Perfect Heist Stratagem
Cost: 5m
Minimums: Larceny 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any Larceny Excellency

The Solar understands living nature and the philosophy of security, easily assessing strengths and weaknesses.

This Charm is a simple action in which the Solar observes a structure or restricted space like a guarded camp. She rolls [Perception/Intelligence + Larceny] at Difficulty 1. If opposed by security officers, guard rotations, codewords and the like, she subtracts an external penalty equal to the character with the highest [Wits+Investigation/2].

Success on this roll informs the Solar of all purpose-built entrances, noting which receive the most traffic. If the target has hidden entrances, she becomes aware of them, but must seek them out for herself. She also receives an accurate summary of guard numbers, their posts and patrols.

AN: This charm calls back to a 1e mechanic in Drama and Systems of 'casing a location', which should still be a corebook mechanic. I made sure this Charm is compatible with other effects like Evidence-Discerning Method. I had a thought that threshold successes on the base roll would 'negate' that many guard encounters, but I realized that was too narrative an effect for a 2e Solar Charm- at least in that off-the-cuff-draft.

Patsy Declaration Technique
AN: What's this? A name with no charm text?

This is a deliberate reversal of Flawless-Pickpocketing Technique. Now- what SHOULD have been done, is not a New Charm but a rewritten FPT that lets you TAKE OR PLACE an object- that would have been much more efficient. I decided to include a 'spacer' here though to reveal my intentions and thoughts.

So basically, PDT would be "I place something which can't be seen done with mundane senses, and supernatural senses see it at +4 difficulty." And yes, there would be a subsequent charm that does the same thing as Stealing From Plain Sight Spirit.

Why patsy? Because the one major difference between the charms, is that Patsy lets you declare that the mark's pocket will rip, revealing the incriminating evidence. That being said, I realize that maybe it would be better to force separate actions- so you have one player plant the mark, and then another player does something to reveal the planted evidence- like the archer using Accuracy Without Distance to rip over a planted coin purse full of 'illegal' jade.

Solar Security Practice
Cost: 3m
Minimums: Larceny 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequsites: Any Larceny Excellency

From single-pin tumblers to weighted vault doors, the Solars bind their secrets with great skill.

This Charm supplements any attempt to lock or secure a single entrance or object, be it physical or magical. Any mundane attempt to pick the lock fails automatically, breaking mundane tools. Magical attempts such as Lock-Opening Touch are attempted at +4 difficulty.

Prospective thieves and interlopers recognize the security as an Obvious Effect, knowing peril will follow if they try to break the door or cut out the lock. When broken, warded entrances glow intangible gold, as bright as a totemic anima, and throwing a pillar of golden light into the sky. Strongboxes or locked scrolls instead immolate themselves in sunfire, sacrificing and entrusting their secrets to the Unconquered Sun as a form of prayer. Few Solars in the Second Age know of this, and the Sun has not deigned to comment on any gains from its use.

AN: So as I wrote this charm, I actually was thinking it's too narrow for a Solar effect- while yes it works on anything that can be locked, it feels almost Dragonblooded- not weak, just focused. I ended up making it broader as I was writing it though.

The more dominant house for 'locks' in Solar thematics would be Craft, of all things because of humans = tool users - but that runs into the same problem of being extremely specific- and we have Thaumaturgy for that with Warding rituals.

I still like the name and crunch of the charm though. And the bit about the prayer-cash is fun.
Ultimately, complexity of mechanics should be a tradeoff between appropriateness to concept (not necessarily the same as simulation accuracy), ease of balance, and ease of understanding. Keeping a third kind of penalty has absolutely nothing to do the first, it's about the second - it's useful to have, essentially, a category for "difficulties we don't care about" - difficulties that are allowed to be ignored with sufficient magic.

I ran into this when designing Wards for oMage - I ended up using external penalties for one kind and difficulties for another, because it was very important that it not be trivially easy to negate the penalty from certain kinds of Wards in order to preserve the setting.

As far as internal vs. external penalties... probably the same deal, though I don't know that you need two different stages of "hard to get rid of penalties."
In a word, yes.

A bit longer:
The internal/external difference seems to be largely there for the way they interact with penalty negators. Success Adders generally don't care about External Penalties, as they just add successes. But dice pools and their adders interact interestingly with Internal Penalties due to the way Essence is always the minimum dicepool for Exalts (except for Wound Penalties and Split Actions). Or how Sidereals get to negate penalties before counting bonus dice for their cap. Or the way Salty Dog Method and That Bureaucracy Purchase Anything With Reduced Penalties Charm.

"No amount of rain, smoke nor shaky ship deck can ever make me clumsier" is a narratively different statement than "I can hit a ¼-inch target at nine hundred yards".
So after much research, and not a bit of bias, I have come to the conclusion that the Exalted who have the best shot of creating a Magi-tech based society. Not a first age society, but perhaps at a local level they could make something around the level of the Shogunate, atre the Green Sun Princes.

There are three main hurdles to overcome as I see it, and they all tie into each other; power, infrastructure and expertise.

You need Hearthstones to fuel your various wonders, which means you need magical infrastructure in the form of Manses and the tools to create your artifacts as well as the blessings of gods, elementals or Demons, not to mention the raw materials needed to make them. And on top of that you need people other than a couple of Exalted to perform routine maintenance and create the lesser Artifacts and help you create the serious infrastructure, otherwise your Exalted would spent most of her time struggling just to keep the lights on.

Now, what to Infernals have that the other Exalted don't?

Simply put, of everyone in Creation they have the easiest access to Hell, its demons and its technology and the best Demon-Summoning spell in the entire game series.

So what am I getting at? One of the biggest problems with artifacts more advanced than Daiklave is fueling them, Hearthstones are made from Manses which are a bitch to make and defend, you lose a manse and you may well lose your war-strider. But Chalcanth and Chalcanth Reservoirs are far, far simpler to create. The Reservoirs are a 1-dot artifact, a well trained mortal could make one! And the process to create Chalcanth with a first circle demon is a 1st degree thaumaturgy ritual with a difficulty equal to the demon's essence, so stick to low essence demons and it's fairly simple.

Chalcanth has an equal amount of motes that the demon it was made from had and it losses an amount equal to twice the normal required Hearthstone, so if it needed a two dot Hearthstone, then the Chalcanth in the Reservoir would lose four motes per hour. So you obviously couldn't use them to fuel the really advanced stuff for any length of time, but it is easier to create an infrastructure to create the Reservoirs, beckon the demons (if you're feeling squimish you can use non-sapient demons like Fermin and the Passion Morays.) and dissolve them into Chalcanth than it is to build all of the dozens of manses that you'd need to support a Magi-tech society of any degree of sophistication. You could have entire factories beckoning demons, which is easier than you'd think as Passion Morays hate tin, forcing them to the vats of Vitriol and dissolved store in Cecelyne glass containers until they're needed in a Chalcanth Reservoir.

It doesn't solve your power demands, but it certainly takes a lot of the pressure off of you and frees up your Hearthstones for use on more important stuff without disrupting the day to day runnings of your city. Like a WMD to keep those filthy filthy Immaculates off of your back!

So, that is one hurdle reduced (not eliminated, try to use a Chalcanth Reservoir for something that needs a 5-dot Hearthstone and feel the regret, they're for small stuff that none-the-less requires juice.) On to the others, expertise! For a Solar Tier Exalted this is easy, summon the right demons and use your training charms to make your mortal(ish) followers smart and skilled enough to be useful, this was never going to be as hard to solve as far as power is. What you've got going for you is easy access to the likes of Ligier and the other Demon-Princes. Ligier would gladly support your city if you promised to make him the prime deity of the cities cult, providing him with prayer in exchange for resources, training and a really big sword in bad situations.

This ties into Infrastructure as well; with some work your city is literally ten days away from Malfeas, their technology, their demons and their resources; that includes tools and raw materials that can make Artifacts. Sure you city or small nation will be tainted by Hell, but do your people care if their streetlights are green, their shrines are to demon lords far away in the boiling depths of hell or if their conveniences of are fuelled by the suffering of potentially sapient beings? No, all they care about is being warm in the winter, having a full belly, their children safe and educated.
And the fact that the last time the Raksha showed up they were driven off by soldiers armed and armoured in black Malfean Iron and their glowing emerald lord.

Now, none of this isn't something that another Exalted couldn't do. It is quite easy to imagine an enterprising young Twilight courting Ligier for his crafting abilities in exchange for prayer from his city, but they simply aren't going to have an easy time of it like the Green Sun Princes are, for one thing the Demons actually like them. Beyond that they have an entire branch of Charms that is made to make lesser demons easier to control, so even if you don't summon all of them you should be able to control them well enough if you're careful.

Of course things aren't exactly peachy, beckoning demons is risky business, especially if you get the more powerful ones who can fuel your infrastructure for longer. Breakouts are going to happen. Not to mention that the Demon Princes aren't all that nice, even Ligier isn't exactly what you'd call a kind man, trying to keep the maddened whims of a chained Titan-soul from ruining everything is going to be trying at times.

The question is, is it worth it?
You brought up Infernals and how they shape the world, but didn't bring up their manse/demesne making capabilities? What about all the territory charms they possess!? Granted, most of them are homebrew, but still! Do not underestimate the power to literally reshape the world into your fortress (even if as an Infernal you and your followers have a different idea of constitues "defensible ground" due to being natural born mountain climbers, owning gills, and or can simply fade into the dust.

HIGHWAY TO HELL (Infernal Geomancy Clarification)
The Yozis are egotistical creatures who demand that all conform to their mad dreams, but are sworn never to extend their corrosive influence into the mortal world. Amongst the Charms available to the unbound Green Sun Princes, however, are a few that alter the fabric of local geomancy. Unless otherwise specified, these Charms convert Wyld-tainted land into pure Creation, and are not restricted by the surrounding terrain - Holy Land Infliction creates barren deserts, but can be used in a body of water to create a salt lake or dead sea.

Demesnes in these hellscapes develop appropriate quirks over the years (or decades, or centuries, depending on their rating) - an Earth demesne in a region of eternal night might shift to focus on the darkness below, for example. Demesnes with an entirely contradictory aspect - such as a Wood demesne in a Cecelorum blight, or a Solar demesne in almost any hellscape - instead wither away over this time period, their power flowing elsewhere. As a result of this alien colonization, any hellscape with a radius greater than five miles becomes a persistent Blasphemy to which Heaven will respond, sending agents of all stripes to cleanse it from the Loom.

This world-claiming rapacity does not lend itself well to co-operation. Different hellscapes cannot coexist, and whenever one would expand into territory previously claimed by another, it provokes a roll-off - each hellscape uses (creator's Essence), adding bonus dice equal to the factor by which it outsizes the other hellscape. The Althing does not yet know of any Heretical magic capable of smoothing over such clashes. Targeting an existing hellscape with another geomantic Charm provokes a normal roll-off - so it is more efficient to use countermagic beforehand.

Included in this clarification are some changes to Holy Land Infliction, to help it fit in this model:

HOLY LAND INFLICTION (Unofficial Charm Errata)
This Charm functions as described in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (pp. 125), except that its activation is a ritual that takes fifteen minutes and produces an initial desert with a radius of (Infernal's Charisma x 100) yards. Its expansion occurs as described, but is measured in increased diameter rather than square yards. The countermagic required to cleanse the blight is not based on the Infernal's Essence rating - instead, Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.

Calloused City Growth
Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action, one hour)
Keywords: Shaping, Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Obvious, Geomantic
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Countless Cities Clotting

In his dreams, Malfeas sees that there are other places, other ways that he could be that would not leave him trapped within himself. Yet even in his nightmares, whenever he would escape they have just become part of his prison. By shedding her blood on a non-magical structure in a place of habitation, this Charm permits the warlock to taint it with the living essence of Malfeas. Over the course of the next hour, the structure transmutes to a structure of basalt and other stones found in the Demon City. This also paves over everything within (Essence x 20) yards of the structure, unless the ground was already developed for use or habitation. The Infernal may choose to have the targeted structure change forms to any other non-magical structure with a Resources value less than or equal to her Essence, which takes a day plus an extra day per dot of Resources added above its original value. She may also reconfigure an already-affected building by touching it, and reactivating this Charm for the reduced cost of 8m. Such buildings show the mien of Malfeas cleanly in their impossible towers, strangely organic shapes, and peculiar buttresses. The source of the alien nature of the geometry can be determined with a Difficulty 2 (Wits + Occult) roll.

The Calloused City receives (Essence/2, rounded down) manse points to represent the magical effects of the supernal power running within them, which can only be spent on manse features in the following list, and which are spent as if they were for a Malfeas-aspected manse. Storytellers may veto any combinations or choices which would invalidate the themes of Malfeas or this Charm's purpose of providing supernatural architecture. If the Infernal raises their Essence, all Calloused Cities already existing retroactively gain any extra manse points, developing as the Infernal would wish. For any manse power which has an effect based on the manse rating, the Calloused City counts as a manse with rating (Essence/2, rounded down). The Calloused City may not take Drawbacks, and any manse feature which would mandate drawbacks has them waived, for Malfeas knows no such flaws.
Zero dot powers: All permitted
One dot powers: All powers from Oadenol's Codex apart from Network Node; Mutagenic
Two dot powers: Archive, Bound Servitor, Dangerous Traps, Hidden Passages, Limited Mobility, Immutable (No maintenance drawback), Master's Workshop Manse, Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis
Three dot powers: Armoured, Fortress, Life Sustaining, Provider, Puzzle Manse, Regeneration, Temple Manse (Malfeas, demons descended from him, or the Infernal only), Ultra Deadly Traps
Four dot powers: Chasm of the Material, Consecrated, Essence Shield, Outside Fate, Ultra Deadly Perimeter Defences, Wyld Revocation (physical laws of Malfeas)
Five dot powers: Otherworld Gate (Malfeas only, requires walking down five days of silver sand-floored corridors)

Use of countermagic on an affected structure only prevents the transmutation if it has not yet completed. If the building has fully changed, countermagic leaves it as a mundane structure composed of Malfean materials.

Creation-Consuming Conurbation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Calloused City Growth

In five thousand years of Malfeas, the Demon City has split a thousand times, his inverted agony spilling out. He will do so forevermore. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. The Calloused City spreads across the land as the essence of Malfeas proves too great to contain in a single structure. Non-magical structures within (Essence x 20) yards of a Calloused City begin to be absorbed into the City. Each structure is targeted separately and consecutively, and takes (Resources value) weeks to be fully affected, with the City expanding from there once the structure is completely absorbed.

If there are no structures within range, the Calloused City begins to build a single new structure on the boundary, which builds itself as a Shaping effect creating the raw materials from the pervasive essence of Malfeas. The rate of construction is as if (Infernal's Essence) workers were working on the project day and night. Each individual with an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal within the Calloused City counts as another worker. When they sleep, they dream of hammering and building and backbreaking labour, losing a dice from their roll to regain Willpower from rest as an Emotion effect. Each separate structure absorbed by the Calloused City manifests its own manse features; for example, each building would have its own Bound Servitor, or every basement has a tunnel in it which leads to Malfeas for an Otherworld Gate. Should a Calloused City grow larger than ten miles across in any direction, it becomes a permanent Blasphemy.

Individual structures may be countermagicked with Emerald Countermagic – although the Calloused City will try to reabsorb them – and Sapphire Countermagic counters the Charm entirely. If all affected structures are individually countermagicked, the Charm also ends.

