Gems in the Wastes (Exalted/Warhammer Fantasy/CK2)

Looks like we might want a seperate department for this. With a Second circle demon on staff for the trickier workings. Sorcerous workings have for more to do with each other then with stuff in the same category.
If it were a separate department, it likely wouldn't have much of a mechanical effect. I already have 8 categories of actions you can do each turn, making a 9th for something that also works with the existing Ministries is a bit much.
Man, some of those rolls were hard to cope with. hopefully it'll get better.

In fairness, crit fail aside, we're mostly okay. More water and starting on the food beyond fishing are needed (and both need Sorcerous Workings), as are the materials for smithies, a hospital, and a jail (we have 2 out of 3 and can get the other with a Working), but we can do all three of those things, I think. Getting people housed is also a priority...

Our rolls were low this turn (like, half of them were 30 or less), but we still succeeded for the most part.
In fairness, crit fail aside, we're mostly okay. More water and starting on the food beyond fishing are needed (and both need Sorcerous Workings), as are the materials for smithies, a hospital, and a jail (we have 2 out of 3 and can get the other with a Working), but we can do all three of those things, I think. Getting people housed is also a priority...

Our rolls were low this turn (like, half of them were 30 or less), but we still succeeded for the most part.

And we did not crit fail the demon summoning, that is always a good thing. :grin:

All that aside, not that we do not have that +10 anymore since we passed the action with an omake, I think we should make the houses before the hospital, tends that need to be replaced are just an action sink, we might as well do it properly from the get go now that we have stone. And heck, a roof over their heads will probably also keep the people from getting sick.
All that aside, not that we do not have that +10 anymore since we passed the action with an omake, I think we should make the houses before the hospital, tends that need to be replaced are just an action sink, we might as well do it properly from the get go now that we have stone. And heck, a roof over their heads will probably also keep the people from getting sick.

The issue there is that the Hospital is not a Stewardship action but Houses are. I do think we start in on houses soon-ish, but I'd like to get the non-Stewardship buildings done first while we use Stewardship to mainly work on food and water for at least a turn or two.

I agree probably no more tents, but we should still do the hospital first, IMO.
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The issue there is that the Hospital is not a Stewardship action but Houses are. I do think we start in on houses soon-ish, but I'd like to get the non-Stewardship buildings done first while we use Stewardship to mainly work on food and water for at least a turn or two.

I agree probably no more tents, but we should still do the hospital first, IMO.

That is a fair point, though I do wonder... could we summon a bunch of First Circle Demons to help with construction? Not Second Circle, we do not want Demon Lords wandering around town where they could drive the populace mad from revelation at the sight of them or infect them with demon spores etc... but we are going to have a lot of construction to do. Being able to go 'here is a pile of demons to help' might be a good investment in the long run. The only problem is that is not one task which means it comes with a one year expiration limit.
That is a fair point, though I do wonder... could we summon a bunch of First Circle Demons to help with construction? Not Second Circle, we do not want Demon Lords wandering around town where they could drive the populace mad from revelation at the sight of them or infect them with demon spores etc... but we are going to have a lot of construction to do. Being able to go 'here is a pile of demons to help' might be a good investment in the long run. The only problem is that is not one task which means it comes with a one year expiration limit.

Maybe if we can find the right kind of demon. That said, one year is 4 turns, I believe, so if they're doing construction every turn, that'd get most of the houses out of the way right there. We'd need to provide materials every turn for that to work, but that's just tricky, not impossible.
Okay, I found demons who can build houses, but, uh...

Book of Sorcery Vol. 5 said:
Descended from bilious threads of Gumela's substance, an inactive hopping puppeteer resembles a knotted ball of phlegm-soaked cord woven from coarse hair. These creatures rarely remain still for long, however, as they are consumed with an instinctual desire to alter their surroundings. Typically, they unravel into dozens of gangly legs reaching up to 50 or 100 yards in length, extending from a coin-sized central gnarl. These thin legs stretch or draw tight individually, resulting in the demons' eponymous gait. Nonetheless, the creatures are expert at manipulating their environment, pulling and lifting objects with elaborate block and tackle techniques, and displaying an idiot-savant mastery of architecture, landscaping, masonry and woodwork.

Puppeteers' love of human babies is perilous, as they have no comprehension of how to care for them. Given the chance, they wrap an infant in a swaddle of idle legs and turn those branches over to the hapless child's use. The thin slime that covers a puppeteer clings tenaciously to their limbs, and traces of it are rarely left behind. Vile in taste, this exoplasm is narcotic and highly addictive, although few mortals are unfortunate and wealthy enough to discover this. Such addiction is dangerous, typically leading to fatal attempts to swallow an inactive puppeteer.

