Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

Even.tual.ly it will take some time for us to get around to it (and most of the stuff he is offering is likely not stuff that needs much research) but I will give that we have little need for Ordinatus ATM (beyond finding it for him) and Fashion (we can consider getting that next time).
Yes, or we focus to get a smaller portion of stuff which means we don't get sidetracked with a half-dozen new things.
Yes, or we focus to get a smaller portion of stuff which means we don't get sidetracked with a half-dozen new things.
Were we sidetracked by the stuff we got from the Onyx court, and was it really a bad thing to get them? I mean is passing up these options for research really a good idea for us just because we might get a little distracted at some point, does that out weigh the potential benefit we could get from them?

@Slamu, @F0lkL0re would you like to weigh in on this discussion, please.
Things to offer
- Ebonite and Ka'anium samples (the latter I think may be of interest to the techpriests)
- 'deathworld safari' experience, some RTs are into that sort of thing
- samples of some of our vegitative tech (like the air vines I think)
- arena beasts (Ox-Dragon, Tyrant Lizard, Horned Hunger etc)
- our services as hired troops (not right now, but perhaps going forward? Kinda on the fence about that myself due to the timing)
- Ork-B-Gon samples
- (in the future) iron and gems from Jach'Uchil to go along with the Promethium, if he's so inclined?
-( not explicitly on the table, but when he comes back "I was certain there was only one habitable world in this system")

Things we may want to request;
- very broad strokes (on par with what he's offering with the Imperial Creed) on the worship of the Cult of Mars ("Machine spirits? Yes, that's fairly self-evident.")
- "we are interested in vegetative and animal samples", see if he's interested in providing anything interesting going forward
- cultural artifacts of the Imperium and someone to teach us about it ("We found xenos that might want to...convert? this is just strange")
- A treaty of nonaggression(?), amity and good faith (just for the culture clash)
- Xeno artifacts (under the assumption that the Imperium cares a lot less about selling xeno trash to xenos than they would handing over Imperial tech to us, or the authorities care about xeno tech circulating among Imperial populations; the Cold Trade I think it's called? This is fishing for things like wraithbone samples, Hrud Fusils, Tau drones, Demiurg ion weapons, etc)

My current thought is to sell everything currently on offer (using the atlier for the 3 AP option) and take everything but knoweldge of Chaos and trade goods worth 3 AP. I'd like them both, but we need to cut somewhere. Will give it some thought.
By the way you have the Nobz Gob and a Transport which between them can move 20 Legions and Tocha just had all their boyz killed.

[ ] Load up and go to Tocha
- Write in specifics?

[ ] Skip to turn 45.
Guys, thoughts on this? Its a golden opportunity to make a grab at it I think?

Offers(No Brainers):
* Between help with the Hrud and supplies casually offered as thanks for aide with the Orks you gain one point

Hey, free point

* A selection of rare collectibles amounting to one exotic stockpile

We get these on the regular as a byproduct. Now they aren't exactly low value, but we got spares.

* Stockpile of unused Age-Staving cordial, modified to operate for humans, costs 1 AP from turn 45 and all spare anagathics. May result in future trade deals.

Future trade deals is good in its own right, and we are unlikely to be THAT short on AP when we can buy 3 AP.

* Use rare materials available to give Lockhart the best life extension for a human you know how (note he actually would value this more, it only being worth one is the mitigating factors of being a xeno source).

This gives Lockhart a personal reason to ensure our well being I think. A trade partner who needs us to be in good health to provide a personally highly valued service is a loyal one.

* Collection of "xeno" toys, baubles, and jewelry. Stuff like freshwater pearls, religious emblems, etc. Costs nothing but grants humans some insight into Dragon kings... or at least could if they treated it seriously.


* A bodyguard to serve Lockhart. He makes no guarantees to his safety or eventual return and may intend the bodyguard never return with what he learns of the Rogue Traders secrets, but Lockhart does not know his soul would probably return to us eventually.

Freebie, and we learn about them too when he dies or comes back.

Offers(For sufficient value):
* Additional supplies amounting to 3 AP missing from turn 45, can use Atelier Workshop instead.

I don't see anything worth 3 AP in its own right

Requests(No brainers):
* Apparently many humans feast on something called a Grox. Grox are apparently very efficient at turning biomass into meat which is tasty and nutritious. The only downside is they are powerful and violent and many a grox herder has lost limbs to the beasts... We stop paying attention as we are confused how this is a downside. This grants you a breeding population which lets you improve quality of life on Dragon King worlds, and population limits.

