Okay, talking about 3e, what would be the 'minimal competent combat investment charms'? Was trying to make mainly-social with combat as side-specialization, then kinda run it against Quick Bandits, and... uh, not a good result. Probably just shitty dice + some wrong calculation, though, but I want to know how people actually experienced with 3e does it.

Well, besides trying social attacks in the heat of battle: you can use presence and performance charms to support others in combat. Survival or War lets you get your Familiar/Minions fighting for you instead. Get the early Dodge and Stealth/Athletics Charms if your goal is merely to keep your head down/flee while the rest of the group handles the actual killing.

Alternatively, I'd recommend a Social Character that actually wants to get their hands dirty to take Martial Arts. You can buy it up with SXP on the side while your social charms are bought with regular XP. Something like Snake or Black Claw would keep you pretty competitive as long as your base Dex+Martial Arts pool is a decent size.
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You actually seem to have sussed out all the meanings I was reading into it. To expand though, he not only makes forgeries, he makes fragile imitations of the real thing from the real thing, gratifying Noh's understanding that all seemings are false and all men are defined by their flimsy masks.

He uses these fakeries to tear down the wealth and power of those who indulge themselves, gratifying Noh's rebellious and contrary nature.

That's just me thinking out loud, though.

You got most of it there. But of course...

... it took @Matsci to get the rest. :V
Tenfoldshields's Stuff
Its these little things which attracts most people to create demons more than most other critters.

and the sweet sweet crack that is the approval of anonymous strangers :V

More seriously, speaking as someone who's just getting into Exalted and really engaged with the world and the setting and the structure...demons are really fun because they inherently have pretty strong hooks. Like it's built into them, what are they for and what do they do?

Also there's a fuckbillion of them and they take at least a measure of creative energy to make so seeing the ones other people made is always fun. To compare and size up for stealing if nothing else.

And speaking of (yeah tags I get the hint :V):

TenfoldShields's Stuff
Dialogues of Iridescent Sin: A Demonomicon

Kimberian Demons (Added once Revised/Edited)
Mazscyllic, Fetich Soul of the Sea that Marched Against the Flame
-Kairibus, Expressive Soul of the Archoness of the Cascade
-Ostreidi, Indulgent Soul of the Archoness of the Cascade

Sin Hinar, 2nd Soul of the Sea that Marched Against the Flame
-Adseclan, Expressive Soul of the Black Sargassum Sea
-Teng-Kigyo, Indulgent Soul of the Black Sargassum Sea

Cavenike, Progeny of X
Mahal Caracratina/Mahal Bhaleena Progeny of X
Sarkady, Progeny of the Duke of Eels
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oh and speaking of me being a slut :V

Verkonyv, the Crimson Chiropterans
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Edda Exsanguis

They are formed from the clotted currents of Elloge's ruined body. Birthed by blood and of it. Their skin an ichorous red that ripples and lingers in the air if they move suddenly. Their wings thin skeins of scarlet that swirl and flutter like a gory fog. They appear as nearly three meter tall bipedal beasts: muscled forelimbs and hindlimbs tipped in scabrous claws, a red so deep it's nearly black, and clad in little but short, tough fur. Great wings span their backs, from powerful shoulders to the base of their spines, capable of propelling them through the air above the misty highlands and headwaters of Elloge. Their visage is that of an enormous three-eyed bat. Its mouth lined with shining, ivory teeth.

Within Elloge swirl the fragments and shattered pieces of innumerable stories. Knowledge diverted and diffused, proliferating out through the myriad of demons that draw sustenance from the Yozi's blood. It is the task of the Verkonyv to track such things. To measure their breadth, depth; to search out new combinations of ideas for, while their distant progenitor is creatively sterile, innovation may be mimicked through a reordering of old material. With their long pink tongues they sample the currents of roaring rivers and chattering streams, tasting themes and language structure in Elloges lochs and pale cascades. Their hollow fangs are carven with glyphs and long, winding sentences. With them they sup upon the ichorous vintage of kin-clades, drinking deep of their fellow demons (though not, typically, to the point of destruction).

