Ulric is aggressive, argumentative, and arguably stubbornly single-minded. He favours the direct approach in all matters and clearly relishes the inevitable confrontation this causes. The clash of blades is music to his ears, and the blood of his enemies splashing the ground makes him smile.
Ulric teaches his warriors never to back down when challenged, and while to outsiders this might seem to conflict with the Ulrican desire to work in groups, Ulricans see arguments, flaring passions, and even fist-fights simply as part of the order of things. Most Ulricans harbour no ill-will from defeat to another Ulrican since, to them, the best teacher is the defeat you survive, and for many conflict forms tighter bonds of friendship. Brothers-in-arms will frequently fall into brawls, but Ulric's devotees know that they are strongest together, like a pack of wolves.
However, Ulric also demands that his followers should be strong alone, and expects independence to be displayed in all walks of life. He is a distant, harsh and unforgiving god who expects his followers to stand on their own two feet, relying on their individual strength and putting their faith in martial prowess. He is considered to be indifferent to the outcome of wars, and watches over battles letting warriors live or die by their own skill. The least Ulric expects of his followers is to keep his lands free of his enemies, and to always meet them face to face without fear.
Ulric despises cowardice; according to myth he punishes those who succumb to fear. Ulric despises weakness; to him, might is right, and he has no time or sympathy for those without strength. Ulric despises lies and trickery in any form; he expects his followers to always take the direct approach to solving a problem. However, Ulric possesses pragmatism to pair with his vengefulness. He rewards his followers' obedience with courage, endurance, and terrible battle fury. Those who demonstrate strength of character as well as body gain both his favour and respect. And, befitting his hate of deception, Ulric is an honourable god who always keeps his word.
Favoured offerings to Ulric include ale, weapons, trophies, banners, and wolf pelts. His favorite form of sacrifice is a weaponless wolf hunt, and the slaughter of a live wolf is the ultimate sacrifice to him.