Personally, it would probably be better to throw that 100 XP at Shape Manipulation as well instead of Kenjutsu- Shape would go up to Practiced, whereas Expert Kenjutsu would need much more (650 as is).
...recreating the samurai's technique (or something too close to it) might actually bring with it some political problems... i wonder if we should worry about it.
Daisuke Victory Pose and New Hoodie @Vesvius Can Daisuke's Kanji burn in the sky after every victory?
Adhoc vote count started by Gigaplex on Nov 2, 2018 at 9:02 PM, finished with 7027 posts and 56 votes.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
[X] Plan Impressive Balance
-[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
-[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
-[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
-[X] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
-[X] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
-[X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.
[x] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
-[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Ask Gai-sensei if he might be able to help you, or help you find a mentor he trusts with the time and specialization, learn Tree Walking so you can demonstrate to the Instructors that you have the fundamentals of Chakra Control down to ROTY tier.
[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
[X] [HENGE] The primary use of Henge is to change your appearance to look like someone else, but a truly advanced user can look like anything. You'll work on transforming into inanimate objects and hiding yourself in places people won't ever think of looking!
[X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
[X] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
[X] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
[X] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
[X] [ninjutsu] Ask Gai-sensei if he might be able to help you, or help you find a mentor he trusts with the time and specialization, learn a ninjutsu technique so you can demonstrate to the Instructors that you have the fundamentals of ninjutsu down to ROTY tier.
[X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
-[X] [NINJUTSU] Ask Gai-sensei if he might be able to help you, or help you find a mentor he trusts with the time and specialization, learn Chakra Flow so you can demonstrate to the Instructors that you have the fundamentals of Ninjutsu down to ROTY tier.
[X] [NINJUTSU] Outside of the Academy Ninjutsu, you've got nothing. That cannot stand. You need more options, and mastering an outside technique will put you on a more level playing field grade wise. You'll go research what you can at the Archives. You know there has to be something there perfect for you.
[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll experiment and try to come up with something that accentuates your favorite mode of attack: kenjutsu. By creating a technique that conceals the top two or three inches from the tip of your sword, opponents will misjudge the maximum range of your swings.
[X] [GENJUTSU] The most essential part of Genjutsu is being able to get out of them. So you'll hone your release methods, practicing every way you can think of.
[X] [GENJUTSU] Genjutsu hijacks the senses and hacks the brain. A good way to do both is sight, since eyes are like a direct connection to the brain. Why not take advantage of that? You could create a genjutsu tied to flashes of light off your blade and the swirl of motion of your hoodie.
[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
-[X] [GENJUTSU] Ask Gai-sensei if he might be able to help you, or help you find a mentor he trusts with the time and specialization, learn the technique we find from the Archives so you can demonstrate to the Instructors that you have the fundamentals of Genjutsu down to the ROTY tier.
Yikes, my fear with ignoring bunshin is I'm thinking that the academy 3 are a big part of what makes you rookie of the year. I'm not sure if we don't have all 3 at a high level that we can get it.
The Academy Three The strongest shinobi begins from the humblest foundations.
Unlock Condition: Raise Henge no Jutsu, Bunshin no Jutsu, and Kawarimi no Jutsu to 'Intermediate'.
Reward: ???
Status: LOCKED
No, it's just that, oftentimes, my hair has some strands slip from the band and my hair is pretty springy so, it can happen to look pretty much like that.
Yikes, my fear with ignoring bunshin is I'm thinking that the academy 3 are a big part of what makes you rookie of the year. I'm not sure if we don't have all 3 at a high level that we can get it.
Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra Control and Henge aren't really good replacements to forsake though. So that really only leaves History or Mathematics to ignore in favor of Bunshin.
achievement, not quest. and I agree. Also the bunshin could be combined with the kawarimi to trick our opponents in thinking they have hit us. And it's the only clone we'll likely have for a while
Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra Control and Henge aren't really good replacements to forsake though. So that really only leaves History or Mathematics to ignore in favor of Bunshin.
really, while the first three are relatively easy choices, the fourth is actually harder. I would have gone with math or history though (even if they should be easier thanks to the perk).
Or we might have tried the hard route and gone with "none". too late for that now
I was wrong I guess, doesn't say it is a secret technique though it is labeled as a Samurai one. Suppose we'll just have to find out if we ever go for it.
Still, it's stupid and embarrassing, that we are shooting for top-spot, yet two of the most basic techniques are at this lowly stage.
Basic (250 XP): You are capable of the technique and can use it comfortably in controlled situations.
instead of
Intermediate (500 XP): You are far more practiced with the technique, and are comfortable using it outside of the training ground and in live combat situations.
Outdoor survival: Learning by doing as a genin - fuck it
Stealth and tracking: Learning by doing as a genin - fuck it
Shurikenjutsu: Good enough and can be ignored for chakra-related stuff
Mathematics: Intelligence: Above Average (1170/1300) (Reward XP Invested: 250) We are a smart cookie, we will survive it
It's probably because we're not actually old/rugged enough to pull it off properly. People are drawing a lot on Hanzo's look from Overwatch, which has a somewhat spiky pony-tail. Of course, it's only spiky because Hanzo's hair is fairly short and rough otherwise. Not to mention that Hanzo makes it work because he's an adult man with facial hair and sharp features to pull off the look.
Of course, not even Hanzo started wearing the beard, jagged side-burns, or tail until after he was an adult and had killed his sword-using little brother, Genji. Granted, his hair was much longer before dueling his brother - not to mention the undercut from the comic after their second duel almost a decade after the first - so... Very different hair style after having killed his little brother.
Personally, it's far easier to see Genji as the attractive brother when they were younger. Hanzo in his twenties looked a helluva lot like Uchiha Fugaku...
Still, long hair was fairly common for Japanese nobility and warriors - it was a sign of status to have their hair be on the longer side, and bound up in tails. There were even different styles of doing it, but just having that pony-tail signified that you were of a certain social class, regardless of your station in life. Just look at Samurai Jack, Usagi Yojimbo, Himura Kenshin, Link from Breath of the Wild, Prince Zuko from Avatar...
If we're going for a pony-tail, especially as an attractive youngster with a mother who's as beautiful as she is, and a father as noble as he is, then a more refined look is probably in order. Hanzo's was short and messy, but Daisuke's could be like that of a wuxia/xianxia protagonist or something.