Man....Astamon is probably playing her like a fiddle, huh. I might be wrong, and there's probably some pieces we're missing, but if I had to guess, he's probably intending to goad her into forcibly lifting her restrictions while positioning her so that she'll burn herself out fighting his enemies. Whether it's to injure them or to obtain something of hers while she's otherwise occupied I couldn't really say.
Yeah. Malkimon may be powerful, but her instability and lingering grief make her an easy mark for someone playing at Astamon's level. This is the dude that's on the same field as the tactician of the Royal Knights, and is keeping in step with him. I also think that we're probably going to need to be able to break Malkimon's spells; possibly through sheer strength of will; before she'll let go of her own delusions. I also doubt that she's going to be willing to heal Frigimon/Angewomon just because we ask her. Shee seems to have viewed Vergil much like Cersei Lannister viewed her own children. Extensions of herself and thus why she loved them. To put it simply, Malkimon doesn't love Verge because he was her child; she loved that he was her child. And him having any kind of will or plans of his own are completely outside her scope of comprehension right now.
I think Astamon is probably trying to pull a con… but I'm pretty sure he has no fucking clue Malkimon wants his head on a pike. There's scheming with a mutually nefarious associate and then there's walking into a hostile city ruled by the greatest mage known in the server. That takes an utter amount of arrogance that you can't conceive of the ur-wizard doing anything you haven't accounted for. And I don't think Astamon is quite that arrogant.
I think Astamon is probably trying to pull a con… but I'm pretty sure he has no fucking clue Malkimon wants his head on a pike. There's scheming with a mutually nefarious associate and then there's walking into a hostile city ruled by the greatest mage known in the server. That takes an utter amount of arrogance that you can't conceive of the ur-wizard doing anything you haven't accounted for. And I don't think Astamon is quite that arrogant.
No, but he is that smart. Malkimon isn't playing with a full deck right now, and Astamon's stacked it all in his favor. The guy seems to be a big fan of Xanatos gambits, so even when he loses he wins something. So even if this goes off the rails for him, I foresee him still getting at least part of whatever it was he wanted out of the tournament. Also, the name. The Grand Spirit Tournament. That probably means something.
No, but he is that smart. Malkimon isn't playing with a full deck right now, and Astamon's stacked it all in his favor. The guy seems to be a big fan of Xanatos gambits, so even when he loses he wins something. So even if this goes off the rails for him, I foresee him still getting at least part of whatever it was he wanted out of the tournament. Also, the name. The Grand Spirit Tournament. That probably means something.
Again, Astamon is smart- but he literally is operating on incomplete information. Astamon has no idea Verge was Vergil, and that the Gloaming are going to receive her ire.

What I suspect happened as that Astamon picked up on some of Malkimom's fury at the Host when she chafed at her geas to slaughter them. So he figured peripherally working with her in one of his schemes was allowable. And now that's a problem for him. We can claim xanatos gambits and all that- but the notion that Astamon knows what Malkimon is up to is ridiculous. He doesn't know about Verge being Vergil, he doesn't know about Malkimon's deals with Anubismon, he probably doesn't know about the geas.

Malkimon isn't playing with a full deck... but her faction consists of literally 2 digimon that matter. Her, and her retainer who is fanatically loyal to the very memory of her husband. She was a total NEET up until pretty much a day ago, and her retainer was a super competent spy who casually infiltrated the Host. There's 'Astamon is pretty dangerous when he gets to dictate terms, and he's great at dictating terms' and then there's 'Astamon knows how to play every other Mega like a fiddle, and is incapable of being caught off guard by things he has literally no way of knowing'
"For all his schemes and plans, Astamon has no idea that asking me to hold My Grand Spirit Tournament now will be the blunder that causes his downfall. I wonder if he'll despair after realizing it?" You blink at that, hackles rising instinctively at that revelation.

… come again?

"Astamon asked you to hold the tourney now?" However your tenuous question fails to register on the Witch, whom seems too busy fantasizing about her *revenge*. You can see it now, the (mayhaps literal) insane will and drive that caused this being to rise up and become one of the server's few Megas.

Well, that's concerning. My immediate thoughts are that Astamon is using this so he can meet with someone from another faction without looking suspicious, or the Gloaming is going to be hitting somewhere hard while the tournament is going on.
I think Astamon is probably trying to pull a con… but I'm pretty sure he has no fucking clue Malkimon wants his head on a pike. There's scheming with a mutually nefarious associate and then there's walking into a hostile city ruled by the greatest mage known in the server. That takes an utter amount of arrogance that you can't conceive of the ur-wizard doing anything you haven't accounted for. And I don't think Astamon is quite that arrogant.

