Literally or figuratively?

Oh, quite literally.

Alright it was technically some strange powder from a plant growing in a demense that we were exploring, but the effects were close enough and I was more interested in pithy one-liners than scientific accuracy.

I was playing as the other Zenith in the party, and my character can basically be summed up as 'I have Strength 5 and Strength Increasing Exercise, and it is amazing how many problems that can solve'.

Also, another quote, this time from my character.

Me: "Look, I have Heart Compelling Method, and thus far I think I have been very restrained."

ST: "What would 'unrestrained' look like!"

Me: "*Ahem* BEHOLD! Unworthy masses, feast thine eyes upon my glorious abdominal muscles! Now, ladies, please: make a line, there's plenty for everyone. Gentlemen... make another line."
Mørke: "They're gonna look different, they are more involved. It's like a Cadillac, your daiklave is like a Cadillac, it's got all this great stuff, great features, great interactivity, great lore. And it's a more intense system, a more intense focus on your character and their connection to the legacy of the Solars of the First Age, and it is a more intense Solar XP investment. The first one I wrote came out to be like 120 Solar XP to go all the way through it to the end. You might look at it as errata, because looking backwards from Arms, you would see that they're not the same thing as what's in the core book. You'd be correct in believing that the artifacts in the corebook are outdated, but it will be easy for you to take what's in the corebook and convert it."

Meanwhile, Holden says in the chat: "Notably, it does -not- look like the old beta Volcano Cutter, nor does it look like the tiny 5-Evocations-and-done stuff in the core. It's -different,- not just an expansion on the corebook."
So we have some news on Arms of the Chosen.
The more I read from Mørke, the more I come to the conclusion that he communicates like Donald Trump. There's that same self-congratulatory vagueness, "all this great stuff, great features, great interactivity, great lore." The best interactivity.

I mean I get it, he can't come out and say how it works because that's what he's selling, but there's gotta be a better way to do PR and hype.
"They're gonna look different, they are more involved. It's like a Cadillac, your daiklave is like a Cadillac, it's got all this great stuff, great features, great interactivity, great lore. And it's a more intense system, a more intense focus on your character and their connection to the legacy of the Solars of the First Age, and it is a more intense Solar XP investment. The first one I wrote came out to be like 120 Solar XP to go all the way through it to the end."
Though I've never owned or particularly wanted a Cadillac, I'm just going to note that the suggested Solar XP per session – by my recollection – clocks in at 4sxp.

So it would take you eight months of uninterrupted weekly sessions in which you spent your Solar XP on nothing but your daiklave to complete that tree.

"More involved" certainly seems accurate.
Mørke said:
The first one I wrote came out to be like 120 Solar XP to go all the way through it to the end. You might look at it as errata, because looking backwards from Arms, you would see that they're not the same thing as what's in the core book. You'd be correct in believing that the artifacts in the corebook are outdated, but it will be easy for you to take what's in the corebook and convert it."

Exalted Third Edition: Where Every Charmset is Solar Hero Style. Please, someone save us from this dystopian future!
Though I've never owned or particularly wanted a Cadillac, I'm just going to note that the suggested Solar XP per session – by my recollection – clocks in at 4sxp.

So it would take you eight months of uninterrupted weekly sessions in which you spent your Solar XP on nothing but your daiklave to complete that tree.

"More involved" certainly seems accurate.

Remember that anything bought with sxp can also be bought with regular xp on top of that.

I doubt that the goal is to get every single evocation in the tree though: it seems to be reminiscent of how you pick the branch you like best in a charm tree and leave it at that.
Exalted Third Edition: Where Every Charmset is Solar Hero Style. Please, someone save us from this dystopian future!

Like seriously, what?

120 exp for a single artifact!? The current slew of Evocations aren't perfect, but 5 is a good solid number that can be reached either in char-gen if you're aiming for it or maybe with a session or two of play.

Like seriously, what?

120 exp for a single artifact!? The current slew of Evocations aren't perfect, but 5 is a good solid number that can be reached either in char-gen if you're aiming for it or maybe with a session or two of play.

Again, I don't think the goal is that you would need to take every charm available.

That's not the case for any of the charm trees in the book already, I don't see it happening for Evocations either.
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Wild ass guessing time!

So, let's see. 120xp for a complete artifact, assume 10xp per evocation as a baseline (might have more or less, but that's roughly on par with a charm cost, so it should work) and you get twelve Evocations.

Now, they have said this doesn't look like the old Volcano Cutter, which had a big long list of powers that built off of one another until you got to basically being a walking apocalypse. I am therefore going to guess that those twelve charms are split over 3-4 sub-trees, which do not build off of one another in quite the same way.

