiscriminate callousness to the collateral damage he inflicts on the innocent. The Demon City is resilient and strong enough to lift the world or crush it underfoot. The green fires raging in his heart blight the very Essence of everything they touch, marking the world with his wrathful glory. He holds authority over all things wise enough to bow before the world's creators.

Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they choose the ostentatious or overkill approach over merely adequate solutions. Any intentional subtlety or display of restraint makes this Excellency inapplicable, including adding less than half the maximum possible dice bonus to a roll (rounded down). Note that force does not necessarily equate to violence. A forceful seduction in which an Infernal confidently orders a prospective paramour to accompany him rather than cajoling or flattering her can benefit from this Charm just as readily as a stomp delivered to a prone enemy's face. Strangely, the power of Malfeas may also enhance any Performance action to dance or create music. These are the secret pleasures of the Demon City that embarrass Ligier.

Now the first paragraph defines who Malfeas is. The second one then explicitly states what actions this excellency can be used to enhance (ostentatious, overkill, no subtle or restraint). Now I've always been under the impression that the firs paragraph is just as valid a resource when deciding whether this excellency can be applied to an action, and that you can pick and choose from the two descriptions to decide your actions. For example you can torture a person for the sadistic joy of it, but you don't need to be indiscriminate when you do so.

My question is this. Are both paragraphs valid for deciding what actions to enhance? Or does only the second paragraph (ostentatious, overkill, no subtly or restraint) apply? If both paragraphs are valid, can you enhance an action which is counter to part of Malfeas' nature if the action is in line with another? I.e. Can I build a resilient and strong weapon device which causes crops to grow hale and hearty without partaking of the blight part of his description? Or would the crops it affects internalize that blight and grow with some strange side effects, such as being poisonous, sucking all the nutrients from the land and not letting anything else grow their, etc.

For clarity, Malfeas was just used as an example because he's my favorite Yozi and I know him the best, the question is really actually about the nature of Yozi excellencies as a whole, and could equally apply to any of them.

IIRC the rules for Infernal Excellencies are that your stunt has to use three of the italicized keywords in a valid fashion OR apply to the "any action" case, but is completely negated if you do the case where it's not allowed to apply.

So, a stunt where murderhobo Infernal "sadistically inflicts an infernal blight upon his hated foe" would allow you to use the excellency, but if you also had to hold back so that you don't catch a bunch of citizens in it as collateral the excellency could not apply.
Apologies. I was on the phone. What I meant was, what kind of manse is this? Some kind of manse that speeds up development and time? But then why is it labelled endings 2? And why are there skeletons? What, were they aged to death or somethin'? And why spirals? Because the first thing that came to mind as uzumaki.

1. Demesnes are in the corebook. Read the corebook before asking further questions.
2. There are skeletons in a place where there's a ruined fortress manse and old rusted weapons that you dig up sometimes because once, long ago, there was a battle here.
3. Gee, I wonder what spiral-shaped things you'd find in rocks that peasant shepherds would think are sheep horns.
Let's go with a Shogunate remnant manse, Wood Aspect.

Edit: Assuming you're still going. Otherwise, no biggie.
IIRC the rules for Infernal Excellencies are that your stunt has to use three of the italicized keywords in a valid fashion OR apply to the "any action" case, but is completely negated if you do the case where it's not allowed to apply.

So, a stunt where murderhobo Infernal "sadistically inflicts an infernal blight upon his hated foe" would allow you to use the excellency, but if you also had to hold back so that you don't catch a bunch of citizens in it as collateral the excellency could not apply.
Thanks, it's been a while since I read the book, must have glossed over that rule.
Okay, I've gathered up my manses and my demesnes into one document, just like I've done with my Demons and my Ghosts

The Auspicious Geomantic Registry

As usual, just tell me if anything is missing.
Unless you're still working your way through the last couple pages or are doing any more, there are a few on this and the last page you haven't gotten to yet.

For purely selfless reasons, here's my request as an example:


If you're still doing requests, a Wood-Aspected demanse deep underground (as in "the Mountain Folk would have to go down a ways" deep).

Liminals are Exalted associated with the underworld. They are created when someone attenpts to resurrect someone, and seem to involve some amount of grafting new body parts to gain abilities, but it's not clear how true that is. They also have some nebulous backing from something called the Dark Mothers, but little else.
While there isn't much on Liminals thus far, I really like what I've seen so far, now that I've gotten my hand on a 3E rulebook. They're probably the Exalt type I'm most anticipating about 3E, as their mere existence resolves about 60% of the issues I had with the Abyssals and the Underworld in general in 2/2.5E.
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Here's another question:

If you were a mortal and you were planning for whatever to venture into the Southern Wyld, with near perfect knowledge, how would you need to prepare?
Canonically Calibration is just five days without moon. It still looks pretty weird because it comes completely separate from the lunar cycle so you can go from a half-moon to nothing for five days then back to a half-moon, but Calibration looks very normal on the ground. Its inauspiciousness is more insidious.

When fanon like that becomes entrenched, it's often because it's better than canon.

A completely black sky is an awesome image and a very thematically fitting one. Don't look to the heavens for help, don't wish upon the stars, because it's Calibration and we're on our own.

Reinforces the connection between the Loom, the stars, and the orderly operation of Creation, too.
Here's another question:

If you were a mortal and you were planning for whatever to venture into the Southern Wyld, with near perfect knowledge, how would you need to prepare?
Assuming you have near unlimited resources and equipment to apply that near perfect knowledge with, you'd want some powerful Wyld warding talismans, iron equipment, a large group of highly-trained, heavily armed people with similar loadouts to go with you, some outcaste Dragon-Blooded and/or some relatively stable Fae-Blooded with the right abominations, if you can find any of either, max out your Willpower, Essence, and Integrity, possibly get a specialty in resisting the Wyld, equpiment that's had Elemental Benedictions laid on it so that the heat and fire everywhere won't kill you, maxed Survival with Southern Wyld +3 so that you don't starve or get eaten, get some Brass Legionnaires, some sorcerers if you can find any willing to hire on, make some contacts with the Guild who could give you advice/information about the local Fair Folk who they may or may not have traded with, find one or more gods willing to bless the lot of you to give you an extra layer of protection, bring back ups of any and all equipment for when the metal lions melt it with their acid saliva, and bring any hearthstones you can get your hands on; I can't remember the names, but there are two Earth hearthstones that are good for protecting against the Wyld. You may want to become proficient at a couple Supernatural Martial Arts and/or Sorcery personally, as well.
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