Puppeteers hate to be summoned, and if one breaks free, it will happily kick its summoner to death before rearranging the local landscape according to its demonic vision. Sometimes, when a concretion of hair develops into a bezoar, a puppeteer is drawn into Creation without sorcery and consumes it. A puppeteer cannot abide long periods of idleness even when bound. For every full day it is not allowed to craft, its player rolls one die with a success inflicting one point of Limit.

So...they're creepy as shit, not very smart, covered in drugs, fascinated by babies, and hate being summoned. Which is all just...not good. Really not good.
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PR problems are better than housing problems, and first circles can be summoned and bound very reliably.

Oh, I'm not necessarily saying we don't summon them, just noting the issues with doing so. Summoning enough of them to make one housing action per turn extra is honestly probably a good plan, it's just something we might need a Diplomacy action to set up first...

They are, for whatever it's worth, solid architects and amazing laborers when it comes to building things.
PR problems are better than housing problems, and first circles can be summoned and bound very reliably.

Not if they are bad enough, keep in mind we only have 3/10 Popular Opinion, we cannot really afford to go much lower if we do not want the people doing something silly. Granted one might say that people freezing to death from lack of shelter should also be unpopular, but I do not think it would be more unpopular than the demons. Freezing to death after all is a familiar problem, demons covered in drugs obsessed with babies are anything but.
Not if they are bad enough, keep in mind we only have 3/10 Popular Opinion, we cannot really afford to go much lower if we do not want the people doing something silly. Granted one might say that people freezing to death from lack of shelter should also be unpopular, but I do not think it would be more unpopular than the demons. Freezing to death after all is a familiar problem, demons covered in drugs obsessed with babies are anything but.

In fairness, we can probably do some stuff about that in the near term...Piety and Diplomacy stuff to improve the common people's attitude seems doable in the short term and a dedicated diplomacy action could potentially help with the demon thing...probably anyway. We might want to do some serious groundwork before summoning the Hopping Puppeteers for our construction needs, though. Like...I do not think we do that next turn. Maybe sometime, but not next turn.
In fairness, we can probably do some stuff about that in the near term...Piety and Diplomacy stuff to improve the common people's attitude seems doable in the short term and a dedicated diplomacy action could potentially help with the demon thing...probably anyway. We might want to do some serious groundwork before summoning the Hopping Puppeteers for our construction needs, though. Like...I do not think we do that next turn. Maybe sometime, but not next turn.

Oh agreed, I do not want to close the door on such a useful demon, just maybe not now.
So, got off of work. Let me just relay my writing progress so far for Turn 2 since this morning:

Part 1 (Complete)
Turn 2 Intro: Complete
Martial: Complete
Diplomacy: Complete
Stewardship: Complete

Part 2 (Incomplete)
Intrigue: Complete
Piety: Half-Complete (See Turn 2.5)
Learning: Not Started
Mining: Started Writing
Personal: Not Started
Crit Fail Conciliation Vote (Not Started)

Turn 2.5 (Fount of Glories Policy Vote)(Not Started)

Hope that helps you with knowing where I am. Intrigue is going to be particularly important this turn... Unfortunately...
If it were a separate department, it likely wouldn't have much of a mechanical effect. I already have 8 categories of actions you can do each turn, making a 9th for something that also works with the existing Ministries is a bit much.
Did not notice that it could be considered a subdivision of the ministry of Records. [edit] Department would be the wrong word. What's the smallest independent section of government? Office? [/edit]

It could be considered for an expansion to full ministry once it becomes more then a few sorcerers (and attending bureaucrats to include some means). Right now, it would be way too small to be getting a promotion. So ... never mind.
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I will say that it seems a little weird that our Records Advisors can't do Workings on their own, given they are both sorcerers. Probably only ones in the Learning category (since they are busy with their job there), but it seems like it should be an option.
They are busy. They handle a whole bunch admin stuff that only they can do.
This, for the most part. Outside of the tasks you give them, they're also in charge of maintaining what written records they have with the limited amount of parchment available.

Lately, they've moved to ceramic records in order to save on paper / animal hide. Maybe I could have made clay a rare resource to farm, but at this point that's a bit too micromanage-y. Just assume that you have enough clay to do stuff like that.
This, for the most part. Outside of the tasks you give them, they're also in charge of maintaining what written records they have with the limited amount of parchment available.

Mmm. They can still do non-sorcerous actions on their own anyway, is the mental stumbling block there. I suppose in-universe they aren't actually the ones doing them, just assigning people though, so I guess it makes sense.

