As suspected, skill and discipline trumps savagery, we chose the right method for this battle.

[X] Take it. The power is something you cannot afford to give up, and you cannot afford to stay injured right now.


[X] Take it. The power is something you cannot afford to give up, and you cannot afford to stay injured right now.

Considering how strange our data is, the fact that the data is coming from something that dark digivolved seems unlikely to even affect us at all.
This battle is something you desired as martial artist-and protector,
as a martial
receive it's incoming charge.
The foe's attack while faster, carries the predictably only blind aggression can bring.
Add a comma after "attack".
It's Bladed horn lances down first,
Its bladed
as your motion tosses it's entire body away.
it's speed left unhindered
pouring enough energy into your body, that the entire frame throbs in protest.
Delete the comma.
This is a contest you'll lose but, not one you really needed to win.
Move the comma to before "but" instead of after it.
lifting Chimairamon's stunned body over your head before slamming the taller head-first into the ground.
the taller mon head-first
It's wings and legs flail wildly
Expanding upon my thoughts on why Flaremon could be a possible Ultimate evolution for Verge is that based on this line on his profile "Although its regal mane and imposing manner may be intimidating at first glance, this strong-willed Beast Man Digimon will brave any hardship for the sake of its comrades." It seems like Flaremon possesses a Devotion trait like Verge.

And to expand on why it's basically fire Leomon, here is it's attack Gurenjūouha, translated as Crimson Beast King Wave, where Flaremon punches out an energy wave in the shape of a Lion's head.

And here's Leomon's attack Jūouken, translated as Beast King Fist, where Leomon punches out a energy blast in the shape of a Lion's head. See the similarities aside from being bipedal lions.
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So I searched for possible Ultimate forms for Verge and found these three LoaderLiomon, Flaremon, and SkullBaluchimon.

First Loader Liomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki, the reason is obvious, it's a digging digimon like Verge's rookie form Drimogemon, as well as his possible Champion forms Digmon and Dorulumon. And it's a mammal digimon.
I'd say given it's focus on digging I would immagine that it would require us either using our Rookie form a lot, requiring our love of the practice somehow, or both.

Hmm I'll add in under the 'Reasonable' teir.
Second Flaremon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki the reason for his inclusion is three things, first is it's personality description "Although its regal mane and imposing manner may be intimidating at first glance, this strong-willed Beast Man Digimon will brave any hardship for the sake of its comrades." It's basically Fire Leomon who is the direct Ultimate form of an Olympos XII. Second reason is that Flaremon has similarities to Agnimon being fire digimons who protect their comrades, and third is the sibling connection to Lunamon.

Basically the personality, similarities with Agnimon, and sibling relationship with Lunamon would make it a perfect evolution for Verge. It is also a mammal, and has Verge's issues with being intimidating.
I don't like Apollomon as potential Ultimate on account of wanting to see a digimon protagonist that doesn't cross that line.... but at the same time you make such a good point that I feel like I have to put in the the 'likley' tier anyway... good job!

Third Skull Baluchimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki, the reason I suggest him is simply for a possible Dark Digivolution Candidate for Verge to evolve into if he undergoes Dark Digivolution. It is basically SkullGreymon but for Mammals, so yeah a Dark Digivolution candidate.
As a dark digivolution I think we pretty clearly don't want this.

Starting to wonder if I should add a 'meaningful comments' section to some of the articles in my sheet.
Gonna go against the grain here. I don't want to risk letting a Dark Digivolution affect us. We have no idea what's happened to its data.

[X] Let it go. You don't know what effects the dark evolution might have had on it's being.
Can't see how loading this mon would be any different then loading any other gloaming mon. So let's take our rightly earned reward and GTFO with our target before something bigger shows up.
Because we haven't loaded any mon that underwent a Dark Digivolution here. That's a world apart from a dark mon that evolved to where it is naturally. We're already dealing with Ardat's virus, would data from a dark Digivolution mon feed it?
Unlimited powa! But in a more honest manner I more accurately agree with the assessment that being wounded right now would be a bad idea.
So why not just let Pit heal us? We drew all of the Ultimate's fire, so he should still be good to go.
Because we haven't loaded any mon that underwent a Dark Digivolution here. That's a world apart from a dark mon that evolved to where it is naturally. We're already dealing with Ardat's virus, would data from a dark Digivolution mon feed it?
Why do you say that, all a dark Digivolution does is make a mon grow through the power of dark emotions. Nothing else of note happens and no code is horribly mutanted into some kind of cancer code. So I can't really see why a dark mon would be worse then any other one here.
Why do you say that, all a dark Digivolution does is make a mon grow through the power of dark emotions. Nothing else of note happens and no code is horribly mutanted into some kind of cancer code. So I can't really see why a dark mon would be worse then any other one here.
That and it was rage/despair based as opposed to desire so I doubt it'll feed Ardats own virus all that much.
Why do you say that, all a dark Digivolution does is make a mon grow through the power of dark emotions. Nothing else of note happens and no code is horribly mutanted into some kind of cancer code. So I can't really see why a dark mon would be worse then any other one here.
You're assuming. Don't do that.
That and it was rage/despair based as opposed to desire so I doubt it'll feed Ardats own virus all that much.
Okay, so instead it'll feed the Wrath in our core. Still not seeing that as an upside.
Man that corruption has settled in real deep, at this point it's probably impossible to remove.

