Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

SV is the equivalent of the creepy stalker who essentially ignores locks, restraining orders, and physics, isn't it?

Also, I have been looking through the achievements. How have we not yet gotten 10 people who aren't related to us to a minimum of the 'Acquaintance' level of relationship yet? Seriously, there were almost 30 people in our class, we routinely explore(d) the village while doing quests & shit, and we have a number of people with their eyes on us as an up-and-coming ninja. Shouldn't we at least know 10 names & faces, along with being able to say a cordial 'good morning'?

We also have no reputation with the Inuzuka clan despite visiting often.
If what Ves said in the discord is true, he's mostly putting off "Chuckle" out of spite.

Ah, good, so there's a reasonable explanation. The literal God of the quest hates Daisuke. Or at least the voices in his head that make him do things.

All is right with the world, then.

[><] Go make some friendsacquaintances. Surely there must be someone in this town worth knowing?
There's not much backlog and you only need to go to "yesterday 4:24 PM" to find Ves saying it. I brought it up a few days ago and others have in the past. I advise not questioning Ves about it, as I made him mad when I did.
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Like I said, I made Ves mad and presumably he just got really annoyed by people bringing it. I think most of the people who brought up "Chuckle" did it on discord. Mean, I can see why Ves would be putting it off, don't want people thinking they can harass him into doing things.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.

Unless we expect that difficulty level to finally kick in, spending some time on bonds seems like a good idea.
There's not much backlog and you only need to go to "yesterday 4:24 PM" to find Ves saying it. I brought it up a few days ago and others have in the past. I advise not questioning Ves about it, as I made him mad when I did.
No, I got annoyed when you asked the same question half a dozen times because you didn't like the answer you got the first time. And for the record, that was said on Discord. As I've said before, Discord is where I bullshit and spitball and say whatever I feel like. Most of the stuff? Just me trolling. As was such in this case. I advise taking anything I say on Discord with a shaker of salt.

My answer in this case, to you, was that Daisuke doesn't know why he doesn't have that achievement yet, which is still true. But in the interest of making people stop asking, I'll give you a straight bit of meta knowledge. The reason why Daisuke doesn't have 'Chuckle' is because the relationship web doesn't work like you're thinking it does. You're thinking that anyone Daisuke meets on the street is an 'Acquaintance', when in reality it's a stage that Daisuke simply doesn't get to with most of the people he talks to. As he's currently been played, Daisuke is honestly a tad anti-social (see how far 'meet new people' was down in the plan vote at the time skip for why he's registering that way). He talks with his friends, he talks with his family, he talks with Gai. That's really about it. So while he may acknowledge that Neji exists and go 'Hey, Naruto, you're a douche', they aren't Acquaintances as the Relationship Web reads it.

Now, anyway. Here's a tally! Current vote ends at midnight EST!
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Nov 29, 2018 at 7:13 PM, finished with 10887 posts and 79 votes.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
My answer in this case, to you, was that Daisuke doesn't know why he doesn't have that achievement yet, which is still true. But in the interest of making people stop asking, I'll give you a straight bit of meta knowledge. The reason why Daisuke doesn't have 'Chuckle' is because the relationship web doesn't work like you're thinking it does. You're thinking that anyone Daisuke meets on the street is an 'Acquaintance', when in reality it's a stage that Daisuke simply doesn't get to with most of the people he talks to. As he's currently been played, Daisuke is honestly a tad anti-social (see how far 'meet new people' was down in the plan vote at the time skip for why he's registering that way). He talks with his friends, he talks with his family, he talks with Gai. That's really about it. So while he may acknowledge that Neji exists and go 'Hey, Naruto, you're a douche', they aren't Acquaintances as the Relationship Web reads it.
Good to know, as it shows a slightly surprising insight:
Spending time with old friends was a 4th priority, while making new friends was 10th, dead last.
For all his irresistible charisma, he's very introverted.
Somewhat... inefficient, what with his focus on being a bard.

