[] Sparks thinks it would be best to go around the city with Drop and her guards for the rest of the morning and afternoon. The best way to avoid drawing suspicion while trying to search. You think this could be a good way for Pit to calm down.
===Convincing your friend to head back is easier than you'd thought. Despite his…. enthused opinion on the subject:
If Pit is concerned about the fact that he just assaulted a superior officer, the angel doesn't show it. In fact your friend seems worryingly…*cold* about the entire thing, not even giving the wommon a glance as he addresses the rest of your party.
"Come friends! Let us visit Noir and see if we can uncover information about our nefarious foes!"
"Pit, mayhaps we should not visit her?" The angel whips around to face you, his lips pursed into a firm line.
"What he means Lord Pit." Sparks adds, mercifully drawing the angel's attention away. "Is that lady Noir arrived in the city this morning yes?"
"That is indeed true advisor, what of it?"
"'Twould be rude to visit her whilst she's still settling in, no?"
"... Lord in heaven you're right! We shall visit her later once she's had time to rest from travel!"
By the Ten, thank you Sparks.
"Verily Lord Pit, just remember to keep thine temper in check. Ya don't want to do anything regretful."
"Ugh, enough of this, my neck's sore and I'm out of booze. Let's just fucking go already."
Shortly thereafter your squad returns to the hotel for breakfast. However upon entering the cafeteria you're met with a good score of mon lined up and waiting for food. What immediately strikes you as odd is that none of them look native to the city, lacking aquatic features of any sort.
In fact the bulk of said group seem to be made up of Gladimon and… Dinohumon. You nearly stumble upon seeing a full eight of those champions in one place, but thankfully these ones don't look like they want to slit your throat. Two of them even wave, grins on their faces. You tentatively wave back, then silently raise a paw towards your neck. Just in case any of them get... ideas.
Thankfully the last members of said group are species you're more comfortable being around, consisting of two Centarumon and a single Golemon.
You take the first spot in line behind them, defeating even Beat and Pit in the rush for food. Sparks is last, but cheats by jumping onto your shoulder and loudly announcing:
"Thanks for savin' my spot in line Verge." Now that you've been implicated, there's nothing you can do but sigh and nod along with the armor-mon's antics. Surprisingly, your closest friend's motivations don't turn out to be purely mischievous in nature, as he takes this time to begin whispering into your ear. "Verge, what happened back in the warehouse with Pit, it wasn't normal."
"Agreed." You reply with a tiny nod. "But what of it? Do you know what triggered that... reaction?"
"Yeah, think I do. Musta been *Drunky* speaking ill of Noir, ya remember what Pit ordered her not to do right."
"That... yes. And I also remember his actions in Hub-City."
"Ya mean how the big dolt nearly crushed my throat?"
"Correct. Which means, that mayhaps it would be unwise if he were to be around Noir at all."
"Hehe, yep. She's the center of his friggen' hissy fits. We just gotta come up with excuses to keep'em separate until we can annihilate MetalTyrannomon."
"Aye... but that may be difficult"
"I bet ya can handle it."
"Yes we can... just me?"
"Hehe, let's just say I've got plans."
"Don't worry about it, I'll be back by tonight, tops."
Sadly, before you can ask the wizard just what he's planning, you make it to the front of the line where the sinister looking chef (a Digitamamon) is cooking.
"You better be worth the bits I'm shelling out." The Ultimate grumbles before handing you an enormous tray packed to the brim with vittles.
"Hold on a sec, you're that idiot's manager."
"You're damn right I am. If it wasn't for me she'd still be singing in the streets for pennies. Now get moving!"
===Authors Note. This may be all I can do tonight. Sorry. I'll try to get out another section if I can.
Sparks utters a quick incantation under his breath, creating two hands of fire that grab the tray, then float over to a table on the room's far end.
"Alright, ya heard the mon. Hop to it Verge."
"Yes. Thank you for the food, manager." With that you pad away from the counter and follow the tray. "Our conversation does not end there Sparks. What do you mean by plan? And one that requires you leaving at that?"
"Tch, not gonna drop it? Fine. 'Tis simple. Without blind luck there's no way we're going friggen' be able to able to find MetalTyrannomon now. Not that those spirit-accursed agents have gotten themselves deleted. But I bet the Gloaming are here for a reason, and I've got a good a theory on why."
"Why they are here does not matter. It is our task to delete them. Delete them and save-"
"-yeah, yeah. I know about savin' those two, but you're wrong about the other point. The right knowledge can be pretty darn powerful and I'm gonna use it to lure that mechanical bastard in."
Lure him in?
"Heh, that would ruin the surprise."You sit down and turn your head to glare the Wizardmon-variant, whose smirk gradually fades away."Blegh. Alright, alright. I think that jerkass wants whatever Calamaramon is auctioning off. "
"But you do not know that."
"Nope, but sometimes heroes have to take a gamble if they wanna to win. Just... this is our best bet. Do ya trust me?"
That depends on the situation...
"... yes." You reply tentatively, internally hoping to not regret the affirmation later.
"Good. Then don't ask anymore, no offense but the squad might muck things up before everything is ready. Hehe, if all goes well, I should be back by tonight."
"... if all goes well? That means it might not succeed. What if that comes to pass?"
"If it doesn't?... then I may need ya to come get me. If I'm gone too long, look in Pit's bag. Slipped a note in there earlier."
Spirits below. I do not like this but... can I go against his projected path here?
"Very well then. I shall... I shall do as you ask."