No brainer, a type of hyper efficient cattle we actually LIKE, sold.

* Faith: Information on the standard methods of servicing the faith of mankind and their God-Emperor. He warns that if you should encounter a human colony that you are supposed to just tell him or another Rogue Trader. Even if they require immediate aide and we are willing it would be best to do as little as possible and get a rogue trader to visit them as soon as possible.

This is actually quite valuable in our afterlife project for the ex-Imperials. Not that he knows it. Might save a few AP.

* An old "plasma reactor" and manual for its use as your lack of recognizable power generation offends him. Apparently the humans depend on burning an alchemical fuel to produce power instead of geomancy.... weird

Promethium Plasma reactors DO have a use here - they're better for smaller devices, where Dragon King techs are vastly better the larger it is, they find it difficult to supply multiple small units without resorting to biologicals, and geomantic power supplies are hardcapped by territory.

* speaking of, we could learn how to produce this fuel Promethium that they use. Apparently we can find feedstock on some worlds or produce it from plantlife through refineries. IF we make it and can be relied on to have it than future rogue traders may be more will to call on us as a fuel stop.

Read: Use Plantation slots to produce supply units and trade goods. Plantations are pretty efficient for us too, and not heavily in demand since the other stuff they produce we don't need such vast quantities of.

* Trade goods that he has gathered earlier on his journey that happen to be useful to you but not terribly valuable if he drags them home. +3 AP in turn 45.

Free AP is free AP.

* A map of the galaxy. Nothing specific, he will not tattle the location of Terra or anything crazy. Just enough that you know in character where Tokat and Ophelis are.
* Rogue Trade knowledge of Chaos. This is NOT details people, this is what a Rogue Trader knows.

We can probably get these from Eldar just fine. Nice to have but not spending AP on these.

* More knowledge of the Ordinatus. Enough you could at least try to unlock a tech for it. He asks if you find the specific one he is after you keep your grubby xeno claws off... I mean, please do him the honor of allowing his team to unearth it as they will gain much more renown that way.

Tech unlock, but we have assloads of techs to go down, and our own titan scale combatant options.

* Fashion: Apparently he, or at least "his people" design fashion for nobles. If we learn the tricks from him we may be able to supply him some interesting materials or designs next time he visits.

If we have some spare gains I think we might find it valuable to have a plantation crank out some trade goods. Fashion stuff tends to be high value low bulk.

So my thought is:
[X] Plan Long Term Trade Relation Ships
-[X] Between help with the Hrud and supplies casually offered as thanks for aide with the Orks you gain one point
-[X] A selection of rare collectibles amounting to one exotic stockpile
-[X] Stockpile of unused Age-Staving cordial, modified to operate for humans, costs 1 AP from turn 45 and all spare anagathics. May result in future trade deals.
-[X] Use rare materials available to give Lockhart the best life extension for a human you know how (note he actually would value this more, it only being worth one is the mitigating factors of being a xeno source).
-[X] Collection of "xeno" toys, baubles, and jewelry. Stuff like freshwater pearls, religious emblems, etc. Costs nothing but grants humans some insight into Dragon kings... or at least could if they treated it seriously.
-[X] A bodyguard to serve Lockhart. He makes no guarantees to his safety or eventual return and may intend the bodyguard never return with what he learns of the Rogue Traders secrets, but Lockhart does not know his soul would probably return to us eventually.
-[X] Apparently many humans feast on something called a Grox. Grox are apparently very efficient at turning biomass into meat which is tasty and nutritious. The only downside is they are powerful and violent and many a grox herder has lost limbs to the beasts... We stop paying attention as we are confused how this is a downside. This grants you a breeding population which lets you improve quality of life on Dragon King worlds, and population limits.
-[X] Faith: Information on the standard methods of servicing the faith of mankind and their God-Emperor. He warns that if you should encounter a human colony that you are supposed to just tell him or another Rogue Trader. Even if they require immediate aide and we are willing it would be best to do as little as possible and get a rogue trader to visit them as soon as possible.
-[X] An old "plasma reactor" and manual for its use as your lack of recognizable power generation offends him. Apparently the humans depend on burning an alchemical fuel to produce power instead of geomancy.... weird
-[X] speaking of, we could learn how to produce this fuel Promethium that they use. Apparently we can find feedstock on some worlds or produce it from plantlife through refineries. IF we make it and can be relied on to have it than future rogue traders may be more will to call on us as a fuel stop.
-[X] Fashion: Apparently he, or at least "his people" design fashion for nobles. If we learn the tricks from him we may be able to supply him some interesting materials or designs next time he visits.
-[X] Trade goods that he has gathered earlier on his journey that happen to be useful to you but not terribly valuable if he drags them home. +3 AP in turn 45.

