Turn 3.5 (Preparatory Phase)
-[X][Martial][LOCKED] Protecting the Flock 2
--[X] You will join the fray as an independent (-1 Personal Action, Frees up 1 Martial Action)
--[X] Send Sondok to defend the homestead (+23)
--[X] Assign Flaris and Rising Dawn. Plus the Blood Apes and, if needed, our other actual armies.
It was near the end of the 9th month, also known as the 3rd month of Autumn that your scouts informed you that the enemy was on their way. It would likely take them a few more days before they arrived at your walls, and during that time you would do your best to prepare. Gwai informed you that by dedicating one of your squadrons to the walls, you could have them put down their spears and take up bows to fire upon your enemies from range. A sorcerer(s) you knew could fill the same role, bombarding the enemy from afar, but their spells ran the risk of counterspelling. Dedicating a second squadron would help to not only protect the first squadron, but also help prevent any ladders (if there were any) from being placed along the exterior.
He also admitted, quietly, that he could also push himself to create another army of Eidolons so soon, but that would take him out of the fight as he scrambled to conjure soldier after soldier. If he did this, someone else would need to take overall command. It would provide yet another army that could safely take injuries in the place of your citizens, but it did mean that one of your best commanders was out of the picture. That left yourself and Chinasa for those you fully trusted to serve in his place, though Flaris, Nokun and perhaps Rising Dawn or Milosen could also substitute as well. Needless to say, Three-Color Edge would NOT be taking command, if the god even bothered to show up in the first place.
Ekundayo, meanwhile, told you your options for more insidious acts. The most effective strategy would be to send an assassin (or multiple assassins) to kill the commander before the battle even started. Thanks to Fuvor's report, you knew generally what their command tent looked like, but not what the commander looked like, where they slept or what their capabilities were. That left a number of uncomfortable unknowns that whoever you sent (if you did send them) would need to take into account. IF the assassin succeeded, that would hopefully put the rest of the army into chaos and make them retreat, or at least reduce their coordination. If they failed, that would almost certainly lead to the Assassin's death and put the enemy force into high alert.
Another option, one which was both easier and yet more dangerous, would be to send someone in the middle of the night to cut or destroy whatever chains or restraints were being used for the behemoth. The issue was, you didn't know precisely what was being used to restrain the beast. Worse, that only made it free to attack whoever, instead of just your people. It did nothing to stop the creature from deciding to attack your homestead for whatever reason suited its animal brain(s).
Third had the least risk, but also the least effect. By poisoning the food supply, you could make the army ill, which would hopefully take at least some units out of the fight. But you had no idea if the food was tested for poison regularly, and who ate what, or even where the cooks were located. Still, even if the agent failed, it was unlikely to result in any consequence besides the loss of that one individual.
Finally, Chinasa pointed out that you had two places where this battle could be fought: Outside of the walls, or further out into the desolate wastes. Fighting right outside of the homestead's walls would give you the protection OF those walls, the moat as well as the disorientation field, several notable advantages that you could not discard. Yet, it also carried the risk of any incidental damage potentially harming your precious citizens within those same walls, and if you failed, that was it. Uluiru would truly die as a nation with your downfall.
Alternatively, you could protectively meet the enemy in the middle in the wastes, where there was no terrain to benefit either side. It meant that you had no walls or other emplacements to hide behind, but it held far less risk to your people if things went wrong. And, if you needed to call a retreat, you could return to your homestead to restock and strategize once again, albeit with far fewer numbers. Assuming that the enemy allowed you to retreat in the first place, of course.
You were tempted to send out a marching order to have your troops invade the enemy camp, but you knew too little of their preparation to know if they deployed any traps to protect themselves as they slept. In the end, only your previous two choices would really work.
As a small aside, all of your advisors came to you privately and informed you that, if necessary, they would be willing to contribute to the nation's defense. Their abilities varied in potency, and their participation carried the risk of death, but having more heroes on your side could help turn the tides. Were you willing to allow them to help, if it meant that the Sign of Saturn hanged above them?
All of the following choices must be placed into a PLAN FORMAT. Each section will tell you how many of any given option can be taken. You may use any free heroes at your disposal, as well as your advisors, as you wish. Be warned, utilizing them will risk their lives in this conflict.