That marks the end of your quiet conversation with Sparks. Soon afterwards Pit and Beat join you at the table to eat, with the former loudly praying before tucking into the breakfast food. The meat, eggs and pastries are actually quite tasty, though at this point in your life their nutrition really does very little for your body.
While you eat, Sparks' words rumble about in your head. It takes a few seconds to realize that he'd avoided telling you anything about his actual plans, while maneuvering you into silence on the subject. The sudden urge to smack your friend is hard to repress and even after that's been bound up you briefly considering telling Pit anyway. However that isn't an option yet, but if the others ask where he goes... you're not sure what you'll be able to say.
Darnit Sparks. This plan of yours, it better work out.
Halfway into your platter, Fonte enters the Hotel's dining room, which garners salutes and cries of "Dame" from the assembled champions. Which confirms your suspicions that they're not native to this city and confirms that they're subservient to the swordswommon. The knight in question makes a beeline for you and gracefully flows into a sweeping bow before you.
"Gryzmon, I'm so sorry about what happened. That attack, which was well executed by the way, caught me completely off guard. It shames me to say I panicked, which led to your watery downfall."
"It is fine, worry not of it. In fact… I must thank you."
"You're most welcome!..." The wommon pauses, as if now only realizing what you'd actually said. "I'm afraid I must have misheard that Gryzmon. You're... thankful for me knocking you into the water."
"That is correct. It allowed me to experience a new type of training. Moving whilst pressed down upon by untold amounts of water. It was quite strenuous."
I wonder… could I mayhaps make another trip down there? With Beat the next time of course, there's no need to make a repeat of wandering up over the various levels.
"Such training sounds wonderful! Oh my squires and I must try it sometime!"
"Your squires?"
Ah she must mean-
"The champions sitting over there Gryzmon. I have to say I'm quite proud of them, they're strong one and all. Lady Drop could not ask for a better guard."
"With your skill in battle I do not doubt that fact in the least, they must be well trained."
"My skill? Ah, th-thank you." The Ultimate stammers, looking away from your eye. "I've taken great pride in my swordplay ever since I was a Kotemon, it's part of what makes me strong."
"I agree. Your technique was perfection, It must have taken true diligence to polish it to such a degree."
"Y-yes. But your skill was good too Gryzmon! All of that maneuvering to get me ready for the final strike and that thing you did in the air! Oh you must show me how to do it sometime!"
"I do not see why not. Furthering the power of others on this road of life is an admirable action. It would be remiss of me not to. We could even continue our spar."
"Getting another date lined up already Verge? Hehe, should I tell Ardat?"
"... I have not set a day or time for the proposed training session." You reply blankly, not really getting why he's making a fuss of things. "And I do not see what this has to do with my la-her."
"... tch. Why do I even friggen' try. Thick, spirits be damned bear."
"Anyway!" Fonte exclaims, lightly hitting her fist against the table. "Gryzmon, when should we set up this occasion? My squires and I will be busy in the days leading up to the auction, so perhaps we should hold out martial bout the day afterwards?"
"Aye, that sounds... perfect."
===Authors Note: This is the updates first half. Next bit will be later this evening or night.
I mean, Verge finally found someone who shares his interests. Even if he doesn't have feelings for them in that way, how many other Mon is he gonna find who care about training and fighting and self improvement the way he does?
I mean other then that other Knightmon who hates our guts. But he is his own hot mess.
Without blind luck there's no way we're going friggen' be able to able to find MetalTyrannomon. Not that those spirit-accursed agents have gotten themselves deleted.
And she's not an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy like the usual LordKnightmon is.
In fact, LordKnightmon is known to be a Leader/Mentor of sorts in the lore. which fits with Fonte's thing about training squires and the like.
LordKnightmon being known to lead a squad of Knightmon on various tasks. or just delegating various tasks to them that require a Knight's touch.
And she's not an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy like the usual LordKnightmon is.
In fact, LordKnightmon is known to be a Leader/Mentor of sorts in the lore. which fits with Fonte's thing about training squires and the like.
LordKnightmon being known to lead a squad of Knightmon on various tasks. or just delegating various tasks to them that require a Knight's touch.
From what I can Lordknightmons two biggest aspects that make them trend towards being seen as nasty are the ruthlessness and the 'Lack of compassion towards the week' but former isn't the entirety of a mons character and the later is highly subjective in that their is more than one type of strength.
It seems Fonte has one of the more nuanced versions of the later is that she has a clear respect for those physically weaker than her so she at the very least seems to respect strength of character.
Still I find potential encounters interesting in the Verge to a degree also has a 'might makes right' mindset even if it's more along the lines of 'you need might to do right' than the straight up version.
(General POV)
Moonlight shines through the forest glade, with the full moon in view, stars twinkling in the clear night sky, it would almost look picturesque.
But there is one flaw that stops it from looking like a scene fit for a beautiful painting.
Devastation, that is the word that describes the situation perfectly, trees torn apart, the land scorched and shattered, in other words the signature that a great battle has occurred.
In the middle of the devastation two digimons stand.
Well one stands and the other is currently impaled by his enemy's hand and is now leaning towards his impaler.
Coughing a mouthful of data from his mouth, Astamon Supreme Leader of the Gloaming glares balefully at his killer, a mutant Vamdemon who is currently clutching the Gloaming leader's digital core with his right hand.
Crushing the core the mutant Vamdemon watches as the light inside Astamon's eyes slowly dim, then withdraws his hand from where it impaled the Scion chest, and let the digimon collapse to the ground.
