In any small fights Verg take's part in nope, Gnaw will not really help. Verg can take on plenty of average ultimates like him or dinoknightmon ( if he's still an average one) easily and if they are higher then that then he'll probably get risk deletion. I think Gnaws max caps for a stat is like 20, 000 or something.

In like a war tho where you need multiple fronts then he's more useful but don't expect him to put up a fight against say Repulsa.
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Yeah, Gnaw is strong but not on the same level the rest of our friends are. He's mostly able to help in fights where we need lots of backup to hold off the enemy while we take on big targets - fighting an opponent on our level would almost certainly get him killed.
Yeah Gnaw in his crew are well Normal mon. Stronger then avrage they are warriors and mercs who've seen some shit but ... well to put it bluntly Boy Xia and ExVeemon could probably match if not beat them in a tough fight. After those three hit Ult? Xia would have a hard time not accidentally deleting them.
Yeah Gnaw in his crew are well Normal mon. Stronger then avrage they are warriors and mercs who've seen some shit but ... well to put it bluntly Boy Xia and ExVeemon could probably match if not beat them in a tough fight. After those three hit Ult? Xia would have a hard time not accidentally deleting them.
Ehhhh I doubt they could beat them as champions or fresh ultimates. Gnaw group still has a gap in terms of stats and experience them but it will quickly be closed when they've trained bit as ultimate.
Ehhhh I doubt they could beat them as champions or fresh ultimates. Gnaw group still has a gap in terms of stats and experience them but it will quickly be closed when they've trained bit as ultimate.
I'm inclined to believe that maybe them beating them as champions is a bit aggressive. But after evolution they almost certainly should be able to do that.

Xia's Evo line has been hyped to hell and back has quite frankly bullshit apocalypse dragon levels.

Boy is most likely going to evolve into a pre-evolution for Jupitermon. And he has quite frankly some bullshit skills and is called a genius by basically everyone who has trained with him.

ExVeemon is likely going to be a Ult level armor mon .

i'm inclined to believe that is fresh ultimate so they could probably beat the lone wolves.
Probably depends on the ultimate
as a team of veteran champions they probably can take your average fresh ult if they work together.
but one of the strength and skill that our three are going to have?
they lone wolves would be crushed.

well yeah the lone wolves aren't weak ultimates . They are slightly above normal.

meanwhile these three are kind of monsters.
Boutmon's profile has been translated and it looks like a perfect Ultimate for *Boy*... if he were to be solely influenced by Verge, but seeing as how the votes let Sparks train him as well and how *Boy* now has his speech patterns I think Sparks influenced him too much for this to be viable.

"A Digimon that has evolved from data from fighting competitions such as karate. He is a polite sportsman who has learned all the rules of martial arts and values fighting in the game format that his opponent wants. There is a wide variety of techniques used by Boutmon, but sometimes not only sports but also non-existent techniques such as fighting games pop out.

Its Special Moves are Raigekisho, which puts the heel drop into the opponent's brain with lightning, and Budenhadan, which shoots oversized energy bullets from both palms. Then, Jinrai Kaitengeki is a series of kicks and punches that does not give the opponent a chance to fight back."

Boutmon is an honorable martial artist willing to fight on his opponent terms and honestly feels like an Ultimate Verge would evolve into if it were a thing back then.

I mean Raigekisho would be Vortex Kick, Budenhadan the Beast King Fist variant, and Jinrai Kaitengeki a Kurenai Shishi no Mai variant that works like Speck's Apnea Rush.

But I digress as *Boy's* potential Ultimate this seems like a possibility considering that he trains under Verge a martial artist maniac and takes pride in the Maul Style, but Sparks' might have influenced him too much for me to think that Boutmon would be his Ultimate form.

Maybe if the Digimon that's going to be spliced into *Boy's* core was a GrappLeomon or some other martial artist Ultimate but its a Gigadramon.

And now that I've gotten into the subject I might as well expand into *Boy's* other potential evolutions the Aegiochusmon variants or as I think of it the Digimon equivalent to Eevees.

First is the standard Aegiochusmon or going by how the others are named the Red variant. This Aegiochusmon is composed of Dramon data and is a possibility because *Boy* has spent a lot of time with Xia a Larvovomon and is going to use a Gigadramon for his splice and also he knows this technique.
"What's it called agan… aha! Charging Strike!" The Aegiomon kicks off with an audible supersonic *boom*, and aerodynamically speeds right into the heavy bag.
Charging Strike is one of Aegiochusmon Red's attack which might be foreshadowing or just the result of Verge putting him through Highland Fang training.

