Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Personally, it would probably be better to throw that 100 XP at Shape Manipulation as well instead of Kenjutsu- Shape would go up to Practiced, whereas Expert Kenjutsu would need much more (650 as is).
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Daisuke's Technicolor Hoodie by Gigaplex
Daisuke Victory Pose and New Hoodie
@Vesvius Can Daisuke's Kanji burn in the sky after every victory?

Adhoc vote count started by Gigaplex on Nov 2, 2018 at 9:02 PM, finished with 7027 posts and 56 votes.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Expecting Me on Nov 1, 2018 at 3:39 PM, finished with 175 posts and 68 votes.
Yikes, my fear with ignoring bunshin is I'm thinking that the academy 3 are a big part of what makes you rookie of the year. I'm not sure if we don't have all 3 at a high level that we can get it.
Yikes, my fear with ignoring bunshin is I'm thinking that the academy 3 are a big part of what makes you rookie of the year. I'm not sure if we don't have all 3 at a high level that we can get it.
The quest states that only 8 of the skills are required to get ROTY it does not state that any individual skill must be a part of it.
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Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra Control and Henge aren't really good replacements to forsake though. So that really only leaves History or Mathematics to ignore in favor of Bunshin.
It's so fucking stupid, that we are ignoring the Bunshin. We could easily bag a minor second quest.
achievement, not quest. and I agree. Also the bunshin could be combined with the kawarimi to trick our opponents in thinking they have hit us. And it's the only clone we'll likely have for a while
Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra Control and Henge aren't really good replacements to forsake though. So that really only leaves History or Mathematics to ignore in favor of Bunshin.
this ^

really, while the first three are relatively easy choices, the fourth is actually harder. I would have gone with math or history though (even if they should be easier thanks to the perk).

Or we might have tried the hard route and gone with "none". too late for that now

Eh, fairly sure that coating your sword in chakra isn't some kind of secret. I of course could be wrong, my memory isn't all that great.
the samurai technique was a bit more than just coating
It pains me too, but we'll be able to increase it later on. We're unlikely to open up a history book after graduation.

Still, it's stupid and embarrassing, that we are shooting for top-spot, yet two of the most basic techniques are at this lowly stage.

Basic (250 XP): You are capable of the technique and can use it comfortably in controlled situations.

instead of

Intermediate (500 XP): You are far more practiced with the technique, and are comfortable using it outside of the training ground and in live combat situations.

Fuck it:
[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Mathematics

Outdoor survival: Learning by doing as a genin - fuck it
Stealth and tracking: Learning by doing as a genin - fuck it
Shurikenjutsu: Good enough and can be ignored for chakra-related stuff
Mathematics: Intelligence: Above Average (1170/1300) (Reward XP Invested: 250) We are a smart cookie, we will survive it
Every time I see that hairstyle I'm left perplexed as to our appearance level. Maybe I just got shit taste.
It's probably because we're not actually old/rugged enough to pull it off properly. People are drawing a lot on Hanzo's look from Overwatch, which has a somewhat spiky pony-tail. Of course, it's only spiky because Hanzo's hair is fairly short and rough otherwise. Not to mention that Hanzo makes it work because he's an adult man with facial hair and sharp features to pull off the look.

Of course, not even Hanzo started wearing the beard, jagged side-burns, or tail until after he was an adult and had killed his sword-using little brother, Genji. Granted, his hair was much longer before dueling his brother - not to mention the undercut from the comic after their second duel almost a decade after the first - so... Very different hair style after having killed his little brother.

Personally, it's far easier to see Genji as the attractive brother when they were younger. Hanzo in his twenties looked a helluva lot like Uchiha Fugaku...

Still, long hair was fairly common for Japanese nobility and warriors - it was a sign of status to have their hair be on the longer side, and bound up in tails. There were even different styles of doing it, but just having that pony-tail signified that you were of a certain social class, regardless of your station in life. Just look at Samurai Jack, Usagi Yojimbo, Himura Kenshin, Link from Breath of the Wild, Prince Zuko from Avatar...

If we're going for a pony-tail, especially as an attractive youngster with a mother who's as beautiful as she is, and a father as noble as he is, then a more refined look is probably in order. Hanzo's was short and messy, but Daisuke's could be like that of a wuxia/xianxia protagonist or something.
I just imagine a young Kakashi with Shikamaru's hairstyle and no fucking skittles cape.

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