And remember also that most of the veterans (hell, most of everyone) in this very thread are here for the setting (which is a masterpiece) and not the system (which is shitty and useless).
This is why you are not getting a warm welcome. And it will not get any warmer as you keep on trying to break the game. Stop doing that, and things might thaw.

I dunno, the soak tank idea seems kinda fun. In the way that the Synthesist in Pathfider being able to be tankier than the Barbarian while having a Con score of 3 is fun. It's utterly imbalanced, but in a way that's surprisingly easy to work around.

Just introduce some form of stacking damage buff, like a Charm that can Combo with itself, or a Charm that essentially reads 'Pay X Motes: Deal X more damage' to be able to burst through that massive Soak.

Having to pay Motes equal to the Soak value to bypass it, or double or half, would be a neat way to balance the massive damage resistance. Then you have the alternative option of having ways to scratch damage through the soak.

And remember also that most of the veterans (hell, most of everyone) in this very thread are here for the setting (which is a masterpiece) and not the system (which is shitty and useless).

That is exactly why I'm here. With a small side of noting game design thoughts I have.
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I dunno, the soak tank idea seems kinda fun. In the way that the Synthesist in Pathfider being able to be tankier than the Barbarian while having a Con score of 3 is fun. It's utterly imbalanced, but in a way that's surprisingly easy to work around.

Just introduce some form of stacking damage buff, like a Charm that can Combo with itself, or a Charm that essentially reads 'Pay X Motes: Deal X more damage' to be able to burst through that massive Soak.
Eh, that's basically what Excellencies do, considering how excess successes on accuracy rolls roll over into damage.

All you really need to do to beat a heavily Soak monster (assuming he mono specialized for that) is to pop 20 motes 1wp on Infinite Melee Mastery, effectively doubling your DV and accuracy pool for the scene. Then you save all your remaining motes on defense charms, and wail on the enemy with free 20+ Accuracy Pools and a Grand Daiklave, which guarantees you'll deal at least one damage to the enemy with every hit.
So? I'm just asking if I can do something like that and this, what i'm looking is not in the perceptive of the Game but lore wise and if you in this situation what would you do and what can you do, so why would I follow Game Mechanics that limits me to keep yourself alive? that doesn't work because of game mechanics like thinges
...You prefaced this entire thing with 'both lore and mechanics wise' and then the moment people told you how the mechanics don't or shouldn't work like that, your response suddenly became 'but I'm only interested in the lore though'.

By all indications, you do not want to actually engage in this argument. Why then, are you still doing that?
In essence, because high Hardness would make characters passively invincible, Hardness values have generally been kept low in the game.

Also, the most common TMA Charm in Creation (Five Dragon Style) has a Hardness-ignoring Charm as its first Charm, which indicates that characters should have easy access to Hardness ignoring.
Yeah, most Magical things bypass Hardness. Like, as of the errata at least, anything with the Overwhelming tag just ignores Hardness, and every 'artifact' weapon in the corebook was given the tag.

It basically exists to say 'I'm invincible against mortal men' and let you wade into armies without dying to mooks.
You are ignoring content by this member.
...You prefaced this entire thing with 'both lore and mechanics wise' and then the moment people told you how the mechanics don't or shouldn't work like that, your response suddenly became 'but I'm only interested in the lore though'.

By all indications, you do not want to actually engage in this argument. Why then, are you still doing that?
What's the problem of me liking the lore more than the game mechanics?
So? I'm just asking if I can do something like that and this, what i'm looking is not in the perceptive of the Game but lore wise and if you in this situation what would you do and what can you do, so why would I follow Game Mechanics that limits me to keep yourself alive?

Why do you keep asking for mechanics, then?

In essence, because high Hardness would make characters passively invincible, Hardness values have generally been kept low in the game.

Also, the most common TMA Charm in Creation (Five Dragon Style) has a Hardness-ignoring Charm as its first Charm, which indicates that characters should have easy access to Hardness ignoring.

Well, hardness is actually useful and works well in 3e.
Infinite Melee Mastery

...Why did it take me so long to understand that the Infinite Masteries allow infinite Mote spending on them... Although, the question of how long the Mastery lasts is still important, because if you have to blow 30 Motes to do more than one damage, you need to get more damage in that time than the opponent has health. And isn't the Infinite Mastery typically an Essence 3 or 4 effect? Or is it having 4 or 5 in the skill?
...Why did it take me so long to understand that the Infinite Masteries allow infinite Mote spending on them... Although, the question of how long the Mastery lasts is still important, because if you have to blow 30 Motes to do more than one damage, you need to get more damage in that time than the opponent has health. And isn't the Infinite Mastery typically an Essence 3 or 4 effect? Or is it having 4 or 5 in the skill?