Source: EarthScorption

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Until stopped
Prerequisite Charms: Transcendent Desert Creature

The Infernal's Yozi power grinds glowing sparks of Essence
from his anima, each a microscopic portal into the Endless
Desert that explodes on contact with the ground to spread
her sands over the earth, covering an area of 10 square yards.
Ground touched by this Charm is not simply covered in a
fine layer of silver sand; the soil itself transmutes down to
the bedrock and loses all fertility. Non-magical vegetation
withers and dies after a day spent rooted in this terrain, with
all biomass supernaturally decaying into more sand after a
second day. All natural animals leave and shun the place
unless specifically adapted for life in the desert. Structures
remain intact, though heavy buildings may eventually sink
into the sands. An uncapped demesne may eventually shrink,
grow or shift aspects with enough time as normal for such
a radical shift in geography. Used in the Wyld, the affected
area becomes part of Creation. The Charm otherwise functions
normally in all other realms of existence.
An area marked by this Charm is a place of physical
desolation, but more than that, it is a literal beachhead of the
Endless Desert's glory. All Holy Charms cost an additional
mote to activate within the area. All prayers to Cecelyne
or any Infernal who helped create the blight spoken from
within the area benefit from a -1 target number (typically 6),
provided the supplicant spills blood on the sand as a sacrifice
to lower the difficulty. More importantly, the blight has the
potential for growth if the supplicant ritually executes a god
or Exalt as an offering in this way, with Dragon-Blooded/
Terrestrial deities adding (the victim's Essence rating x 100)
square yards or (Essence x 500) square yards for Celestial gods
and Exalted. Gods killed as sacrifices this way die forever and
do not reform. The sacrifice's spilled blood and shredded
flesh convert into fountains of choking sand dotted with
glowing shards of Essence-fused glass unlike any crystals
found in Creation. These shards are worth Resources 5 as a
collection. The blight also grows in response to any resident
social units actively worshiping Cecelyne or the blight's
creator from within its borders, adding 10 square yards per
dot of the unit's Magnitude per day so long as all members
spend at least five hours a day in prayer there.

If the blight intersects another area consecrated by this
Charm, the two zones merge into one. Cecelyne cannot conceal
her presence once the contiguous blight reaches 10 square
miles. The area becomes a persistent Blasphemy, and Heaven
will respond. The countermagic required to stop the spread
is based on the Infernal's Essence rating, not the Charm's
minimum Essence of 3, and must be cast from the exact
center of the blight. However, countermagic only converts
the area back into mundane desert. The spell Benediction
of Archgenesis (see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. II—The
White Treatise, p. 88) completely counters and reverses all
traces of this Charm's use within its area of effect.

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Cult 2, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Messianic, Shaping
Duration: Until complete
Prerequisite Charms: Holy Land Infliction
The Infernal basks in the worship of her followers,
harvesting and focusing the Essence from their symphony of
obscene chants and mad rites into a mockery of geomantic
power. This Charm can only be activated within an area the
Exalt has blighted with Holy Land Infliction. For as long as
the area remains marked as a Dune-Drowned Oasis Ritual site,
worshipers can "build" a level one Cecelyne demesne using the
same overall rules as building a manse (see Exalted, p. 133).
For this ritual to work, the Infernal must design a catechism
for the project as per blueprint construction, using
Linguistics in place of Craft (Lore and Occult requirements
remain as is). Only another character who knows this Charm
can check the accuracy of the rites. The cost of raw materials
is the same as for slave labor, representing consumed ritual
implements and carefully planned offerings. All members
of the workforce must belong to the Infernal's cult, though
the Exalt herself only has to personally witness the rite begin
and remain observant for its final five days. If the constant
worship follows the catechism to success, the area consecrates
and exudes the Yozi energy of the Endless Desert as it comes
into existence attuned to the Infernal.
Terminating this Charm prior to completion spoils the
effort, requiring a completely new catechism. The ritual also
spoils if the blight reverts to mundane desert around the nascent
demesne, perhaps as a result of countermagic. Destroying the
blight after the demesne fully forms does not harm or weaken
the place of power. This Charm may be repeatedly applied to
increase the power of a demesne it has created, but each dot
of increase requires a new catechism and the same effort as if
building a manse of the new rating from scratch. Moreover, the
process of upgrading cannot take less than a year per dot.

Chirality Prohibition Index
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2;
Type: Simple (One one-hour dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude, Shaping,
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Whispering Flame embodies the perfection of design
and order as does no other. She pities the world for being less
perfect than herself, and imposes her nature upon it as an act
of mercy.
This Charm permits the warlock to re-order the land around
her to reflect the principle of hierarchy, shifting the position
of trees and walls, straightening or bending roads and rivers,
reconfiguring the arrangement of buildings or moving them
altogether to express the symmetrical perfection of a greater
design. The Infernal may reorder the landscape in any manner
she chooses, with the following limitations:
The changes she demands occur gradually, over the course of
the next hour, too slowly to inflict damage on any living thing.
The Infernal cannot intentionally create new landscape features—
she only reconfigures what is already there. The Charm
cannot reshape a demesne, the Wyld, or any area within ten
miles of the border of another landscape that has been reshaped
through Chirality Prohibition Index or Holy Land Infliction.
She might reconfigure a small village into a series of staggered
circles around a central green, or into a rigid, balanced grid.
An orchard could be rewoven into a perfect circular border of
trees around a central field whose grass has been ranked into
impressed-circles which confer the sacred order of the principle
of hierarchy. Even the sky conforms to the symmetry of She
Who Lives in Her Name, channeling clouds into a slow spiral
around the central point of her design. The imposed changes
span a circular area around the Infernal with a radius of (Willpower
x 10) yards.
The changes, when viewed from above, must reflect a greater
symmetry with the rest of the world. This symmetry is subject
only to the superior perspective of the warlock, who exudes
the truth of her Essence into the pattern of existence. Others
who look upon the Infernal's design may see only a mystifying
sprawl of indecipherable but tantalizing meaning. Such are the
limits of their minds that they cannot understand the order the
warlock seeks to bring—though they wish to.
Nearby mortals within one mile become fascinated by the
sacred geometry of the Whispering Flame, and will settle in
and around the edges of the symmetrical landscape. After each
week an individual spends lingering within a mile of the affected
area, they are automatically subjected to a social attack
with a dice pool of the warlock's (Essence + Occult). Success
counts as a scene spent working toward building an Intimacy
of loyalty toward a new social unit—a cult dedicated to the
study and veneration of the land's sacred design. This unnatural
mental influence may be resisted for two Willpower.
Once a character has gained this loyalty, she must follow the
Policy of the cult as an unnatural Servitude effect. The Infernal
constructs the group's Policy at the time of this Charm's activation,
as follows:
• Members of the cult loathe all things marked by the touch
of the Wyld—they will attempt to drive Wyld mutants, raksha
and beastmen out of the community, violently if necessary.
• Members of the cult dress in a similar, uniform manner
as defined by the Infernal. The sacred landscapes created by
She Who Lives in Her Name promote conservative black-andwhite
outfits which cover most of the body and leave little individuality
for either men or women, but Infernals may enforce
any sort of appearance they desire—or even outlaw clothing
• Members of the cult will prefer to speak a language of the
Infernal's choice, and will seek to learn the favored language
if they do not already know it. They will also refuse to speak
any languages the Infernal forbids, or to respond to individuals
who address them in forbidden tongues. She Who Lives in Her
Name permits only Old Realm to be spoken in her domains,
but Infernals may set the parameters of their dominions to their
• Members of the cult will proscribe certain knowledge as
defined by the Infernal. They will not teach forbidden information,
nor speak of it, nor tolerate its dissemination among
their ranks. This could be anything from Immaculate dogma to
histories of a region that differ from a certain tale the Infernal
has approved to knowledge of how to grow wheat—the bans
included in the group's Policy are entirely up to the warlock.
• Members of the cult will proscribe certain sorts of action as
defined by the Infernal. They will not engage in forbidden acts,
nor permit individuals who do to remain within their community.
This could be anything from worship of the gods (or of
a particular god) to homosexual relationships to leaving the
lands controlled by the cult. Again, the bans are whatever suits
the Infernal's purpose.
• Members of the cult have one obligation to the group
that they must perform, defined by the Infernal. This could
be anything from tithing money to a certain member of the
community (or to the Infernal), to providing sexual favors to
a certain class of individuals, to promoting immigration to and
settlement within the land. They also compulsively reconfigure
their habitations to conform to the greater symmetry of the Infernal's
• Members of the cult will spend at least one hour every
day attempting to puzzle out the secrets of the land's sacred
geometry. The Infernal exists as a persistent blind spot in their
awareness—they will not seek to interact with the warlock unless
she first interacts with them, and will not turn on her if
they observe her acting in violation of the cult's Policy.
Affected individuals may spend one Willpower to act against
the group's Policy for a scene. Only breaking the Intimacy will
permanently free a character from the Servitude effect.
Once the majority of the inhabitants of the region within a
mile of the sacred landscape have gained an Intimacy of loyalty
toward its cult, the range of the symmetrical landscape expands
by a radius of one mile, and its mental influence spreads out to
target all mortals within a mile of the new borders, at which
point the cycle begins to repeat itself. This expansion causes
the newly assimilated land to reconfigure itself to fit the symmetrical
pattern of the sacred land. If the land's expanding
border pushes into a region tainted by the Wyld, the tides of
chaos recede. The land is no longer Sorcerous at this time and
may no longer be destroyed by countermagic; only rooting out
the cult and engaging in public works to destroy the Infernal's
geometric patterns may return the land to normal. When the
sacred land spans ten miles or more, it becomes a persistent
When the Infernal reaches Essence 3+, hints of the landscape's
authorship begin to appear in all lands she has affected
and all lands she subsequently reshapes. Trees show a few
crystalline leaves mixed in among the normal foliage, chiming
softly when the wind stirs them. Inconsequential examples of
Malfean wildlife may be found within the altered land—faintly
luminous, hair-thin worms float upon the air; puffs of soft white
seeds fall from the clouds, sprouting crystalline flowers where
they land and take root; the Things Which Lurk in Corners
may occasionally be glimpsed at sunrise and sunset.

Kinda iffy about this one, to be honest.

Adorjan is a murderous hurricane, she doesn't make lands, she happens to them.

TED doesn't really do the whole landscaping thing. He could totally corrupt/corrode a manse/demesne though.

Great Mother's Blessed Waters

Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (One fifteen minute dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Desecration, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Tidal Renewal Discipline

Though Gaia may have included some water in her nature and been praised for her beauty, the cold depths of the Demon Sea drowned the raksha by the trillions from the very first days. Yes, Kimbery has first claim upon the depths and rivers alike, and she will not let them go. This Charm allows a warlock to taint water, twisting anything which relies upon it. The Infernal sheds his blood into a body of water, singing hymns to his own generosity. This is a fifteen minute dramatic action, and affects all bodies of water, including groundwater, within a radius of (Stamina x 100) yards around the Infernal.

Over the course of an hour, the affected waters turn bitter and cold, seeping out to create marshy bogs and ruining fields within a hundred yards of an affected body of water. If it is used on land, a body of water (Stamina) yards across will form from the marshes over the course of a month. The weather shifts, such that it rains frequently, even in the Deep South, and a residue of brightly coloured salts can be seen left on things affected by the tainted waters. Land affected by this Charm are reclaimed from the Wyld, chaos drowned by the beauty of Kimbery. Moreover, the very existence of such a tainted area counts as a loophole to allow any Kimberyian demon out of hell every new moon. An area affected by this Charm always counts as a suitable body of water for the purposes of the Sea keyword, but does not count for the Kimberyian Imperfection unless it would normally qualify.

The waters of the Great Mother twist with consummate artistry those who consume them. Any living being which gains the majority of their water in a given week from a tainted source rolls their (Stamina); failure means they gain a single Cosmetic mutation with an aquatic theme. Non-sapient creatures who get the majority of their food from mutated sources halve their Stamina for the purposes of this roll. Failures in later weeks mean they gain a 1-point mutation, up to a limit of (Infernal's Essence). Characters with at least one mutation from Kimberyian sources perceive the waters to be sweet and wholesome. Once water has been away from a tainted source for five days, or has been diluted down to being one-fifth tainted by volume, it no longer counts as coming from such a source.

Once the majority of living beings in an area have such a mutation, the waters wash outwards. Over the course of a day, the land in the affected area crumbles and erodes, gives way to water, gushing from seemingly nowhere. The original (Stamina x 100) yards are flooded, while any body of water within one hundred yards of this point is tainted in the same manner. This process can continue indefinitely, drowning mountains and deserts, though when the central body of water has a radius of five miles or greater it becomes a persistent Blasphemy. The use of countermagic on an affected area does not undo the physical changes to the area; only prolonged geomantic effort will be able to drain the flooding and shift the weather patterns.

At Essence 4+ and with the prerequisite of Spiteful Sea Tincture, this Charm may be repurchased. Reviled characters who drink from an affected body of water or consume a mutated creature suffer from a dose of Poison Lacquer. Thus does Kimbery deny her gifts to those who displease her.

Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Great Mother's Wame

Kimbery wants only the best for her children, but the hungers of her offspring can be so demanding, always wanting. Sometimes she must pass them off to other nursemaids, so that their desires can be assuaged. Though she weeps bitter acidic tears to see this, the way they grow so big and strong, with hides of toughened flesh and shining carapace and sea-drenched stone makes her so proud! This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite, adding the capacity to create manse-children. When beginning a project with Great Mother's Wame, the Infernal may instead choose to "design" a manse-child, which takes the same amount of time as they would take to design a more conventional one, save that the "design" process actually gestates a grotesquely enlarged zygote which grows at an incredibly rate, until it is the size of a full-term human infant at the end of the "design" process. Any manse designed via this process automatically has the "Living" manse power (Lords of Creation, p120), and a 1 dot Vulnerability; the manse-child dies if the living heart where the hearthstone forms is destroyed with fire. This brewing of hellish geomancy is a natural act, so a warlock may replace her (Craft: [Genesis]) and/or (Lore) ratings with (Essence-1), if she so desires. Provided the manse she is crafting has a manse rating equal to or less than her (Essence), she may also use (Stamina) in place of (Intelligence). The requirements to design a manse with Sentient, Living Manse, or any manse power that has Living Manse as a prerequisite are waived; the Sea Who Marched Against the Flame need not teach her children how to live or face the horrors of a cruel world.

The manse-child, as a living child of the waters of Kimbery, is explicitly is not designed for a single demesne, and may be born into any demesne of a rating equal to the level of its manse-rating. The birth will not occur, until the Infernal is within the grounds of such a demesne. Once that happens, labour is induced, which is, as per Great Mother's Wame, painless. However, the umbilical cord remains attached to the manse-child, and lashes out as it passes from its "mother's" body, plunging deep into the ground, to attach itself to the essence flows of the demense.

The manse-child grows and matures with shocking speed; each day that passes counts as one man-year on the manse. No other labour is required, and even things like Integrated Magitech Artillery can be emulated with grotesque weapon systems of spines and toxic crystals. Killing the manse-child is as hard as destroying any other partially completed manse. Once complete, its mother is automatically attuned to it, and this attunement may not be broken as long as the manse remains; in addition, it counts as one of her descendants for the purposes of Kimbery Charms. Its aesthetics are designed, in general terms, in the design process, and must conform to both the aesthetics of Kimbery and the aesthetics of the underlying demesne. Although they are living, and born of flesh, that does not prevent the secretion of twisted silicate shells which resemble cyclopean geometries, and other such things. It may not cap Fire, Solar, or Cytherea-aspected demesnes, unless the Exotic Aspect (Kimbery) power has been taken, and in such cases, a mandatory 2-point Fragility Flaw must be taken (overriding the normal rules on the incompatibility of those Flaws), for which no points are received, as the manse-child grows up sickly and weak, trying to contain the agonising fire that burns at its Essence flows. Sentient manse-children who suffer through this will likely suffer psychological problems and trauma, and may well be driven insane. However, once the aspect of the underlying demesne has been converted, that Flaw is removed, as the manse-child can strengthen its flesh-architecture properly without the toxic burning Essence running through it.

At Essence 4 this Charm permanently upgrades, such that the manse-child grows at a rate of (mother's Essence) man-years per day.

