"Hey, there are a bunch of blood apes that follow the Immaculate Faith. We should help them get out of Malfeas!"
"Don't they like to murder everything? Especially cats?"
"Oh, right. What about heranhals?"
"The ones that need to have sex daily or else they go crazy?"
"Oh... Marottes?"
"They steal babies."

Everyone always forgets that marottes are covered in addictive slime, that gets left on things that they build.

If you don't have other cleaning demons around to scrub up everything you have marottes build for you and then you have mortals move into them, you risk getting marotte addicts.
If demons that don't follow your religion are worth dealing with - and they are - ones that do will only be more so.
Except demons are practically never just summoned and left to their own devices, like you said they would for demons of their own religion.

What about angelkyae?
I'm not aware of any active negative aspects, but there's only so many uses for musicians.

Everyone always forgets that marottes are covered in addictive slime, that gets left on things that they build.

If you don't have other cleaning demons around to scrub up everything you have marottes build for you and then you have mortals move into them, you risk getting marotte addicts.
I actually read over their description, so I saw that, but stealing babies is shorter.
Look, i will just put my argument is simple form:


1: Malfeas doesn't matter.

2: People do matter.

3: Demons are people.

4: Malfeas is inhabited by trillions of demons.

These four things can't be true at the same time. Either demons aren't people, or Malfeas doesn't have a population a hundred orders of magnitude greater than creation, or Malfeas actually matters.

And i certainly prefer to dash out 4 and keep the other three.
But if I've read your arguments correctly- and please forgive me if I'm mixing you up with someone else- your proposed solution here isn't to dash out 4 at all, but rather to edit it to read "Malfeas is inhabited by a small enough number of demons that I can feel okay about ignoring them". You're still having there be demons in Malfeas, after all, so I don't see how that proposed edit does anything whatsoever to solve the logical contradiction that you've put in place. Why do trillions matter enough to make you dislike the setting feature, but billions/millions/hundreds/dozens don't? Given the first three premises, if even one demon lives in Malfeas, the contradiction remains.

Personally, given this set of premises I'd edit 1 instead, to read something like "People in Malfeas don't matter even if they otherwise would"- a selective negation of Rule 2. Rule 1 is then exactly what the Exalted decided when they enforced the surrender oaths; they took beings who mattered, whether that's taken as a couple dozen Primordials or a couple trillion demons, and they put them in a place where they didn't matter anymore.

How uncomfortable you are with the idea of removing all meaningful agency from that arbitrary number of people should then, in my mind, correspond roughly with how much you think that the victors of the Primordial War were dicks. Why change the setting to make excuses for them?
All the people making demons that isn't Earthscorpion, could you guys create a link to a compilation of sorts? Digging through the entire thread for them is time-consuming.
3: Demons are people.

Hmmm, yes. About that.

Let me ask you a question.

What is your gut reaction to convicts.

Is it 'these people may be innocent even though they've been judged in a court of law, so let's get them out of there' or 'they're convicts and drains on society. Fuck ehm.'

Because, well, look at the way societies in general look towards their criminals and then realise; the whole thing with the Yozi and the demons?

It's really the same thing.

...It's just that cuddling babies doesn't work out too well when the cuddler's limbs constantly secrete heroin. Also, I doubt marottes have the faintest idea of how to care for mortal children, given that they're sapient ADHD koosh balls from Hell.

IIRC they're explicitly called out at not having a clue about child care.
But if I've read your arguments correctly- and please forgive me if I'm mixing you up with someone else- your proposed solution here isn't to dash out 4 at all, but rather to edit it to read "Malfeas is inhabited by a small enough number of demons that I can feel okay about ignoring them". You're still having there be demons in Malfeas, after all, so I don't see how that proposed edit does anything whatsoever to solve the logical contradiction that you've put in place. Why do trillions matter enough to make you dislike the setting feature, but billions/millions/hundreds/dozens don't? Given the first three premises, if even one demon lives in Malfeas, the contradiction remains.

It's a matter of relative magnitude. I am ok with Malfeas mattering somewhat. Just not, you know, more than Creation.

If i am the king of ten million people, and i heard that tens of thousands are dying in another kingdom, well, even if i do nothing about that it doesn't make me an asshole. I have, after all, my hands full with my current work.

If i heard instead that a meteorite is going to make the blessed isle explode, and i can avoid it if i just abandon what i am doing if i don't do so that it makes me a complete bastard automatically.

The thing about Malfeas as presented is that there is always a meteorite just about to aniquilate a continent-sized mass.
If i heard instead that a meteorite is going to make the blessed isle explode, and i can avoid it if i just abandon what i am doing if i don't do so that it makes me a complete bastard automatically.


No seriously, why does that make you an asshole. It's not your job as king of some Far Treshold kingdom to keep the people of the Blessed Isle safe. It's your job to see to the needs of your people, first and foremost, and let the Realm deal with the Realm's problems.

They are Dragonblooded, it's their divinely appointed duty after all and they'll be happy to explain that to you at length.