More because theres not much info to plan with, except what we knew of Fonte when we last saw her(broad generalities) and a comment that she probably had grown since
True, hard to say make a plan about an enemy you have little knowledge of. We didn't really finish our fight with her the first time as we got thrown into the sea. Only weaknesses I can think up are the data attribute Knightmon normally have.
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Well, we can probably use our previous fight with Dinohumon(now a Knightmon himself due to his LOYALTY to Luna.) as a way to fill in the blanks yeah?

(...Why can I imagine him acting like Jeremiah Gottwald post-cyborg surgery if something causes him to go off the deep end?)
[X]Plan Grapple:
-[X] We have no idea how much she has improved since her last spar, but given her loadout she's probably stronger than us in medium range close combat
-[X] Test her a bit, then find an opening to turn it into close quarters, aiming for a grapple contest where we likely hold the edge.
Well, we can probably use our previous fight with Dinohumon(now a Knightmon himself due to his LOYALTY to Luna.) as a way to fill in the blanks yeah?

(...Why can I imagine him acting like Jeremiah Gottwald post-cyborg surgery if something causes him to go off the deep end?)
I don't think we can, Dinoknightmon pretty much went screw Verg and built at least a good portion of himself around being able to beat Verg in his champion form ( not one of his brightest ideas). Fonte probably developed differently due to them having different experiences then this Dinoknightmon and not wanting to murder Verg.
You know, I realize that I was being a bit silly. This most recent vote on the fly was ill prepared. I should have considered Verge's own analysis of Conte's combat capabilities.

So! Without further ado!


To start off, Verge is aware that Fonte doesn't fight as your typical Knightmon. She lacks a shield and instead of the classic greatsword pose, wields her weapon in one hand with a side stance. Thus narrowing her profile and making it harder to hit vitals. For attacking this means her main methods have to be stabs/thrusts, or less powerful than normal, one handed slashes. And the weakness of course is her sides and back, i.e. flanking.

In terms of stats, Verge knows she's speedy fairly tough, and strong. Given she's had two months of training since they last met, she undoubtedly outclasses him in "total stats" however she doesn't feel overwhelmingly powerful to his senses, meaning it's not totally one sided. In all likelihood he's stronger than her, though he's not sure how much. Might be a little, might be quite a bit,

For terrain, they'll both be moving over a mountainous area, though the footing is moot since he has Void-step. Verge suspects she has aerial mobility as well, but hasn't seen it first hand. Either way, he'd be more experienced in that field than her,

Let's see... he also knows Fonte is a speed/skill based melee combatant primarily and lacks any magic.

In terms of stature, she's 10 feet to his 25. So she comes up to his upper thigh at best. Therefore punching is hard unless he can get her up a bit. Leaving low kicks as his go-to attack.
I got a few questions:
  1. Can we use the virus wind trubine thing at will?
  2. How much range does it have?
  3. Can we use it whilst also using other techs or spells?
My idea is that we activate it and Fornte then has to deiced to either start playing the range game or stay close and be taking constant damage no matter what (even if it's less then taking an actual hit) whilst also have to dodge Verg's kicks. Not sure if this would be a popular idea considering its a bit unlike Verg to fight that way in a spar.
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I got a few questions:
  1. Can we use the virus wind trubine thing at will?
  2. How much range does it have?
  3. Can we use it whilst also using other techs or spells?
My idea is that we activate it and Fornte then has to deiced to either start playing the range game or stay close and be taking constant damage no matter what (even if it's less then taking an actual hit) whilst also have to dodge Verg's kicks. Not sure if this would be a popular idea considering its a bit unlike Verg to fight that way in a spar.
In order: No'ish, it naturally ramps up as a fight progresses but won't be super corrosive unless Verge wants to hurt them badly. It's desire based. It's a touch based range that gradually grows as Verge Ramps up, but still strictly melee. It can power up Verge's ranged techniques though. And yes, it can be used while Verge is doing other stuff.
In order: No'ish, it naturally ramps up as a fight progresses but won't be super corrosive unless Verge wants to hurt them badly. It's desire based. It's a touch based range that gradually grows as Verge Ramps up, but still strictly melee. It can power up Verge's ranged techniques though. And yes, it can be used while Verge is doing other stuff.
Well I think that plan just went out the window, Verg doesn't want to hurt her that badly so it's not gonna do a lot and Verg hasn't had time to get in the zone to ramp up his spin yet. Maybe Verg should read some self motivation books so he can ramp up by himself in future.
In terms of stature, she's 10 feet to his 25. So she comes up to his upper thigh at best. Therefore punching is hard unless he can get her up a bit. Leaving low kicks as his go-to attack.
How large is her sword compared to various parts of her body?

