Since I'm in the thread, I'd like it if someone could clarify this for me: By my reading of the rules involved, it seems like Devil-tigers and the Heretical charms of Kerisgame would make you much more powerful than a equiv Solar, what with the 3rd Circle demons you have, the giant hidey space in your soul, and other things like that.

Am I wrong? If so, how?
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?

Burn the idea that you can mass produce beastmen to the ground.

Create plenty of pre-existing beastmen populations in various parts of the world, a la Warhammer Fantasy, produced often by the Crusade splicing men with animals.

Give Lunars Charmtech (or Sorcery that uses Lunar essence) to stabilise Wyld mutant lines and "assimilate" them to Creation, so a Lunar-assimilated wyld mutant is no different to any other Creation-born bloodline - it just happens to have a goat head and fur, say.

Voilia! Therefore Lunars go and get beastmen armies by finding beastmen populations, taking them over, and treating them to Creationise them. Which means plot happens to get your army, rather than fucking - which is probably better for RPGs that aren't just pornos.
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?
TAW is awesome, and from what I remember, includes a charm that lets you chop off someone's limbs (or knock out his teeth, or rip out some organs) and then replace them with either normal mutations taken from your form library, or if you have (I think) the next charm in that tree, the severed parts of a god/demon/whatever-spirit (which also gives spirit charms matching the doner and/or lunar themes).
Since I'm in the thread, I'd like it if someone could clarify this for me: By my reading of the rules involved, it seems like Devil-tigers and the Heretical charms of Kerisgame would make you much more powerful than a equiv Solar, what with the 3rd Circle demons you have, the giant hidey space in your soul, and other things like that.

Am I wrong? If so, how?

You still have to actually summon the Demons, and the only advantage is that they are in your soul instead of Malfeas.

Solars probably also have equivalent Charmtech that gives them something that can produce some equivalent effect at the same level of Enlightenment, but in a different and more fitting way.
Since I'm in the thread, I'd like it if someone could clarify this for me: By my reading of the rules involved, it seems like Devil-tigers and the Heretical charms of Kerisgame would make you much more powerful than a equiv Solar, what with the 3rd Circle demons you have, the giant hidey space in your soul, and other things like that.

Am I wrong? If so, how?
Note that while the Infernals generate a bunch of third circles, they don't get the bind option for them. They can call them forth, but they have to get them to agree to do whatever they want on their own. So in essence they simply get more Demons to chose from(some of which probably start out somewhat positively inclined to the Infernal).

There might also be other risks (what happens when one of their third circles is killed, for instance). Also, as ManusDomine said, Solars were implied/stated to be getting other things. I believe the original statement was along the lines that Infernals express their "I'm making my own servants" powers through making demons, while Solars have other, more straightforward methods.
You still have to actually summon the Demons, and the only advantage is that they are in your soul instead of Malfeas.

Solars probably also have equivalent Charmtech that gives them something that can produce some equivalent effect at the same level of Enlightenment, but in a different and more fitting way.
I believe Earthscorpion has talked about how they would have sorcererous golem stuff.
Since I'm in the thread, I'd like it if someone could clarify this for me: By my reading of the rules involved, it seems like Devil-tigers and the Heretical charms of Kerisgame would make you much more powerful than a equiv Solar, what with the 3rd Circle demons you have, the giant hidey space in your soul, and other things like that.

Am I wrong? If so, how?

Because the equivalent Solar has Dot1C, Dot2C and Dot3C and can summon their own 1CDs any night, 2CDs at new moons and 3CDs at Calibration (and pick from any demon in Hell). The Infernal demon-making Charms I wrote are literally just balanced against the DotXC spells. By contrast, the Infernal can make a very small range of 1CDs (and has to pay XP to design any ones they want to personally engineer), has a number of 2CDs who are their 3CD's souls (not much different from the Solar, except they have many fewer), and they can't even bind their 3CDs and using them exposes their own Intimacies and makes them vulnerable.

The Infernal needs to get the demon out of them to use them. And unlike a bound demon, just because they're one of your souls doesn't mean they want what you want - or want to do what you want. Your 3CDs need you alive. They don't necessarily want to do all the things you want. Your Third Circle of "My Love for My Wife" doesn't care one crap about your plans to conquer Lookshy - and may oppose them, if it'll put her at risk from DB ninjas.

As for the soul world - well, remember, it's baaaaaaasically just a Pokecomputer and Inventory to store your stuff in. It's a fancy Elsewhere Charm. Solars have Elsewhere Charms too.
also isn't there a risk of your summoned souls that you send off on tasks piss off someone with spirit killer charms.
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?

There's a couple options.

Like mentioned, you can go beat up Raksha and make them fight for you or you can go out and find preexisting beastmen and get them to follow you for whatever reason.