They are gourmands and literary critics par excellence. Able to divine minute differences between otherwise identical tales. To comprehensively break down this narrative or that into its constituent parts. When they uncover something new or, at the very least, new to them (or, alternatively, the subject of their search as mandated by their masters) they swallow the story and store it in one of several stomachs. When their bellies are bloated and bulging they return to their lords and ladies to regurgitate their findings. Their bloody fortune hauled off to be turned into a highly sought infernal vintages or alchemical regent. They are also clannish and compulsive collectors, many fancy themselves amateur novelists or aspiring poets and will secret away any interesting finds for their own use. They gather in vast flocks on the bleak bone peaks of Elloge and vomit their creations into the naturally occurring hollow basins. There they sample each other's work, comparing and contrasting, criticizing and acclaiming. The victors of the often vicious and thoroughly opaque arguments are allotted higher perches and more savory spoils. Losers are moved down and granted only second-hand cliches as compensation for participation.

Obscurity (2/3): Much to the disappointment of many, many sorcerers the Crimson Chiropterans are terrible interrogators. Lacking the ability or the need to distinguish between real and fabricated stories. Highly adapted to Ellogean environments what roles they have without are usually niche or ad hoc, limiting their utility in Creation. That noted they are excellent diagnosticians, able to divine toxins and ailments with but a taste of the subject's blood. Their prognosis almost always accurate if flowery in description. Additionally they are incredibly competent reviewers and many a more indulgent sorcerer has summoned a Verkonyv to edit and critique their personal work. The monstrous blood-bats are easily bribed with novelty and will forgo a contest of wills if offered a story from the surface (tastes vary but they are partial to romances). More learned men know that they are often summoned with the blood of Elloge in their guts. Properly induced these reclaimed stories have a variety of uses in Infernal alchemy, typically when creating compounds to confound, cloak, or dazzle. They are also critical to the creation of Visceral Wine, a valuable Ellogean luxury useful for dealings with other of the Yozi's creatures.

A Verkonyv may escape into Creation when a writer grappling with creative impotency spills their blood upon the page in careless frustration. The Crimson Chiropteran emerges from the scarlet-soaked parchment as a red-winged muse. Ready to offer enthusiastic advice in the hopes that they may carry a sample of the story back to Malfeas. They tend to be very put out when rebuffed by screaming or, more commonly, authorial stubbornness.
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I strongly disagree. For all the incessant criticism it receives, my in-play experience with the Craft system has been quite positive. It's a little weird to get your head around at first, but once you get the hang of it flows quite well and really helps integrate the wonder working into the game. It's by no means perfect, but it's far from the crazy nightmare that I initially assumed it would be.

The Solar Craft charm set is more problematic. It's incredibly overwhelming at first, though it does have a lot stronger design logic than you might assume at a glance. On the whole, it feels like a bit too much of a rough draft. At the very least it should come with a map and a guide. It's rather dry to read—unless you actually understand how the pieces fit together—then it's terrifying.

Beyond all that, Chaos-Resistance Preparation doesn't even directly interact with the Craft system. :V

The problems of the Charmset are inextricably tied to the problems of the basic system. If you're not using Charms, you're not making artifacts (at least not with any reliability at all), and if you're not making artifacts the system is barely there. You really don't have to care much about points, objectives, or whatever if you're just making mundane stuff.

For mortals, the basic system is just an overomplex version of "roll dice, get results". But using the basic system will lead you to write a Charmset that's bad in the exact way that the existing Charmset is bad.
Still waiting for an explanation of this.
sorry i lost track that session ended up running a total of eleven hours I was ground down into dust by the end

Anyway Velvet, the Eclipse, wants to get a familiar spirit through Ephemeral Induction Technique. Her player designed the spirit, gave me its sheet, and trusted me to introduce it into the story so she could destroy it and reform it from her anima with EIT. A many-armed serpentine thing shrouded in a great cloak, feeding on hope and despair.

So, Cathak Raehion, exorcist and spirit-binder extraordinaire, conjured this spirit to help him fight Velvet. As mentioned above, Velvet applied Burning Exorcism Technique to Raehion then choked him into unconsciousness. During that time, she had used Spirit-Caging Mandala to restrain the spirit and duel Raehion away from it.

When Raehion fell unconscious, the spirit finally broke the mandala and attacked Velvet. And, uh... It proved a lot tougher than expected. To the point that Velvet faced a real possibility of dying.