Where will you fight the Dark Elf Army? Choose ONE.
[][Location] Near Your Walls
[][Location] Out in the Wastes
- If you fight near your walls, you will have the benefits of those walls (and the moat), as well as the disorientation field. It does however risk your citizens in the battle, and you have nowhere else to go if you lose.
- If you fight out in the wastes, you will have no defensive benefits, but it will create no risk for your citizenry. If you lose here, you can retreat, suffering losses along the way, back to your homestead.
What manner of sneaky stuff will you get up to? Vote for as many as you'd like, with only ONE sub-option per choice. These will be rolled before the next phase/vote.
[][Sneak] Assassinate the Enemy Commander (High Action DC, High Escape DC)
-[] Ekundayo (Intrigue +13, Martial + Combat = +13)
-[] Fuvor (Intrigue +12, Martial + Combat = +9)
-[] Manaia (Intrigue +4, Martial + Combat = +7)
-[] Scouts (Intrigue +0, Increases DC by 10 but grants Best of 2 for rolls.)
[][Sneak] Free the Bound Hydra (Medium Action DC, Medium Escape DC)
-[] Ekundayo (Intrigue +13, Martial + Combat = +13)
-[] Fuvor (Intrigue +12, Martial + Combat = +9)
-[] Manaia (Intrigue +4, Martial + Combat = +7)
-[] Scouts (Intrigue +0, Increases DC by 10 but grants Best of 2 for rolls.)
[][Sneak] Poison the Food/Water Supply (Low Action DC, Low Escape DC)
-[] Ekundayo (Intrigue +13, Martial + Combat = +13)
-[] Fuvor (Intrigue +12, Martial + Combat = +9)
-[] Manaia (Intrigue +4, Martial + Combat = +7)
-[] Scouts (Intrigue +0, Increases DC by 10 but grants Best of 2 for rolls.)
- Successfully assassinating the Commander has the chance of ending the battle before it even begins, but has the most risk. Even if the enemy force succeeds on their leadership check, they will still be a bit disorganized during the battle.
- Freeing the Hydra will cause an unknown amount of damage to the enemy forces and might take the Hydra out of the battle altogether.
- Poisoning the supplies has a random chance of rendering every enemy unit (save for the Hydra, who would be immune) ill. This will negatively impact their performance, and might even give them wounds beforehand.
- If you lose your scouts, you will need to recruit new ones before taking any further Scouting actions on subsequent turns. This will require an Action.
Will you deploy the Bejeweled Eidolon Army? Choose ONE.
[][Eidolon] Summon the Constructs!
[][Eidolon] Let's not do that
- Summoning the Eidolon army will remove Gwai from his general position, and prevent him from fighting on the frontlines. The Eidolons are a Size 5, Quality 1, Might 1 battle group.
Who will take overall command? They will avoid the frontlines in order to direct efforts proactively, but will step in if things seem dire. Choose ONE.
[][General] Gwai (Default)(Martial +12, Combat +9)(ADVANTAGE)
[][General] You (Martial +15, Combat +16)
[][General] Chinasa (Martial +8, Combat +10)
[][General] Flaris (Martial +12, Combat +12)
[][General] Milosen (Martial +9, Combat +6)
[][General] Rising Dawn (Martial +9 -> +12, Combat +8 -> +11)(ADVANTAGE)
- These units will provide their full Martial bonus to battle groups, and half of the bonus to independent characters.
Who will provide firing support from the walls? Can only be taken if Near Your Walls is taken. Choose up to ONE battle group, and as many Sorcerers as you'd like. Sorcerers will not benefit from Ulric's blessing, but will have the protection of the walls and garrisons to defend them. The Archers will benefit from both.
[][Archers] Personal Guard (Size 2, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Archers] General Troops (Size 4, Quality 1, Might 0)
[][Archers] Elite Troops (Size 1, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Sorcerer] You (Learning +17)
[][Sorcerer] Taiwo & Nkiru (Learning +18)
[][Sorcerer] Fumnanya (Learning +5)
- Archers and Sorcerers will be protected by any wall guards available. Thanks to both the moat and the walls themselves, they will have plenty of time to shoot down any who try to reach them, since the enemy has no ranged units of their own (as far as you know).