It's Ability 4, Essence 3.
...Why did it take me so long to understand that the Infinite Masteries allow infinite Mote spending on them... Although, the question of how long the Mastery lasts is still important, because if you have to blow 30 Motes to do more than one damage, you need to get more damage in that time than the opponent has health

What the fuck are you talking about?
...Why did it take me so long to understand that the Infinite Masteries allow infinite Mote spending on them... Although, the question of how long the Mastery lasts is still important, because if you have to blow 30 Motes to do more than one damage, you need to get more damage in that time than the opponent has health. And isn't the Infinite Mastery typically an Essence 3 or 4 effect? Or is it having 4 or 5 in the skill?
It technically allows Infinte more spending, but it's really capped at 20 since Excellencies can't ever give you more than 10 dice.

EDIT: And it's a scene long, so theirs little chance of it running out before you kill them.
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And remember also that most of the veterans (hell, most of everyone) in this very thread are here for the setting (which is a masterpiece) and not the system (which is shitty and useless).
martial arts and sorcery is awesome. as is the concepts of exalts.

So, Accelerator is sorta right. Their are two types of passive durability enhancing things. Soak and Hardness.
oops. wrong word

a question. what would glory girl's shield be classified as?
It's Ability 4, Essence 3.
So it's a fairly high end thing. If the balance point is that Soak tanking bleeds Motes like crazy from trying to get past it, then it should only be doable at extremely high XP count games. Conversely, if it's to see standard play, then the counter is crazy numbers of attacks to scratch through it.
If you're really interested in (Second Edition's) mechanics and for some reason are allergic to books, there's an interactive tutorial here that walks you through combat and explains stuff like soak and so on. It would probably be a better use of time than constantly asking inane mechanical questions.
So it's a fairly high end thing. If the balance point is that Soak tanking bleeds Motes like crazy from trying to get past it, then it should only be doable at extremely high XP count games. Conversely, if it's to see standard play, then the counter is crazy numbers of attacks to scratch through it.
Even with the Essence 3 Version of the Charm (which you can get in char creation), you'll still have on average a 3 dice advantage on the Soak Monster, which applies to both Offense and Defense (Assuming both have Dex 5 Melee 5 Specialty 3). Plus you can also pop Fivefold Bulwark Stance to make sure you're always parrying at your fullest DV.

Which ends with the Soak Monster unable to get through his opponents defense, with the opponent being able to much more easily do so, and in the end the battle of attrition becomes tilted towards the Melee user.
Even with the Essence 3 Version of the Charm (which you can get in char creation), you'll still have on average a 3 dice advantage on the Soak Monster, which applies to both Offense and Defense (Assuming both have Dex 5 Melee 5 Specialty 3). Plus you can also pop Fivefold Bulwark Stance to make sure you're always parrying at your fullest DV.

Which ends with the Soak Monster unable to get through his opponents defense, with the opponent being able to much more easily do so, and in the end the battle of attrition becomes tilted towards the Melee user.
Yes, but this a question for making a Soak Monster dedicated set of Charms that don't exist currently to make it so that Soak monsters aren't able to be killed without a significant investment of Motes or time, to make that exact situation you described, a Melee focused starting character stomping a Soak monster, unable to happen.

At the very least, it ought to either take long enough to be a serious obstacle of the 'impassible beat stick' sort, or take a serious spending of Motes to get through. It would probably involve a way to boost Hardness to the point that Exalts of the same category and Essence rating have to spend Motes for the chance to hit in the first place.

1once per tick automatic blocking thingy.

Actually, given the amount of time between blocks, I think that it would more likely be a conditional 3 or 4 auto-block/negate per tick. Like, only triggers once per X Speed total.
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Okay, @Kinunatzs , you want Exalted "Lore", descriptions of what Exalts are actually capable of?
Then stop asking for game mechanics. It doesn't matter what numbers the game uses, or whether it's called soak or hardness, or other stuff like that.

Well anyway, let me give you a description of the "Lore" on what an Exalt is capable of, in terms of durability.
A Solar Swordswoman can be shot at by an army, and turn aside every single arrow they fire at her with her blade. She can even protect the defenseless child she is protecting. To strike her, you need to be better than the best swordsman who has ever lived. It is this way because she is just that experienced at anticipating every angle of attack and making her sword glide through fluid parries, because she swings her sword with such ease and such force that she can counter this hail of arrows. But this isn't automatic - she can run out of stamina to do so, or she can be bested by a skilled opponent.
A Exalt can be tough enough that their body is as durable as inch-thick supernaturally hardened steel plate. They can be tough enough to turn aside a hammer made from solid magic gold, or withstand the bite of a T-Rex with barely a scratch. But that can be overcome - they aren't forever immune to such attacks. Maybe they can withstand three such blows, but the fourth might damage them. A more precise strike may harm them, or they may be able to withstand an exploding volcano but be hurt by the fiery sword of another Exalt.

You seem to be looking for some sort of comparison to comicbook superheroes, and the really strong ones like that.
But that's not the sort of story Exalted is telling. Exalted tells the story of the heroes of mythology - it's Achilles and Gilgamesh and Sun Wukong and Emer, and many other (less eurocentric) heroes. Their story isn't measured in what sort of force they can exert or overcome, they're measured in their deeds and foes and challenges.
There's a lot of difference in how such heroes engage with the world and their peers, and trying to reduce it down to a simple number-measuring contest rather cheapens that.