For instance, would we be theoretically able to do something crazy like intercept a stab with Sharp Fangs and then use our superior strength to force her to drop her sword or get punched hard?

That requires that the tip of her sword can fit inside our mouth.
How large is her sword compared to various parts of her body?

For instance, would we be theoretically able to do something crazy like intercept a stab with Sharp Fangs and then use our superior strength to force her to drop her sword or get punched hard?

That requires that the tip of her sword can fit inside our mouth.
Potentially yes. Her berserk blade is prettt big, like as long as she is tall, but that's only ten feet.
In terms of stats, Verge knows she's speedy fairly tough, and strong. Given she's had two months of training since they last met, she undoubtedly outclasses him in "total stats" however she doesn't feel overwhelmingly powerful to his senses, meaning it's not totally one sided. In all likelihood he's stronger than her, though he's not sure how much. Might be a little, might be quite a bit,
So the average tuesday for Verg? I mean he's used to fighting people who are faster then him or are overall just better stat wise.
In terms of stature, she's 10 feet to his 25. So she comes up to his upper thigh at best. Therefore punching is hard unless he can get her up a bit. Leaving low kicks as his go-to attack.
Doesn't that mean she will turn this into an aerial battle? She either goes into the air to get better shots at Verg's weak points or she stays on the ground and has to slice at Verg's metal shins which are probably the one of the more armoured part of his body.
Doesn't that mean she will turn this into an aerial battle? She either goes into the air to get better shots at Verg's weak points or she stays on the ground and has to slice at Verg's metal shins which are probably the one of the more armoured part of his body.
Aerial battle concern - she's faster than Verge but her lack of experience with aerial combat compared to Verge means she'd be moving fast but linear. Relatively easy for Verge to predict and counter as a result
I am still struggling with all the size issues that these two humanoid fighters have. I am no expert on fighting but when the opponent in question can fit your head in his hand three times over not sure narrowing you stance to protect vitals is going to matter much to him as he wasn't going to be that accurate to begin with.
11th Of Earth: (Fonte's Long awated Duel Part 1)
[] Fonte, can see about dueling her on the move. Brilliant!


There's little fanfare as your party exits through Bulwark's gates and starts into the Flux Mountain's outskirts. Leopardmon doesn't even come out to say farewell, though given his position it's not exactly unexpected. The only small hiccup is when Galgomon and the chefs have to venture into Sparks' Book, but all that really amounts to is another slap when your closest friend tries his hand at flirting again. You're not sure why she even bothers given Sparks' toughness, the most she'll ever accomplish there is damaging the palm of her hand.

PileVolcamon sets a brisk place across the paved pathways, *walking* just fast enough so that the weaker Ultimates amidst your group can keep pace. Bulwark's constructed path is a simple, but robust design, cutting straight inwards through mountains and above valleys in an unstoppable line of metal and concrete.

Normally at this point you'd fall into a trance to let time go by, however upon looking at Fonte, a rather brilliant idea pops into your head. There's no reason you can't duel the pink-decaled Knightmon while traveling! At least, so long as the two of you don't bother PileVolcamon that is.

With that in mind, you shoo Sparks off your shoulder, then move up through the column to Fonte's position. And, after a quick explanation of your proposal…

"Why, thine plan is wondrous Verge!" The Knight exclaims, one hand reaching back to grasp the hilt of her berserk sword. "Ser PileVolcamon may we-"

"Accepted. Just don't slow us down." The scarf-toting Mega states, not bothering to so much as break stride.

"Of course we won't!/Very well."

And so it is that the two of you fall back, letting a glaring Thresh, and the others get a comfortable lead.

You're just about to ask if Fonte is ready, when the heavily armored Ultimate pivots and draws her main blade, taking up her fighting stance up in one smooth motion.

"Have at thee!" Between moments your opponent goes from stationary to a streak of pink.


On reaction you lean away into a counter-too late. Three feet of Chrome Digizoid thrust up into your abdominals, piercing through fur and flesh with laughable ease. Still, the wound is shallow, and proves entirely ineffective at stopping your kick from scything down into her chest.

The sharp clanging sound as Fonte gets tossed away is satisfying, but quickly gets overshadowed as she reaches out a hand. Your eye goes wide as the swordswomon swings around a suddenly appearing shaft of shimmering air, and then launches herself right back around. That… that changes things considerably. Instead of coming from below, the knight charges you at chest-level.

Your next moments are a flurry of frantic blocks and parries as Fonte closes the distance with a shower of thrusts. Despite your best efforts to provide a stalwart defense, her blade manages to slips between and outside your guard time and time again, riddling your cuirass with puncture wounds. The prospective chevalier is more powerful than you expected. Much to your chagrin, evolving to GrappLeomon hadn't fully closed the gap, rather it had only allowed her to put some actual effort into dueling you.