So she used Soul Projection Method, plunging both herself and the spirit into a trance, hoping to be able to talk to it and convince him there was no need to fight.

It... didn't work. Not really. She did talk to the spirit, but it showed itself to be a fatalistic entity of hunger, a thing defined by the negation of the self and the absence of light.

So Velvet used that time, that trance in its mind, to... Try and prepare herself for death. Because she knew that once she would return to consciousness she would have very little chance to survive. And the spirit was kind to her, in a way.

Omicron: "And where is your friendship now? In the depths of my mind. Alone in the dark."
"Knowing that when you release this trance, I will devour you."
"What good is its warmth?"

Velvet: "It will linger."
"Even if it's just down here in the darkness, my warmth will be with you."
"Even after you find the next light, and the next, and the next, someone will remember me."
"Probably you."

Omicron: "..."
"Perhaps I shall."

Velvet: "I certainly hope so."
"...Look, I-"
"I'm very tired."

Omicron: "You are sick. Disease is burning in your flesh."
"Something Raehion and you have in common."

Velvet: "I was... I was trying to ignore that. Pretend otherwise."
"I'll tend to him when I can. Sorry, if."
Velvet wipes away a tear. She never began crying, but now she is.
"Pr-probably not."

Omicron: "I will remember you, little light. I will miss you when you are gone." There is a kindness to the dark wound's voice.
Then Velvet turned her mind-self into an arrow of light and thrust herself at the spirit's self-representation, as a form of social influence, instilling the Intimacy "Whether you kill me or not, I will always be with you."

Then the trance broke and they resumed fighting to the death. A harsh, brutal, protracted fight during which Velvet combined social influence and physical attacks and held her own while growing increasingly desperate, a fight which the spirit dominated on paper.

But the Intimacies she had instilled into it were like poison. It wasn't a demon or an elemental or a ghost, it was an entity born of the corruption, a living hunger. It called itself "the negation of the self." And so the Intimacies Velvet built up into it were like a poison that unravelled the very fabric of its being until it started falling apart like a rotting corpse.

In the end it loved Velvet, and in loving her it perished. She never landed a single decisive hit and yet it died in her arms.
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Chiming Minaret had something like that too, except it was more like Chiming Minaret beating her enemy up completely, so it wasn't like that at all anyways.

But it did involve in emotion and sadness on my part though!

So as you may know, Chiming Minaret is my murder-whirlwind Water Aspected Outcaste, who is currently running around the West and stabbing things.

She is stealthy as fuck, really good at stabbing/slashing things and can speak with the winds (she can also channel the eternal power of BOREDOM to ignore social influence, because Dragon-Blooded are hilarious like that. This is also her only social Charm by the way).

But anyways, we usually resolve things with a single roll (even though our homebrew combat is pretty fun, she's still just too killy for us to bother with actual combat scenes against most people, kind of like Keris here honestly), but this specific situation was different, because she actually had to fight.

As you may know, Chiming Minaret had infiltrated the court of a king as a concubine, using only the tools of magnificent boredom, Politics 1 and kinda acceptable looks, in order to murder the king's wife due to knowing that she had made a deal with a Second Circle and had been elevated to the lofty heights of Enlightenment 4, which is also where Chiming Minaret sits by the way.

But Chiming Minaret only knew that she was a Yozi cultist, and that she was in a position of power (and that's a really shitty combination FYI), so she infiltrated the palace and managed to pass as a concubine through stunting and excellencies to get bonus dice and literally just going "look m8 i'm dragon-blooded, you probably want me on your side" to the only dude who figured out the truth of the matter.