Gazing at Astamon's defeated form, Verge's mind cannot help but wander into the events that led to this current situation, that led to Astamon's defeat.
(Flashback to... roughly an hour or so ago.)
"Guilty Claw!" stepping to the right while extending your left hand, you avoid NeoDevimon's lunge, and as he passes by you caught his head. Gripping his face you lift him with one arm, and raising him above your head, as NeoDevimon claws at your arm desperation fueling his actions.
"Hmph pitiful." Smirking a bit at the futile actions, you tighten your hold crushing the NeoDevimon's head, your strength so beyond his that it is not even a challenge to crush the devil mon's head, comparable to crushing a can with a hand.
Sweeping your cape clean of any dirt and such you survey the battlefield checking your friends progress.
"Feel Heaven's Wrath Gloaming Scum!Excalibur!" Your leader cuts a DeviDramon in two before moving on to eliminate more Gloaming forces, the former Pidmon now a MagnaAngemon, the angel now a step closer to his goal of becoming Seraphimon and leading the Host.
"Spike Buster!" You see your friend Beat cutting a swathe through Gloaming forces, black chitin gleaming as he destroys a duo consisting of WereGarurumon and a Okuwamon fielded by the Gloaming, the black JewelBeemon an unstoppable whirlwind of destruction.
"Blast Fire!" Finally you watch as your oldest friend and companion, swing his flaming blade sending forth a wave of fire intense enough to incinerate a squad of Mechanorimon, finally clearing this part of the forest of Gloaming forces.
"Huzzah Victory for the Holy Host!" Your friend pit thrust his right arm up, blade still extended in exultation.
"But friends do not rest yet, the battle still rages on, and there are more enemies to be slain, onwards to battle!" Continuing as you, Beat, and Sparks drew near the excitable MagnaAngemon, Pit then moves on to the nearest source of enemies to destroy.
Looking at your comrades Beat shrugs then flies after Pit, Sparks laughs then follows, you move to follow but you hesitate, you move your gaze towards the giant blade still planted the ground, the memory of that Worthy Opponent still lingering at the back of your mind.
(Flashback to the battle with Knightmon and Co.)
(Knightmon POV)
"Cursed Beast you will pay for what you did to Lord Fugamon!" Shouting at the tall dark figure grasping the neck of a Devimon, you move to attack him with your comrades Doumon and Gigasmon alongside you.
"Knightmon you seek to face me, when you cannot even overpower me as a Champion?." Turning to face you the Vamdemon casually snaps the Devimon's and threw aside the rapidly disintegrating corpse.
"What's more you to attack me at night, you who serve Luna who in turn serves a Vamdemon, you must know that Vamdemon's power is released in full at night?" Fully facing you the imposing Vamdemon asked appearing genuinely curious.
"Attacking you at half strength would stain my honor, I am better than you Beast!" At that the Vamdemon smiles and begins clapping, at your side Doumon draws her talisman, while Gigasmon raises a fist, for your part you drew you great sword and move into a combat stance.
"I see, you do not want to fight me at less than full strength to not stain your honor, for that you have my respect, but do know that this means your death." Saying this the Vamdemon lets loose an aura of Power, that weighs down on you.
"I understand the risk, but Lord Fugamon will be avenged!" Crying out you sprint, Gigasmon by your side, while Doumon throws out her talisman.
"Jugonsatsu!" Shooting out explosive talismans at the Vamdemon, explosions engulf him while you and Gigasmon cover the distance that separates you.
"Hurricane Bomber!" Gigasmon reaches the Vamdemon first due to Gigasmon lacking the heavy armor encumbering you and being faster in general, Gigasmon spins his arms spread out to hit the Vamdemon, but before Gigasmon could hit him, an arm reaches out from the cloud of smoke, catching Gigasmon's arm and stopping his attack.
"Good attempt but futile" Pulling Gigasmon in front of him, the vampire hits him with a body shot, doubling Gigasmon over leaving him open to the Vamdemon's hammer blow, smashing Gigasmon into the ground, burying him deep.
"Gigasmon! curse you Beast!" Reaching them a moment later you swing the blade forged by Gigasmon at him, you swing at his left side, then upwards towards his head, then using the momentum to smash your blade into his chest, but the Vamdemon easily dodges all your attacks, before grabbing your head with a hand and slamming you into the nearest tree.
Smacking into the tree, you fell dizzy and if the cursed beast wasn't clutching your head, you would have fell to your knees.
"A worthy effort but your vengeance ends here." Glaring at him through the gaps between his fingers you grunt in pain as he begins to apply pressure to your head, his fingers crushing your chrome digizoid helmet, with nothing but brute strength.
"Jugonsatsu!" Explosions once again engulf him, causing his grip to slacken releasing you, but this caused him to turn his attention towards Doumon.
(Verge POV)
As the explosions once again engulf your form, you release your grip on the Knightmon, to face the Doumon.
"Oṃ" Advancing towards the Doumon, you swipe at her with a clawed hand, hitting a hemispherical barrier created by Doumon, but it barely slowed your attack.
The barrier breaking near instantaneously from your attack, but it was enough for Doumon to move away enough that your swipe tore flesh from her arm and send her flying instead of decapitating her.
"Hurricane Bomber!" Bursting out of the ground in front of you Gigasmon swings his fists hitting across your face pushing you back at bit.
"How futile." Catching his second swing, you punch him in the gut doubling him over again, you strike Gigasmon in the jaw, the side of the head, then a swung hook to his face hard enough to send him through the ground again, gouging the earth.