Lately, they've moved to ceramic records in order to save on paper / animal hide. Maybe I could have made clay a rare resource to farm, but at this point that's a bit too micromanage-y. Just assume that you have enough clay to do stuff like that.

Yeah, if we have micromanage more stuff we'd likely need more actions, and there are already plenty of those, IMO.
Alright, I haven't been able to get any writing today, so I might split off what I've already got into it's own small post and then finish off the rest of Turn 2 after that. It's only about 2k or so words, but this has been unexpectedly stumping me. Might need a bit more time to get it right.

That Nat 100 is tied in with the Fount of Glories?

Did... Did we accidentally a God of Law into that Mess? Or give Aurora a potential second lease on life?
... I feel like something happened this turn but it's also late and I should slep.

Good night.

EDIT: Oh right, it was a high Good Luck roll in piety, that's what got me confused.
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Turn 2 Results (Part 2)
A/N: See previous update for plan details. Author's Note at bottom of update is also particularly important, might want to check that out.

Intrigue Actions
-[X][Intrigue][LOCKED] The Pangu Opening (DC 40/60)(Costs No Action)
--[X] Assign Fuvor (Hero, +7)
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) + 7 (Fuvor's Intrigue) = +20
DC 40/60
Result: 27 + 20 = 47, 1st Threshold Success!

Outside of the tent which currently housed a former member of the guard, Fuvor awkwardly stood, looking like he very much did not belong here. As used to infiltration as he was, the young man was less experienced in other elements of spywork. Interrogations, in this case. While he was waiting out here, Minister Ekundayo was doing her best to pry as much information out of Ifiok's head as she could without resorting to torture. After all, even he knew that torture didn't exactly produce the best results. Still, it was a slow process, and from what he could hear, nothing much was happening.

Though the tent was made to have as few openings as possible, with over two dozen stakes securing the structure to the ground, there was still a tiny gap in between the door flaps, enough for air to get through. And where air could get through, so could wind and sound. So it was that Fuvor directed the flow of air precisely enough to bring the sounds from inside to his ears.

"You know, there's not much stopping the King from ordering your head cut off. If you don't tell us why we should keep you alive, then you're just taking up valuable tent space. There are people out there sleeping under the stars or underneath the broken boats because they don't have the luxuries that you do right now. Surely you wouldn't want your fellow man to die of hypothermia just because you were so selfish, isn't that right?"

As he heard the Minister's words, he grimaced. From what little he knew of her, she would normally be a lot more subtle about this. If she was falling back onto threats, then this interrogation was definitely not producing the results she wanted. He waited to hear anything more from inside the structure, but after a few seconds of silence, only a scoff breaking the peace. Ekundayo stomped out of the tent, looking uncharacteristically irritated at the fact that her tricks didn't seem to be working.

"That obstinate IDIOT! How is it that prying secrets from him is harder than-" she caught herself off when she saw Fuvor just standing there like he didn't belong. When she opened her mouth again, likely to ask what he was doing there, he just put a finger to his lips and redirected the flow again to her ears as well.

For another few seconds, there was nothing but silence once more. But then, in the tiny hushed whispers of the insane, came the nugget of information they were looking for. A nugget that had Ekundayo's irritated grimace mold itself into a bloodthirsty smile.

"Just a few more days. Just a few more days, and then he will save you. Long live the Queen's true heir. Long live King Nuwa."

If it weren't for how confused you were at hearing this report on what the prisoner said, you would have been enraged yourself. "Could you repeat that, sister? What Ifiok precisely said?"

"He said, 'Long live the Queen's true heir. Long live King Nuwa,'" repeated Ekundayo, in an unusually stern tone. Had you the brain capacity, you might have pondered whether this odd attitude of hers was something new, or something she developed when working undercover for your mother. Instead, all of your thoughts endlessly repeated the word, What?

"Nuwa," you repeated, still barely comprehending what was being said. "Member of the royal family, Nuwa. First Heir of Queen Ulu, Nuwa. The Dead Princess, Nuwa." How? How in Creation did one of your guardsman believe a random man telling him that he was the deceased princess, when everyone had seen her corpse? Yes, no one knew about how she precisely died, but they were able to confirm that she very much WAS deceased when her head, limbs and entrails were splattered in front of the gates of the city in the morning! You as well as every sorcerer and coroner in the nation had studied her body, and confirmed through every test possible that it was indeed your grandniece! HOW COULD SOMEONE BE SO STUPID TO BELIEVE A LIE LIKE THAT?!