She succeeded in her infiltration attempts, and managed to finally get into the queen after three fucking sessions aaargh. She slowly stepped closer to the woman, drawing her reaper daiklave concealed with Charms, readying herself for the blow, only for this fucking bullshit to happen:

Just as you strike, the woman seems to be seized by a sudden, quivering anticipation and she throws herself to the side, her dress dissolving into ebon shadows as she moves. Beneath her dress, her brown skin is a shade of brass and she is draped in a close-fitting garment, seemingly woven from silk and adorned with emerald glyphs in the tongue of the Spirits. She whispers a broken syllable, and you watch as her right hand warps into a twisted claw, which quickly erupts into a silent green flame. (haha you think I'd let you get away so easily you motherfucker? Roll Join Battle.)(she got 3 btw)

(grrr, I hat u so much, and 5 suxx) Chiming Minaret swiftly brings her blade into fighting position, barely suppressing the surprise on her face before embracing Danaa'd and cloaking herself in a vaporous shroud (Activating anima at s1 here). She dashes forward, letting her Yliaster-Celestrium blade cut a singing arc into the air, and hopefully into the unnatural flesh of the queen. (Okay then, Surging Riptide Style 3 + Physique 5 for 8 dice, Melee 3 for TN6. I'll throw in 4d from Excellence of The Water Dragon for a final 12 dice. 9 suxx)

The queen laughs a shrill, high laughter as she moves the twisted claw to block your strike. Her entire body shines with baleful emerald light for a few moments as blade meets claw (damnit 9 suxx as well), and she retreats with a hiss, but not before striking you to leave a shallow wound in your left shoulder. (bla bla Wounded Consequence bla bla)

Just as she tries to retreat, Chiming Minaret kicks her in the abdomen, knocking her over (Ha! Tripped! Bet you weren't expecting that!) and raising her blade high above, before taking a single step and cutting downwards in a quick motion (Mantis Style + Physique = 8d + Steadfast Swordmistress Concentration for 4d + 2suxx = 5suxx).

The queen rolls to the side and kicks Chiming Minaret into the wall to her left with a magically enchanced kick. You can see how the queen drains even her own life for power, as her skin pales and she suddenly accelerates to a terrifying speed and punches you with crushing strength in your stomach (7 suxx, Moved, Wounded)

(oh fuck it here goes subtlety WITNESS ME) Chiming Minaret grits her teeth as she takes the blow, and as she pries herself from the damaged wall behind her, she calls upon Danaa'd to deliver her, and a surging aura of razor ice and boiling vapor rises around her (Anima raised to 3, the queen's gonna be Wounded if she doesn't have Endurance 3+). She grabs the queen by her hair and yanks it downwards, towards the back of her neck, as she also pulls her legs up towards her stomach and kicks the other woman through the room. (8d+8 from Excellency = 16d+Danaa'd-Graced Weapon+Tearing Riptide Blade = 23 SUXX MOTHERFUCKER HOW YOU LIKE THAT) (Moved, Wounded, Wounded, Drowning)

The queen desperately tries to pull to the side or parry (sigh 2 suxx), but as Chiming Minaret strikes her with overwhelming skill and puissance, she cannot help but be flung through the room. She lands on the floor, and desperately tries to pull herself up, but is constantly hampered by the fact that her lungs are literally filled with water, and her entire body is revolting against her and forcing her to throw up.

Chiming Minaret walks towards her, and smashes her right foot, boot-clad and heavy, down beneath the fallen queen's shoulder plates. She then lifts her blade and says "This ends here!", before moving the weapon downwards with terrible force (DGW+TRB+8d=8 suxx)(Wounded, Wounded, Drowning, [Wounded if I get Legendary suxx])

This is the relevant part if you didn't want to read the fite section:

The queen weakly attempts to counter, but locked down as she is, she cannot muster much of a defense against your blow, and you cut a deep gash in her back. You can see the life fade from her eyes as she looks up on you. "why?" she asks with a weak voice

Chiming Minaret looks down on the queen, sweetness in her voice as she speaks; "you served a Demon Lord, you could not be allowed to rule, you were corrupted by the temptations of Hell."

The queen lets out a coughing laugh at your response. "Corrupted? Hah! Don't make me laugh! Would you rather that my incompetent of a husband rule this country into the dirt? Or did you even care at all?"

Chiming Minaret furrows her brow at this. "How can you claim goodness when you serve Hell? Would you not that the souls of men fall to the worship of the Yozis instead of the proper ways of the Dragons?"

The queen smiles a derisive smile, as you speak, and almost starts speaking before you were done, her voice full of accusation. "Ah yes, of course! You were acting out of piety and your sense of justice! Naturally! May I ask you what you think will happen to this kingdom when I am dead, oh Exalted eminence?"