Another possibility is taking a group of regular humans, taking them to a wyld zone and making use of the Wyld, your native Charms, and possibly Sorcery to infuse them with animalistic powers and/or traits.

Basically, something sorta like a Solar's Tiger Warrior training. Only instead of elite human warriors, you get beastmen. Or antlolis. Or whatever you were aiming for.

The result would probably be lesser than Tiger Warriors in some respect(Speed of getting them out, overall final power, or whatever), but you'd still get a fairly workable army.
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?
By starting small, leaving them to grow, and accepting that your beastmen will also be a little mutant-y. Because who the hell creates a species that isn't self-sustaining?
I really don't know why people focus on things like tigermen and wolfmen so much anyway when they think of beastmen.

If I was building a beastmen army of soldiers, I'd go for antmen. One of the few species whose natural strengths synergise with humans, rather than weaken them.

(The unfortunate side effect is that antmen soldiers and workers would probably all be lolis, because they're sexually immature females and antmen would be smaller than regular humans so their adults would be shorter than normal humans. Goddamn you anime.)

No no, you should make your beastmen army of soldiers lobstermen.

Although that would probably violate the 'cannot mass produce supersoldiers better than Dragonbloods' rule of thumb you have because fuuuuuck Lobstermen
No no, you should make your beastmen army of soldiers lobstermen.

Although that would probably violate the 'cannot mass produce supersoldiers better than Dragonbloods' rule of thumb you have because fuuuuuck Lobstermen

The humble Chryssalid is restrained by it's incapability to feel anything but hatred.

The Lobsterman possesses the whole spectrum of hate, fury, indignation, disgust, rage and murderous inclination.
I really don't know why people focus on things like tigermen and wolfmen so much anyway when they think of beastmen.

If I was building a beastmen army of soldiers, I'd go for antmen. One of the few species whose natural strengths synergise with humans, rather than weaken them.

(The unfortunate side effect is that antmen soldiers and workers would probably all be lolis, because they're sexually immature females and antmen would be smaller than regular humans so their adults would be shorter than normal humans. Goddamn you anime.)

So Myrmidons are Greek loli waifus? No wonder their ancient enemies were the fujoshi's Sacred Band.
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?

I think there is a charm that allows you to make beastman without performing bestiality. There is also a knack which allows you to Split off copies of your self, however it is Essence 7 and each copy takes 2 of your essence dots at minimum.
All joking aside, what would be a good way for Lunar Exalted to start mass producing Beastmen? I like the idea of monstrous armies in the service of the Lunar Exalted but I recognize that the whole "sex with animals to breed an army" is more than a bit ridiculous. Does anyone have any solutions?
Homebrew E2 Craft[Or Socialize/Survival/War] Charm that allows one to commit Essence to (Essence) familiars/non-sapient trained animal to ensure that it's progeny are produced/born with the right mutation/beastmen template, then breed them with opposite-sex animals.
Repurchase at E4/E5 to make it apply to battlegroups of animals, with Essence=Magnitude, with a cap around E5.

Once you have your first generation of beastmen, add conventional social and training charms to instill rapid procreation, stir and simmer for a couple generations.
Sorcery workings and drugs for flavor if you want to accelerate maturation times.

Essentially, the Lunar would be the Ancestor/godfather to at least the first generation, not the actual parent; it would be his/her Essence that provides the impetus for the changes in the chosen animals.
Sidesteps all the ickiness with gestating hybrids in your own body for female Lunars, and with shagging sheep for guys.
If a character gets off on bestiality, let them feel free, but it shouldn't be a requirement.

At least, that's how I would do it.
But I have no claim to system mastery, and barely grok Lunars.
So caveat emptor.
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Huh. Supernal Athletics and Performance charms.
Based solely on this video? I'd honestly say that he's a Second or Third Circle Demon of... Mardukth, let's say (possibly Isidoros?) who represents/expresses the nature of legends as distortions and expansions progressing from tales of actual figures - openly taking credit for LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVER and walking around like Theion Jr. (twice the nice, thrice the smug!) and casually disregarding evidence that contradicts his claims - hell, barely even caring how you react to him - because that's just how legends are and he exists to celebrate and exemplify that.

He totally has massive cults out on the fringes, with tribals who become his akuma and wage strange tale-battles with the raksha for dominion of the Wyld-tainted lands.
ahahahahaha- guess who just declared herself empress motherfuckers?

that's right, everyone's favorite Water Aspect is now an empress and a sorceress

She's also a plagiarist because I totally stole the structure of her proclamation from Nobody Dies:

Chiming Minaret walks up the palace stairs; casing off her cloak to reveal the robes of white beneath as she draws her Daiklave. She glares at the guards, almost daring them to lift a hand against her as her magic wills the great palace doors to open of their own volition and she raises her voice to speak. (I'll be using Commanding Presence of Fire here)
The guards step back in awe as a vaporous specter of shining essence rises from her unsheathed anima, it's entire body a mimicry of her own. And then the specter raises it's voice in unison with her own, and the entire world shakes as the specter speaks.