Best guess would be that you pick a small handful of themes for your artifact and get charms related to each. So a daiklaive might have a 'break enchantments' tree, a 'be inspiring' tree and a 'stab better' tree, and only if you want literally all of them does it really cost the full amount.

Complete guesswork, mind, and while interesting I would still prefer it if they hurried the fuck up.

I know this sort of stuff takes time, but for pity's sake the core has been out for like eight months now, and we have nothing in the way of supplements. What the hell?
What the fuck kind of math is this. This makes no sense for a... you know. Not awful gameline o_O
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I know this sort of stuff takes time, but for pity's sake the core has been out for like eight months now, and we have nothing in the way of supplements. What the hell?
Lets be frank. Onyx path are not exactly famous for keping with promised dates and Exalted from get go was a rather egregious example of this. We will be happy in my opinion to get Dragonblooded next year. This is second zime they decided to rework things because "they found a way to do it better", my optimism is dead.
I will reaffirm m prediction . We will not get Alchemicals. At this point I think we will be lucky to get whole old core +infernals.
I doubt that the goal is to get every single evocation in the tree though: it seems to be reminiscent of how you pick the branch you like best in a charm tree and leave it at that.
Except who does this additional bullshit actually reward though? The one player who wants to take the same artifact in every game, just in different ways? Then its just trumped up Martial Arts charms with an overpowered form weapon. Multiple players in the same game who want the same artifact but stand out from eachother? Then something is obviously wrong with that artifact to make it such a go-to choice in the first place above just taking the Melee tree.

The reason Ability trees need to be long and broadly encompassing is because everyone has Abilities, but the same cannot be said of particular artifacts.
Bruh. We're talking about a phrase inked on my body here.

Because Craft is literally every creative endeavor ever, all rolled into one skill, it does technically include biotech-like stuff. However, that doesn't really fall into Autochthon's themes. His stuff is more about the cyberpunk/steampunk varieties of things. Great engines powering entire cities alongside implants that make you cold and hyper-rational as a side-effect of whatever their real purpose is. That kind of thing.
Sorry for answering late, but then in that case, how did the first terrestrial exaltations get created?
Except who does this additional bullshit actually reward though? The one player who wants to take the same artifact in every game, just in different ways? Then its just trumped up Martial Arts charms with an overpowered form weapon. Multiple players in the same game who want the same artifact but stand out from eachother? Then something is obviously wrong with that artifact to make it such a go-to choice in the first place above just taking the Melee tree.

The reason Ability trees need to be long and broadly encompassing is because everyone has Abilities, but the same cannot be said of particular artifacts.

You don't even want to consider that a player might prefer modifying an artifact they own to be more in line with their own specifications?
You don't even want to consider that a player might prefer modifying an artifact they own to be more in line with their own specifications?
How does having multiple trees support this, though? If I want to modify an Artifact I need to... modify the Artifact, probably by tweaking or replacing the existing Charms in the tree, and probably with some kind of Craft usage. Not by having a bunch of extra Charms that the weapon lets me learn.
How does having multiple trees support this, though? If I want to modify an Artifact I need to... modify the Artifact, probably by tweaking or replacing the existing Charms in the tree, and probably with some kind of Craft usage. Not by having a bunch of extra Charms that the weapon lets me learn.

Having a set of options you can pick and choose between is a form of customization. Like how going down one branch of a charm tree over another is a form of character customization, as opposed to homebrewing your charmset entirely from scratch.

Is this clear for you? While you can conceivably get all of them, the more reasonable option is to pick and choose what you prefer.
Having a set of options you can pick and choose between is a form of customization. Like how going down one branch of a charm tree over another is a form of character customization, as opposed to homebrewing your charmset entirely from scratch.

Is this clear for you? While you can conceivably get all of them, the more reasonable option is to pick and choose what you prefer.

There is no point in tying them to specific artifact, however. If you want to print, say, fifty five charm long trees which can be attached to any number of artifacts in a mix-and-match style I wouldn't like it but I could understand it.

But why does one artifact need three Charm trees all to itself? Why not just have fifty Charm trees and say "any one artifact can benefits from at most, say, three of these trees as chosen when the artifact is created/purchased."

But are they of the dragons or from the dragons?

(I actually don't know what that joke is about but it's funny anyway)

It's about Peleps Deled's foot up your arse.
How does having multiple trees support this, though? If I want to modify an Artifact I need to... modify the Artifact, probably by tweaking or replacing the existing Charms in the tree, and probably with some kind of Craft usage. Not by having a bunch of extra Charms that the weapon lets me learn.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to reflavor an artifact. For example, I used a lightning direLance version of Volcano Cutter which created Eruption points by calling down bolts of lightning and swapped the "must be used on solid ground" caveat to "must be used in open air", and it worked fine for me.