"Doumon! Gigasmon! You!" The Knightmon stands up and runs to you swinging great sword as he tries to hit you but you easily catch his sword and soon your free hand is wrapped around his throat.
Lifting him up, you were unable to stop him from drawing the sword at his side with him free hand, and the subsequent stab at your side.
Pulling out his blade the Knightmon tries to stab you again, but you kneed him causing the Knightmon to let go of his weapons then toss him aside towards his comrades.
"Chrome Digizoid, no wonder you wounded me." After inspecting the blade you tossed both it and his great sword back towards the Knightmon.
"You! are you mocking me Beast!" The Knightmon already on his knees reacted with outrage from your act of perceived pity.
"Nothing of that sort, Knightmon just because you think of me as nothing more than a Beast, doesn't mean I don't have my honor." Looking at Knightmon you notice his companions standing up and joining him.
"Hmph ready for round two are we." Looking at their eyes you find it still full of resolved.
"Very well, give it your best shot!" You lunge, and they met your charge head on.
(Knightmon POV)
"The Duel!" Slashing with you sword, you generate a spinning blade of air to intercept the Vamdemon.
"Not good enough!" The Vamdemon smashes through the air blade not even slowing down, Gigasmon moves swinging a fist towards the Vamdemon, which he intercepts with a fist of his own blowing Gigasmon away.
"Grand Smash!" But it was enough Gigasmon managed to bleed some of the Vamdemon's momentum, leaving him open for your attack, knocking him back and giving time for Doumon to start her attack.
When Vamdemon lands, Doumon is halfway finished with her seal, a barrier forming around the Vamdemon, your hope rising as barrier nears completion.
"So you plan to seal me how futile." But the Vamdemon already recovered, his legs tensing to escape the barrier, you felt your hope become dimmer.
"Earthquake!" Gigasmon smashes the ground with his fists, causing a... well an earthquake and splitting the ground apart towards the Vamdemon, who stumbles with one of his legs slipping inside the crack, and delaying his escape.
"KimonTonkou!" By the time the Vamdemon manages to get his bearings, Doumon already finished the barrier.
"Lord Fugamon I avenged you." As you sigh in relief, you notice that a dark mist gathers inside the barrier, filling you with dread.
"Cloud Minion!" A spiral of dark mist explodes out of the barrier destroying the technique and freeing the Vamdemon.
"Enough I am done playing games Grisly Wing!" A cloud of bats rush out towards you and your comrades, you barely manage to get your chrome digizoid shield between you and the others.
But it wasn't enough some of the bats manages to go around you, and Gigasmon shields Doumon with his body.
Your shield and most of your upper torso armor is torn to shreds, Gigasmon manages to endure the attack but is no condition to fight, and Doumon is severely injured from the bats that managed to get around your's and Gigasmon's defense.
"Gigasmon take Doumon and get out of here I will cover your escape." Your blade feels heavy, your vision is dimming, but you must at least protect these two!
"Knightmon I-" as Gigasmon was beginning to protest you cut him off "Leave Gigasmon and take Doumon with you, this is a fight we cannot win." Swallowing his words Gigasmon nods and carries Doumon tunneling his way to safety.
"So you seek to stop me from pursuing your comrades at the cost of your life, that is praiseworthy." The Vamdemon states as he looms over you.
"Is it enough for you to let them go?" While you did contemplate to tell the Beast that his respect means nothing to you, securing your comrades escape takes priority.
"You have my word." Hearing the vampire say this fills you with relief, you can now fight with the focus of killing him, instead of buying time.
"Berserk Sword!" With my armor and shield broken, there is no point in trying to defend against this vampire's power, all I can hope for now is to inflict as much damage as possible, hoping beyond hope that you can slay him.
(Verge POV)
"Berserk Sword!" The Knightmon swings his sword wildly, slashing with the full force of his power, cutting through everything discriminately.
Dodging his wild swings you catch his sword on his fifth swing with one hand, you raise the other and backhanded the knight, smashing his helmet to pieces and sending him crashing to the ground.
You watch him as he gets onto his knees, stabbing his great sword into the ground and using it as leverage in order to stand up.
Walking towards him, you look him straight in the eyes, even as you impale him with your hand, and ripped out his core, the Knightmon's eyes never once showed fear only determination and hatred.
"You are a worthy opponent." As the Knightmon fades away you absorb his data, his being worthy of becoming part of yours.
(Flashback End.)
Looking at the Knightmon's blade you decide to take it with you and you begin to infuse it with your Power, after a few moments it began to float off the ground, and you walk off towards your next destination, blade floating behind you.
"Judgement Sla-Aauugh" Hearing the sounds of battle you rush off, arriving just in time to see Pit being choked by none other than Astamon High Lord of the Gloaming.
Looking around you see Sparks lying down and Beat off to the side injured but still battle ready.
"Kekeke." Chuckling Astamon idly plays with the knife in his other hand, flipping idly between his gloved fingers "My what bad luck you three have, to run into me of all mon, and what's more it's while your precious SlashAngemon is busy fighting my General, how truly unfortunate... Well I bid you adieu." After flipping his knife once more into a more proper grip, Astamon prepares to end Pit's life.
"Crimson Lightning!" Summoning a stream of crimson energy you wrap your whip around his knife wielding arm, then bind that arm around his neck further trapping it by wrapping the crimson energy around two more times.