[X] Let it go. You don't know what effects the dark evolution might have had on it's being.

Now I'm curious as to how the Rage option would have played out.
I want to note that Wind is pretty much Ardat's element yes?

So having acess to gale claw in this fight, a desire vote, and in her color is verrrrry interesting to me.

Furthermore, while Dark digivolution is dangerous the fact that this one was fueled by rage makes me think we'll be okay. Since, y'know Verge is fueled by Wrath and has been kinda sorta ABSOLUTELY LIVID in the background of his head since the village went bye bye.

I wouldn't want Pit to load this, but Verge should be ok.

Besides, Drex's stance on "trap" votes gives me confidence that we'll get something good out of this.

@drexal15 correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't loading give us like... 10% of the loaded mons stats?
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Furthermore, while Dark digivolution is dangerous the fact that this one was fueled by rage makes me think we'll be okay. Since, y'know Verge is fueled by Wrath and has been kinda sorta ABSOLUTELY LIVID in the background of his head since the village went bye bye.
Well, until he digivolved and got a handle on it. Remember the last scans we had had our vaccine portion of the core very slightly overpowering the viral portions where the rage is. So now we're dumping a ton of Rage aspected data into our core. I don't see any possible negative connotations there, do you? /s
And you're trying to frame my caution as paranoia. I don't appreciate the character assassination. I'm at least making my arguments for why I'm voting the way I am clear.
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correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't loading give us like... 10% of the loaded mons stats?
That is correct.
Furthermore, while Dark digivolution is dangerous the fact that this one was fueled by rage makes me think we'll be okay. Since, y'know Verge is fueled by Wrath and has been kinda sorta ABSOLUTELY LIVID in the background of his head since the village went bye bye
I will note that Verge is fueled by more than Wrath. It's just a big motivator for him.

Another thing is that ever since evolving to Gryzmon he's had a pretty great handle on his anger. It kind of stayed the same level while his control went up. It should also be clear that this dark evolution was from wrath.

Verge loading it isn't going to make him flip out and go berserk mind you. But there will be effects to taking in data that's so heavily corrupted.
and you're trying to turn my caution into paranoia, and I don't appreciate the character assassination. I'm at least making my arguments for why I'm voting the way I am clear.
Agreed we all have our own worries, for me it's Desire and while I'm not as concerned as you are I'm also of the opinion that you shouldn't be called paraniod just for not wanting to take the risk.

I'd be pretty darn hypocritical if I did that.
Now I'm curious as to how the Rage option would have played out
Verge would have leapt up to meet Chimairamon's charge. He'd have gotten pretty messed up, but dealt a decent blow in return. Before Chimairamon could continue wailing on Verge, Sparks would have used boost to land a good hit and stagger it while Darcmon and Pit piled in.

Verge would have gotten healed again, then got up while Darcmon stabbed its eye, then got swatted away (put in near critical condition) Pit would have gotten a Major wound, even his rage mode not being enough to stack up and be knocked out.

Verge would land another hit, then turned things into a grapple with a lot of biting. Which would eventually end with him getting wrapped by the enemies longer arms and crushed. Beat would then have rushed in to take out the other eye and grapple the head. Leaving Verge to land the brutal killing attack by digging into it's chest and biting it's core.

Cue a black out from all the damage and some other effects later on.
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A thought occurs.

Chimeramon listed as a Composite type digimon, ie made up of various different mons data.

Technically speaking..... isn't Verge also some kind of Composite? And if so, is it possible that it would make him more compatible with Chimeramon's data?
[X] Let it go. You don't know what effects the dark evolution might have had on it's being.
I return because fuck purple text and fuck bandwagoning :V
A thought occurs.

Chimeramon listed as a Composite type digimon, ie made up of various different mons data.

Technically speaking..... isn't Verge also some kind of Composite? And if so, is it possible that it would make him more compatible with Chimeramon's data?
Wouldn't that be more of a reason not to take the Data? Pit is still hale and hearty so far as we know, so he can probably heal us with Mega Heal. We still get a powerup from fighting the mon, just not as huge a boost from loading it. And frankly we're likely to get other opportunities if this place continues to be so harsh. I'd rather take a chance on something other than a Dark Digivolution mon in order to load their data directly into Verge.