(Notes: This Charm lets you make manse-seeds, which you give birth to/impregnate a demense with, which grow into a manse. For the Infernal on the go, who doesn't have time to build a manse, but who does have time for a pregnancy.)
My Pretty Baby

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Pemanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Kimbery Excellency, Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

Kimbery feels terrible guilt for fostering her babies upon other teats. In her benevolence, she tries to make it up to them, and showers her gifts upon them to make up for such tragic abandonment. This Charm permanently upgrades all manses made via Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, with the following features:
• All such manses count as having a Network Node, connecting to all other manses made by the same Infernal, which does not count towards their total number of points. All the inlets of Kimbery are the same ocean, after all. These Nodes may not communicate with any non-manse-children, however.
• All such manses are treated as if they are Beloved by the Infernal, unless this is overridden by them becoming Reviled.
• The "Sentient" power in Chapter 2 of Oedenal's Codex is treated as if it is italicised and is favoured regardless of the aspect of the Demesne, allowing it to be taken by any manse for 4 Creation Points.
• As long as the Infernal ingests an appropriate exotic component for the aspect of the manse to be built and the nature of the manse-child, one extra Creation point is granted. For example, the sexual fluids of a Sidereal would be perfect for a Sidereal-aspected manse. This is increased to two extra Creation points as long as the manse is Kimbery or Vitriol aspected. These extra points may only be spent on features favoured by that aspect, or on manse powers that have Living Manse as a prerequisite. Traces appropriate to the source of the exotic component will be left in the manse, especially if it has been given the Sentient quality; the eyes that wriggle in the walls, and the colour of the fleshy walls might be all too familiar to the "father", for example.

At Essence 4, this power improves further. When creating the manse-child, as long as the Infernal ingests or obtains an appropriate exotic component for the aspect of the manse, rather than receive the aforementioned bonus they may instead cap a demense with a manse one dot higher rated than the manse. For example, the Infernal could cap a 3-dot demesne with a 4-dot manse. The difficulty of all design rolls and the required construction time would be that of a 3-dot manse, but the resultant structure would be a 4-dot manse in all regards (producing a 4-dot hearthstone, having creation points equivalent to a 4-dot manse [see The Books of Sorcery, vol. III—Oadenol's Codex], and so forth). Kimbery does not play fair with her children, and so the Infernal may still deliberately weaken her designs to produce one-dot manses, if desired. If used to design a 5-dot manse, My Pretty Baby does not raise it to N/A level, instead providing six additional creation points with which to design its features, gives it the Sentient quality for free, and it makes the manse a potential geomantic channel to sustain a N/A level manse elsewhere.

(Notes: Upgrades your Manse-babies, via the power of Kimbery, so they're worth more than just casting Raising the Pussiant Sanctum. Quite a bit referenced from Design Beyond Limit, but this is a specifically manse-focussed Charm, while that one is more general craft. Kimbery should build better living manses than Solars.)

Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling

Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Seared Fruits of Union, Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

The children of Kimbery need not content themselves with just the paltry fare of Creation. No, she has taught them to always demand the best, and so they shall have it, like ticks upon the dragonlines of Creation, warping the local geometry to feed their beautiful growth. With her corrosive waters, she impregnates those things which come within her reach and catch her eye infusing them with her progenitive Essence. This Charm permanently upgrades Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead. When the Infernal designs a Kimbery or Vitriol-aspected manse for a level 1 demesne, she need not place it on a pre-existing demesne. Instead, using Seared Fruits of Union, the Infernal may impregnate a suitable building, barren mountain, river, lake, bog, seaside, collection of limpid pools high in the mountains, or otherwise geomantically auspicious place with the manse-child, which latches onto the structure or feature with its umbilical cord.

Its growth is rather more convoluted and complicated than one of its siblings permitted a demesne to grow on, however. First, it, as it fuses with the pre-existing geography, squamous tendrils sinking into rock to burrow out a lair into the mountainside or tumourous coral growths enveloping a building. The manse-child grows into a pseudo-manse, taking as long as it would if it were a level-1 manse produced by Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, which produces no hearthstone and may not be used to regenerate motes. Once this is done, the pseudo-manse has the Living Manse, Dangerous Traps, and two points of Essence Vents powers, as the corrosive power of Kimbery arcs within it. These are paid for by 2 points of Habitability and a 2-point Vulnerability; any naked flame (including a Fire Aspected anima banner) bought into the undeveloped hearthstone chamber destroys the manse.

The pseudo-manse requires, above all, motes. It respires motes at a rate of 2m per hour, and each mote counts as one man-day of labour towards building a level 1 manse, meaning that each day, 50 man-days are contributed towards the manse. As a result, assuming uninterrupted Essence flow, the manse is built in two years. In places which resonate with the manse-aspect, this rate is doubled. As it draws on the surrounding area, the essence of Kimbery bleeds slowly into the area, affecting everything within a one mile radius of the pseudo-manse as if were a Kimbery demense, mutating mortals as normal, and warping the landscape. Rain falls often and pools, water keeps its chill in even the heat of summer, fish and other water-dwellers grow big and vicious, and anything born within this area takes, as a Desecration Effect, a Pox thematically appropriate for aquatic life. This even affects the dreams of the locals; they dream of deep seas, squirming life, and the Infernal who mothered the manse-child, which causes bad sleep. Mortals in the affected area lose one dice to rolls to recover Willpower, as a fear-based Emotion effect. Once the pseudo-manse has "built" itself by feeding off Essence, it manifests as the designed manse, with a Level 1 Demense underneath it. The effect on the landscape and area ceases, although the landscape and its inhabitants will be scarred by their experiences.

However, if there is an uncapped Demesne within (Demesne's Rating squared) miles of the pseudo-manse, the manse-child will, in addition, draw the rich, concentrated Essence from the nearest demesne, sending questing tendrils underground to suckle from it. The demesne generates no motes while the pseudo-manse is draining it, but for each day that it drains it, it counts as 10 man-years towards the manse, rather than 50 man-days. The draining tendrils have the statistics of Ichor Flux Tendrils, and "grapple" the geomancy of the area, attacking anyone who attacks them. If destroyed, they take a number of days equal to (the distance in miles +1) from the pseudo-manse to the demesne to regenerate, and will attempt to drain again. Once the manse and demesne are complete, the rating of any targeted demesne which has provided more than (demense-rating x 10) man years is permanently reduced by 1 point. The pseudo-manse may not feed off Fire, Solar, or Cytherea-aspected demesnes.

As an as-yet-unknown, innate Heretical feature of this Charm, Green Sun Princes who have developed and learned their own Excellency via Triumphant Howl of the Devil Tiger may also create manse-children aspected towards themselves via this method, even if they have no other way to create demesnes aspected towards themselves. The product of one's loins know who their mother is, after all.

(Notes: Lets your manse-babies begin on places which aren't manses, forming a demesne by sucking all the local Essence flows to them, and then growing into a manse. And, sure, they might taint the entire area towards Kimbery, too, but that's just because they're so adorable.)

Potential-Drowning Depths Dweller

Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling

To Kimbery, the Wyld is but a transient thing, to be replaced by her artistic vision, and her children shall bring it to completion. This Charm permanently improves Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, allowing it to be used on a single waypoint in the Wyld. The Infernal may design any Kimbery-aspected manse with a manse rating of (Essence/2) or less, following the normal rules for manses designed using that Charm, and give birth to it in a Wyld Zone. The newborn manse-child draws upon the changing energies of the Wyld, drowning it in the cold depths of Kimbery. In the bordermaches, each day counts as 5 man-years towards completion, in the Middlemarches, each day counts as 10 man years towards completion, and in the Deep Wyld and in Pure Chaos each day counts as 20 man years towards completion. To be used in the Deep Wyld or Pure Chaos, the manse must be designed with the "Traveling" Feature, as it will drift free on the tides of the Wyld; ones in the bordermarches or middlemarches are sufficiently anchored to Creation to stay static.

However, such manse-children do not act like normal manses. They do not produce a hearthstone and receive no bonus Creation points for that, instead flooding the entire waypoint with Kimberyian Essence, reshaping it, as they lock it into shape. The entire waypoint is made part of Creation, for as long as the manse-child remains in place; its death allows the Wyld to attempt to unmake the land again. The manse-child expands over the entire waypoint, although there is a central body which will appear as a normal manse, and so manse powers can be used over the entire area without needing to purchase Zone of Influence. The Essence of Kimbery fills the entire place, making any child born or made within it a Creature of Darkness, and count as one of the Infernal's descendents as a Desecration Effect, and granting 6 mutation points to be spent on appropriately themed positive mutations, which may be either set by the Infernal whenever they stand in the empty hearthstone chamber, or permitted to vary based on the manse's aesthetics. Moreover, each day spent within such a place count as one scene towards building an Intimacy of "Unconditional Love and Obedience" towards the Infernal who gave birth to the manse-child.

The tendrils of the manse-child suffuse the land, making it like wet clay in the hands of its mother. While standing in the vacant hearthstone chamber, the Infernal may reshape anywhere within the waypoint as if they knew Wyld-Shaping Technique, treating the land as Middlemarches. All such changes must be compatible with the aesthetics of Kimbery and her Excellency, and the Infernal may only create (or modify) Land, People, or Wealth. In addition, it also calcifies any Unshaped Fair Folk who enters it after a number of ticks equal to (11 - Infernal's Essence), rendering them down into vitriolic sludge which screams eternally in drowning agony in an amusing similarity to Chalcanth (and has some interesting, little-known properties in crafting).

(Notes: Because Kimbery has her own way for taking over the Wyld. And lol Fair Folk. You think you matter.)


Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Devil-Weed Growth
Spitting out a gobbet of his own gore, the warlock mutters a sublingual claim of investment, a ritual gargle lasting no less than fifteen minutes. The bloody seed flourishes once it is complete, spreading fleshy roots through rapidly composting ground and spraying grey spores that taste of copper into the air. By the end of the day, it has sprouted into a twisted morass with a radius of (Infernal's Stamina x 100) yards. This mass of crazed vegetation thrives regardless of the surrounding environment, though it takes "inspiration" from local life where possible. Any Wyld-tainted land within the affected area immediately becomes part of Creation.

Tangled roots and squirming sludge render this whole region extreme terrain (Exalted, pp. 266) for dramatic travel, and render local movement at least as difficult as moving through knee-deep mud (though the penalty is considered plant-based). Life churns and flourishes to an almost unhealthy degree, applying a -2 external penalty to any roll to resist Sickness effects or plant-based Poisons within the jungle. Animals and insects grow oversized in air that fogs thick and warm, while fruits and flowers swell to the point of obscenity, reflecting the Infernal's anima in their aspect. This reduces the difficulty of foraging to one, though it becomes no safer.

Fertile though this bayou is, it cannot help but hunger for more. Spilt blood is quickly soaked up by the grey roots of ravenous plants, while corpses rot away within hours. Each week, the jungle creeps outward in response to any blood sacrifices made within its borders to Metagaos, the Infernal, or one of their representatives. Its radius increases by 25 yards for every Magnitude dot's worth of health levels sacrificed that week (fatally or otherwise). This expansion is halved if the majority of health levels came from unintelligent animals, while it doubles if they came from victims who do not dwell within the swamp itself. These modifiers stack. The jungle becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius.

Cutting or burning away the jungle allows clear passage for a while, but it regrows completely within an hour of the plants' removal. Holy effects or magical fire extend this to (Essence rating of source) hours. Non-magical structures require continuous effort to maintain in the face of creeping vines and moss. Countermagic simply removes the region's unnatural fecundity, converting it into a mundane swamp that remains until removed by active effort or environmental factors. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.


Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (10 – Essence) hours
Prerequisite Charms: Flesh-Weaving Tendrils, Luscious Jungle Germination
In the wake of Primordial surrender, whole hosts of Fire Aspects marched through the lands touched by Metagaos, heated blades felling great trees that bled and screamed. They purged such things from Creation, for they should not exist. This Charm is a dramatic action taking (10 – Essence) hours of meditation, during which the warlock designs a Metagaos-aspected manse with a rating no greater than (Essence - 1) and just half the usual power points, using (Intelligence + Medicine). His insides visibly churn as internal microflora devour and breed – then he regurgitates a grey manse-seed, about the size of a human head, which lasts one day before decaying into Essence.

To use this manse-seed, the Infernal must plant it in one of his luscious jungles and shed three health levels worth of blood over it. It digs in roots, ensuring that it will not naturally die, and opens a passive plant-mouth into which corpses or blood can be dumped. Once the manse-bud has consumed (rating x 100) health levels' worth of gore, it blossoms into a full manse-flower, using the Infernal's design. Living victims can be tossed in, suffering a hazard equivalent to an acid bath until they escape, clambering up slippery internal walls with a difficulty 4 climbing roll.

Every aspect of the manse-flower's makeup is organic. Leaf-like veins form smooth arches, while oversized alveoli cushion bedchambers. Powers are similarly fleshy, such that bound servants must be either Genesis-guardians cultivated from architectural tissue, or demons of Metagaos. It automatically receives the Living and Exotic Aspect (Metagaos) powers at no cost, and can take a special version of the Sentient power that costs two fewer points than normal, but derives its personality from the overall mentality of those sacrificed to create it as though they were an organization with a united set of Policies.

The flower is not a true manse, and therefore forms no hearthstone, provides no motes, cannot lend or receive manse points, and cannot be rendered Indestructible - in fact, it suffers from a single automatic dot of Fragility. It receives no Drawback points for these innate downsides. Any Maintenance requirements must involve blood sacrifice. Since it relies on its fertile surroundings for sustenance, none of its powers can guard against the jungle's magical traits. However, a radius of jungle (rating x 50) yards around the manse is rendered immune to countermagic, a warded area within which no further manse-seeds can be successfully planted.

With Essence 5+ this Charm can be used to create a seed for an actual Metagaoiyn manse. This usage doubles its cost, design time, and the sacrificed health levels necessary for it to flower. It must be planted in a tainted jungle, on a Wood, Water, Vitriol or Metagaos-aspected demesne with an appropriate rating. It wards a radius of (rating) miles from countermagic. All the usual downsides of this construction are waived, but the benefits remain.


Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Until ended
Prerequisite Charms: Mythic Glory Wrought, Hand and Quern Grindstones
Standing near the center of an area of exposed earth or stone at least (Charisma x 10) yards in radius, the Infernal asks the question: "What will remain when all else has fallen?" In reply, the ground trembles. Concentric circles of vast megalithic arches rise from the bedrock within the designated radius. As one they growl in stony voices: "Your name. Your legend. Your life." In the center of the structure emerges a stele carved in the likeness of the Infernal and bearing his name in Old Realm. A praising account of the Infernal's exploits to date adorn the base the monument, in any language or combination of languages the Infernal knows and desires. This counts as written social attack to convince any reader of the Infernal's glory, with a number of automatic successes equal to the Infernal's (Charisma + Essence) and a Linguistics rating equal to his (Linguistics or Craft [Earth]). The stele continuously updates its account, marking all notable events in the Infernal's life.
This Charm may be used in Creation or similarly shaped lands (the relic landscape of Zen-mu, for example, if it could be found) or areas close enough that the radius of this Charm at least touch that land. The land becomes part of whatever realm it borders and cannot be activated within ten miles of the border of a land shaped with Chirality Prohibition Index or Holy Land Infliction (and vice versa) or within five miles of another application of this Charm.
The land within this radius becomes the property of the Infernal automatically. Beings with higher Essence may contest this effect with an Essence roll off, to which the Infernal adds (Followers) automatic successes. While within this area, the Infernal gains a +1 situational bonus die on all his actions as his legend feeds back into himself. Additionally, anyone within the area who does not confess before the Infernal or his stele that he is their superior receives a -1 External Penalty while in this land.
The land is attuned to the Infernal's legend. Whenever he accomplishes a key facet of his Motivation such that he would regain a willpower (Exalted, p. 89) or whenever he accomplishes his Motivation, he may reflexively reactive this Charm wherever he is. He demands to know the present state of his glory; far off, a megalith of his choice respond in a voice that thunders over the horizon. If he accomplished an aspect of his Motivation, the affected territory surrounding that megalith expands its radius by (Charisma x 100) yards and the original central region rises by (Charisma x 25) yards; the area is now considered Difficult Terrain as it slopes and sheers to accommodate the nascent mountain. If he completed his Motivation, the region expands by one mile and rises by one thousand feet; the area is now considered Extreme Terrain. The maximum radius of area is (Followers) miles; its maximum height is (Followers x 5) thousand feet. If this expanding region contacts another like it, the two growing mountains merge into the spine of new-born mountain range. As the land shifts and buckles during its reshaping, structures can be damaged or destroyed, as though the Infernal had employed Footsteps Like Thunder throughout the region for the duration of one hour. During the upheaval that occurs when the Infernal completes his Motivation, all structures not made of stone and with a Resource cost less than his Essence are automatically shaken apart and destroyed.
Once the megalith increases its height by two-thousand feet, for either reason, the region becomes a persistent Blasphemous effect and Yu-shan will respond accordingly. The countermagic needed to terminate this effect is based on the Infernal's current Essence or Followers, whichever is higher, rather then minimum Essence of the Charm.


Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Entourage 2
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Megalithic Orogeny Memorial
Every stone and cliff within the Infernal's dominion is suffused with his legend. This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. When he creates a megalith, all the stone arches are also engraved with a written and pictorial account of his exploits.The written social attack inflicted by the stele now affects everyone who enters the original radius of the megalith, literate and illiterate alike and does so once a day. If successful the attack counts as (Followers) scenes spent building an Intimacy toward the Infernal's legend.
A second purchase of this Charm causes his legend to pour through the entire region surrounding the megalith. Any territory under the effects of Megalithic Orogeny Memorial speak of the Infernal's glory. From certain angles a cliff face resembles his profile; from the air, forests and rivers crudely spell out his name. Anyone venturing within this territory encounters the social attack once a week.
While new megaliths gain this benefit immediately, older ones are only upgraded appropriately when the Infernal reflexively expands that territory.


Cost: — (+5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Entourage 3
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Megalithic Orogeny Memorial
To affirm Mardukth's majesty, the earth rose in song. By such music, the tide of chaos was driven back. This Charm permanently enhances Megalithic Orogeny Memorial. Unless otherwise prohibited by the application of another area-affecting Charm, the Infernal may activate Megalithic Orogeny Memorial within five miles of another application of this Charm, even if this would place it outside the lands of Creation or similar territory. In this way, he may expand his influence into the Wyld and elsewhere. Additionally when he is given the opportunity to reflexively activate Megalithic Orogeny Memorial to expand one region, he may pay an additional five motes to simultaneously expand all additional regions he created within five miles of the chosen one. A second purchase at Essence 5+, Followers 4+ allows the Infernal to pay an additional five motes (for a total of +10m) to expand all megaliths within five miles of the secondary megaliths affected. With Followers 5, the Infernal may continue repurchasing this Charm each time his Essence increases, expanding all his megaliths within five miles of previous set for another five motes.

I really like this set, mainly because the other charms don't let you RAISE UP A FUCKING MOUNTAIN! THAT IS SO AWESOME AND I JUST LOVE THIS SET!

Keep in mind that almost all the Yozis have ways of shaping their followers, and these changes make them more adept at living in that Yozi's environment. Cecelyne give hands out Transcendent Desert Creature alongside her locusts, Kimbery can make you breathe liquid while in her presence or just straight up gift you some gills (which raises an interesting question, do most of Kimbery's demons have gills, or do they just rely on being her beloved children to not drown due to the second purchase of Fathomless Poison Haven? Does this also mean most of Kimbery's demons will die if summoned?), Metagaos's Self Seed Infestation eventually turns your followers into things of the swamp, and Mardukth can grant each and every one of his followers the same mountain-climbing powers he possesses.

EDIT: Added in geomancy charms for Kimbery and Metagaos.
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Now that's I've combined all the Infernal Hellscaping charms together, I can see some terrifying combinations. You start off with a double stacked Megalithic Orogeny Memorial, and countermagic the top off. Then, plant Luscious Jungle Germination on the top. This is going to take some doing, but then get a powerful Air Elemental (or some allied wind gods) and have them create strong currents from the top of the spore-mountain. This will spread an Infernal's Self-Seed over any settlement it overlooks, or possibly even an invading army.

Now that I think about it, Luscious Jungle Germination is a terrifying power to face as an army. In the Post-Post-Apocalyptic World of Exalted, the true slayer of armies (other than a motivated Keris or any other murderblender) is disease, not people trying to kill you. It's said that an army marches on its stomach, and with this charm, an Infernal can set up a nigh infinite source of food (though admittedly that food will try to eat you first and probably get a few nips in). It's also damn near impossible to start a siege, and even that would be pointless due to all the food the besieged will possess. Don't forget that it counts as "Extreme Terrain" for everyone but the Infernal and their followers. Really, this is just pure concentrated "fuck you" for an army.

With Megalithic Orogeny Memorial, you could do something like the Constantinians did with the Golden Horn, Golden Horn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and basically block off an area with with your mountains and a large set of chains between them. You could combine MOM with this
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Thousandfold Typhoon Hand
The Grinding Wind destroys all stone she touches,
avenging an ancient slight against her mother by Pasiap
during the Time of Glory. Upon activating this Charm, the
character's anima banner swells to the 11 to 15 mote level
and remains so for its duration. More importantly, all stones
and nonmagical objects predominantly made of stones suffer
one level of lethal damage per tick that they remain within
a radius of (Essence) yards, with damage manifesting as accelerated
wind erosion. A stone floor will still support the
character's weight while her power grinds it away, at least
until that segment is actually destroyed.
and basically etch on or even hollow out a mountain. Can someone shout out "Skull Fortress!" for me?

Sadly, in order to turn a building into a Fortress using Malfeas Hellscaping you need to be an Essence 6 Infernal, but considering how comparatively trivial it is to use Hellscaping to something else like using mortals, that seems fair if disappointing. I guess you'll just have to settle for spamming libraries and air conditioned buildings.
So, this is the rest of my House stuff that I started a while back (Greater House stuff in the spoiler below reposted). The Lesser Houses and the Cadet Houses are... well, Lesser Houses are new material and Cadet Houses are rather expanded over the "one example given" canon material. Both of them are designed to be very gameable. Lesser Houses are made from the ground up so a perfectly viable campaign seed is "Your brotherhood? You are the Dragonblooded of your House. Yes, you're young. It's a young House. You run it. You are a Lesser House of the Realm. Don't fuck up or you won't be able to afford to renew the lease on your prefecture and you'll lose your status".

Meanwhile, Cadet Houses are just full of potential both as PCs (for "We're DBs and we're sort of Realm, but not quite") and for use as NPCs in a Celestial game. Stealing a Cadet House? Intended to be possible, though it's a good idea to realise that you should treat them as allies, not servants.

The Greater Houses

Mightiest and wealthiest of the Dynasty, the Greater Houses of the Realm sit second only to the Imperial Household in terms of influence, indulgence and decadence. When one thinks of the Scarlet Dynasty, one thinks of the extravagance of House Cinisi, the brutal force of House Cadaca or the sorcerous cunning of House Ledala. The Greater Houses spend jade as peasants spend paper. They dress in silk and jadesteel, they enjoy the finest repasts from all over Creation, and they fuel their excess by plundering the Threshold.

Most of the Greater Houses are also First Houses - those Houses that began as Gens of the Shogunate. Though not all of the Gens have retained their status over time, still over half the Greater Houses can trace their names to before the Great Contagion. They sided with the First Empress when she declared herself the ruler of Creation and from that loyalty - feigned or genuine - they have taken their dues. Other Greater Houses are Lesser Houses that have clawed their way up, or are the descendants of a Scarlet who granted their children a holding.

To be a Greater House, one must have holdings on Meru itself. The Imperial Throne owns all land on the centremost Blessed Isle, but it grants holdings on fifty or hundred year leases. These are the most expensive real estate in Creation, where a single small residence might cost more than a mansion in Great Forks.

The extravagant cost is worth it for the power it brings, however. Holdings on Meru grant a House seats in the High Deliberative. While the Low Deliberative merely has advisory power, the High Deliberative possesses power over taxes. Any tax measure on the Houses must pass this body. When the Throne wishes unusual expenditure, it must offer concessions to the High Deliberative to ensure their bill passes. This was a concession grudgingly granted by the First Empress when her position was insecure, and despite the best efforts of the Scarlets the Greater Houses have jealously guarded this chain around the Throne's neck.

The greatest tension between the Greater Houses and the Throne came at the end of the Third Scarlet's rule, when extensive military campaigns had bankrupted the Throne. After granting twenty three tax increases in forty years, the Greater Houses had finally had enough. No minor concessions or offerings would be enough - and the attitude of the emperor had soured them. The High Deliberative refused to pass any of the Throne's tax increases until their stipulations - now infamously known as the Ascending Fire Demands - were followed in full. The emperor was left with the choice of conceding, withdrawing the legions to set them against the Houses or to use the Realm Defence Grid against such insubordination. In the end, the emperor stood down, passing the crown to the Empress-in-Waiting. The death of the Third Scarlet at the Battle of Futile Blood would have led to quiet celebration among many of the Greater Houses, if it had not come at such a high cost.

Now in the Time of Tumult, the Greater Houses reach for all the power they can get. Without a Scarlet, power lies in the hands of the Imperial Ministers - and the Ministers rely on the High Deliberative to authorise their funding. Some have their eyes on the Throne - others would rather cripple its power, to ensure there will never be another Third Scarlet.

And then there is the position of House Tepete. In the past ten years, it has gone from the mightiest of the Greater Houses to near-beggars at the door. House Tepete has reason to fear. Over the next fifteen years, over ninety-five percent of their holdings on Meru will come up for renewal. The vultures gather - the Greater Houses to denude them of their status and kick them down to the Lesser Houses, the Lesser Houses seeing their chance to feast on the crippled Tepetes.

The Lesser Houses

The names of the Greater Houses are known across Creation. The Lesser Houses lack the same degree of fame - or infamy. Though they live in luxury that would leave most Threshold princes envious, they lack the ludicrous wealth of their superiors. Though the blood of the Dragons runs through their veins, in truth they seldom have the enviable rates of Terrestrial children that House Ledala or House Sesusu might have. Still, they are Houses of the Realm and that means they are favoured beyond other men.

More strictly, a Lesser House is a House of the Realm which has a lease on one or more prefectures within the Blessed Isles, but which lacks the wealth or standing to have holdings upon Meru itself. This cuts them up from the most powerful tool in the Realm; the control over taxation of the Houses granted to the august body of the High Deliberative. They must settle with what influence they can garner from the inferior Low Deliberative, which has a largely advisory and ceremonial role.

Nevertheless, a Lesser House which plays the game well can garner commissions and civil offices for itself and its members. This is especially true in the Time of Tumult, because the Low Deliberative may nominate presumptive officials, subject to the veto of the Scarlet. With the throne empty, the Low now theoretically has the capacity to appoint interim officials to any unfilled post within the Realm. In practice, the Imperial Household and the Council of Ministers both claim this same right for themselves, but neither are willing to spend the political capital when the Lesser Houses fill minor positions in their own prefectures with their relatives.

Many Lesser Houses have their roots in loyal Lost Eggs from the Legions, the Navy or the civil service. Throughout history, the Lesser Houses have been the preferred tool of the Imperial Throne to counterbalance the demands of the Greater Houses. When the Scarlet wishes to create a new Lesser House, it is usual for them to find a particularly heroic or notable collection of Lost Eggs and declare them to be kin to one another. Such an expedient group will likely be handed a task or duty in service of the Throne, which - if they serve capably and loyally - can be the jumping off point for greater things. Of course, a lack of gratitude or excess incompetence might well result in the newly founded House winding up stillborn.

Other Lesser Houses spring up from the Blessed Isles. The Terrestrial Exalted have dwelt at the centre of the world for millennia, and marital fidelity has never been one of their virtues. The citizens of the Realm bear more of the blood of the Dragons than other men, and it is not unheard of that through luck or well-chosen marriages a low-born extended family might produce several Terrestrials within a generation. Not quite Lost Eggs, but not recognised as part of another House, such children are often adopted out - but sometimes the family that produced them will try to claim a small prefecture, and some succeed.

Many Lesser Houses will become clients of the Greater Houses through the jade chains of patronage. Such client Houses are expected to vote in line with their patron in the Low Deliberative and further their interests, but in turn they receive preferential deals and contracts. House Ragara is infamous for its massage network of clients, not least because once every fifty years they adopt their most capable client House into House Ragara proper. The latest adoption is only a few years away and in this Time of Tumult there are a lot of Lesser Houses willing to make extreme risks to gain that status.

It is not unheard of for a Lesser House to attain Greater House status. Such an endeavour would require tremendous fortune and inhuman skill, but it has been done before - most recently by House Nelense. Through cunning alliances, absorption of weakened Lesser Houses and one son being a favoured companion of the Third Scarlet, they managed to pull off a brilliant ploy to acquire one of the Sinisi holdings when that House was in disfavour. Of course there was an outcry from the First Houses that such low-bred sorts had managed to gain such status, but the Fourth Scarlet was irked with them and did not wish another row with her predecessor, so considered it suitable punishment. House Nelense retains strong connections with the Lesser Houses, and in the past five years has begun to adopt increasing numbers into it - enough that it has been censured by the Council of Ministers and the Daimyo of the Blood of the Dragons.

Some Lesser Houses were once Greater Houses House Manosoco, shamed for their planned treason against the Second Scarlet were rendered penniless. The remnants of a Gens which once counted one of the Shoguns among their number must jostle for position with merchants and Lost Eggs. The Manosoco stew in bitterness - and have done for hundreds of years, nursing old insults. A few capable young members of the House have turned their eye to the Imperial Manse. Without a Scarlet, there may be possibilities for brash young sorts.

The Cadet Houses

Least among the Houses, Cadet Houses have no land holdings on the Blessed Isles. In theory this means they have no permanency and no guarantee of their status, for the Imperial Throne could revoke their land-holdings at a whim. In practice, this seldom occurs. The Throne is fully aware that to shame a Cadet House in such a manner would make an enemy of every member, and force desperate measures from those with relatively little to lose. Still, the possibility always exists.

Cadet Houses differ widely in power and wealth - as well as respectability. On one hand, the eldest Cadet Houses like House Ferem in Cherak and House Nala in Sunbanks have a heritage that rivals that of the First Great Houses, tracing their way back to untainted Shogunate bloodlines. These Cadet Houses rule their lands as if they were part of the metropolitan Realm and resent their implicit treatment as the poor cousins of the Great Houses. House Ferem could make the leap to Lesser House status if it was not perpetually riven by the rivalry between the bloodlines that comprise it, while House Nala labours under the stigma of its links to the Seven Tigers, whose names are synonymous to treason to the Realm.

On the other hand, houses like House Sinasana down in the South West are barely deserving the description of 'House', being more akin to outcaste privateers who have signed on with the Realm and claimed the title of Cadet House as their reward. These arrangements are most common on the very periphery of the Empire, where local Dragonblooded warlords and well-established Outcaste families cannot be easily adopted into an existing House. Such Houses act as enforcers and tributaries, but their dregs of Exalted blood allow them to enjoy the second-hand trappings of Imperial prestige and culture. Often, such fringe Houses pay their tribute to the Throne through raids on other states or barbarian tribes.

The blood of most Cadet Houses is weak. Their wealth, while great compared to most Threshold lords, is but a pittance compared to their senior cousins. The attitude of their members to their low status and the snubs directed at them typically takes two forms. Some stew in resentment, especially those ones who feel they deserve better or who lost former status as a Lesser House. They fight and claw for influence, trying to scrimp and save to acquire holdings on the Blessed Isles. Few manage this.

Others, however, take full advantage of their borderline status. The Realm will never treat them as true equals, so they become the local hatchetmen and proxies of the more influential Houses. In this Time of Tumult, these mercenary Cadet Houses have already been taking offers from the highest bidder. At least one has already declared for a Solar princeling, while the magistrates of the Realm worry about the sinister whispered words of the deathknights finding pliable ears.
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The last two paragraphs of the Lesser Houses section both appear to end in mid-sentence.
heh, that infernal terracorming stuff reminds me of an infernal i designed who had cecelene and also another yozi's chams and would use holy land infliction to convert wild to desolate desert and the use benediction of archgenesis (needed a sorcerous initiation of someone other than cecelyne) to convert that desolate terrain into farmland.

Go go infernal homesteading office! 40 Acres and a demon servitor!
Before I get into today's run of Custom Charms (or not), I had a thought based on some previous comments-

Why does Melee get so many damn charms?

Well, the obvious answer is that melee- and combat in general, has the most stratified, synergetistc system with a clear direction for all of its mechanics. Melee charms are, for good or ill, DESIGNED to combo together into these heavy masses of dice manipulation.

This isn't exactly BAD, but it's the opposite problem of say, Bureaucracy, which has NO system what so ever.