How did we end up with Pinnacle Appearance, anyway? Was it a meme train, starting from humor and going on through inertia? Was there some practical reason, or weird ambition that triggered it? Did we follow the example of Dai's mom? Anyone remembers, as I honestly didn't follow the quest back then?
Good to know, as it shows a slightly surprising insight:
Spending time with old friends was a 4th priority, while making new friends was 10th, dead last.
For all his irresistible charisma, he's very introverted.
Somewhat... inefficient, what with his focus on being a bard.

How did we end up with Pinnacle Appearance, anyway? Was it a meme train, starting from humor and going on through inertia? Was there some practical reason, or weird ambition that triggered it? Did we follow the example of Dai's mom? Anyone remembers, as I honestly didn't follow the quest back then?
We wanted to improve on the Harem no jutsu. Muscle Harem no jutsu: Youth Style
No, I got annoyed when you asked the same question half a dozen times because you didn't like the answer you got the first time. And for the record, that was said on Discord. As I've said before, Discord is where I bullshit and spitball and say whatever I feel like. Most of the stuff? Just me trolling. As was such in this case. I advise taking anything I say on Discord with a shaker of salt.

My answer in this case, to you, was that Daisuke doesn't know why he doesn't have that achievement yet, which is still true. But in the interest of making people stop asking, I'll give you a straight bit of meta knowledge. The reason why Daisuke doesn't have 'Chuckle' is because the relationship web doesn't work like you're thinking it does. You're thinking that anyone Daisuke meets on the street is an 'Acquaintance', when in reality it's a stage that Daisuke simply doesn't get to with most of the people he talks to. As he's currently been played, Daisuke is honestly a tad anti-social (see how far 'meet new people' was down in the plan vote at the time skip for why he's registering that way). He talks with his friends, he talks with his family, he talks with Gai. That's really about it. So while he may acknowledge that Neji exists and go 'Hey, Naruto, you're a douche', they aren't Acquaintances as the Relationship Web reads it.

Now, anyway. Here's a tally! Current vote ends at midnight EST!
The saying is a grain of salt a salt shaker would actually mean we should take you super seriously.
How did we end up with Pinnacle Appearance, anyway? Was it a meme train, starting from humor and going on through inertia? Was there some practical reason, or weird ambition that triggered it? Did we follow the example of Dai's mom? Anyone remembers, as I honestly didn't follow the quest back then?

When in doubt, accept the divine guidance of Katsuragi. For it is only the God of Conquest and the Emperor of Members for Direct Democracy that knows the true path.
@PurposefulZephyr, the mechanical reason is a combination of good genetics, make-up and dress advice from Ino and Yui, and a kick ass coat. Out of character reason is that we decided that since we're based *loosely* off of Byakuya from bleach, we should be the best looking bachelor in the world.
How did we end up with Pinnacle Appearance, anyway? Was it a meme train, starting from humor and going on through inertia? Was there some practical reason, or weird ambition that triggered it? Did we follow the example of Dai's mom? Anyone remembers, as I honestly didn't follow the quest back then?
All right here's how it went down...

After the academy timeskip our skills and attributes were very different than they were a mere update before. One that was changed more than any other was Appearance, which grew to Superhuman. The only other attribute at that level was Constitution and that was our highest attribute before the update and had additional help from Gai's training and our focus on Taijutsu. But, other than our foray into drama, nothing we put focus into would explain such an increase.

Ves would later confirm what some people suggested, that Daisuke received such a large boost because of his genetics and who his friends were. But before his confirmation there was one who had an unpleasant reaction to the increase. I dare not say their name as they were more salt than man that day. They believed that Daisuke's increased Appearance came at the cost of decreased growth in other areas. They were incredibly vocal about this opinion and that they thought Appearance was a completely useless attribute.

Their continued tirade irked many users that frequented Discord. In their spite, the Discord users made the joke that Appearance would be the first Pinnacle level attribute. It was a joke that would be brought up any time someone would mention XP expenditure. It was the official meme of the Discord channel.

And a meme it remained...until Katsuragi showed up. With a large influx of reward XP from his works, his first goal was maximum meme. Others joined his cause, but Katsuragi was the driving force of the journey from Superhuman to Pinnacle Appearance.