"Hurk!" Abruptly choking Astamon free hand instinctively lets go of Pit, and reaches for the crimson whip around his neck instead, in that moment when he lets go of Pit you pull.
"Blood Punch!" Clotheslining Astamon as you pull him towards you, and following through with a series of blows fists glowing crimson, you finish with an uppercut to the chin that launches Astamon through the air crimson cords of energy still binding his arm to his neck, you pull and smash him to the ground, then you spin, using Astamon's body to clearing your surroundings of trees and leaving only stumps, after which you swung him high in the air and smashed him to the ground once more.
"Well that was rude of you to interupt like that, I do hope that you realize that you've signed your own death warrant." Standing up Astamon snaps the crimson stream of energy binding his arm to his neck, seemingly not having taken any injuries from your ambush to the average observer, your eyes however can still see that Astamon is still reeling from the damage inflicted upon him, you could press your advantage but there is one thing to take care of first.
"Beat, Pit take Sparks and retreat immediately this is a battle you cannot survive." While still keeping Astamon in your perception you see Pit and Beat nodding and begins to leave the battlefield, with Beat picking up Sparks and his sword as he leaves.
Astamon's reaction was immediate, his face showing shock, then transitioning to anger in an instant, fists clenching so tightly you hear his bones creaking. "You still dare to take his name!" Rage clear in his features, Astamon focuses his attention on your retreating comrades, hands reaching for his gun.
"Your opponent is me Astamon, Blood Punch!" Closing the distance, Astamon is forced to abandon his plans, his hands now blocking your strikes instead, one, two, three strikes are blocked but the forth one slips through striking him clean across the face, Astamon stumbles back a bit, but soon recovers his balance, and throws his own barrage.
Left jab, block, right swipe, dodge, your exchange with Astamon continues trading blows, dodging swipes from his knife and he from your claws, and every single one of his strikes is filled with Power, his Strength almost equal to yours.
"Blood Punch!" Blocking a stab with your left arm imbedding the knife in your bone, you counter strike with a fist glowing pure red and strike Astamon across the face, sending him reeling and losing his grip on his knife, you striking with a body blow, then a right hook, left, right, left, right, then left jab and finishing with a right uppercut, you send Astamon flying.
As Astamon stands up from your attacks, his battered form still in fighting condition, you see murderous intent burning in his eyes, impatience is clear on his form as well.
He wants to end the fight quickly, you realize taking out his knife from your left arm and throwing it away, you take a fighting stance preparing for his assault.
(Astamon POV)
"No more games, I'm done playing, now disappear! Hellfire!" Drawing your prided machine gun Oro Salmón you empty out it's magazine, firing all bullets at that blasted Vamdemon.
"Grisly Wing!" The Vamdemon counters with a cloud of familiar bats, meeting your attack head on with another.
"Hnngn! Cloud Minion!" As your bullets rip through the cloud perforating the Vamdemon, dark mist burst out of him, concealing his position.
"Attempting to hide? I'm afraid that won't work on me Hellfire!" Once again you empty Oro Salmón firing through the mist vanishing it, revealing nothing "What?"
"Grisly Wing!" A stream of bats explode from underground directly beneath your position, having been caught unguarded and hit dead on, you take significant amount of damage, the bats tearing pieces out of you every moment spent caught in its grasp.
"Blood Punch!" The Vamdemon emerges from the hole caused by his attacks, striking you with fists glowing with crimson energy, causing you to drop Oro Salmón.
"Maverick!" Launching a kick covered in dark qi you interrupt his attacks, stunning him for a bit, taking advantage of this weakness, you launch your own barrage of attacks.
"Maverick!" Striking the Vamdemon seven times you end things with another kick covered in dark energy.
"Hellfire!" Picking up Oro Salmon from where it drop, you unleashed its contents once more, perforating the Vamdemon as he tries to stand up from where he landed, bullets severing his left arm from the shoulder.
"Lord Astamon do you perhaps need assistance." Looking up you see your subordinate Count and his minions descending on the field, looking at them and the wounded Vamdemon, and the direction where the cur who took the name of your general left you came to a decision.
"Take care of him for me, I have greater matters to attend to." You gave your order, Count and his subordinates nodded in assent to your order, as you pick up your discarded knife.
You leave them, moving to where you saw the Black JewelBeemon and the others retreat.
"You still dare to use his name... You will not escape me." Promising to delete the bug digimon for this insult you track them down.
(Verge POV)
"Repulsa, Asuramon, MetalTyrannomon take care of this mon." You watch as Astamon leaves, and hearing his intentions to pursue your comrades, fills you with a sense of urgency, even as the a familiar Wrath rages at the sight of the Count and his minions.
"I don't have time for this Grisly Wing!" Even as the Count's minions obey his command, and begin their attack, the knowledge that Astamon pursues your comrades fills your with urgency that supplants your wrath.
As Repulsa, MetalTyrannomon, and Asuramon approaches you send forth a great wave of bats to dispatch your foes.
"Nuclear Laser II!""Asura Bakunenken!""Gilgamesh Slicer!" A wave of fire, a laser, and blades of wind intercept your attack, but it did it's purpose, it allowed you to close in.
"Blood Punch!" Clenching a fist burning with crimson Power, you smash MetalTyrannomon's skull in, obliterating his head.
"Gilgamesh Slic-!" Reacting quickly Repulsa tries to create blades of wind to attack but is interrupted by you throwing MetalTyrannomon headless carcass at her.