"We, ah," the Air Aspect, who was also standing in the room fidgeted, putting his weight on each leg at different intervals. "We suspect that whoever this person was, he might have told Ifiok that the corpse found was a fake, and that he… was… well, we call them 'Devotees of Danaa'd' sometimes…"

When you looked further puzzled, Gwai who was standing there with you leaned in and explained the hidden meaning. Ah. Yes, you supposed that with all of the magic available out there in Creation, changing something like… that was also in the cards. But it was still a story that required a lot of mental stretching to believe! And besides, you had confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the dead body was hers!

"Before you get into hysterics," said Ekundayo, breaking you out of your thought spiral, "It's entirely possible that the one who was controlling Ifiok was extremely persuasive in other ways, or was able to edit his memories while possessing him. I won't deny that the man could just be a plain old idiot, but there are other answers out there."

"Right," you agreed with her there. In your decade or so of practice as a sorcerer, you had seen a great deal of strange phenomena in the world. Something like she described was easily possible for a spellcaster of your caliber. You would need to keep an eye out for anyone else among your citizenry who had a recent conversation with a woman whose been dead for 5 years.

You have found out one of the aliases used by your enemy! With them claiming direct ties to the royal family, as well as citing an older and more substantiated (presumably) claim to the throne, it's quite possible that your crown might be their next goal…

-[X][Intrigue] Scouting Ahead (Variable)
--[X] In General (DC 20)
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) = +13
DC 20
Result: 74 + 13 = 87, that's a success with 3 additional intervals!

While you were normally appreciative when your scouts had plenty of information to give you, on this day what they told you only served to strike fear in your heart. Because what they informed you of was perhaps the worst news you had heard so far since taking the throne. That included the news that you would need to abandon a substantial number of your people to the Raksha on your boats.

"A behemoth?" came the question, whispered between your lips. The paling scouts nodded in confirmation before their leader elaborated.

"An enormous serpent, as tall as the trees it was surrounded by, was being corralled by some tamer towards our location. Worse, this serpent had not just one head, but nine, each seeking to eat whatever poor souls were close enough to consume. It is an abomination which the fae would have loved to use against us, in Uluiru."

Taking in a deep breath, you tried to steady yourself. A behemoth as large as the trees. A distant corner of your mind tried to find a silver lining by saying that at least you found some source of wood, but… you couldn't appreciate that right now. Not when a monstrosity was potentially headed in your general direction. You had to ask, "Is there any good news that you can tell me?"

The sergeant sighed. "Well, the good news is that the behemoth wasn't taking to being corralled very well. It kept trying to eat the enemy despite the fact that it had visible collars and everything. So, there's a decent chance that if we can remove whoever is in charge of that beast, that it could easily turn on its 'allies.' Besides that, from what little we saw, their marching progress is slow. It's going to easily be a few months before they reach us, if they want to keep the giant monster with them."

That… alright, you could do some work with a few months time. You weren't sure if it would be enough, but you at least mitigate the damage. Still, "marching progress? You mean there's an army accompanying this beast?"

The scout leader nodded again. "Yes, your majesty. They had very few cavalry from what we could see, which is how we were able to get close enough to check, but their infantry is… very well equipped. Every man without a horse bears armor and weapons more exquisite than I can describe, even if they number only a bit more than the Royal Guard in size. There is some more good news, though: Not a bow in sight, which we found very odd. Maybe there is a cultural stigma against ranged combat?"

"Judging by all of the crossbows we took possession of, I doubt that is the case," said Gwai in a dry tone. He and Ekundayo were both here to listen in on the report and give their own suggestions for future plans.

"Then I don't know why there aren't any, sir. Maybe their ranged infantry are very sneaky, maybe this commander just doesn't like them. But it's still weird, is all I can say."

"And the commander," said Ekundayo, who was resting her chin on her hand, still kneeling. "Did you see them?"

Your scouts just shook their heads no. Well, you couldn't ask for everything, you supposed. Still, you greatly appreciated the risk they took to bring this information to you, even if you hated the contents of it.