I rolled and got 23 successes on my attempt to have the guards surrender without a fight. :V

Chiming Minaret walks through the palace hall, her anima corroding the world around her as she drags the edge of Horizon Cutter against the floor beneath her. Her eyes are merciless steel and her shawl billows at the speed she walks at. She paces towards the king on his throne, decapitating him in a single motion before anyone can react (well, they can but my 12 successes tell me they aren't fast enough :V); she then grabs his head by the hair, holding it above her as she speaks again.
"You who did not strike me when I cut down your king, I salute you! I declare myself Empress of the Yidhisi Isles by right of superior enlightenment! Let all who wish to challenge me lift their blades in defiance and I will strike them down with the same mercy I showed the incompetent fool that you once called king!"
Not a single voice cries out at your proclamation; the palace is silent like the grave and only a few murmurs are passed amongst the guards as she seats herself in the throne.
(okay, are you happy now? no suffering, no TWEESTS and no gotchas. you got your sorcery and your empress-hood)
(u haf sufficiently satisfied my hunger)

To put these events in context; Chiming Minaret was taught sorcery by Fractal Blossom, a luminous bodhisattva who taught her sorcery through the paradigm of basically giving her the Key of Kings from KSBD as a bindi made of Pyrian Crystal, which is the Artifact she channels her Commanding Presence of Fire through. Her Trials basically broke down the slightly insecure Chiming Minaret you've seen from previous updates, and left this in her place.

Her Station of Humility was nothing new to her; humility has always come easy to her, so she accepted that she might never learn sorcery with an openness that made her teacher slightly nervous for her, which is pretty significant given that he can't feel any emotion at all. The Station of Tutelage and her Station of Journey both consisted of her being taken to Malfeas in order to witness the movement of the spheres of She Who Lives In Her Name (which also taught her that demons aren't necessarily evil) and eventually catching the interest of Sanceline who gave her the bindi she uses as her Artifact for sorcery. In the Station of Fear, she confronted her fear of taking responsibility and ended up coming out of it with a desire to make up for the pain she has caused with her inconsiderate actions. And finally; in her Station of Sacrifice she gave up on the pretense that the Exaltation was something external to her, that she was 'just' a servant girl who had unfairly gained power and accepted that whether her power was unfair or not, it was part of her now, and she had better use it with some thought.

So she reflected on what she had seen of the Isles and concluded that every problem stemmed from the king's excess and the power of his nobles, so she wandered straight into the palace, murdered the king and declared herself empress.

Nex session, she'll start crushing the power of the nobles and consolidate her own power as an empress.

I am so excited that I can finally play the rulership game.
An appropriate descriptor.
And an accurate one too.

I mean, lets not mince words here, most of the people who write for (or aspire to write for) the Exalted wing of White Wolf/Onyx Path seem to have convinced themselves that WoD: Gypsies was some kind of one-off fluke which they are way too smart and progressive to repeat, rather than the low-key background radiation of tabletop games, despite not making any changes to the way they handle things.

They aren't really bigots or perverts, just writing around those things, and so therefore as long as they are not voicing outright and attributable opinions on vicious bigotry toward any actual, real-world peoples and groups, or lavishly pouring on the purple prose about the virtues of sexually abusing livestock, they are totally absolved in writing whatever weirdly implied bullshit they please about undeveloped nations and peoples or wacky noncon sex romps under the shield of Genre Emulation and maybe checking a couple relevant Wikipedia articles. Because that's the intended goal here, writing whatever they wish as a form of elaborate vanity publishing, and not establishing a setting or a game as a means of portraying enriching places, characters and stories to anyone outside of their own heads and pop-culture source materials.

Asking around for people with actual experience with that people/subject, or conducting research into it from first principles to better adapt that knowledge into what I am working on? Naaaah, I'll make up some cool sounding shit, because I'm super-smart and watched a bunch of movies and TV shows, totally unbiased sources which will mesh perfectly with the subject I am approaching here. Subtext is just text that's smaller, right?

Its the kind of too-common RPG-writer mindset which sees no conflict at work between invoking turn-of-the-century perceptions of indigenous peoples as literal savage cavemen alongside attempts to "humanize" that flanderized culture by applying the actual and legitimate issues faced by the nonfictional equivalents to that culture, and dismiss any correlations drawn as just the henpecking of Tumblrites looking for crumbs to be offended by. Or which casually peppers the text with cringe-worthy sex references and horny-nerd media standards of idealism only to get defensive when someone questions the milieu as not being sophisticated enough of a roleplayer to appreciate the overwhelming depth of storytelling potential held in the bedding practices of Lord Wolfdick von Fuckface of Battle-Fortress Spitgizzard.

This stuff has troubled White Wolf from the very beginning.