Generally though, in terms of 'Combat', if you have Charm A that makes it easier to hit, and charm B which makes hits more damaging, you can combine them intuitively.

Contrast this with the corebook willpower loop of Phoneix Renewal Tactic and Unhesitating Dedication:

PRT says "Whenever you gain a willpower, you can instead regain a spent Conviction channel."
Unhesitating Dedication lets you create a new intimacy that becomes a Motivation. If you spend a scene of effort working towards your Motivation (any Motivation), you get +1wp. If you stunt a roll in service to your motivation, that stunt is upgraded by one level.

Ergo, these two charms create a feedback loop of 'Everything is my motivation, therefore I am regaining Conviction Channels and Willpower, and I am blowing conviction all the goddamned time!' This is wonderful, wonderful implicit synergy.

I think a lot of people coming into Exalted either expected mechanics to be explicity synergistic, or otherwise 'programmed'. You buy charms you use charms together. Charms are these big blocks of 'interaction' with the game.

Anyway- Another point I was thinking about, was the design space of Solar Craft. Now- I'm firmly of the mind that Solars are 'Science of Ability/Masters of Ability'in their design space. That it's human skill which leads to miracles. It's easy to assume that Craft should get a bunch of 'bless object' effects, but I wanted to prove that Melee could do it too, because it's Mastery of Melee.

So, Solar Craft for a lot of people is Craft FASTER and Craft MORE SUCCESSES, but we really never saw much in the way of Craft BETTER- very little was Qualitative, but some of the quantitative stuff was cool like being able to craft faster than mortals. More seriously, CNNT and the like existed so that crafting Artifacts was viable in regular campaigns- just in a matter of Weeks instead of Years.

But how can you communicate 'Luminary genius and mastery of Craft' with Solar Charms? You can grab the system from Oadenol's and have charms remove huge chunks of it- but at that point why do you have the system? There's a time and place for truncating a system with exceptions, but overdoing it hurts everyone.

At the same time, what can you say with a Charm that isn't part of the player/ST discussion of homebrew? I mean, a Solar Craft Charm really cannot say "I get This Power in addition to All Other Powers, because Solar", unless it somehow becomes quantifiable and rate-able. Like, something the Storyteller can look at and go "This is balanced- at least for our game here."

Anyway that's a lot of blathering. ON TO THE CHARMS!


Word of Mouth Method

AN: So another Charm without text? Story for this one! I wanted to create a "Solar sits down and attracts plot" effect- or something like "You can now be that guy who's got the hole in the wall bar, as a secret base of operations separate from your Glorious Godking Persona." I'm sure that's DOABLE, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was doing it wrong- Solars (Exalted really) shouldn't be about STANDING AROUND WAITING. They should be about going out there and DOING.

I may go back and revisit this idea later, but for now it's just a lesson.

Gossip-King Rumorsmith Technique

AN: Another story! I have to admire how broad the Solar Socialize tree is- I originally envisioned this as a rumor-mongering effect- you compose an Illusion-Belief in a social unit, and they accept it/repeat it as a rumor. However, Wise-Eyed Courtier's Method already DOES that and other things besides!

Oh well, a cool name for the idea-file.
it's useful to have, essentially, a category for "difficulties we don't care about" - difficulties that are allowed to be ignored with sufficient magic.
Yes, i know. But why then don't make special Permanent Extarnal Penalities, or something like that, that are so mighty to not be eliminable by the might of the playable splat, and any other?

Instead we get Difficulties who.... have absolutely no mechanical meaning bar "The difficulty is the hardness of the task".

Mmmmh, yes, thanks. But. What makes the Task Hard? it cannot be something external, because that's an External penalty; it cannot be something internal, because that's an internal Penalty.

I'll repeat myself, but in a system with both External and Internal Penalties, Difficulty has no meaning. It certainly has an use (Be a stable and undiminishable goal to superate to have success), but its use can be can be given to an equally undiminishable variant of External Penalties and, whops! Difficulty has lost its use too! Poor difficulty, i hardly understood it...
"No amount of rain, smoke nor shaky ship deck can ever make me clumsier" is a narratively different statement than "I can hit a ¼-inch target at nine hundred yards".
Yes, this is true, but. Why?

Mechanically it shouldn't be true: hitting a distant and little target can be thought as something external to overcome, which is just plain an external penalty. Hell, Solars have a charm simply ignoring the Difficulty of an archery roll. (I don't have the Pdf here with me now, so i cannot remember the name)

And hell, repeating myself again, lets do something for Exalted: instead of Difficulties, External Permanent Penalties now exist. They are external conditions that the magic of the chosen cannot dimish, thus allowing them to be overcome only throught sheer might.

We define them and now, Tah Dah! The Narrative Statement can be true, and we can have sane and not neboulous mechanics. A win-win in my book!
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Okay so I finally did get an idea for a proper charm- building on my Larceny Charms from earlier-

God-King's Magnanimous Open-Door Policy
Cost: 6m
Minimums: Larceny 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Speed 6 in Long Ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Solar Security Practice

The Solar can leave their home and treasuries open for all to appreciate, content in their security.

This Charm is a Simple Action in which the Solar beseeches the spirit of a threshold or vessel that they own or is loyal to them. Even if the target of this charm has no lock, no door or even a lid, the Solar may lock it as if it did.

The Solar rolls [Manipulation + Larceny], adding her Essence in automatic successes. The first time a character with a Dodge-MDV less than the Solar's successes perceives the warded object, they fall under a Compulsion effect, denying them the ability to approach the door or remove anything from the vessel.

This Unnatural Mental Influence costs 4wp to resist if the subject is an actual physical barrier like a vault door or locked chest, and only 1wp if it is open and exposed to plain view.

An: So THIS charm came about, because I realized after the fact that Solar Security Practice can work on anything lockable- you don't have to own it or anything. So you can walk into a bank vault and lock it, holding it ransom! Well, a bank vault wont' self-destruct, but a safe-deposit box would.

Anyway- this new charm is designed to 'lock things that have no locks', in the same vein of Stealing From Plain Sight Spirit lets you pickpocket at-range.

Now- the 1wp clause is for mortals- if you're being showy and having a treasure vault open to everyone, you get what you pay for. The 4wp clause is for when you're being Serious about security with a physical vault door- and that ties back into Solar Security Practice: You compel people to avoid the door, and if they press the issue, they still have to get past the actual lock.

The other note, is that this Charm does not actually have friend or foe detection. I THOUGHT about including a built-in 'alert' state, but I realized it would be better to make an Awareness or Larceny Charm for 'Glorious Solar Tripwire'.

Also I love the name. I will knife-fite anyone who disagrees.
On a completely unrelated subject; I really like Evocations, and I like making them, but I lack experience in trying to deal with the specifities of their design (small self-contained trees with a strong guiding theme that focused on enhancing one weapon exclusively), so I need to make more to get a better sense of them.

I also really like Dark Souls' unique weapons (all three games), so they seem to provide good fodder for that kind of experimentation. There are a lot of them, though, so instead of browsing through lists until I can narrow it down I'm going to try something else: you suggest me a Souls weapon you'd like to see as an Ex3 Artifact and I try to do it. I'm probably not gonna manage more than three in a row, so three suggestions sounds like a good point.

The final result is probably going to be beyond the original concept in scope, since DS weapons tend to just be powerful weapons with occasionally one relatively straightforward special attack, but that's fine. I like taking something and making it more.
Dragonslayer Swordspear. I made a character using a refluffed Volcano Cutter to represent this once, but it does t fit as well as I'd like. I'm curious what you'd make of it.
Yeah, so, things got in the way. But I'm still working on this.

The Waters of Life

In the First Age of Creation the Exalted forged Nepenthe, a spring whose waters granted health, strength and longevity to all who drank them. Many generations of mortals were blessed by this draught to better serve their lords; in time they grew divorced from mortals of other domains, seeing themselves as people of a different, better breed, and looking down on other humans with contempt. They created many wonders in honor of their masters and to mock their lesser brethrens.

When the Dragon-Bloods rose against their Exalted lords, they led legions of mortals in battle; and these repaid upon the water-blessed all these generations of contempt, for they did not think of them as truly human; and they smashed the Fountain, although this brought the terrible anger of their Dragon generals, for they had wished to claim its waters for themselves.

The most cunning among the Dragons put their skill to repairing Nepenthe, but they could only make it a shadow of what it once was, its spring now a mere drip. Exalts fought over it, and eventually reached grudging agreement; a dynasty formed around the broken fountain, a handful of Dragons sipping its waters to grant them life everlasting, and many of the wars that shattered the Shogunate time and again found their source in their arrogance and isolation.

But all changed when the Contagion came. The disease swept the kingdom, and although the power of the waters was enough to resist it, there was not water enough for all - not even for the Dragons who ruled it. Their struggle for the life-giving waters killed as many as the disease did, and their kingdom perished around them. But in those days when the Contagion had yet to take full hold on the world, word and rumor still travelled - and there were many heroes from lands near and far who heard of the kingdom's fall, and who knew of its waters; and they journeyed amidst the death in hope of salvation.

Some came alone, to save their own lives. Some came with their sickly followers, hoping to save those beneath them. Some came with their dying armies, hoping to conquer the Fountain and start a new empire among the ashes. They were Dragon-Bloods, they were gods, they were Anathema, a handful even were mortals. They came, and their stories ended in the ruins of the kingdom, on the path to the waters of life. But their legend lives on - in all that they lost, in their stranded souls wandering the ruins, in their precious relics forgotten with their corpses.

Did one of them reach the waters in the end? If so, it is a story lost to time. Without the diligence of the Exalted tending to it every day, the fountain broke down, its waters lost their power. Its ruins lie in the East, overgrown by vegetation. The Wyld broke through in its ancient forests, prehuman species long forgotten took over its empty cities, and after centuries barbarian tribes settled its ochre hills. Now the raksha, the Dragon-Kings and the Witchmen of the Mounds war over these ancient lands; some of the lost relics have found new use in their hands, but more yet remain lost with their old masters whose bones have bleached in the wind. It is only a matter of time before their distant memories call to Exalted masters - if they have not already.

Slay-the-Storm (Orichalcum Direlance, Artifact 4)

Slay-the-Storm is a weapon of an odd design. Its orichalcum blade is a massive four feet in length, double-edged and wide at the guard, more like an oversized spear-blade than a sword; and its hilt is a haft of a length of three feet, rings of orichalcum separating hand-sized grips made of the hide of a great dragon. Legend has it that this strange design, halfway between lance and sword, is owed to its immense age - a weapon constructed in the early days of Exalted warfare, before the form of their iconic weapons truly set in, a precursor to what would one day be the grand daiklaves.

Slay-the-Storm was forged to battle a Lesser Dragon of Air, who had rebelled against the gods and rained thunder and lightning upon the north. It was forged to tame the very storms that gave the dragon its power, so as to leave him defenseless; its first battle was thus a terrible fight for the right to rule the storm, and with great pain its Exalted master defeated its opponent, and Slay-the-Storm knew its final tempering in the blood of the dragon of lightning.

In the First Age this lance was held as a symbol of office by the Celestial ruler of the Lightning Peaks, a northern province of the Old Realm; it was the sign of their dominance over the elemental courts of their region. In the Usurpation these ever-rebellious elementals sided with the Dragon-Bloods, and for prize their rulers received the lance (though some stories say they stole it in the confusion and defied the exhausted Exalts to take it from them). For centuries it was held by the Air Dragon who ruled the court, and was held as proof that the forces of Creation itself outlasted even the kingdoms of the Exalted.

But in the days before the Contagion there came a young Solar who had escaped the perils of the Wyld Hunt, and he challenged the Air Dragon, and defeated him; he claimed Slay-the-Storm and the rights of rulership that came with it, and forged a distant kingdom away from the Shogunate's struggles. When the Contagion came, he took the bravest of his people - proud Thunderbird warriors, wise Cloud People magi, and his own husband Ivankha, the Nascent Hurricane, lesser dragon and son of the very lord he had defeated to claim his throne; with this retinue he ventured south in search of the mythical waters of life, hoping to save his kingdom. None of them were ever seen again.

Evocations of Slay-the-Storm

A Solar who attunes to Slay-the-Storm unlocks its first Evocation for free.

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 1;
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: None

To slay the storm, one must first bring it into one's presence. This Charm conjures black storm clouds and a rising wind; on the first turn of its activation these are relatively light, but increase over the course of the following turns. After three turns, the Charm is fully active, covering the terrain out to long range of the starting point in storms that cause a -3 penalty to all ranged attacks and a -2 penalty to all hearing-based Awareness rolls. Incapacitating a significant opponent or emptying a battle group's Magnitude track immediately hastens this effect by one turn.

Special activation rules: This Charm may be activated reflexively as part of a Join Battle roll, in which case it adds two Initiative to its cost.

Cost: 3m, 1i; Mins: Essence 1;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Conjuring Stance

With one kick accompanied by a rush of wind, Slay-the-Storm's wielder propels himself forward, his momentum channeled into a lightning-like blow. This Charm enhances a rush: record the number of 0s on the roll. If the user's next action is a piercing attack against the target of this rush, add a number of dice to his damage roll equal to these 0s. This Charm may only be used while within a storm.

Cost: 4m, 2i; Mins: Essence 2;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: On Wings of Storm

Channeling thunder into his blade, the storm-slayer releases it into his opponent's body, sending their body into spasms. This Charm enhances a decisive attack; if it inflicts at least two health levels of damage, the target suffers a -3 penalty to all rolled actions until the end of their next turn, and a -2 penalty to Defense.

Cost: 5m, 1wp, 3i; Mins: Essence 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Dragon's Grip

Raising his spear to the sky, the storm-slayer conjures a lightning bolt from the sky. This is an attack against an opponent up to medium range, which may only be used if both user and target are currently within a storm. The lightning strike is treated as an environmental hazard with a difficulty of 4 and 5L damage, and can also be used to set wooden structures ablaze or wreak similar havoc. This Evocation may only be used once per fight, unless reset by delivering a decisive attack then building up to 15+ Initiative.

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Dual
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Dragon's Thunder Breath

Having brought down the wrath of Heaven, the storm slayer swings his blade and draws lingering spark to coat his blade, infusing them with his Essence until he seems to be wielding a live thunderbolt. This Charm must follow the use of Dragon's Thunder Breath; if the user attacks his opponent on his next turn, his attack gains three dice of raw withering damage. If this attack is successful and is followed on the next turn by a decisive attack, he may add extra successes on his attack roll to his raw damage.

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning's Fang

With the storm raring overhead, having conjured its full power and saturated the air with its fury, the storm-slayer raises his lance, leaps into the air, and delivers a blow that brings an end to wrath, shatters the clouds and ravages his enemy.

This Charm is a unique decisive attack which may only be used when within a storm, after having successfully used Dragon's Thunder Breath and the decisive clause of Lightning's Fang in the current scene. The user delivers a terrible downward blow that shatters the earth and creates a blade of lightning that hits one opponent, then scatters into a shower of sparks hitting all other enemies within short range. Against its central target, this is a normal decisive attack that adds (Essence + 3) to its raw damage. All opponents within short range are instead subjected to a one-time environmental hazard with the traits of Dragon's Thunder Breath. Any target who suffers 2+ levels of damage are also subjected to the penalties of Storm-Dragon's Grip.

This Charm may only be used once per scene, and it immediately ends the ongoing storm, whatever its source. Storm-Conjuring Stance may not be used to restart it.
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I love it.

Question though. What Artifact rating is it? And does it require additional Attunement notes?
I edited to add that it's Artifact 4, and no, it has the normal attunement cost. I was thinking of adding an attunement surcharge for an additional power, but I couldn't find something I liked.
House Ragara is infamous for its massage network of clients, not least because once every fifty years they adopt their most capable client House into House Ragara proper. The latest adoption is only a few years away and in this Time of Tumult there are a lot of Lesser Houses willing to make extreme risks to gain that status.
Is that supposed to be 'massive network of clients'?

