Disclaimer: Daisuke and Ino are 12, maybe half a year before the current update
"Do we really still want to spar after class? "
He turned to glance at her.
Sitting next to him, shielding her eyes from the glaring sun, Ino continued to watch the current face-off between Sakura and Hinata.
While his match against Shino wasn't exactly a cake-walk, it wasn't particular taxing either.
Unlike Ino's previous match against Jabari.
It started normal enough, like two weeks ago Ino went for a kick to the kneepit to force him into a position where she could deliver a fight-ending kick to the liver.
Vicious, but fully understandable given her opponent. Jabarai, thankfully didn't hold any grudges and even gave her a thumbs-up.
This time, however, he saw it coming and blocked the first kick with a simple twist of his leg.
Catching Ino slightly by surprise he immediately forced her on the defensive and unwilling to block his hammer-like strikes she had to dodge and weave for what felt like eternity.
With the sun burning down, it was a matter of time until she was pushed out of the ring.
She was trying to sound nonchalant, but he saw, that her breathing was still slightly uneven.
He always indulged her, be it shopping, trying some new restaurants and sometimes even helping in the flower shop when her dad had a case over at the Intelligence Division.
It was actually pretty simple, he was happy when she was happy.
And… he was fully aware, that this wasn't a one way street.
Not everybody picks up an entirely foreign subject like Ken-jutsu just for a friend.
And being on the receiving end when he wanted to test a tai-jutsu technique surely wasn't pleasant either. He was sure if he insisted, she would join him later for a Ken-jutsu session without much fuss.
Turning back to probably the politest match of the day he gave a shrug.
"Nah, too hot for that. Do you have any plans?"
"Maybe" she scooted over, meaning that this was not supposed to be a group activity.
"You told me Gai-sensei taught you how to swim, right?"
"Yeah, as a kid, as a way to train without stressing my joints."
Seeing Sensei Iruka deliver some parting words and dismissing them for the day Daisuke saw Ino practically jump up.
"Perfect, come and get me at the flower shop and wear your swimming trunks."
With that she was off.
Now it was his turn to act nonchalant and fail miserably.
In his trunks at the shore of small tranquil stream he couldn't help but stare.
Standing before him, striking a pose Ino proudly displayed her apparently brand-new bikini.
"You look gorgeous." There, he said it and meant it. No point in denying in front of a Yamanaka.
Even he could tell, that his cheeks looked like he stood too close to one of Sasuke's fireballs.
Catching Ino's shit eating grin he turned and stepped into the water, 'keep calm and carry on'
"Not a word to your father!"
Quest Acquired: Survive Puberty!
Hours later with the sun slowly disappearing behind the tree tops Daisuke made his way to the shore.
Rotating one shoulder and then the other. "I totally forgot what a great workout this is."
Humming in agreement Ino contentedly flipped the page of her magazine.
'Superhuman appearance indeed'
Feet still in the water, a thought struck, déjà vu.
Pulling one foot slightly up and on the surface he started to channel his chakra.
Literally testing the waters.
"Now that's interesting."
Humming in agreement Ino flipped the next page.