Next is Aegiochusmon Blue and is composed of Cyborg data and the reason this is a possibility is because *Boy* has been hanging around the Machine Precinct when we found him plus Bulwark is home to numerous Cyborg Digimon and also because Gigadramon is a Cyborg.

Lastly is Aegiochusmon Dark which is composed of Evil species data which translates to the various Demon/Devil types, the Waru variants and any/all Digimon who are described as wicked/malicious in their profiles.

This is a possibility because lets face it *Boy* has mostly been around Digimon who would qualify for that with Verge who has been described to have an evil aura and has been filled to the brim with Lust corruption, Sparks his other master is a Demon Man Digimon and is similarly corrupted with Lust as seen with his womanizing ways, and his caretaker Ogremon is theorized to be a downgraded Titamon who is born out of the hatred of the defeated foes of the Olympos XII and wields a SkullGreymon Greatsword which screams evil species and at the very least has Digitamamon as his Ultimate a Nightmare Soldiers field Digimon.

*Boy* is also shown to have been corrupted with the Sin of Lust based on the fact that he's been ogling Ardat here.
"To lay out a caveat my Knight… your student has made a habit of staring at us-at me whenever we're in the same room."

Finally is the fact that Gigadramon also qualifies for the Evil species data like it did for the Dramon and Cyborg data, I mean its literally called dark dragon in its profile and its a purple variant of Megadramon who's power is explicitly called wicked in its profile and both are called the epitome of a computer virus while Aegiochusmon Dark's special ability is that it can generate viruses despite being a Vaccine.

Also one of Gigadramon's attack is Guilty Claw which means it shares an attack name with NeoDevimon.

So basically out of this entire list I think the most likely Ultimate for *Boy* is Aegiochusmon Dark which will fits in nicely with the fact that he hates the Iliad Aegiochusmon who is the Holy variant.
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Boutmon's profile has been translated and it looks like a perfect Ultimate for *Boy*... if he were to be solely influenced by Verge, but seeing as how the votes let Sparks train him as well and how *Boy* now has his speech patterns I think Sparks influenced him too much for this to be viable.

"A Digimon that has evolved from data from fighting competitions such as karate. He is a polite sportsman who has learned all the rules of martial arts and values fighting in the game format that his opponent wants. There is a wide variety of techniques used by Boutmon, but sometimes not only sports but also non-existent techniques such as fighting games pop out.

Its Special Moves are Raigekisho, which puts the heel drop into the opponent's brain with lightning, and Budenhadan, which shoots oversized energy bullets from both palms. Then, Jinrai Kaitengeki is a series of kicks and punches that does not give the opponent a chance to fight back."

Boutmon is an honorable martial artist willing to fight on his opponent terms and honestly feels like an Ultimate Verge would evolve into if it were a thing back then.

I mean Raigekisho would be Vortex Kick, Budenhadan the Beast King Fist variant, and Jinrai Kaitengeki a Kurenai Shishi no Mai variant that works like Speck's Apnea Rush.

But I digress as *Boy's* potential Ultimate this seems like a possibility considering that he trains under Verge a martial artist maniac and takes pride in the Maul Style, but Sparks' might have influenced him too much for me to think that Boutmon would be his Ultimate form.

Maybe if the Digimon that's going to be spliced into *Boy's* core was a GrappLeomon or some other martial artist Ultimate but its a Gigadramon.

And now that I've gotten into the subject I might as well expand into *Boy's* other potential evolutions the Aegiochusmon variants or as I think of it the Digimon equivalent to Eevees.

First is the standard Aegiochusmon or going by how the others are named the Red variant. This Aegiochusmon is composed of Dramon data and is a possibility because *Boy* has spent a lot of time with Xia a Larvovomon and is going to use a Gigadramon for his splice and also he knows this technique.

Charging Strike is one of Aegiochusmon Red's attack which might be foreshadowing or just the result of Verge putting him through Highland Fang training.

Next is Aegiochusmon Blue and is composed of Cyborg data and the reason this is a possibility is because *Boy* has been hanging around the Machine Precinct when we found him plus Bulwark is home to numerous Cyborg Digimon and also because Gigadramon is a Cyborg.

Lastly is Aegiochusmon Dark which is composed of Evil species data which translates to the various Demon/Devil types, the Waru variants and any/all Digimon who are described as wicked/malicious in their profiles.