Normally, I wouldn't have given information regarding hostiles like this without the correct option, BUT! Due to a particularly high (97) warband roll (that is to say, the rolls I do generating them, rather than the public rolls that are done for defeating them), a large enemy force is heading your way for Turn 3. This warband will require most of your armed forces to fight off, and thus we will be using mini-turn rules to resolve it. Here's what your scouts were able to find:
  • There is a very large War Hydra (Roll: 89) heading your way to mess stuff up, putting it mildly. It's big enough to tackle all of your general troops put together (Size 4). It is VERY unruly (Quality 0) and likely to turn on its compatriots if its handler is killed. Who's the handler? You don't know yet.
  • Your enemies have multiple battalions of elite melee infantry, some carrying spears (Black Guard of Naggarond; Roll: 64), some swords (Har Ganneth Executioners; Roll: 84), of low but unknown numbers. They are well-equipped, particularly the sword-wielders who outnumber the spearwielders.
  • For whatever reason, they have little cavalry, and no ranged units. Blame the dice on that one (25 and 8, respectively). It does mean that they won't be able to pelt your units from far away, and no counter for your own archers.
  • If this force is successfully dealt with, all subsequent warbands will suffer a -20 penalty for the next 5 turns due to unit depletion, and also to compensate for the bad luck.
Oh, and they also found a forest very deep inland. It will be quite a distance to travel to, and with it currently being occupied by the above army it's inaccessible, but hey, it's a source of wood!

Unlocked… a
lot of Martial Actions to get ready.

-[X][Intrigue] Scouting Ahead
--[X] At the Settlement (DC 30)
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) = +13
DC 30
Result: 30 + 13 = 43, Success!

Unlike their compatriots, the "surveyors" you sent back to the settlement they found earlier in the year weren't able to bring back much information. Evidently a heavy guard patrol had been established for an otherwise small village for unknown reasons, denying them any access without a highly risky infiltration. Still, they were able to figure out a hidden path to the settlement that would make approaching it easier.

DC for this specific action has been reduced by 10 (DC 30 -> 20). Your scouts were also able to confirm that this random settlement has a larger-than-necessary military force present. They are pretty sure (Read: I am telling you) that they will not join up with the Turn 3 massive warband.

Piety Actions
-[X][Piety] On the Fount (No Roll)

To be continued in "Turn 2.5: On the Fount"

-[X][Piety] Ask the Earth Elementals for help (DC 10+)
--[X] +20 to Ground Survey
Roll Bonus: 10 (Chinasa's Piety) = +10
DC 10
Result: 57 + 10 = 67, Notable Success!

It seems your decision to appoint Chinasa to this position paid off greatly. Under her direction, the various priests present were able to speak with the Gem-Lords who lived within your walls. Promising them a home in whatever mines are located within the local area (not including the distant mountains), they sent their servants to give their all in locating such a space. In addition, they felt generous enough to convert cold dirt into substantial amounts of stone, enough to be used for future projects.

The Earth Elementals will add +20 to the Ground Survey action. You gained +1 Stone!

Author's Note: For those wondering about the interrogation, what Ifiok was essentially implying was that he was approached by the Heart-Eater, who through some (likely mind-controlly) means managed to convince him that
  1. He was in fact Princess Nuwa, Queen Ulu's actual designated heir,
  2. That the body that was discovered was a fake,
  3. And that he was in fact a transitioned transman.
The first two details are not true, Ifiok is just a weak-willed idiot. You kind of have to be lacking in the willpower department to be a Pawn in the first place, assuming no charms are taken to remedy that. The transgender part actually is true, but it's a detail being intentionally misused here by the Heart-Eater in order to gain credibility in Ifiok's eyes. I am admittedly a bit worried about the response some might have to a character claiming a trans identity in order to gain temporal power, but I hoping to be able to navigate the subject decently enough. And in the future, I don't plan on having other trans characters assume villainous roles because I don't want to create or rely on any stereotypes. I just thought it might be interesting in this case.

As for the incoming army, it will arrive at the end of Turn 3's results, after all other actions are taken. You will have the time needed to prepare for this threat. Once all of the other results are done, we will move onto the mini-turns to simulate the fight. There are other rolls for the Warband that I did that you will not find out about until it actually arrives. If you had rolled even better than you already did, than you might have found those out, but it was a long shot anyways.

When I generate the warbands every turn, I use 2d100, except for Turn 1's fights which I created beforehand. Starting with Turn 2, if a die rolled a 95 or higher, it would create a large army which would require a mini-turn to resolve. For Turn 3, I expanded that to 90 or higher, and rolled that 97. In the future, the amount it decreases by will slim down, like to 87 for Turn 4, then 85 for Turn 5, and then go down by 1 per turn until reaching the minimum value 80 by Turn 10. In addition, whenever you do have a mini-turn encounter like this, the future Warband rolls for the next few turns will suffer a large penalty, both because I don't want to overwhelm you all with constant mini-turns, and because in-universe there are only so many Dark Elves (and other things) you can toss at a problem before you start running low on soldiers. If a penalty were to take a warband roll below 0, then there won't be a warband taking up that Martial action, and you can use it for other things.

Hope that all helps. If you have any questions or criticism, let me know.