Or should we start making Ragara jokes in addition to Cynis jokes?
Strongboxes or locked scrolls instead immolate themselves in sunfire, sacrificing and entrusting their secrets to the Unconquered Sun as a form of prayer.
This is great! I find myself wondering if there exists some kind of Sideareal equivalent to this charm, because if there isn't there should be! A non-Obvious effect, specifically for things that store or contain writing or information, scouring the contents from the scroll. The Sidereal version would of course be sacrificing the text to the Maiden of Secrets.
You brought up Infernals and how they shape the world, but didn't bring up their manse/demesne making capabilities? What about all the territory charms they possess!? Granted, most of them are homebrew, but still! Do not underestimate the power to literally reshape the world into your fortress (even if as an Infernal you and your followers have a different idea of constitues "defensible ground" due to being natural born mountain climbers, owning gills, and or can simply fade into the dust.

HIGHWAY TO HELL (Infernal Geomancy Clarification)
The Yozis are egotistical creatures who demand that all conform to their mad dreams, but are sworn never to extend their corrosive influence into the mortal world. Amongst the Charms available to the unbound Green Sun Princes, however, are a few that alter the fabric of local geomancy. Unless otherwise specified, these Charms convert Wyld-tainted land into pure Creation, and are not restricted by the surrounding terrain - Holy Land Infliction creates barren deserts, but can be used in a body of water to create a salt lake or dead sea.

Demesnes in these hellscapes develop appropriate quirks over the years (or decades, or centuries, depending on their rating) - an Earth demesne in a region of eternal night might shift to focus on the darkness below, for example. Demesnes with an entirely contradictory aspect - such as a Wood demesne in a Cecelorum blight, or a Solar demesne in almost any hellscape - instead wither away over this time period, their power flowing elsewhere. As a result of this alien colonization, any hellscape with a radius greater than five miles becomes a persistent Blasphemy to which Heaven will respond, sending agents of all stripes to cleanse it from the Loom.

This world-claiming rapacity does not lend itself well to co-operation. Different hellscapes cannot coexist, and whenever one would expand into territory previously claimed by another, it provokes a roll-off - each hellscape uses (creator's Essence), adding bonus dice equal to the factor by which it outsizes the other hellscape. The Althing does not yet know of any Heretical magic capable of smoothing over such clashes. Targeting an existing hellscape with another geomantic Charm provokes a normal roll-off - so it is more efficient to use countermagic beforehand.

Included in this clarification are some changes to Holy Land Infliction, to help it fit in this model:

HOLY LAND INFLICTION (Unofficial Charm Errata)
This Charm functions as described in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (pp. 125), except that its activation is a ritual that takes fifteen minutes and produces an initial desert with a radius of (Infernal's Charisma x 100) yards. Its expansion occurs as described, but is measured in increased diameter rather than square yards. The countermagic required to cleanse the blight is not based on the Infernal's Essence rating - instead, Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.

Calloused City Growth
Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action, one hour)
Keywords: Shaping, Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Obvious, Geomantic
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Countless Cities Clotting

In his dreams, Malfeas sees that there are other places, other ways that he could be that would not leave him trapped within himself. Yet even in his nightmares, whenever he would escape they have just become part of his prison. By shedding her blood on a non-magical structure in a place of habitation, this Charm permits the warlock to taint it with the living essence of Malfeas. Over the course of the next hour, the structure transmutes to a structure of basalt and other stones found in the Demon City. This also paves over everything within (Essence x 20) yards of the structure, unless the ground was already developed for use or habitation. The Infernal may choose to have the targeted structure change forms to any other non-magical structure with a Resources value less than or equal to her Essence, which takes a day plus an extra day per dot of Resources added above its original value. She may also reconfigure an already-affected building by touching it, and reactivating this Charm for the reduced cost of 8m. Such buildings show the mien of Malfeas cleanly in their impossible towers, strangely organic shapes, and peculiar buttresses. The source of the alien nature of the geometry can be determined with a Difficulty 2 (Wits + Occult) roll.

The Calloused City receives (Essence/2, rounded down) manse points to represent the magical effects of the supernal power running within them, which can only be spent on manse features in the following list, and which are spent as if they were for a Malfeas-aspected manse. Storytellers may veto any combinations or choices which would invalidate the themes of Malfeas or this Charm's purpose of providing supernatural architecture. If the Infernal raises their Essence, all Calloused Cities already existing retroactively gain any extra manse points, developing as the Infernal would wish. For any manse power which has an effect based on the manse rating, the Calloused City counts as a manse with rating (Essence/2, rounded down). The Calloused City may not take Drawbacks, and any manse feature which would mandate drawbacks has them waived, for Malfeas knows no such flaws.
Zero dot powers: All permitted
One dot powers: All powers from Oadenol's Codex apart from Network Node; Mutagenic
Two dot powers: Archive, Bound Servitor, Dangerous Traps, Hidden Passages, Limited Mobility, Immutable (No maintenance drawback), Master's Workshop Manse, Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis
Three dot powers: Armoured, Fortress, Life Sustaining, Provider, Puzzle Manse, Regeneration, Temple Manse (Malfeas, demons descended from him, or the Infernal only), Ultra Deadly Traps
Four dot powers: Chasm of the Material, Consecrated, Essence Shield, Outside Fate, Ultra Deadly Perimeter Defences, Wyld Revocation (physical laws of Malfeas)
Five dot powers: Otherworld Gate (Malfeas only, requires walking down five days of silver sand-floored corridors)

Use of countermagic on an affected structure only prevents the transmutation if it has not yet completed. If the building has fully changed, countermagic leaves it as a mundane structure composed of Malfean materials.

Creation-Consuming Conurbation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Calloused City Growth

In five thousand years of Malfeas, the Demon City has split a thousand times, his inverted agony spilling out. He will do so forevermore. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. The Calloused City spreads across the land as the essence of Malfeas proves too great to contain in a single structure. Non-magical structures within (Essence x 20) yards of a Calloused City begin to be absorbed into the City. Each structure is targeted separately and consecutively, and takes (Resources value) weeks to be fully affected, with the City expanding from there once the structure is completely absorbed.

If there are no structures within range, the Calloused City begins to build a single new structure on the boundary, which builds itself as a Shaping effect creating the raw materials from the pervasive essence of Malfeas. The rate of construction is as if (Infernal's Essence) workers were working on the project day and night. Each individual with an Intimacy of Terrified Awe towards the Infernal within the Calloused City counts as another worker. When they sleep, they dream of hammering and building and backbreaking labour, losing a dice from their roll to regain Willpower from rest as an Emotion effect. Each separate structure absorbed by the Calloused City manifests its own manse features; for example, each building would have its own Bound Servitor, or every basement has a tunnel in it which leads to Malfeas for an Otherworld Gate. Should a Calloused City grow larger than ten miles across in any direction, it becomes a permanent Blasphemy.

Individual structures may be countermagicked with Emerald Countermagic – although the Calloused City will try to reabsorb them – and Sapphire Countermagic counters the Charm entirely. If all affected structures are individually countermagicked, the Charm also ends.

Source: EarthScorption

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Until stopped
Prerequisite Charms: Transcendent Desert Creature

The Infernal's Yozi power grinds glowing sparks of Essence
from his anima, each a microscopic portal into the Endless
Desert that explodes on contact with the ground to spread
her sands over the earth, covering an area of 10 square yards.
Ground touched by this Charm is not simply covered in a
fine layer of silver sand; the soil itself transmutes down to
the bedrock and loses all fertility. Non-magical vegetation
withers and dies after a day spent rooted in this terrain, with
all biomass supernaturally decaying into more sand after a
second day. All natural animals leave and shun the place
unless specifically adapted for life in the desert. Structures
remain intact, though heavy buildings may eventually sink
into the sands. An uncapped demesne may eventually shrink,
grow or shift aspects with enough time as normal for such
a radical shift in geography. Used in the Wyld, the affected
area becomes part of Creation. The Charm otherwise functions
normally in all other realms of existence.
An area marked by this Charm is a place of physical
desolation, but more than that, it is a literal beachhead of the
Endless Desert's glory. All Holy Charms cost an additional
mote to activate within the area. All prayers to Cecelyne
or any Infernal who helped create the blight spoken from
within the area benefit from a -1 target number (typically 6),
provided the supplicant spills blood on the sand as a sacrifice
to lower the difficulty. More importantly, the blight has the
potential for growth if the supplicant ritually executes a god
or Exalt as an offering in this way, with Dragon-Blooded/
Terrestrial deities adding (the victim's Essence rating x 100)
square yards or (Essence x 500) square yards for Celestial gods
and Exalted. Gods killed as sacrifices this way die forever and
do not reform. The sacrifice's spilled blood and shredded
flesh convert into fountains of choking sand dotted with
glowing shards of Essence-fused glass unlike any crystals
found in Creation. These shards are worth Resources 5 as a
collection. The blight also grows in response to any resident
social units actively worshiping Cecelyne or the blight's
creator from within its borders, adding 10 square yards per
dot of the unit's Magnitude per day so long as all members
spend at least five hours a day in prayer there.

If the blight intersects another area consecrated by this
Charm, the two zones merge into one. Cecelyne cannot conceal
her presence once the contiguous blight reaches 10 square
miles. The area becomes a persistent Blasphemy, and Heaven
will respond. The countermagic required to stop the spread
is based on the Infernal's Essence rating, not the Charm's
minimum Essence of 3, and must be cast from the exact
center of the blight. However, countermagic only converts
the area back into mundane desert. The spell Benediction
of Archgenesis (see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. II—The
White Treatise, p. 88) completely counters and reverses all
traces of this Charm's use within its area of effect.

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Cult 2, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Messianic, Shaping
Duration: Until complete
Prerequisite Charms: Holy Land Infliction
The Infernal basks in the worship of her followers,
harvesting and focusing the Essence from their symphony of
obscene chants and mad rites into a mockery of geomantic
power. This Charm can only be activated within an area the
Exalt has blighted with Holy Land Infliction. For as long as
the area remains marked as a Dune-Drowned Oasis Ritual site,
worshipers can "build" a level one Cecelyne demesne using the
same overall rules as building a manse (see Exalted, p. 133).
For this ritual to work, the Infernal must design a catechism
for the project as per blueprint construction, using
Linguistics in place of Craft (Lore and Occult requirements
remain as is). Only another character who knows this Charm
can check the accuracy of the rites. The cost of raw materials
is the same as for slave labor, representing consumed ritual
implements and carefully planned offerings. All members
of the workforce must belong to the Infernal's cult, though
the Exalt herself only has to personally witness the rite begin
and remain observant for its final five days. If the constant
worship follows the catechism to success, the area consecrates
and exudes the Yozi energy of the Endless Desert as it comes
into existence attuned to the Infernal.
Terminating this Charm prior to completion spoils the
effort, requiring a completely new catechism. The ritual also
spoils if the blight reverts to mundane desert around the nascent
demesne, perhaps as a result of countermagic. Destroying the
blight after the demesne fully forms does not harm or weaken
the place of power. This Charm may be repeatedly applied to
increase the power of a demesne it has created, but each dot
of increase requires a new catechism and the same effort as if
building a manse of the new rating from scratch. Moreover, the
process of upgrading cannot take less than a year per dot.

Chirality Prohibition Index
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2;
Type: Simple (One one-hour dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude, Shaping,
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Whispering Flame embodies the perfection of design
and order as does no other. She pities the world for being less
perfect than herself, and imposes her nature upon it as an act
of mercy.
This Charm permits the warlock to re-order the land around
her to reflect the principle of hierarchy, shifting the position
of trees and walls, straightening or bending roads and rivers,
reconfiguring the arrangement of buildings or moving them
altogether to express the symmetrical perfection of a greater
design. The Infernal may reorder the landscape in any manner
she chooses, with the following limitations:
The changes she demands occur gradually, over the course of
the next hour, too slowly to inflict damage on any living thing.
The Infernal cannot intentionally create new landscape features—
she only reconfigures what is already there. The Charm
cannot reshape a demesne, the Wyld, or any area within ten
miles of the border of another landscape that has been reshaped
through Chirality Prohibition Index or Holy Land Infliction.
She might reconfigure a small village into a series of staggered
circles around a central green, or into a rigid, balanced grid.
An orchard could be rewoven into a perfect circular border of
trees around a central field whose grass has been ranked into
impressed-circles which confer the sacred order of the principle
of hierarchy. Even the sky conforms to the symmetry of She
Who Lives in Her Name, channeling clouds into a slow spiral
around the central point of her design. The imposed changes
span a circular area around the Infernal with a radius of (Willpower
x 10) yards.
The changes, when viewed from above, must reflect a greater
symmetry with the rest of the world. This symmetry is subject
only to the superior perspective of the warlock, who exudes
the truth of her Essence into the pattern of existence. Others
who look upon the Infernal's design may see only a mystifying
sprawl of indecipherable but tantalizing meaning. Such are the
limits of their minds that they cannot understand the order the
warlock seeks to bring—though they wish to.
Nearby mortals within one mile become fascinated by the
sacred geometry of the Whispering Flame, and will settle in
and around the edges of the symmetrical landscape. After each
week an individual spends lingering within a mile of the affected
area, they are automatically subjected to a social attack
with a dice pool of the warlock's (Essence + Occult). Success
counts as a scene spent working toward building an Intimacy
of loyalty toward a new social unit—a cult dedicated to the
study and veneration of the land's sacred design. This unnatural
mental influence may be resisted for two Willpower.
Once a character has gained this loyalty, she must follow the
Policy of the cult as an unnatural Servitude effect. The Infernal
constructs the group's Policy at the time of this Charm's activation,
as follows:
• Members of the cult loathe all things marked by the touch
of the Wyld—they will attempt to drive Wyld mutants, raksha
and beastmen out of the community, violently if necessary.
• Members of the cult dress in a similar, uniform manner
as defined by the Infernal. The sacred landscapes created by
She Who Lives in Her Name promote conservative black-andwhite
outfits which cover most of the body and leave little individuality
for either men or women, but Infernals may enforce
any sort of appearance they desire—or even outlaw clothing
• Members of the cult will prefer to speak a language of the
Infernal's choice, and will seek to learn the favored language
if they do not already know it. They will also refuse to speak
any languages the Infernal forbids, or to respond to individuals
who address them in forbidden tongues. She Who Lives in Her
Name permits only Old Realm to be spoken in her domains,
but Infernals may set the parameters of their dominions to their
• Members of the cult will proscribe certain knowledge as
defined by the Infernal. They will not teach forbidden information,
nor speak of it, nor tolerate its dissemination among
their ranks. This could be anything from Immaculate dogma to
histories of a region that differ from a certain tale the Infernal
has approved to knowledge of how to grow wheat—the bans
included in the group's Policy are entirely up to the warlock.
• Members of the cult will proscribe certain sorts of action as
defined by the Infernal. They will not engage in forbidden acts,
nor permit individuals who do to remain within their community.
This could be anything from worship of the gods (or of
a particular god) to homosexual relationships to leaving the
lands controlled by the cult. Again, the bans are whatever suits
the Infernal's purpose.
• Members of the cult have one obligation to the group
that they must perform, defined by the Infernal. This could
be anything from tithing money to a certain member of the
community (or to the Infernal), to providing sexual favors to
a certain class of individuals, to promoting immigration to and
settlement within the land. They also compulsively reconfigure
their habitations to conform to the greater symmetry of the Infernal's
• Members of the cult will spend at least one hour every
day attempting to puzzle out the secrets of the land's sacred
geometry. The Infernal exists as a persistent blind spot in their
awareness—they will not seek to interact with the warlock unless
she first interacts with them, and will not turn on her if
they observe her acting in violation of the cult's Policy.
Affected individuals may spend one Willpower to act against
the group's Policy for a scene. Only breaking the Intimacy will
permanently free a character from the Servitude effect.
Once the majority of the inhabitants of the region within a
mile of the sacred landscape have gained an Intimacy of loyalty
toward its cult, the range of the symmetrical landscape expands
by a radius of one mile, and its mental influence spreads out to
target all mortals within a mile of the new borders, at which
point the cycle begins to repeat itself. This expansion causes
the newly assimilated land to reconfigure itself to fit the symmetrical
pattern of the sacred land. If the land's expanding
border pushes into a region tainted by the Wyld, the tides of
chaos recede. The land is no longer Sorcerous at this time and
may no longer be destroyed by countermagic; only rooting out
the cult and engaging in public works to destroy the Infernal's
geometric patterns may return the land to normal. When the
sacred land spans ten miles or more, it becomes a persistent
When the Infernal reaches Essence 3+, hints of the landscape's
authorship begin to appear in all lands she has affected
and all lands she subsequently reshapes. Trees show a few
crystalline leaves mixed in among the normal foliage, chiming
softly when the wind stirs them. Inconsequential examples of
Malfean wildlife may be found within the altered land—faintly
luminous, hair-thin worms float upon the air; puffs of soft white
seeds fall from the clouds, sprouting crystalline flowers where
they land and take root; the Things Which Lurk in Corners
may occasionally be glimpsed at sunrise and sunset.