"Asura Shinken!" Ducking through Asuramon's flaming fist, you impale your remaining arm through his chest, grasping Asuramon's core you pull it out and crush it, loading Asuramon's data to heal your wounds, as you do you turn around and see Repulsa knock your sword away and ready an attack.
"Gilgamesh Slicer" "Gale Claw!" Sending out your respective wind techniques, they clash with one wind blade from your Gale Claw slipping to cut off one of Repulsa's wings sending her careening.
"Blood Punch!" Clenching your fist as blood red energy explodes from it as you close in to the Shutumon, punching a hole through her chest, you absorb her data, even as you pocket a curious item that emerged from her demise.
"You! Grisly Wing!" Count looking enraged at your slaughter of his subordinates summons a cloud of bats to attack.
"Grisly Wing!" Responding in kind your attack overpowers Count's own and overwhelms him sending him off his feet and crashing to the ground, creating a trail of destruction from his momentum.
As the Vamdemon lays stunned you approach and with the lull in battle you noticed something you missed before, the Vamdemon looks much smaller or as you realize you became bigger, as you stand atop of him.
"As much as I would like to enjoy my vengeance, I unfortunately do not have much time, Blood Punch!" Gathering a great amount of energy into your fist, you strike him with a blow strong enough to crater the ground you pinned him in.
"Still alive? Then 01001000-" Casting a spell you grab the still living Vamdemon's face even as he lay there dazed and wounded"-01100101 Holy Light Strike!" As the spell goes point plank on his face, vaporizing it, you load Count's data, healing your wounds finally regenerating your missing left arm.
"Now time to save my friends." Grasping Knightmon's blade you sped off to intercept Astamon.
(Beat POV)
Grunting you slam hard into the dirt, Astamon having tracked you and others down and despite his injuries is not having any troubles beating the three of you in the dirt.
Pit the MagnaAngemon, currently has two of his right wings severed from a knife throw, his left arm is shattered blocking a kick, and his helmet is cracked from the blow that left him face down in the dirt.
Sparks the Mistymon has his left arm severed again with his armor cracked and his helmet gone.
You were probably the worst off, Astamon having ripped off one of your arms, a wing, and gouged out your left eye, and cracked basically every part of your black chitin.
"Shot Claw!" Trying to attack one more time, Astamon leans out of the way before "Maverick!" launching a leg covered in dark energy Astamon broke, your spear and basically shattered your remaining arm, leaving it hanging uselessly at your shoulder.
"This is the end for you Beat, Hellfi-" Stepping on your head Astamon points his weapon at you, but before he could finish his attack, somemon flies past your head gripping a great sword and impaling the Gloaming High Lord and dragging him off you.
Impaling Astamon to the tree, you realise your savior is none other than Verge.
(Verge POV)
"Maverick!" Astamon's leg snaps into a kick slamming into your side, and launching you off him, allowing Astamon to pull off the Berserk Sword impaling.
"Hellfi-" "Blood Punch!" Interrupting Astamon's attack you strike him with a number of blows, one, two, three, four... before smashing him through the tree you impaled him in with your sword.
"It's you again, I should have finished you then and there instead of leaving the task to Count." Wiping a flecks of data from his mouth Astamon stands up again, still ready for a fight.
"Blood Punch!" "Maverick!" Your crimson covered fist clashes with Astamon's dark energy covered leg, fists meeting fists your clashes continued, until... "Maverick!" Astamon's leg lashes out smashing you to the ground and allowing him to train his weapon on you.
"Hellfi-" "Soul Banish!" Pit interrupts Astamon's attack by firing a slash made of holy energy while Sparks "Verge! Catch!" throws you his sword, something flows between you and Sparks and you move.
"Blast Fire!" "What!" As Astamon looks at you, the burning blade given to you by Sparks erupts the flame enlarging and you swing engulfing Astamon in an inferno.
"Maverick!" A severely burned Astamon bursts out of the inferno and kicks Sparks's sword out of your hands and sends you flying back, his weapon once again aimed directly at you "Hellfi-" "Judgement Slash!" Pit destroys Astamon's weapon leaving him stunned at it's destruction.
"Maverick!" Astamon launching a kick filled with anger and malice, destroys most of Pit's armor and helmet sent Pit crashing down.
By the time he turned around to face you, the distance between two has been crossed, shock flitting in his features he tries to strike you down, but your attack would arrive faster.
You've impaled Astamon with your hand, striking the burned and tenderized flesh the wounds inflicted weakening it enough that your Strength surpassed his Fortitude, allowing you to grasp his core in your hand.
(Flashback End.)
"Kekekeh, so you've won, mind telling me the name of my killer?" Astamon asks grasping your arm, chuckling at the situation.
"Verge." Answering his question you ripped out his core, Astamon letting go and falling down on his back, chuckling bitterly.
"So this is how I die, to the Host's rising star and before I even completed my plans." Crushing his core, you watch as Astamon fades into data, you see Pit healing Beat, Sparks already healed picks up his discarded sword, his orb floating beside him as he walks over to your side.
Looking back at where Astamon dissipated you and your comrades depart to report Astamon's death, with Pit proclaiming the glory and victory you achieved, The Gloaming is finished.
(General POV)
Suddenly the dissipating data of Astamon began to gather, darkness forming a great and terrible shape.
Astamon Digivolves to...
"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅" A terrifying roar erupted from the digimon's maw, and from the sheer power contained within the roar, digimons from the Ultimate level and below died from it, and not even Mega level digimon escaped unscathed.
Baleful red eyes, gleamed as the Demon Lord digimon rampaged, destroying everything and everyone in it's path regardless of allegiance.