Chiming Minaret hestitates for a moment. "I..." she starts, before realizing that she never really thought that far, all that mattered was the queen's corruption.

"Well I'll tell you what's going to happen! He'll take a new young and pretty concubine and make her his "queen, eternally beloved of the people", and he'll fuck her when he pleases and eat when he pleases, he'll play games with his nobles and hunt when he pleases! The royal treasury will slip through his fingers like sand in an hourglass, but what does he care? He's king! He'll just levy higher taxes on the peasants and if they revolt, he'll have his sorcerer call down demons and butterflies of death upon them until they obey his will! But what do you care? We're just the supporting cast in the game that you Exalted play, aren't we?" The queen's voice is shrill and filled with accusations, as she speaks higher and higher.

Chiming Minaret raises her voice to speak, but realizes that she doesn't know what to say. She falls to her knees, and can only weep as she realizes what she has just done.

The queen laughs victoriously and continues her verbal assault. "You got all your power because someone in your family got it on with someone possessed of the blood of the Dragons, but I had to bow and scrape and please for mine! Every little bit of knowledge, every whispered incantation and broken syllable! I clawed and bit and scrached my way to strength and here you are! A Dragon-Blooded not even at the zenith of your power matches me in every aspect of my being and murders me in my own castle! With the last of my strength I curse you!" The queen screams from lungs that are clearly torn to shreds, if one were to judge from her wheezing voice.

"With every aspect of my Essence, I curse thy womb to be as barren as thy heart! I curse thee to weep bitter tears, for never shall thee pass on thy gift to any childe of yours! Thine voice shall never laugh in elated happiness at the accomplishments of thine sons and daughters, for thee shall never curse Creation with any offspring! With mine last strength, this is mine proclamation!" The queen screams in a voice that is very obviously clinging only to life through strength of will and potency of Essence. At the last words, her eyes glimmer a terrible green and the entire room darkens. (roll your Enlightenment+appropriate Style against DV8)

Chiming Minaret sits, will and spirit broken at the words of a dying queen who only wanted the best for her nation. She weeps for the kingdom she has doomed, she weeps for her children to never be born, and she weeps for the brilliant woman she has just murdered in cold blood, she screams and cries and weeps. She understands only now, what it is to hate the world, and what it is to hate one self. She loses track of time, and can only keep weeping as her anima boils the flesh off the queen's corpse and slowly ruins the stone beneath her. (2 suxx, Chiming Minaret also takes a two-dot Principle of "The Exalted bring nothing but ruin", which will highly likely end up as a four-dot Principle some time.)

And that should be it.

Chiming Minaret is sadface. :sad:
HAHAHAHA, finally caught up from the hundred pages ago. I'll start backtracking soon, still have to trawl from page 1 to about page 1000 or so. But probably organize and rename the thread marks before I do so. (I'm mostly just collating earthscorpion homebrew at this point)

All the people making demons that isn't Earthscorpion, could you guys create a link to a compilation of sorts? Digging through the entire thread for them is time-consuming.
Manus and tenfoldshields have their own indexes, check those. Otherwise imma be honest, it's 99 percent earthscorpion.

Here is my homebrew that I consider in any way acceptable or useful:
Cool I'll remove most of the thread Maria I made for you (also you're missing the dragonblood would shaping charm)

There is a reason that I won't add it to my homebrew post.
Okay in that case I'm leaving this threadmark alone

[alert=Terminal Sanction]Next person to talk about Celestial Bliss Trick gets thread-banned for a week.[/alert]
Might want to put a warning down at the post box instead of a threadmark on that, probably more visible

And speaking of (yeah tags I get the hint :V):
I'll start de thread marking your stuff too
y haf u tagged Kozombos as @EarthScorpion's pearl wasp jemnite? whyyyyyyyy
i fixed it u stupid fukc

someone link me earthscorpion's demon document so I can purge the threadmarks some more. I already purged them of all the ghosts

no spoopy allowed

EDIT: nvm found it am building a giant wall around creation and deporting demons back to malfeas now

DOUBLE EDIT: Not to alarm anyone but I may have gone overboard with the threadmark organizing and deleted too many in too short a time and perhaps crashed the system's ability to handle them:

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