This is a possibility because lets face it *Boy* has mostly been around Digimon who would qualify for that with Verge who has been described to have an evil aura and has been filled to the brim with Lust corruption, Sparks his other master is a Demon Man Digimon and is similarly corrupted with Lust as seen with his womanizing ways, and his caretaker Ogremon is theorized to be a downgraded Titamon who is born out of the hatred of the defeated foes of the Olympos XII and wields a SkullGreymon Greatsword which screams evil species and at the very least has Digitamamon as his Ultimate a Nightmare Soldiers field Digimon.

*Boy* is also shown to have been corrupted with the Sin of Lust based on the fact that he's been ogling Ardat here.

Finally is the fact that Gigadramon also qualifies for the Evil species data like it did for the Dramon and Cyborg data, I mean its literally called dark dragon in its profile and its a purple variant of Megadramon who's power is explicitly called wicked in its profile and both are called the epitome of a computer virus while Aegiochusmon Dark's special ability is that it can generate viruses despite being a Vaccine.

Also one of Gigadramon's attack is Guilty Claw which means it shares an attack name with NeoDevimon.

So basically out of this entire list I think the most likely Ultimate for *Boy* is Aegiochusmon Dark which will fits in nicely with the fact that he hates the Iliad Aegiochusmon who is the Holy variant.

as a counter point I'll point out Boy was able to mostly shake off Ardat's aura when they first met. He certainly was not effected nearly as much as thresh or ExVeemon were. And while obviously effected by lust it's to a "Normal" level where he can still act separate to that lust. Heck the calming down of the situation in the Rec room shows he has better self control then most mon.

but the rest make sense
as a counter point I'll point out Boy was able to mostly shake off Ardat's aura when they first met. He certainly was not effected nearly as much as thresh or ExVeemon were. And while obviously effected by lust it's to a "Normal" level where he can still act separate to that lust. Heck the calming down of the situation in the Rec room shows he has better self control then most mon.

but the rest make sense
I think you're mistaking Sin corruption with Ardat's aura, they're not exactly the same thing. See Verge is one hundred percent corrupted with Lust but he isn't a horndog like Sparks so it manifests differently depending on the Digimon, plus a corrupted Digimon is a vector for said corruption to spread and I can't explain this as well as the GM so I'll just point you to the relevant post, in the Information tab Drexal made a post threadmarked Sin Corruption explaining all this.

Also as someone who has the potential to become Digimon Zeus I don't think *Boy* has any resistance to the Sin of Lust and may very well be in fact be extra vulnerable to it.
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15th-27th Of Wood: *The Hunting Squire* Part 2
Now here was the next… there!

With a happy grunt the ExVeemon dropped down on the snow gilded rock formation, then peered down at the barely visible scratches. Three out of place indentations matching the diameter of their quarry's half-open claw.

It must have stopped here for a moment to rest.

The squire rose back up and turned, ready to share the information with his fellows-

"Xia found a clue! Xia found a clue!"

-only to be be pre-empted by the the Lavorvomon's rumbling voice.

Yggdrasil's roots! He was supposed to find the traces first, not the half-feral brute!... no disrespect to his liege.

Confidence reasserted itself as he whirled around to look at the much larger Champion. There was no way she'd actually found anything useful he-

… wait a moment.

She was pawing at the snow with her steaming claws, and unveiling far more than a simple claw. Those scrapes… they were from Gigadramon's armored under-tail. But that shouldn't have been possible, he'd only barely been able to spot his own clue from the air. She shouldn't have had any hope of spotting that!

He couldn't help but wiggle his snout in… not confusion, or distaste, but at the enigma she presented. The Lava-Dragon seemed mentally innocuous and naive upon their first meeting, plucking him up and swinging him about like some sort of toy. But in his observations, especially the recent ones, he'd picked up that she wasn't quite as dumb nor innocent as she made herself out to be… Honestly, he went back and forth on the subject as new information presented itself. Like when she'd giddily torn apart that poor Liamon.

"You… sure there's something there Xia?" *Boy* mumbled, peering at the very clear signs with utter bafflement. "Just looks like rocks to me…" Which wasn't unexpected. For while the Aegiomon's physical talents far surpassed his own (As ExVeemon was realistic enough to see the gap between them) his companion lacked the careful and methodical gaze needed for tracking.

"She's right. This time." Cyberdramon's gruff voice interjected and a moment later the Ultimate descended to kneel beside the uncovered track. "It curled up here to rest." He continued, tracing a claw around the minute indentation.

"Xia was right! Xia did good! Xia-" The third exclamation was cut off by another *Crackathoom*, as one more attacking feral was obliterated. Cyberdramon didn't see the fading corpse coming his way, but that didn't stop him from leaning out of the way and letting it fly pass by mere inches.