In its rampage it struck down a general, a purple vampire with its flame covered claws, even as a golden bladed angel faced it.
(Verge POV)
The Darkness surrounding you and your comrades faded, the barrier you created breaking down, looking at your comrades you surmised that they are in no shape to fight.
All three are in various states of being in the verge of death, the barrier you erected the only reason they weren't outright deleted by Astamon's Mega forms roar.
"=01101100 Divine Zone Heal!" Placing a healing barrier around the area you inspected yourself and grimaced, while you fared better than your comrades, you didn't survive unscathed, your restored left eye once again gone, your left leg is gone below the shin, your entire body is one big bruise in short your still battle ready.
As you watch the digimon Astamon digivolved into do battle with SlashAngemon in his golden form, and every other Mega in the battlefield including his own forces, you ponder how Astamon could have digivolved you his digicore with your hand, his death should have been assured.
"Death X Evolution." The words slipped past your mouth, like a half forgotten memory, you suddenly begin to understand.
Digimon could evolve when put under stress, such as being placed on the verge of death like you did when Sir Scratch wounded you.
Death X Evolution is the phenomenon that occurs when Digimons digivolve from dying, something snapped into place from that realization.
"I understand now, the reason I wasn't evolving even though already achieved the pinnacle of this form." Picking up Knightmon's Berserk Sword you gazed upon it, then to your unconscious friends, then finally towards where the digimon Astamon turned into rampaging, and winning you realize, as you see that the only digimon left to oppose him is SlashAngemon and a handful of others, worse is the fact that SlashAngemon is no longer in his Golden form, while Astamon's Mega form is relatively unharmed.
"No not unharmed healing." You realize that this digimon devours digimon's data even as it fights, healing any wounds inflicted upon it, and with it's roar being enough to delete Ultimate digimons, there is plenty of resources to use.
"Alright I know what I must do, by the Great Tree I hope this works." Your mind made up you grasp the great sword and impale yourself, the blade parting your chest to strike your core, splitting it in twain.
"Glurk, well Knightmon you achieve your vengeance." Chuckling even as you cough out a mouthful of data, you destroy the blade impaling you, to absorb its data the way you once saw Pit's mentor Angemon once did to his own staff.
Darkness is all you see even as you absorb the sword's data, your broken core further breaking apart....
"Vamdemon Digivolve To!"
(General POV)
Despair... That is the word best suited to describe the atmosphere, of the battlefield for both the Holy Host and the forces of the Gloaming, almost everyone is dead, and the one thing standing between them and total annihilation is SlashAngemon.
And he is on his last legs, the Bladed Angel has seen better days, a wing torn off, an arm gone, and just about everything is cracked, now while this would normally be a cause to celebrate for the Gloaming even they are in despair at his condition.
The reason Astamon's Mega evolution Belphemon, is a being of pure rage, it does not discriminate between friend or foe, everything is something to be destroyed.
Thus no one is safe and their only hope is SlashAngemon, who is now currently pinned to the ground by Belphemon and is about to be deleted.
"Black Requiem." A calm gentlemanly voices out, as two beams of darkness blast Belphemon away from SlashAngemon.
"Wh-who you." SlashAngemon weakly asks.
"Elite Bellator Verge Sir." Quadruped digimon replied with his "Charming" voice.
"You can rest now Sir I will take care of everything." Saying this the vampire digimon turned to face the rising Belphemon.
"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅" Roaring the Belphemon charged intent of destroying the one who dared attack it.
"Eye of Gorgon." Mere inches from the GrandDracumon, Belphemon involuntarily halted its charged, the eye spawned behind the humanoid half of GrandDracumon, having enslaved Belphemon due to the abundant darkness inside it.
"Crystal Revolution." Ice spread across Belphemon's body, unimpeded, the digimon unable to resist enslaved as it was to GrandDracumon's will.
Soon nothing but a crystal statue is left, a hand reaches out and taps, the statue's face, a crack forms and spreads, until the statue shatters into crystal shards.
"Congratulations Sir the Gloaming are defeated, the Holy Host is victorious." Gesturing to Belphemon's crystal shards, Verge bows to SlashAngemon, a grin forming on his face.
Myotismon Verge would probably be NeoMyotismon really
Man on a mission and all that
>Its goal is to erase hostile forces without leaving a trace
>It forgot its emotions as a consequence of always lurking in the dark, and even slaughter is becoming a part of its life that it neither likes nor dislikes
>Neo Vamdemon can summon its familiar spirits, "Evilvil", which are brought forth in an inexhaustible supply, and naturally prefer the life energy of Digimon. The Digimon that experience its "Nightmare Raid", which fires the Evilvil at multiple enemies, become a terrible sight to behold. Its "Bloody Stream Glade", which freely extends both of its arms, is a technique that reliably captures its opponent, and wrenches them apart after forcing the captured opponent to divulge all their information
You even have the possess an Army bits which could be a dark reflection of Verge wanting to be a guardian, xept as NeoMyotismon they all follow him into battle now
"Heh, that would ruin the surprise."You sit down and turn your head to glare the Wizardmon-variant, whose smirk gradually fades away."Blegh. Alright, alright. I think that jerkass wants whatever Calamaramon is auctioning off. "
"But you do not know that."
"Nope, but sometimes heroes have to take a gamble if they wanna to win. Just... this is our best bet. Do ya trust me?"
That depends on the situation...
"... yes." You reply tentatively, internally hoping to not regret the affirmation later.