Quicker than I-ugh-expected-rgh-this-agh- cannot continue.

Normally in situations like this, you'd utilize skill, and toughness to overcome the opponent's superior power and speed, however against Fonte-

"Winning Straight!" The punch straight with all the power you can muster, timed to meet her next thrust directly. Only, instead of colliding with her berserk blade, the thick metal dances around in a circle, redirecting your attack to the right before sweeping back to leave another gash in your side.

-that strategy isn't working. She's as skilled, or perhaps even a more skilled combatant than yourself. Sorcery might allow you to surprise her, or even get the upper hand but… this duel is meant to test martial might. Utilizing a spell would mean admitting defeat, and you haven't been pushed to the brink yet.

Think Verge-urgh.-How…

And then it clicks. Fonte's only avenue of assault this time has been a frontal one, ignoring the possibilities battling within the air gives. Yes, there is a way to gain the advantage here.

Taking initiative you dart away from the paved pathway and slam down feet first onto the nearest mountainside. Normally that wouldn't do much more than make a couple holes in the ground, however thanks to the energy you're channeling this isn't exactly a normal landing.


An explosion of pulverized rock and dirt fly up around you as Fonte closes in, covering you both in a thick cloud of spirit-imbued dust. In the moment of uncertainty you drop to all fours, letting Fonte's chasing lunge pass over harmlessly. Then whilst she's fanning the cover away you dart around just outside of the cloud and summon the energy of Wrath.

Your left palm reaches down, forming a platform of air with just enough friction to start spinning. The right meanwhile...

"Jūoudaken!" The blast of burning purple flame crashes over Fonte's energy signature singeing the metal with black. It doesn't do any meaningful damage, which is fine. You hadn't expected it to.

"Aha! There you are!" Your opponent lunges back out of the powder, and just like before takes an entirely linear path. She may be fast, far faster than you in fact, however you've trained to fight with obscured vision. In cover this thick Drop's bodyguard meanwhile might as well be fighting blind.

All of this makes her chasing lunge effortless to predict-


-and counter.

"Kick!" Having expected a standing opponent the Knightmon's blade flies harmlessly above you a second time, just as your rotation-empowered kick flies up and around towards her breastplate. This time your ears make out the unmistakable sound of warping metal as she flies away, crashing into-and then through the small mountain.


===AN: Writing did not go well today. Despite having a full plan the muse did not to flow… though Doom Eternal probably had something to do with that. I'll see what I can do for writing bits and pieces over the next few days, as there's still a great deal that needs covering before we get to the vote.
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11th Of Earth: Fonte's Long Awaited Duel Part 2
Watching several hundred tons of rock collapse in Fonte's wake, is less impressive than you imagined. The mountaintop just implodes inwards in a ruckus of crashing rocks, something which might have been more awe-inspiring had you not already witnessed Sir Scratch drop an entire mountain on Count.

But he utilized Chikarax crystals for that feat, could I collapse one under my own power? Mayhaps if I-focus Verge, that strike was not nearly powerful enough to end this.

Your eye scans back and forth across the vegetation-covered zone, looking for any hint of the Knightmon. The odds of her changing tactics from a frontal assault is low, but you have to be cautious nonetheless.

I cannot use the smoke screen on her a second time, but a direct clash is not something I can win. What can-grappling… but how?

Getting your paws, er hands on Fonte in the first place won't be easy thanks to her speed, but more than that, there's a very significant gap in size involved here. At best the womon might come up to your thigh, and even if you could get a good grip then throwing or slamming the knight won't do much good. At this point neither you nor her can exactly be harmed by common rock.

No Verge… seek to restrain instead. Take away her speed and ability to stri-there!

A sudden flare of energy is the only warning you get before Fonte leaps back into sight and flicks her weapon down into a diagonal slash. A crescent of shimmering air launches from the complete stroke, traveling your way as little more than a blur. Then Fonte follows up with a second slash, then third. Within the space of a second the sky has been filled with dozens of the spinning blades, leaving you with no choice but to dodge aside lest they cut your body to ribbons.

Which puts you directly into the path of Fonte's next charge.

You see the lunge coming even if Fonte herself is barely visible, a thrust aimed directly below your core with all the speed and power she can muster. Dodging won't be possible, and while deflecting is a possibility, you have a… better idea.

In the next moment your abdomen explodes in agony, the knight's berserk sword burying itself to the hilt through the lower plates of your cuirass. But that's fine, you're used to pain.