ExVeemon kept the envy off his face as the chitinous bodypart fell apart into miscellaneous data. Again with the energy-sensing… by all right that was a trick he should be good at. However for some inexplicable reason his liege hadn't seen fit to teach the trick to him. An annoying fact, but he understood Ser Thresh's unspoken reason. As a squire of Bulwark, he had to figure some things out by himself.

"Then is it uh... close?" Ser Verge's student asked, looking around the area warily. His ability to sense energy… *Qi* wasn't the sure thing they'd both believed it would be. The Flux Fields both positive and negative interfered with it somehow, making their initial plans of tracking Gigadramon to be… obsolete. A fact he'd have teased the other Champion over, if not for the fact that it would make his dignity suffer as well.

"No." The veteran hunter of Bulwark grunted, before pointing a claw up and to the right. ExVeemon followed it… and then blinked in surprise. There was a chunk of material missing from the outcropping. He'd thought it a natural deformation, but looking closer… yes, he could see where the rising Gigadramon had staggered and clipped the area with a shoulder. Another thing he should have been able to pick out first... and probably would have if not for the distractions.

"Oh… Xia thought it went the other way." The Lavorvomon drooped momentarily-then shot back up with a wave of her enormous wings. "Let's go find it! Beat it up!" A comparatively small claw snapped around Xia's tail before she leap away.

"It's too close to the boundaries." Cyberdramon grunted, before turning his head around to the trailing BlueMeramon. "Contact the Wisemon, have him turn it around." His partner nodded silently, and then directed a lick of flame into his backpack.

ExVeemon looked between the two Ultimates with a frown. If what their tracker had just said was correct, then Monsieur Sparks had to possess a way to find it relatively quickly… and going by ExVeemon's visit to the compressed archives he would guess it to be a data-tracker of some sort. And spell-based going by the species in question.

Before he could pontificate anymore, the ground beneath him let out a groan, shaking itself apart in a dance of tectonic activity. Letting out a brief curse the squire spread his wings to take flight-

-but was blindsided by a sudden eruption of volcanic debris. His curse turned into a scream as molten rock assaulted his scales and wings. Hot! Yggdrasil's roots that was seering, boiling hot!

The ExVeemon's wings faltered, smoking holes appearing in the thin white membranes. Suddenly he was falling, twisting and tumbling towards a gorge of roiling magma.

Xia's dark form flitted past him, filling the squire with momentarily relief… until he realized that she was diving towards the deathly lake with a happy squeal. Yggdrasil's roots, was she serious?! He'd be boiled alive if somemon didn't catch him!

Up above *Boy* caught himself on the air, while the two Ultimates… were gone.

And the lava was getting closer!

ExVeemon flailed helplessly, panic welling up in his core… and then something icy seized his ankle, halting his momentum cold. He looked down (which was technically up in this situation) and heaved a sigh of relief upon spotting BlueMeramon. The cook silently shook his head disapprovingly, then began floating upwards.

ExVeemon felt a tinge of shame, then anger. It wasn't his fault that ser Thresh hadn't shared the secrets of air-walking! His liege just… hadn't thought it important. And why not? He could fly after all…

The squire peered back down towards the lava and swallowed. He could fly most of the time anyways, situations like this didn't happen often.

Maybe asking Ser Verge's student for guidance here would be wise. So much as it hurt his pride, the risk to his life in this place was simply too great. In fact… that had to be the lesson his liege was trying to impart! If the BlackWarGrowlmon hadn't taught it to him, then he should've been independent and asked another mon! It made so much sense now!



It was at that point that his head smacked into the newly split chasm's lip, replacing his thoughts with darkness.

===AN: Here's my alternative take on the POV. I like this one better, although I'd like all of your opinions if you're willing to give them. There should be two snippets more before this section concludes. Tomorrow's should be the shortest.
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Yggdrasil's roots! He was supposed to find the traces first, not half-feral brute!... no disrespect to his liege.
Either "Not the half-feral brute" or "Not some half-feral brute".
Again with the energy-sensing… by all right that was a trick he should be good at it.
Seems superfluous as ending in at would be fine.

Again with the energy-sensing… by all right that was a trick he should be good at it. However for some inexplicable reason his liege hadn't seen fit to teach the trick to him. An annoying fact, but he understood Ser Thresh's unspoken reason. As a squire of Bulwark, he had to figure some things out by himself.
I think that kid doesn't realize that Thresh doesn't know how to energy sense.
ExVeemon felt a tinge of shame, then anger. It wasn't his fault that ser Thresh hadn't shared the secrets of air-walking! His liege just… hadn't thought it important. And why not? He could fly after all…
I don't think Thresh knows Void Step either.