[] Load up and go to Tocha

Basically, set up a long term trade relationship he'd be personally invested in keeping private and ongoing.
[X] Plan Long Term Trade Relation Ships

Las-weapons would be useful but we could see about getting those later. @veekie you have put together what looks like a good trade proposal.
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IF we want lasweapons, the Eldar have better lastech than the Imperium, and their ubiquitous use of what's basically magitech might make it more understandable as well.
I figure he doesn't want to sell weapon techs to xenos until he has a good grasp on them. So set up for continued trade and we can buy out his stock with plantations later.

What forces should we send though?

Hard to eyeball on mobile
Perhaps we could add some samples of our anti-Ork fungicide for one more point as a write-in? As for forces we should consider using our Staran Knights, as they we were made to fight Orks and they produce ork fungicide so it maybe a good idea. Although I could be wrong.
Perhaps we could add some samples of our anti-Ork fungicide for one more point as a write-in? As for forces we should consider using our Staran Knights, as they we were made to fight Orks and they produce ork fungicide so it maybe a good idea. Although I could be wrong.
If approved I could throw in the fungicide as an offer.
Well, getting consistent friendly contact with a Rogue Trader House is a good start to interactions with the Imperium.

When diplomatic contact with the Imperium is necessary having a contact who can vouch for us will be very useful in convincing them to leave us alone.

Best case scenario is that Dragon Kings are recognised as a legitimate state and shouldn't be purged.
Which isn't too unlikely, they have regular diplomatic contact with the Tau and respect diplomats enough that a rogue soldier killing a Tau diplomat was a serious crime.
Imperial culture is a pit of suffering

The moment we contact the imperium it begins a time count towards genocide

We really should contact the only when we have all FTL methods developed

(Ligthspeed ships inside system for defense and ships designs with warp travel for exploration amd travelling to another systems)
They already have contact. Now its down to making sure that the contact point has his personal interests served by remaining in friendly trade with us. And that we be too spikey to force.
Imperials are likely to burn that lol
You say that as if their nobility don't love drugs as much as every other noble caste in existence. I'm very curious about the imperial rites we'll be getting. Our understanding of the metaphysical mechanisms of worship are probably second to none, and I wonder how we might be able to leverage that. Just off the dome, we might be able to convert the Golden Throne into a Sanctum, which would really help in gathering his missing soul shards and might provide a backup for if the physical Throne ever fails.
You say that as if their nobility don't love drugs as much as every other noble caste in existence. I'm very curious about the imperial rites we'll be getting. Our understanding of the metaphysical mechanisms of worship are probably second to none, and I wonder how we might be able to leverage that. Just off the dome, we might be able to convert the Golden Throne into a Sanctum, which would really help in gathering his missing soul shards and might provide a backup for if the physical Throne ever fails.
Memories of other people living happy, fulfilling, successful and non imperial lives should rightly be considered a heretical cognitohazard to the Imperium though.

It sounds like Nurgle and Slaanesh teamed up to people living in that hellhole
Promethium Plasma reactors DO have a use here - they're better for smaller devices, where Dragon King techs are vastly better the larger it is, they find it difficult to supply multiple small units without resorting to biologicals, and geomantic power supplies are hardcapped by territory.

Keep in mind the first versions of Reactor tech trees are infrastructure, doubly so for Dragon Kings who have to use Geomantic effects to regulate the incredibly alien technology involved.

It will be like, upgrade a Basic Manse into a Generic Major Manse that happens to need fuel based upkeep.

Upgrades will be possible later though.

Read: Use Plantation slots to produce supply units and trade goods. Plantations are pretty efficient for us too, and not heavily in demand since the other stuff they produce we don't need such vast quantities of.

You can in theory find Promethium deposits to provide the feedstock instead of plantations. If you get the tech I will roll for planets you discover to determine their promethium deposits if any.

If we have some spare gains I think we might find it valuable to have a plantation crank out some trade goods. Fashion stuff tends to be high value low bulk.

Your essence spider silk was what I had in mind.

If approved I could throw in the fungicide as an offer.

Do you have a plantation of it? If not it will take 3 AP or an atelier manse to make another points worth, just like selling Ardent Embrace Weaponry or generic supplies.