Kinda iffy about this one, to be honest.

Adorjan is a murderous hurricane, she doesn't make lands, she happens to them.

TED doesn't really do the whole landscaping thing. He could totally corrupt/corrode a manse/demesne though.

Great Mother's Blessed Waters

Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (One fifteen minute dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Desecration, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Tidal Renewal Discipline

Though Gaia may have included some water in her nature and been praised for her beauty, the cold depths of the Demon Sea drowned the raksha by the trillions from the very first days. Yes, Kimbery has first claim upon the depths and rivers alike, and she will not let them go. This Charm allows a warlock to taint water, twisting anything which relies upon it. The Infernal sheds his blood into a body of water, singing hymns to his own generosity. This is a fifteen minute dramatic action, and affects all bodies of water, including groundwater, within a radius of (Stamina x 100) yards around the Infernal.

Over the course of an hour, the affected waters turn bitter and cold, seeping out to create marshy bogs and ruining fields within a hundred yards of an affected body of water. If it is used on land, a body of water (Stamina) yards across will form from the marshes over the course of a month. The weather shifts, such that it rains frequently, even in the Deep South, and a residue of brightly coloured salts can be seen left on things affected by the tainted waters. Land affected by this Charm are reclaimed from the Wyld, chaos drowned by the beauty of Kimbery. Moreover, the very existence of such a tainted area counts as a loophole to allow any Kimberyian demon out of hell every new moon. An area affected by this Charm always counts as a suitable body of water for the purposes of the Sea keyword, but does not count for the Kimberyian Imperfection unless it would normally qualify.

The waters of the Great Mother twist with consummate artistry those who consume them. Any living being which gains the majority of their water in a given week from a tainted source rolls their (Stamina); failure means they gain a single Cosmetic mutation with an aquatic theme. Non-sapient creatures who get the majority of their food from mutated sources halve their Stamina for the purposes of this roll. Failures in later weeks mean they gain a 1-point mutation, up to a limit of (Infernal's Essence). Characters with at least one mutation from Kimberyian sources perceive the waters to be sweet and wholesome. Once water has been away from a tainted source for five days, or has been diluted down to being one-fifth tainted by volume, it no longer counts as coming from such a source.

Once the majority of living beings in an area have such a mutation, the waters wash outwards. Over the course of a day, the land in the affected area crumbles and erodes, gives way to water, gushing from seemingly nowhere. The original (Stamina x 100) yards are flooded, while any body of water within one hundred yards of this point is tainted in the same manner. This process can continue indefinitely, drowning mountains and deserts, though when the central body of water has a radius of five miles or greater it becomes a persistent Blasphemy. The use of countermagic on an affected area does not undo the physical changes to the area; only prolonged geomantic effort will be able to drain the flooding and shift the weather patterns.

At Essence 4+ and with the prerequisite of Spiteful Sea Tincture, this Charm may be repurchased. Reviled characters who drink from an affected body of water or consume a mutated creature suffer from a dose of Poison Lacquer. Thus does Kimbery deny her gifts to those who displease her.

Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Great Mother's Wame

Kimbery wants only the best for her children, but the hungers of her offspring can be so demanding, always wanting. Sometimes she must pass them off to other nursemaids, so that their desires can be assuaged. Though she weeps bitter acidic tears to see this, the way they grow so big and strong, with hides of toughened flesh and shining carapace and sea-drenched stone makes her so proud! This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite, adding the capacity to create manse-children. When beginning a project with Great Mother's Wame, the Infernal may instead choose to "design" a manse-child, which takes the same amount of time as they would take to design a more conventional one, save that the "design" process actually gestates a grotesquely enlarged zygote which grows at an incredibly rate, until it is the size of a full-term human infant at the end of the "design" process. Any manse designed via this process automatically has the "Living" manse power (Lords of Creation, p120), and a 1 dot Vulnerability; the manse-child dies if the living heart where the hearthstone forms is destroyed with fire. This brewing of hellish geomancy is a natural act, so a warlock may replace her (Craft: [Genesis]) and/or (Lore) ratings with (Essence-1), if she so desires. Provided the manse she is crafting has a manse rating equal to or less than her (Essence), she may also use (Stamina) in place of (Intelligence). The requirements to design a manse with Sentient, Living Manse, or any manse power that has Living Manse as a prerequisite are waived; the Sea Who Marched Against the Flame need not teach her children how to live or face the horrors of a cruel world.

The manse-child, as a living child of the waters of Kimbery, is explicitly is not designed for a single demesne, and may be born into any demesne of a rating equal to the level of its manse-rating. The birth will not occur, until the Infernal is within the grounds of such a demesne. Once that happens, labour is induced, which is, as per Great Mother's Wame, painless. However, the umbilical cord remains attached to the manse-child, and lashes out as it passes from its "mother's" body, plunging deep into the ground, to attach itself to the essence flows of the demense.

The manse-child grows and matures with shocking speed; each day that passes counts as one man-year on the manse. No other labour is required, and even things like Integrated Magitech Artillery can be emulated with grotesque weapon systems of spines and toxic crystals. Killing the manse-child is as hard as destroying any other partially completed manse. Once complete, its mother is automatically attuned to it, and this attunement may not be broken as long as the manse remains; in addition, it counts as one of her descendants for the purposes of Kimbery Charms. Its aesthetics are designed, in general terms, in the design process, and must conform to both the aesthetics of Kimbery and the aesthetics of the underlying demesne. Although they are living, and born of flesh, that does not prevent the secretion of twisted silicate shells which resemble cyclopean geometries, and other such things. It may not cap Fire, Solar, or Cytherea-aspected demesnes, unless the Exotic Aspect (Kimbery) power has been taken, and in such cases, a mandatory 2-point Fragility Flaw must be taken (overriding the normal rules on the incompatibility of those Flaws), for which no points are received, as the manse-child grows up sickly and weak, trying to contain the agonising fire that burns at its Essence flows. Sentient manse-children who suffer through this will likely suffer psychological problems and trauma, and may well be driven insane. However, once the aspect of the underlying demesne has been converted, that Flaw is removed, as the manse-child can strengthen its flesh-architecture properly without the toxic burning Essence running through it.

At Essence 4 this Charm permanently upgrades, such that the manse-child grows at a rate of (mother's Essence) man-years per day.

(Notes: This Charm lets you make manse-seeds, which you give birth to/impregnate a demense with, which grow into a manse. For the Infernal on the go, who doesn't have time to build a manse, but who does have time for a pregnancy.)
My Pretty Baby

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Pemanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Kimbery Excellency, Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

Kimbery feels terrible guilt for fostering her babies upon other teats. In her benevolence, she tries to make it up to them, and showers her gifts upon them to make up for such tragic abandonment. This Charm permanently upgrades all manses made via Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, with the following features:
• All such manses count as having a Network Node, connecting to all other manses made by the same Infernal, which does not count towards their total number of points. All the inlets of Kimbery are the same ocean, after all. These Nodes may not communicate with any non-manse-children, however.
• All such manses are treated as if they are Beloved by the Infernal, unless this is overridden by them becoming Reviled.
• The "Sentient" power in Chapter 2 of Oedenal's Codex is treated as if it is italicised and is favoured regardless of the aspect of the Demesne, allowing it to be taken by any manse for 4 Creation Points.
• As long as the Infernal ingests an appropriate exotic component for the aspect of the manse to be built and the nature of the manse-child, one extra Creation point is granted. For example, the sexual fluids of a Sidereal would be perfect for a Sidereal-aspected manse. This is increased to two extra Creation points as long as the manse is Kimbery or Vitriol aspected. These extra points may only be spent on features favoured by that aspect, or on manse powers that have Living Manse as a prerequisite. Traces appropriate to the source of the exotic component will be left in the manse, especially if it has been given the Sentient quality; the eyes that wriggle in the walls, and the colour of the fleshy walls might be all too familiar to the "father", for example.

At Essence 4, this power improves further. When creating the manse-child, as long as the Infernal ingests or obtains an appropriate exotic component for the aspect of the manse, rather than receive the aforementioned bonus they may instead cap a demense with a manse one dot higher rated than the manse. For example, the Infernal could cap a 3-dot demesne with a 4-dot manse. The difficulty of all design rolls and the required construction time would be that of a 3-dot manse, but the resultant structure would be a 4-dot manse in all regards (producing a 4-dot hearthstone, having creation points equivalent to a 4-dot manse [see The Books of Sorcery, vol. III—Oadenol's Codex], and so forth). Kimbery does not play fair with her children, and so the Infernal may still deliberately weaken her designs to produce one-dot manses, if desired. If used to design a 5-dot manse, My Pretty Baby does not raise it to N/A level, instead providing six additional creation points with which to design its features, gives it the Sentient quality for free, and it makes the manse a potential geomantic channel to sustain a N/A level manse elsewhere.

(Notes: Upgrades your Manse-babies, via the power of Kimbery, so they're worth more than just casting Raising the Pussiant Sanctum. Quite a bit referenced from Design Beyond Limit, but this is a specifically manse-focussed Charm, while that one is more general craft. Kimbery should build better living manses than Solars.)

Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling

Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Seared Fruits of Union, Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead

The children of Kimbery need not content themselves with just the paltry fare of Creation. No, she has taught them to always demand the best, and so they shall have it, like ticks upon the dragonlines of Creation, warping the local geometry to feed their beautiful growth. With her corrosive waters, she impregnates those things which come within her reach and catch her eye infusing them with her progenitive Essence. This Charm permanently upgrades Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead. When the Infernal designs a Kimbery or Vitriol-aspected manse for a level 1 demesne, she need not place it on a pre-existing demesne. Instead, using Seared Fruits of Union, the Infernal may impregnate a suitable building, barren mountain, river, lake, bog, seaside, collection of limpid pools high in the mountains, or otherwise geomantically auspicious place with the manse-child, which latches onto the structure or feature with its umbilical cord.

Its growth is rather more convoluted and complicated than one of its siblings permitted a demesne to grow on, however. First, it, as it fuses with the pre-existing geography, squamous tendrils sinking into rock to burrow out a lair into the mountainside or tumourous coral growths enveloping a building. The manse-child grows into a pseudo-manse, taking as long as it would if it were a level-1 manse produced by Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, which produces no hearthstone and may not be used to regenerate motes. Once this is done, the pseudo-manse has the Living Manse, Dangerous Traps, and two points of Essence Vents powers, as the corrosive power of Kimbery arcs within it. These are paid for by 2 points of Habitability and a 2-point Vulnerability; any naked flame (including a Fire Aspected anima banner) bought into the undeveloped hearthstone chamber destroys the manse.

The pseudo-manse requires, above all, motes. It respires motes at a rate of 2m per hour, and each mote counts as one man-day of labour towards building a level 1 manse, meaning that each day, 50 man-days are contributed towards the manse. As a result, assuming uninterrupted Essence flow, the manse is built in two years. In places which resonate with the manse-aspect, this rate is doubled. As it draws on the surrounding area, the essence of Kimbery bleeds slowly into the area, affecting everything within a one mile radius of the pseudo-manse as if were a Kimbery demense, mutating mortals as normal, and warping the landscape. Rain falls often and pools, water keeps its chill in even the heat of summer, fish and other water-dwellers grow big and vicious, and anything born within this area takes, as a Desecration Effect, a Pox thematically appropriate for aquatic life. This even affects the dreams of the locals; they dream of deep seas, squirming life, and the Infernal who mothered the manse-child, which causes bad sleep. Mortals in the affected area lose one dice to rolls to recover Willpower, as a fear-based Emotion effect. Once the pseudo-manse has "built" itself by feeding off Essence, it manifests as the designed manse, with a Level 1 Demense underneath it. The effect on the landscape and area ceases, although the landscape and its inhabitants will be scarred by their experiences.

However, if there is an uncapped Demesne within (Demesne's Rating squared) miles of the pseudo-manse, the manse-child will, in addition, draw the rich, concentrated Essence from the nearest demesne, sending questing tendrils underground to suckle from it. The demesne generates no motes while the pseudo-manse is draining it, but for each day that it drains it, it counts as 10 man-years towards the manse, rather than 50 man-days. The draining tendrils have the statistics of Ichor Flux Tendrils, and "grapple" the geomancy of the area, attacking anyone who attacks them. If destroyed, they take a number of days equal to (the distance in miles +1) from the pseudo-manse to the demesne to regenerate, and will attempt to drain again. Once the manse and demesne are complete, the rating of any targeted demesne which has provided more than (demense-rating x 10) man years is permanently reduced by 1 point. The pseudo-manse may not feed off Fire, Solar, or Cytherea-aspected demesnes.

As an as-yet-unknown, innate Heretical feature of this Charm, Green Sun Princes who have developed and learned their own Excellency via Triumphant Howl of the Devil Tiger may also create manse-children aspected towards themselves via this method, even if they have no other way to create demesnes aspected towards themselves. The product of one's loins know who their mother is, after all.

(Notes: Lets your manse-babies begin on places which aren't manses, forming a demesne by sucking all the local Essence flows to them, and then growing into a manse. And, sure, they might taint the entire area towards Kimbery, too, but that's just because they're so adorable.)

Potential-Drowning Depths Dweller

Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Geomancy-Suckling Little Darling

To Kimbery, the Wyld is but a transient thing, to be replaced by her artistic vision, and her children shall bring it to completion. This Charm permanently improves Monstrous Manse-Mother Fountainhead, allowing it to be used on a single waypoint in the Wyld. The Infernal may design any Kimbery-aspected manse with a manse rating of (Essence/2) or less, following the normal rules for manses designed using that Charm, and give birth to it in a Wyld Zone. The newborn manse-child draws upon the changing energies of the Wyld, drowning it in the cold depths of Kimbery. In the bordermaches, each day counts as 5 man-years towards completion, in the Middlemarches, each day counts as 10 man years towards completion, and in the Deep Wyld and in Pure Chaos each day counts as 20 man years towards completion. To be used in the Deep Wyld or Pure Chaos, the manse must be designed with the "Traveling" Feature, as it will drift free on the tides of the Wyld; ones in the bordermarches or middlemarches are sufficiently anchored to Creation to stay static.

However, such manse-children do not act like normal manses. They do not produce a hearthstone and receive no bonus Creation points for that, instead flooding the entire waypoint with Kimberyian Essence, reshaping it, as they lock it into shape. The entire waypoint is made part of Creation, for as long as the manse-child remains in place; its death allows the Wyld to attempt to unmake the land again. The manse-child expands over the entire waypoint, although there is a central body which will appear as a normal manse, and so manse powers can be used over the entire area without needing to purchase Zone of Influence. The Essence of Kimbery fills the entire place, making any child born or made within it a Creature of Darkness, and count as one of the Infernal's descendents as a Desecration Effect, and granting 6 mutation points to be spent on appropriately themed positive mutations, which may be either set by the Infernal whenever they stand in the empty hearthstone chamber, or permitted to vary based on the manse's aesthetics. Moreover, each day spent within such a place count as one scene towards building an Intimacy of "Unconditional Love and Obedience" towards the Infernal who gave birth to the manse-child.

The tendrils of the manse-child suffuse the land, making it like wet clay in the hands of its mother. While standing in the vacant hearthstone chamber, the Infernal may reshape anywhere within the waypoint as if they knew Wyld-Shaping Technique, treating the land as Middlemarches. All such changes must be compatible with the aesthetics of Kimbery and her Excellency, and the Infernal may only create (or modify) Land, People, or Wealth. In addition, it also calcifies any Unshaped Fair Folk who enters it after a number of ticks equal to (11 - Infernal's Essence), rendering them down into vitriolic sludge which screams eternally in drowning agony in an amusing similarity to Chalcanth (and has some interesting, little-known properties in crafting).