The kids misconceptions of Thresh's capabilities outside of fighting is pretty amusing.
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Yeah I was afraid Thresh would end up something like this. Decent at teaching the basics of how to fight but pretty much leaves out the esoteric stuff.
I think that kid doesn't realize that Thresh doesn't know how to energy sense.
Actually he does, he's just not as good at it as say Verg or Schwartz. When it comes to training he's kind of meh compared to others.
I don't think Thresh knows Void Step either.

The kids misconceptions of Thresh's capabilities outside of fighting is pretty amusing.
Now this I am unsure if he's bothered to learn yet but the Bulwark probably is gonna force if they haven't already.
We might need to help ExVeemon out a bit.

I could have sworn he knew void step. Thresh knows it he used it to get to the first tournament. And Drex went over my Omake where he used Void step to assist in flying?

maybe he has the control but doesn't actually notice he's doing it? So he assumes he can't when he actually can? Thresh would be all about training his instincts and he might not notice certain skills he has.
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Yeah I was afraid Thresh would end up something like this. Decent at teaching the basics of how to fight but pretty much leaves out the esoteric stuff.
Thresh is an instinctive genius fighter. He's also a brute. He has no idea how to teach, and as has been noted likely doesn't know those skills.
We might need to help ExVeemon out a bit.

I could have sworn he knew void step. Thresh knows it he used it to get to the first tournament. And Drex went over my Omake where he used Void step to assist in flying?

maybe he has the control but doesn't actually notice he's doing it? So he assumes he can't when he actually can? Thresh would be all about training his instincts and he might not notice certain skills he has.
I think Boy is going to be the one to help him out. As for Thresh I get the feeling he knows what his doing with those skills, he either just forget to teach it to his squire or misunderstood what he was suppose to do an only taught him how to fight in the most basic of sense of the word.
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Thresh is an instinctive genius fighter. He's also a brute. He has no idea how to teach, and as has been noted likely doesn't know those skills.
Thresh knows void step and sensing.

he probably assumes ExVeemon can sense as wellbecause he picked it up on his own so he assumed ExVeemon did as well. You don't teach someone how to walk you assume that everyone knows how to do it.

as for Void step as I posted it's likely his body knows how to do it but his mind hasn't yet noticed it. It'll take someone pointing it out for him to really "get" it.
We might need to help ExVeemon out a bit.

I could have sworn he knew void step. Thresh knows it he used it to get to the first tournament. And Drex went over my Omake where he used Void step to assist in flying?

maybe he has the control but doesn't actually notice he's doing it? So he assumes he can't when he actually can? Thresh would be all about training his instincts and he might not notice certain skills he has.
... keep in mind I do miss things every now and then. Might I enquire which passage that was exactly? I'm assuming you mean ExVeemon knowing Void-Step.

The way I've been handling it Thresh does know sensing and Void-Step. But he hadn't passed it on to his squire. Energy sensing is instinctive to him, so not something he can teach. While Void-Step is something he didn't bother teaching since ExVeemon can fly... plus he doesn't know how to teach it exactly.
This is why geniuses make such shit teachers. Because they can't actually explain how to do what they grasp intuitively.
... keep in mind I do miss things every now and then. Might I enquire which passage that was exactly? I'm assuming you mean ExVeemon knowing Void-Step.

The way I've been handling it Thresh does know sensing and Void-Step. But he hadn't passed it on to his squire. Energy sensing is instinctive to him, so not something he can teach. While Void-Step is something he didn't bother teaching since ExVeemon can fly... plus he doesn't know how to teach it exactly.

ah it was part of their spar ExVeemon was using energy platforms to supplement his wings. He needed his wings to stay airborne but he was using them to adjust himself.

maybe they weren't void step but just bursts of energy that boy mistook for void step?
ah it was part of their spar ExVeemon was using energy platforms to supplement his wings. He needed his wings to stay airborne but he was using them to adjust himself.

maybe they weren't void step but just bursts of energy that boy mistook for void step?
Ah, I've found it.
The impact sent him spinning back, but to his credit he rallied quickly used both Void-Step and his wings to reorient himself before responding with a barrage of fireballs. I gathered my lightning and blasted forward in reply.
This is a simple correction to make. Please remove the "Both Void-Step and his wings". So it'll read "used his wings" instead.