Imperials are likely to burn that lol

More importantly he is already moving sketchy xeno anagathic drugs AND a bunch of xeno junk to unload on the cold trade Not to mention he has subjected himself to heretical xeno life extension procedures that Rogue traders trader horror stories about.

He does not need MORE attention right now, and potentially corruptive drugs while they may certainly sell (Oh my gawd the things Imperial nobles buy) Lockhart doesn't want the heat from selling them, or owning them. He may keep a single bottle of mead in his cabinet to impress a guest but even thats gonna be locked up tight, and not see the light of day for decades.

Best case scenario is that Dragon Kings are recognised as a legitimate state and shouldn't be purged.

Do any states truly have that or are the just, not worth purging right now?

Which isn't too unlikely, they have regular diplomatic contact with the Tau and respect diplomats enough that a rogue soldier killing a Tau diplomat was a serious crime.

Again, wasn't this more due to trying to wipe them out and running into a particularly tough planet and deciding it wasn't worth calling a Real crusade on the Tau to break through.

Tau always seem to survive by the Imperium being distracted by worse enemies like Chaos, Orks, or Tyranids not because the Imperium wouldn't kill them all if they could do so with minimal cost.

That plus being isolated during most of their build up. They basically caught the attention of the Imperium when they tried to move outside their original sector right? But they managed to get a whole sector basically theirs before the Humans noticed them.

Your version is that they noticed you because they are worried about a Waaagh! starting nearby you so if they attack any time soon its to kill Orks. Probably.

(I should stop watching Breathedge Playthroughs... probably)
Specifically he dubs himself Synbar Lockhart of the Lockhart Rogue Trader Dynasty. He is here to pursue several ventures, primary among them the search for the strongest concentration of orks locally available so his illustrious empire can monitor them in case of Waaagh!.

Could we give him what we have on Tocha and invite him to watch us conquer the place, giving him a semi-friendly place to start a dig for the Ordinatus? I don't know if all that is worth one trade point or multiple, but it's probably not nothing and we'd be getting it basically for free, right?

@StarJaunter Would giving samples of magical materials (jade, ebonite, moonsilver etc) be worth anything, and would we be able to exhaust the Flawless Workshop to produce them for such an endeavor?

I'm currently about 60/40 on invading Tocha. This is a great time for it, but I'm not sure how much attention we're ready to give colonization efforts. (But yes, I am willing to trade 3 AP to share anti-Ork serum with the Imperium, especially as how I'm planning to put an Imandazole plantation up on Tocha. Could we exhaust the Thaumaturgy use this coming turn for that?)
Would giving samples of magical materials (jade, ebonite, moonsilver etc) be worth anything, and would we be able to exhaust the Flawless Workshop to produce them for such an endeavor?

I am assuming the jewelry and religious icons will include at least samples of the easily available magical materials.

Could we exhaust the Thaumaturgy use this coming turn for that?)

Think about the volumes involved. That would be 3 AP worth when a cleansing a whole planet would be like 100+

Giving him a mystery substance you claim can clear what a single normal non-hive city of ork spores? I do not believe that is worth a point on this trading scale.

You can use the workshop to replace one of the three AP I said you need to be worth a point though.

Note: I was kinda hoping you would have made a plantation for that long ago so you would have a stockpile of it at this point to aide in clearing nearby ork worlds or trading to this guy, but it never got built.
Do any states truly have that or are the just, not worth purging right now?



"Fear The Alien. Hate The Alien. Kill The Alien." — The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer (Damocles Gulf Edition) Xenos (pronounced ZEE-nahs or zehn-AHS) is a High Gothic term used by the people and adepta of the Imperium of Man that means "stranger" and "alien." It is often used by the...
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Just off the dome, we might be able to convert the Golden Throne into a Sanctum, which would really help in gathering his missing soul shards and might provide a backup for if the physical Throne ever fails.
Why would we want that or think it was a good idea?
Could we give him what we have on Tocha and invite him to watch us conquer the place, giving him a semi-friendly place to start a dig for the Ordinatus? I don't know if all that is worth one trade point or multiple, but it's probably not nothing and we'd be getting it basically for free, right?
Letting the Imperium see our military fight, when we don't need to, seems like the worst of ideas.
Letting the Imperium see our military fight, when we don't need to, seems like the worst of ideas.

I will simplify that. its not an option. Your divinations said Lockhart would fire upon seeing an Ork Ramship before you could explain and explaining in advance will not go over well.

And trying it without the Nobz Gob is likely to end in disaster at Tocha.