If he's got some legendary warriors in his back pocket as well as multiple other megas on hand? He's more than set in defending himself.
Hrm. Guess it makes sense that Malkimon doesn't consider Verge's adoptive family as part of the family, all things considered. She kinda is still crazy.
Hrm. Guess it makes sense that Malkimon doesn't consider Verge's adoptive family as part of the family, all things considered. She kinda is still crazy.
No need to put the kinda in there, she's definitely lost her marbles recently. Not to toot our own horn, but I'm pretty sure our being alive is the only thing keeping her from going on a completely unhinged berserk rampage.
Yeah, I don't think Astamon foresees the mon who constantly worked with Daemon, the Slayer, and so forth suddenly going, "By the way, fuck the Gloaming," and punching his faction instead of the Host she had been recently re-agitating against. Though I'm curious how the Host will respond to Malkimon just suddenly going active and against the Gloaming.
Yeah, I don't think Astamon foresees the mon who constantly worked with Daemon, the Slayer, and so forth suddenly going, "By the way, fuck the Gloaming," and punching his faction instead of the Host she had been recently re-agitating against. Though I'm curious how the Host will respond to Malkimon just suddenly going active and against the Gloaming.
I imagine it'll be something of a 'Wait wha-?' moment for the host.
If he's got some legendary warriors in his back pocket as well as multiple other megas on hand? He's more than set in defending himself.
How many megas does he have in Arena City right now, none? How much time, prep, and resources do you think Malkimon has at her disposal in the seat of her power. She is a million times worse than sparks, with longer to prepare, and far more resources to prepare with. Punching outside of their weight class is what High-Programmers do when they get the opportunity to.

As for Legendary Warriors? Outside of the Megas, they'd be smears on the ground if they tried to fight Malkimon here.
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How many megas does he have in Arena City right now, none? How much time, prep, and resources do you think Malkimon has at her disposal in the seat of her power. She is a million times worse than sparks, with longer to prepare, and far more resources to prepare with. Punching outside of their weight class is what High-Programmers do when they get the opportunity to.
With All Slash also being present on top of that?

Yeah I have a feeling this could end up as.... a rather shocking event.

The real question is? What the heck is Malkimon planning? She's already a Mega.... and spellcasting mega at that.
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27th Of Wood: A Friend's Reassurance, & *Down A Peg*
"Ugh…" Sparks floats up, one hand rubbing at the spot where his head hit the ground. More for effect than anything else, there's no way a fall could actually hurt him. "Ten damnit, that crazy witch's even better at this than I thought." With that bit of grumbling done, the Wisemon turns his attention your way. "All right, what did ya learn?"

"I…" You trail off still shook by the experience, unsure how to explain the day's events. In the end you settle for something short and truthful. "I learned a great deal."

"Tch, can't ya be more vague somehow?"

An odd question but…

"I learned some… things?"

"... wasn't speakin' literally-bah whatever." The wizard shrugs and throws a look Warren's way, the AtlurKabuterimon only now managing to shake off his confusion. "Oi, the two of us need to speak privately. Would ya mind giving us some space?"

"Sparks this is Warren's home, we're the ones intruding."


"It's… fine Verge, this is a private matter and you're guests." The insect digimon reassures you before grimacing. "I am unsure what happened, but it's not his place to interfere with Lady Malkimon's business." With that he scuttles back into the burrow's main chamber.

He knew that was Malkimon?... how-no matter.

You take a deep breath, turn to Sparks and begin briefing him on the day's events.


"Spirits below…" Sparks lets out a huff and sinks down to the floor, all traces of humour gone from his person. "First Mercuremon now, this. We're… we're pretty friggen' messed up, ain't we?"


"Well… er, at least you're not the Slayer." He points out, forcing a smile onto his face. "That's one worry off your mind, eh?"

"Aye. I suppose so." Though the truth isn't much better than you actually being that slaughtering monster's reincarnation. "Malkimon is a villain, as was my… other progenitor. Shujin… Shuzen?"

"Sounds like different pronunciations to me."

"Mayhaps… My other parent was the friend of Astamon and chose to serve Daemon. The fact that my data came from such beings is…"

"As I said, friggen'. Messed Up."


"Eh, don't worry about it." The Wisemon says with a dismissive flick of his hand. "So what if you were made from the data of two jackasses? That crap doesn't mean anything now." You blink at that, and remain unmoving as he floats up and raps his metal knuckles against your forehead protector.

Come again?

"You're Verge now, not Vergil. And you're one of the few pricks on this server that's actually a good mon. Just like how I'm not that sonuvabitch Mercuremon."

That is-what he's saying… he's right. I knew it before but…

As the moments pass you feel the barest hint of a laugh rises up from your chest, just a little "Zehaha" as you nod.

"It's as you say my friend. I… you have my thanks for those words."

"Yep, I'm pret-tee awesome." The Wisemon chuckles, before floating down onto your shoulder. "Oh yeah, and now that we know The Slayer, I've got a guess about Baromon's prophecy."

"You do? I admit that I have little idea of what it could mean."

"Well it's just a shot in the dark, but I think he might be coming for that sword Malkimon mentioned."

"Shot in the dark?" You murmur confusedly. "Why would-"

"Tch that's a fancy phrase for guessing."

Ah, right.