"It is my-" Your left hand closes in around the bodyguard's arm, clamping it to the hilt of her greatsword. "-victor...e-ee?" Her words stumble as your mouth opens, revealing every single one of your razor sharp teeth. Fonte tries to tug her arm and weapon free, but to no avail. She's placed herself exactly where you wanted her to be, something the Knight only realizes as your right arm draws back and forms a fist. The whirr of your turbines rise ever higher, buffeting the knight with a sudden wind.


In a flash of motion Fonte's free hand reaches back over her shoulder, withdraws an arming sword and brings it into the path of your strike-

-only for the weapon to shatter under your knuckles.

A screech rips through the air as one golden spike digs into her pauldron, warping the metal and puncturing into something softer. Elation, a flush of victory flows through your core as the spike penetrates-but that feeling is short lived. Your opponent lets out a grunt of pain, but doesn't recoil, instead choosing to stab the hilt of her weapon into the underside of your wrist.

Ignoring the shallow wound, you tug your fist back out and bring the arm back for a second punch-which is when Fonte draws the blade from her waist in an underhand grip, and plunges it into your restraining arm. The unbroken sword cuts deep into your flesh, severing muscle and nearly making your grip fail.

Rgh, that first strike was a test! You cannot let her escape Verge!

Again your right hand descends, but this time as a grab, aiming to seize the armored Ultimate's other arm. Instead the womon brings both knees up to her chest leans back and kicks the offending limb mid-motion. The resulting impact tears both her and the berserk sword free from your grip.

With gritted teeth you step after the pink Knightmon, claws popping free as you drink deeply of Wrath-then freeze in place.

The point of this duel was not to delete each other. Peace. Peace Verge. You've shown your martial skill, as has Fonte. Anything beyond this may jeopardize the mission.

Fonte resets her stance and darts back towards you, fully ready to continue. However the bodyguard hesitates upon seeing your guard fall away entirely.

"That is enough." You state, dreading the words about to be spoken. "I cannot go further, this is… your victory."

"Wha-yo-you're gi-giving up?!" Fonte squeaks in surprise. "But-I-you can still fight!" She says waving her weapon at you for emphasis.

"Aye, but victory is… rgh, out of my grasp. Once again, victory is yours."

"But-but… no ser Verge, I can't let this stand. You landed the first true strike! If I was not older than you it would have been decisive."

"Mayhaps, but you have spent more time accruing strength than I, and thus my own power was lacking. Reality cares not for age. It is my defeat."

"I can't agree ser Verge, your mental strength was greater than my own there-back in the fight. I can't in good conscience…" She trails off as your eye narrows into a glare. After a few seconds she hesitantly nods in acceptance. "Va-very well sir Verge. It is… my triumph."

===AN: Here's the fight's other half. Darn, I wish I'd been able to get a good music track for this...
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Nice to see that, unlike Fonte, Verge can keep his objectives and the realities of the situation in his head without giving in to battle lust.

Fonte really needs to learn how to control that.
She also seemed very reluctant to accept a win. Verge had to basically glare her into submission before she took it as her victory. Odd. Wonder what caused that kind of mindset.
She also seemed very reluctant to accept a win. Verge had to basically glare her into submission before she took it as her victory. Odd. Wonder what caused that kind of mindset.
Oh, that's simple.

She wanted to beat Verge into submission and force him to give up. Verge finishing early basically blue-balled her, tossing Fonte a victory she doesn't think she earned. She got dissapointed, flattered and bashful all at once.

The exchange also puts a good view on their conflicting views. She thinks Verge was stronger than her mentally there and deserved the win, but Verge goes by the reality of the situation in that power-wise he's too far behind to win. "What if's" don't affect reality. Justice, what is right, that's determined by the power one currently holds.
The exchange also puts a good view on their conflicting views. She thinks Verge was stronger than her mentally there and deserved the win, but Verge goes by the reality of the situation in that power-wise he's too far behind to win. "What if's" don't affect reality. Justice, what is right, that's determined by the power one currently holds.
I have mention before that while Verge does have a 'power matters most' mindset much like our Proto-Crusadermon he ironically has a more narrow view on what counts as power. His massive pain tolerance and ability to regain control over himself swiftly are almost certainly impressive in her mindset as is his level of raw power for his age but ultimately to Verge when it comes to a fight/spar the power you have now is what matters most with skill being a good way to close that gap as much as possible.

This is in turn is likley a mindset hammered into Verge by all the times he was too weak in the past and possible by any times he may end up too weak in the future it's why he wants to become as powerful as he possibly can because to some extant I think I wants to minize such events as much as possible in the future. Even when he had Avalon he was aware that while it was an impressive defense it would ultimate give unless he had the power or was with someone with the power to actually take the fight or as with totally not Lucemon their were conditions reliant on him surviving a specific powerful attack.