(Notes: Because Kimbery has her own way for taking over the Wyld. And lol Fair Folk. You think you matter.)


Cost: 15m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Devil-Weed Growth
Spitting out a gobbet of his own gore, the warlock mutters a sublingual claim of investment, a ritual gargle lasting no less than fifteen minutes. The bloody seed flourishes once it is complete, spreading fleshy roots through rapidly composting ground and spraying grey spores that taste of copper into the air. By the end of the day, it has sprouted into a twisted morass with a radius of (Infernal's Stamina x 100) yards. This mass of crazed vegetation thrives regardless of the surrounding environment, though it takes "inspiration" from local life where possible. Any Wyld-tainted land within the affected area immediately becomes part of Creation.

Tangled roots and squirming sludge render this whole region extreme terrain (Exalted, pp. 266) for dramatic travel, and render local movement at least as difficult as moving through knee-deep mud (though the penalty is considered plant-based). Life churns and flourishes to an almost unhealthy degree, applying a -2 external penalty to any roll to resist Sickness effects or plant-based Poisons within the jungle. Animals and insects grow oversized in air that fogs thick and warm, while fruits and flowers swell to the point of obscenity, reflecting the Infernal's anima in their aspect. This reduces the difficulty of foraging to one, though it becomes no safer.

Fertile though this bayou is, it cannot help but hunger for more. Spilt blood is quickly soaked up by the grey roots of ravenous plants, while corpses rot away within hours. Each week, the jungle creeps outward in response to any blood sacrifices made within its borders to Metagaos, the Infernal, or one of their representatives. Its radius increases by 25 yards for every Magnitude dot's worth of health levels sacrificed that week (fatally or otherwise). This expansion is halved if the majority of health levels came from unintelligent animals, while it doubles if they came from victims who do not dwell within the swamp itself. These modifiers stack. The jungle becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius.

Cutting or burning away the jungle allows clear passage for a while, but it regrows completely within an hour of the plants' removal. Holy effects or magical fire extend this to (Essence rating of source) hours. Non-magical structures require continuous effort to maintain in the face of creeping vines and moss. Countermagic simply removes the region's unnatural fecundity, converting it into a mundane swamp that remains until removed by active effort or environmental factors. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.


Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (10 – Essence) hours
Prerequisite Charms: Flesh-Weaving Tendrils, Luscious Jungle Germination
In the wake of Primordial surrender, whole hosts of Fire Aspects marched through the lands touched by Metagaos, heated blades felling great trees that bled and screamed. They purged such things from Creation, for they should not exist. This Charm is a dramatic action taking (10 – Essence) hours of meditation, during which the warlock designs a Metagaos-aspected manse with a rating no greater than (Essence - 1) and just half the usual power points, using (Intelligence + Medicine). His insides visibly churn as internal microflora devour and breed – then he regurgitates a grey manse-seed, about the size of a human head, which lasts one day before decaying into Essence.

To use this manse-seed, the Infernal must plant it in one of his luscious jungles and shed three health levels worth of blood over it. It digs in roots, ensuring that it will not naturally die, and opens a passive plant-mouth into which corpses or blood can be dumped. Once the manse-bud has consumed (rating x 100) health levels' worth of gore, it blossoms into a full manse-flower, using the Infernal's design. Living victims can be tossed in, suffering a hazard equivalent to an acid bath until they escape, clambering up slippery internal walls with a difficulty 4 climbing roll.

Every aspect of the manse-flower's makeup is organic. Leaf-like veins form smooth arches, while oversized alveoli cushion bedchambers. Powers are similarly fleshy, such that bound servants must be either Genesis-guardians cultivated from architectural tissue, or demons of Metagaos. It automatically receives the Living and Exotic Aspect (Metagaos) powers at no cost, and can take a special version of the Sentient power that costs two fewer points than normal, but derives its personality from the overall mentality of those sacrificed to create it as though they were an organization with a united set of Policies.

The flower is not a true manse, and therefore forms no hearthstone, provides no motes, cannot lend or receive manse points, and cannot be rendered Indestructible - in fact, it suffers from a single automatic dot of Fragility. It receives no Drawback points for these innate downsides. Any Maintenance requirements must involve blood sacrifice. Since it relies on its fertile surroundings for sustenance, none of its powers can guard against the jungle's magical traits. However, a radius of jungle (rating x 50) yards around the manse is rendered immune to countermagic, a warded area within which no further manse-seeds can be successfully planted.

With Essence 5+ this Charm can be used to create a seed for an actual Metagaoiyn manse. This usage doubles its cost, design time, and the sacrificed health levels necessary for it to flower. It must be planted in a tainted jungle, on a Wood, Water, Vitriol or Metagaos-aspected demesne with an appropriate rating. It wards a radius of (rating) miles from countermagic. All the usual downsides of this construction are waived, but the benefits remain.


Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Until ended
Prerequisite Charms: Mythic Glory Wrought, Hand and Quern Grindstones
Standing near the center of an area of exposed earth or stone at least (Charisma x 10) yards in radius, the Infernal asks the question: "What will remain when all else has fallen?" In reply, the ground trembles. Concentric circles of vast megalithic arches rise from the bedrock within the designated radius. As one they growl in stony voices: "Your name. Your legend. Your life." In the center of the structure emerges a stele carved in the likeness of the Infernal and bearing his name in Old Realm. A praising account of the Infernal's exploits to date adorn the base the monument, in any language or combination of languages the Infernal knows and desires. This counts as written social attack to convince any reader of the Infernal's glory, with a number of automatic successes equal to the Infernal's (Charisma + Essence) and a Linguistics rating equal to his (Linguistics or Craft [Earth]). The stele continuously updates its account, marking all notable events in the Infernal's life.
This Charm may be used in Creation or similarly shaped lands (the relic landscape of Zen-mu, for example, if it could be found) or areas close enough that the radius of this Charm at least touch that land. The land becomes part of whatever realm it borders and cannot be activated within ten miles of the border of a land shaped with Chirality Prohibition Index or Holy Land Infliction (and vice versa) or within five miles of another application of this Charm.
The land within this radius becomes the property of the Infernal automatically. Beings with higher Essence may contest this effect with an Essence roll off, to which the Infernal adds (Followers) automatic successes. While within this area, the Infernal gains a +1 situational bonus die on all his actions as his legend feeds back into himself. Additionally, anyone within the area who does not confess before the Infernal or his stele that he is their superior receives a -1 External Penalty while in this land.
The land is attuned to the Infernal's legend. Whenever he accomplishes a key facet of his Motivation such that he would regain a willpower (Exalted, p. 89) or whenever he accomplishes his Motivation, he may reflexively reactive this Charm wherever he is. He demands to know the present state of his glory; far off, a megalith of his choice respond in a voice that thunders over the horizon. If he accomplished an aspect of his Motivation, the affected territory surrounding that megalith expands its radius by (Charisma x 100) yards and the original central region rises by (Charisma x 25) yards; the area is now considered Difficult Terrain as it slopes and sheers to accommodate the nascent mountain. If he completed his Motivation, the region expands by one mile and rises by one thousand feet; the area is now considered Extreme Terrain. The maximum radius of area is (Followers) miles; its maximum height is (Followers x 5) thousand feet. If this expanding region contacts another like it, the two growing mountains merge into the spine of new-born mountain range. As the land shifts and buckles during its reshaping, structures can be damaged or destroyed, as though the Infernal had employed Footsteps Like Thunder throughout the region for the duration of one hour. During the upheaval that occurs when the Infernal completes his Motivation, all structures not made of stone and with a Resource cost less than his Essence are automatically shaken apart and destroyed.
Once the megalith increases its height by two-thousand feet, for either reason, the region becomes a persistent Blasphemous effect and Yu-shan will respond accordingly. The countermagic needed to terminate this effect is based on the Infernal's current Essence or Followers, whichever is higher, rather then minimum Essence of the Charm.


Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Entourage 2
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Megalithic Orogeny Memorial
Every stone and cliff within the Infernal's dominion is suffused with his legend. This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. When he creates a megalith, all the stone arches are also engraved with a written and pictorial account of his exploits.The written social attack inflicted by the stele now affects everyone who enters the original radius of the megalith, literate and illiterate alike and does so once a day. If successful the attack counts as (Followers) scenes spent building an Intimacy toward the Infernal's legend.
A second purchase of this Charm causes his legend to pour through the entire region surrounding the megalith. Any territory under the effects of Megalithic Orogeny Memorial speak of the Infernal's glory. From certain angles a cliff face resembles his profile; from the air, forests and rivers crudely spell out his name. Anyone venturing within this territory encounters the social attack once a week.
While new megaliths gain this benefit immediately, older ones are only upgraded appropriately when the Infernal reflexively expands that territory.


Cost: — (+5m); Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Entourage 3
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Megalithic Orogeny Memorial
To affirm Mardukth's majesty, the earth rose in song. By such music, the tide of chaos was driven back. This Charm permanently enhances Megalithic Orogeny Memorial. Unless otherwise prohibited by the application of another area-affecting Charm, the Infernal may activate Megalithic Orogeny Memorial within five miles of another application of this Charm, even if this would place it outside the lands of Creation or similar territory. In this way, he may expand his influence into the Wyld and elsewhere. Additionally when he is given the opportunity to reflexively activate Megalithic Orogeny Memorial to expand one region, he may pay an additional five motes to simultaneously expand all additional regions he created within five miles of the chosen one. A second purchase at Essence 5+, Followers 4+ allows the Infernal to pay an additional five motes (for a total of +10m) to expand all megaliths within five miles of the secondary megaliths affected. With Followers 5, the Infernal may continue repurchasing this Charm each time his Essence increases, expanding all his megaliths within five miles of previous set for another five motes.

I really like this set, mainly because the other charms don't let you RAISE UP A FUCKING MOUNTAIN! THAT IS SO AWESOME AND I JUST LOVE THIS SET!

Keep in mind that almost all the Yozis have ways of shaping their followers, and these changes make them more adept at living in that Yozi's environment. Cecelyne give hands out Transcendent Desert Creature alongside her locusts, Kimbery can make you breathe liquid while in her presence or just straight up gift you some gills (which raises an interesting question, do most of Kimbery's demons have gills, or do they just rely on being her beloved children to not drown due to the second purchase of Fathomless Poison Haven? Does this also mean most of Kimbery's demons will die if summoned?), Metagaos's Self Seed Infestation eventually turns your followers into things of the swamp, and Mardukth can grant each and every one of his followers the same mountain-climbing powers he possesses.

EDIT: Added in geomancy charms for Kimbery and Metagaos.
Well I was mostly going off of pure canon, because I cannot assume everyone will use the same homebrew as I do. So I mostly talked in broad strokes rather than discuss the exact details. And canon has literally two of those charm branches in total, and there is a good shot that an Infernal may decided to use the other four Yozi instead, especially since the canon SWLIHN charmset as a whole is rather uninspired.

But yes! Infernal Xeno-Forming Charms are the shit; as you say they can alter not only the surrounding area, but also the people who live there as well. Again an Infernal must weigh up whether the benefits of altering the world and its people to such an extent is worth it. I especially love Earthscorpin's City-Forming charms, if I'm reading them right you could turn a literal tent, you could convert it into a reasonably sized town house with central heating quickly enough. And even if you're only essence 2 or 3, with enough effort you could do this to a small village or town in about a week and make their standard of living shoot right up.
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That Charm is a Yozi-send. Esp. if you have a really powerful Shintai Charm available to use, like Emergent Viridian Angel Shintai.

So, this is taken out of context, but it reminded me that Charm existed, and of the thought I had when I first read it.

@EarthScorpion, would you mind doing a short comparison between this Charm you made, and Heuristic Logos Shintai? Because it seems to me that HL is more powerful than EVA, which has HL as a prerequisite.
So, this is taken out of context, but it reminded me that Charm existed, and of the thought I had when I first read it.

@EarthScorpion, would you mind doing a short comparison between this Charm you made, and Heuristic Logos Shintai? Because it seems to me that HL is more powerful than EVA, which has HL as a prerequisite.
They fufill different purposes; EVA Shintai is an army killer, much like Cecelyne's greater Shintai, it kills a lot of people by just being there. But exalted enemies probably have a Shaping defenses and attack charms that can bypass the size difference that usually protects big-huge combatants from any meaningful harm. It also turns huge swaths of the Wyld into Creation, so it has a utilitarian purpose beyond killing shit.

HLS on the other hand is a pretty solid direct attack enhancer, it ups your soak and increases the damage and scope of Mind-Hand Manipulation as well, so it makes you far more killy on a personal level than the EVA Shintai.
So, this is taken out of context, but it reminded me that Charm existed, and of the thought I had when I first read it.

@EarthScorpion, would you mind doing a short comparison between this Charm you made, and Heuristic Logos Shintai? Because it seems to me that HL is more powerful than EVA, which has HL as a prerequisite.

Pfft, I'd rather not.

EVA Shintai is a) as old as balls so that means it's probably crap, and b) only existed to be an Evangelion reference anyway. And it doesn't fit in my current model for Heresy stuff, either.

Basically, if you want to be a giant burning green angel thing, Malfeas is right there.
Well I was mostly going off of pure canon, because I cannot assume everyone will use the same homebrew as I do. So I mostly talked in broad strokes rather than discuss the exact details. And canon has literally two of those charm branches in total, and there is a good shot that an Infernal may decided to use the other four Yozi instead, especially since the canon SWLIHN charmset as a whole is rather uninspired.

But yes! Infernal Xeno-Forming Charms are the shit; as you say they can alter not only the surrounding area, but also the people who live there as well. Again an Infernal must weigh up whether the benefits of altering the world and its people to such an extent is worth it. I especially love Earthscorpin's City-Forming charms, if I'm reading them right you could turn a literal tent, you could convert it into a reasonably sized town house with central heating quickly enough. And even if you're only essence 2 or 3, with enough effort you could do this to a small village or town in about a week and make their standard of living shoot right up.
Yeah, my eyes just glaze over when I read most SWLIHN charms.

I disagree on the "turn a tent into a building", though. Unless you turn it into a Malfean tent, I would rule that the City-forming can't latch onto such a pathetic structure.
So I recently went to see Gods of Egypt (definitely an average re-interpretation of the Horus and Set myth), and while I was watching it, I was struck by just how Exalted it feels. The tone, setting and character actions are all things that you'd expect to see in an Exalted session.

-The setting and capital city are very Solar ruled city, lots of palaces, pyramids, roads on walkways set above the rest of the city. Everything is laid out very neat and orderly.
-Set's tower that he orders build looks like what a manse-palace should be, and his pyramid is basically a manse with internal defences based on ever-shifting sand.
-The God's attitude towards mortals is very Exalted-like. There's dismissive (Horus), contempt (Set), curiosity when they do something unexpected (Thoth).
-Thoth incidentially, is textbook Twilight. Has a private library where he staffs with trusted minions (in this case, copies of himself)? Check. Absolutely assured of his own genius? Check? Vain about it? Check. Wants to study an interesting specimen (ie: the main character who is very lucky/Night Caste candidate)? Check. Ruminates on esoteric and obscure subjects when others really need his help at that point (What is the fundamental nature of a lettuce?)? Check.
-Bek the main mortal character is basically what a Heroic Mortal who is a Solar Exaltation candidate acts like.
-In defiance of the usual heroic tropes, the God's weapon of choice are spears. And they have some nice ones too. Set gives one to Horus that shrinks/collapses into a two toot long baton, and Ra has a very swanky one that shoots bolts of fire powerful enough to melt stone and God alike.
-Ra is basically how the US was probably like shortly before he turned his gaze from the Solars. Powerful, wise, compassionate, old and tired. He's left the world for his successors to rule. Don't come to him asking for help, his time is over. Also, Ra's Solar Barge is way better then the Daystar for using in Exalted.
-Apophis is appropriately scary. Think a giant lamprey crossed with shadows and stormclouds with a mouth over a hundred metres wide, and you have Apophis. I'm thinking E8-9 Behemoth or Hekatonhkeire. Eep.

I think that's everything. But yes, while it is a very average movie, it is something that I recommend Exalted fans go see. It's probably the closest thing we're going to get to an Exalted movie.
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Unfortunately, I cannot see people talk about that movie without thinking of pelvic thrones.