"Good. Then don't ask anymore, no offense but the squad might muck things up before everything is ready. Hehe, if all goes well, I should be back by tonight."
"... if all goes well? That means it might not succeed. What if that comes to pass?"
"If it doesn't?... then I may need ya to come get me. If I'm gone too long, look in Pit's bag. Slipped a note in there earlier."
"It is fine, worry not of it. In fact… I must thank you."
"You're most welcome!..." The wommon pauses, as if now only realizing what you'd actually said. "I'm afraid I must have misheard that Gryzmon. You're... thankful for me knocking you into the water."
"That is correct. It allowed me to experience a new type of training. Moving whilst pressed down upon by untold amounts of water. It was quite strenuous."
I wonder… could I mayhaps make another trip down there? With Beat the next time of course, there's no need to make a repeat of wandering up over the various levels.
"Such training sounds wonderful! Oh my squires and I must try it sometime!"
"With your skill in battle I do not doubt that fact in the least, they must be well trained."
"My skill? Ah, th-thank you." The Ultimate stammers, looking away from your eye. "I've taken great pride in my swordplay ever since I was a Kotemon, it's part of what makes me strong."
"I agree. Your technique was perfection, It must have taken true diligence to polish it to such a degree."
"Y-yes. But your skill was good too Gryzmon! All of that maneuvering to get me ready for the final strike and that thing you did in the air! Oh you must show me how to do it sometime!"
"I do not see why not. Furthering the power of others on this road of life is an admirable action. It would be remiss of me not to. We could even continue our spar."
"Getting another date lined up already Verge? Hehe, should I tell Ardat?"
"... I have not set a day or time for the proposed training session." You reply blankly, not really getting why he's making a fuss of things. "And I do not see what this has to do with my la-her."
"... tch. Why do I even friggen' try. Thick, spirits be damned bear."
Huh... I placed unintended emphasis on that last word. Odd.
Shrugging that small bit of strange behavior off, you bid Fonte adieu and get back to your meal, finishing it off entirely before lining back up for seconds. Most of the Knightmon's *squires* throw disturbingly horrified looks at your passing form, but you chock that up to your scar.
Mayhaps they need more exposure to frightening mon?
Drop ventures down into the cafeteria shortly after you finish eating, however the Ranamon looks… different. Beat's friend is bereft of her usual swimsuit, having replaced it with a two piece set of light blue clothing more in line with the garments of a wizardmon. You're not exactly sure why a digimon would bother to change their clothes like this, maybe something to do with comfort? The *cloth* does look like it be would be easier to sleep in.
And... huh, the helmet is missing as well. I did not expect the blue hair.
You shrug the Legendary Warrior's eccentricities off and make to sit up, but a tug from Sparks' remaining arm directs your attention back towards the table. The Ranamon casually steps onto the bench Beat is sitting on and begins whispering into his ear.
It's barely audible, so at best all you can make out are "Cooler" and "Evil guy". Her speaking isn't surprising, no what's shocking is how the JewelBeemon relaxes, his stiff body actually slouching back as the tension flees from his body. Your friend casually nods along with the wommon's statement, before lightly pushing a plate of food in front of her and...
Hold on. What is that clicking noise?... it's coming from Beat. Is he angry? No... this. I cannot be.
"Prick's laughing?!"Sparks *whispers*
"Impossible advisor, he... can't..." Pit murmurs, his jaw slowly falling open in shock at the sight unfolding before your eyes.
What is... How?! I thought he couldn't laugh! Spirits above all he's ever done is grunt!
"I know. It's creepy right?"
"Gah!/Heavens!" All three of you whirl about towards the suddenly voice, coming face to face with a Musyamon... or, at least you think it's a Musyamon? The champion's armor is a dark *blue* for some inexplicable reason and he's wearing a bow on his back along with the curved sword.
"Spirits! Where the frig did you come from?!"
"Oh, I was always here." The mon says with a chuckle that seems oddly familiar. It actually takes you a second to connect his voice to the one you'd heard yesterday morning.
Which means, this is Dracmon.
*Drac's* low laugh cuts out, shifting to him looking at your leader as if he's stupid.
"No not *really*. I snuck up while you dolts were gawking."
"I knew you were there." Sparks grumbles in a tone just low enough that the champion won't hear it. You're a bit confused at the statement however, if he'd known, then why did he exclaim like that?
"Back at Frigimons', Drop was the only mon whose butt I didn't see him kick." The demon-man explains, still watching both mon eat together. "But I never thought I'd see him laughing along with what that idiot is saying. For AncientMermaidmon's sake he's not even glaring at her." Drac turns his attention back to the assembled members of your party and narrows his eyes. "You didn't replace that bug with a nicer mon of the same name, did you?"
"Friend Beat could have been replaced? Lord in Heaven, it would explain this!"
"... I can hear you, all of you." The former Stingmon points out.
"Hehe, silence *imposter!*" Sparks shouts, leaping down onto the bench and pointing a finger at the Insect digimon. "What have done with the real Pri-"
Beat pulls his arm back from the backhand, glares at your collective group, then pointedly goes back to listening to Drop.
"I do not believe he's been replaced." You posit, looking at the wizard's now comatose form.
"Yes friend Verge, I shall agree on that." The angel nods, leaning slightly away from your chitinous companion. *Drac* just continues chuckling lowly, before heading off towards the kitchen.
===Authors Note: Morning Snippet before I have to go. Last part will be in this afternoon for realsies this time.