"A reasonable idea." After all if you're remembering correctly, Sorcerymon mentioned that Malkimon's blade had been responsible for landing the slaying blow on Megidramon. Therefore the blade must be a very powerful weapon indeed.

"Hrm, wonder if your mom'll let me examine it if you asked. Heh, seems like she wants to make up for being such a crappy parent." That earns him a blank stare.

"... do you not remember my description of her departure?" You pause, realizing that he indeed does remember due to being a Wisemon. "And what's more Malkimon is a villain, to ask her for anything would be…"

I've survived without her assistance so far. Malkimon's only assistance has been by innate potential. Our meeting here does not change that, and I can continue living bereft of her help.

"Tch, don't be like that Verge. Your *mother* is the only Mega-Caster around. High programming aside, she's got the best potions and poisons around. Just think of how useful that crazy witch could be."

Potions? I don't think I've seen those before no matter. Asking my friends or Leopardmon for assistance is difficult enough, but an evil digimon like-

You freeze mid thought.

Aside from High Programming… Malkimon is also an expert on Trinary, second only to Vulcanusmon.

And that field includes data splicing.

"Er, are ya okay there Verge?" Frigimon's injuries are something only extensive splicing can heal. You'd been intending to win this tourney in order to pay for the procedure but…

Could I… ask Malkimon to help instead? What's more, can I risk it?

=== Choose One

[] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.

[] This could be a guaranteed and fast way for Frigimon to be healed… despite your better judgement, you'll ask Malkimon about getting the Caretaker's legs fixed.
-[]... but that's it.
-[]... and while you're at you… guess you could ask aboutt he whole, potions thing.


Following your conclusion Sparks shrugs, then changes the subject.

"Anyway, I heard about *Boy's* matches." The Demon-Man murmurs, pulling down his hood to reveal an eager, very punchable-looking grin. "Think I'm gonna take him down a peg or two in a good ole' fistfight, hehehe… for his own good of course."

Down a peg? Wha's-ah I think that means beating him up. Using lightning or fire would be one thing, but fighting Deimos with only his fists?

"I already spoke with him on the subject." You point out. Although… "I will not try and stop you, however be warned. Without the ability to teleport you're far more vulnerable. Given his skill, and your handicap he could very well defeat you."

In fact, I would believe he'd win with ease given how Beat handled Sparks.

"Aaaw, it's adorable that you think that." He drawls, giving you a little pat on the side of the head. You have to wrestle down the inclination to punch, or at least flick him. "Trust me Verge I may not be a fancy martial artist like you, but *Boy*? He doesn't stand a chance."

Is Sparks underestimating Deimos? Or am I underestimating him?

"Very well, if you're sure… now I must ask. Why were those Wisemon glaring your way?" You pause a moment, recalling the recent memory. "And I would know why two Megas were glaring at Madame Calamaramon."

"Oh yeah, heheh. Now there's a couple of funny stories Verge. Ya see-"

===AN: And with this I'm back!... again. RL happened and writing this got away from me. Side note, depression really sucks :V.
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I will try and stop you
"will not"?

[X] This could be a guaranteed and fast way for Frigimon to be healed… dispute your better judgement, you'll ask Malkimon about getting the Caretaker's legs fixed.
-[X]... but that's it.

Screw it. We've got the connection, and we should at least try and milk it for this.
[X] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.
[x] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.

You want to tell the evil, insecure Mega-Mom to please kindly heal our wonderful surrogate mother figure from the bottom of her black heart? I'm good. Hell, why don't I just stand outside.
[X] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.
[x] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.

Yeah we got a front row seat to just how much our dear mother values such things as "friends."

Hell she straight up told us that the only people she considers worth a damn in our lives are her and the baby daddy. Telling her that we regard anyone else as a mother figure would probably end, poorly. Especially when said mother figure will be literally under her knife for surgery.
[X] This could be a guaranteed and fast way for Frigimon to be healed… dispute your better judgement, you'll ask Malkimon about getting the Caretaker's legs fixed.
-[X]... but that's it.
--[X] Mayhaps Sparks could come up with a suitable argument to sway Malkimon into assisting without setting her off.
---[X] Make sure he doesn't deliver it though. Those two don't seem to get along very well, and having him say it might make her disinclined to listen.

Little bit more in depth. But I figure if we can, why not!
[X] No, you can't put Frigimon's life in an evil digimon's hands even if said mon is your progenitor. You already have a plan, and you'll stick to it.

NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE let's not trust her to a mad science type!?

no touchy
Telling her that we regard anyone else as a mother figure would probably end, poorly. Especially when said mother figure will be literally under her knife for surgery.
IIRC Verge considers Frigimon to be like an Aunt, not a mother. They're not that close. It would be different if she raised him directly from an egg. Closest thing Verge had to a parent analogue was Gramps.
[X] This could be a guaranteed and fast way for Frigimon to be healed… dispute your better judgement, you'll ask Malkimon about getting the Caretaker's legs fixed.
-[X]... but that's it.