better judgement: you can't keep doing this
better judgement: you had
one decent idea
(cookie for the joke

Mahal Caracratina, the Folded Flesh-Rafts
Demon of the First Circle
Spawn of the Sargassum Sea
The oceans of Malfeas are strange seas indeed. Straits of sticky, mumbling ichor drain into a thundering abyss; the surf and spray speaking with a voice of acid. Rot-choked rivers more earth than water feed into an emerald eternity; their contents sizzling as the currents mingle. When Hegara stalks the waves crews forget themselves and dance to the tune of her dream-rain cascading on slanted roofs, cupping neon memory in webbed hands. When Adorjan begins to blow sailors sing, belting out fearful verses in the hopes that they will live to see the refrain; their sails shredding before them. And when Oramus himself stirs omen-weather scourges the deep and even the bravest, boldest captains huddle behind their living hulls, praying for deliverance. There are a bevy of odd craft that populate the reservoir-worlds of the Demon City, braving these myriad obstacles that comprise everyday life on Kimbery's vastness, and the Folded Flesh-Rafts are but one of many.
They are singularly unlovely things. Ugly clots of grey-pink flesh drifting on alien tides. Beasts only a mother could love and so, naturally, Kimbery's Unquestionable adore them absolutely. Bony beams and jagged reefs sprawl out just above the waterline. The craft bobs and lists frightfully if the weather turns rough. Below long, ribbon-like tendrils dangle. Snagging food to feed the simple-minded demon as it drifts by. Above a collection of sails and hulls and masts grows with little rhyme or reason. An incomprehensible tangle of sinewy rigging and veined bulkheads. New cabins and decks are added as the demon grows, often canted at insane angles, and bone chimneys push up through walls and floors alike as they reach towards the shining sun. Oftentimes the captain is simply the first demon who can consistently navigate the mess with some success.
Yet what they lack in glamor (and grandeur, and basic aesthetic), the Mahal Caracratina make up for in efficacy, safety, and cost efficiency. Organ weapons grow in rough arcs, primarily dart-throwers and chemical lances. They are not fast but their stony sides can stoically bear most environmental injuries and it is easy to keep the scavengers fed. They can literally be found freely drifting on Kimbery's waves, waiting to be lassoed by a fresh crew. And, perhaps most importantly, when they are happy they
sing. Piping out jaunty, rhythmic melodies through the hollow columns of bone. Warming the spirits and warding away the Silent Wind.
Summoning (Obscurity 3/3): The same traits that make the Flesh-Rafts so popular in Malfeas make them a rarity in Creation. Most Sorcerers assuming (completely correctly) that they can do so much better in terms of naval conveyance. Aside from that they are wonderfully simple creatures with few hidden complexities and not nearly enough brains to make trouble. A Mahal Caracratina may escape into Creation when a tangled mass of blocks and ill-kept rigging drags a sailor overboard. The beast placidly drifting up from the seabed wreckage like some cancerous cloud a few days later. Fresh water burns them like acid and they abhor it completely.
Mahal Bhaleena, the Cetacean Slum-Ships
Demon of the First Circle
Spawn of the Sargassum Sea
Cousin to the Mahal Caracratina and a
significantly larger beast, the Mahal Bhaleena are titans of the waves. Riding even the highest swells and plunging into the deepest vallies, the blunt, bone-helmed prow crashing through walls of water in a spray of tainted green. Their flukes churning the sea's skin into whirlpools and eddies. There is an order to their design that is lacking among their smaller kin. A structure, a guiding hand. Their elongated bodies are framed by armored reefs. Their flanks bristle with utricating spines and carefully minded chemical lances. But it is the majestic, ruined structures that sprawl across their backs that earn them their name and ensure their fame.
Each Mahal Bhaleena is host to a middling sized, fortified settlement. The bulkheads and sloping decks so jumbled and poorly expressed in their younger kin now fully unfurled. Made manifest in all their decrepit, salt-scarred glory. The slums sprawl across every available surface on the demon's back. Cramped, densely packed cabins haphazardly piled one atop the other. Rising in waves with the dorsal fort at the base of the spine ringed by looming, listing shanty-towers. The hollow bone columns rising, slanted above the mess. Ringing out with the deeper, pleased wail of the Slum-ship's song. The Mahal Bhaleena sing often and loudly and why should they not? They are large, they are strong, and dozens if not hundreds of other demons scurry atop them; seeking to protect them from foes and feed them well. In the fraught environment of the Demon City such an existence is almost paradisaical.
The infernal cetaceans invariably become centers of trade and commerce (such as it exists in the Primordial's prison) on Kimbery's seas. Seeing as they can weather even some of the fiercer storms and recklessly bull through predatory fleets they are points of stability and order in a world with little of either. Mahal Caracratina flotillas gather about them, some only bringing booty and seeking resupply and shelter. Others staying longer, acting to guard their greater cousin. The floating fort leads its escorts in song. The melodies gradually synchronizing across the rag-tag fleet as the rhythms are parroted back. Such music not only incites glad feelings in the passengers, motivating them to fight harder on the Mahal Bhaleena's behalf, but increases the speed at which the flotilla travels.
Summoning (Obscurity 2/5): Mahal Bhaleena are tremendously unsubtle, a fact appreciated by some more ocean-oriented sorcerers who summon them as living transports and weapons of war. Feeding the gluttonous beasts is an alarmingly expensive endeavor and they will break away to hunt terrestrial whales and larger elementals if it suits them.
What few know is that the monsters are not a discrete species in and of themselves but rather formed from the aggregation of multiple Mahal Caracratina. Larger, well traveled specimens meeting, merging as they harmonize their songs until all definition between their bodies is lost. Control of these craft is a valuable bargaining chip and their captains, the victors of the inevitable bloody brawl between peers as the flesh begins to flow, are not eager to see their power diluted. A Mahal Bhaleena may escape into Creation along with its crew when a wealthy merchant's cargo fleet is swallowed by a storm and vanishes without a trace. Such an event proves a tragedy compounded as the Slum-Ship remains, a blight upon the seas until the location of the original fleet is found. Like the Caracratina they violently detest fresh water.