- Ulric's blessings do not cover sorcery, but DO cover bows and arrows, hence why archers would gain the +15 bonus.
Who will defend the walls? Can only be taken if Near Your Walls is taken. Choose up to ONE battle group to stand guard, up to TWO if no Archers are chosen. You can also choose to assign Sondok here, she will not take up any space.
[][Walls] Personal Guard (Size 2, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Walls] General Troops (Size 4, Quality 1, Might 0)
[][Walls] Elite Troops (Size 1, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Walls] Eidolons (Size 5, Quality 1, Might 1)(Requires Summon)
[][Walls] Sondok (Martial +8, Combat +23, Best of 2)
- As with the archers and sorcerers, the wall guards will have the benefits of the walls themselves, as well as the moat.
Finally, who will be fighting the enemy directly? Blood Apes are automatically locked in, as the most expendable units here. Heroes can fight independently, or leading an army, you will decide which is which on the next vote. Any characters you choose here CANNOT have been assigned to the walls, to sneaky actions or being the general earlier.
[X][Frontline] Blood Apes (Size 2, Quality 0, Might 2)(ADVANTAGE)(LOCKED)
[][Frontline] Personal Guard (Size 2, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Frontline] General Troops (Size 4, Quality 1, Might 0)
[][Frontline] Elite Troops (Size 1, Quality 2, Might 0)
[][Frontline] Eidolons (Size 5, Quality 1, Might 1)(Requires Summon)
[][Frontline] Sondok (Martial +10, Combat +23, Might 3, Best of 2)
[][Frontline] You (Martial +15, Combat +16, Might 4)
[][Frontline] Gwai (Martial +12, Combat +9, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Ekundayo (Martial +5, Combat +8, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Chinasa (Martial +8, Combat +10, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Fumnanya (Martial +7, Combat +6, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Fuvor (Martial +4, Combat +5, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Flaris (Martial +12, Combat +12, Might 3)(ADVANTAGE)
[][Frontline] Milosen (Martial +9, Combat +6, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Innocent Songbird (Martial +5, Combat +10, Might 3)(ADVANTAGE)
[][Frontline] Rising Dawn (Martial +9 -> +12, Combat +8 -> +11, Might 4)(ADVANTAGE)
[][Frontline] Manaia (Martial +1, Combat +6, Might 3)
[][Frontline] Amadi (Martial +3, Combat +8, Might 3)
There will be a 2-hour Moratorium to discuss plans. After that, there will be a 24 hour vote to decide on which plan will be used. PLEASE use this time well.
Author's Note: Realized that I overvalued the Blood Apes, so their Might was adjusted down from 3 to 2. Sorry for not letting people know beforehand.
So, yeah, here's the first part of a multi-phase fight. This first phase will be our battlefield prep, second will detail the results of any intrigue actions, third will be assigning troops to specific commanders and targets, and from there we get to the actual fighting which could last several "turns" of results. I'll be rolling in-thread for the next phase when it calls for it before writing up the results later.
If you're wondering why the time frame for this vote is so short (both the moratorium and the actual voting period), well, for the former it's because it's 8 PM here and I don't want to stay up till midnight just to open and close this vote. For the latter, to better enable a more rapid pace for these mini-turns. Hope that helps.
If you have any questions, as always ping or quote me to let me know. I might be off to bed as soon as the vote opens, so it's probably best to ask your questions as soon as possible. As a final reminder:
You do NOT need to use all of the units I've mentioned here (well, except for the Demons, but that's besides the point). Any unit you use will be at risk of death, and holding them back means they won't be at risk assuming the battle is won.
Thank you all for reading, and please please
please be civil when discussing plans. I know stuff like this can make things get heated, and I don't want to wake up to issues in the thread because of it.
Oh, and
@DeadmanwalkingXI , here's Songbird's Wood Dragon Style Benefits:
Martial Arts: Wood Dragon Style (The User uses their Full Essence score to determine their maximum Wounds as opposed to Essence/2. They can abstain from attacking to heal 1 of their own Wounds per battle, which is reset whenever they inflict a Wound onto an enemy independent character. If the user fights a spirit(s), they gain Best of 2 for all of their combat rolls.)