[] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.
-[] While you're at it, look for a spellbook that Ardat might be able to use. One without Holy spells.
"If that is all." your superior officer states coldly. "Then we will be on our way,"
"Paha, don't mind me. Carry on with your business throne. Hmm, but our dear LadyDevimon here needs to be escorted yes? I'll tag along to make sure she makes it there safely."
"Bu... yes sirs." you cut off the objection, trying hard not to sigh. "La-Ardat, I'll uh. See you later?"
"Indeed you will servant.-We'll meet again Verge! Fate has decreed our paths united and we-"
"-Enough." The robed Ultimate cuts in sharply. "We have orders, come."
"Paha. Spoilsport. Let her talk. "
"Hmph. The moment is lost." Your friend pouts, eyes narrowing towards the Throne.
"We will not forget that angel." the chilling words strike with an tangible power, causing yours pine to suddenly stiffen. The two escorting Ultimates, physically flinch back, the armored angel's energy blade popping back to life. However with no violence forthcoming, the pair manage to relax.
... Note to self. On the path ahead, avoid slighting her.
With that bit of drama out of the way, your party splits apart. The three winged Ultimates fly off towards Alt City's center where a massive fortress towers over the nearby buildings, Pit breaks off towards the largest
cathedral, Beat jogs off to find a gym and you end up joining Sparks. Whom is attempting to navigate towards the city state's nearest market area.
The journey is slightly more perilous than you would have thought, given that every digimon here is your ally, but once again size is a problem. You nearly end up crushing one unfortunate Pidmon and thus are forced to spend the bulk of your attention carefully making sure not to step on any other digimon.
Eight minutes into the walk, Sparks lets out a sigh.
"Verge. Mine friend, I... have a favour to ask of thee."
A favour?
"Zehaha, sure what is it you wish me to do?"
"I beseech that you act with more caution around Ardat. 'tis a sad fact that you shalt not listen to mine warning to cut off interaction, but please I... watched her rip most of thine head asunder. Next time fortune could not smile upon us. I have no wish to seek vengeance alone."
Was... what happened back then truly so horrible?
"..." you stay silent for a few moment pondering his words over.
A part of your mind wants nothing more than to dissmiss all of it, but you refuse to brush of his words. "Very well. I understand. Sparks, I will act more cautiously around my-her in the future."
"Heh, good... now question. By The Ten why are there so many angels here? One 'twould think that they're reproducing like that Dokugumon or something."
"How is that that she managed to create six digi-eggs anyway?" You question out loud. "I didn't see a tree of rebirth in that cave."
"You don't... ah. Then the subject 'tis a mystery." The Wizardmon replies oddly quickly. You turn to eye the magical digimon, but he's once again attempting to act innocent.
Huh... odd. Focus! We're going shopping correct? Yes Verge. Hmm. Mistr-Ardat does need a new grimoire I wonder if...
As it turns out, finding somemon selling magical tomes is actually a rather simple task. You manage to find a Wizardmon peddling grimoires from a mobile stall on the market's outskirts. Judging by said cart's nearly full stock and the vast quantity of dust over most of the product, he doesn't seem to be getting much patronage, but in a city of angels that's not really surprising. It certainly doesn't help that the gaunt magic user's clothing is ruffled, and he smells like he hasn't washed in weeks.
Still, the fact that his stall exists at all is convenient and you go about browsing his wares for blank tomes. Going by the prices, a basic small blank book, little more than a manual isn't all that much. Just 200 bits.
But that's not good enough for Ardat so you ignore those. Next up are somewhat tougher looking and thicker grimoires, these are actually fairly similar to your own spellbook and cost 400 bits. Sparks purchases a pair of them, one red, one yellow. Much to the impoverished merchant's delight.
While the transaction goes on, you continue to browse the tomes, looking for the next tier up so to speak. Soon your eye catches a trio of even larger, rather sturdy (well, so far as books go at least) spellbooks that look perfect for housing a vast array of binary coding. At 1000 bits a piece, the empty books are quite expensive compared to their brethren, but they're large enough for a mon like Ardat to handle without issue.
Beyond even the blank grimoires are actual spellbooks, which according to the shop owner come directly from the professors at Flat Campus itself. Some of the more advanced editions are priced in the tens of thousands, which is waaay out of your current price range. However the beginner ones are only 3000 bits, and the: "Beginners Guide To Air Sorcery" is something that might make a decent gift for your La-close friend.
In the end you:
===Choose One: (Note, for the purposes of this transaction Verge has 4230 bits)
[][Shopping] Just buy one of the medium grimories. (400 bits)
[][Shopping] Buy the high quality grimories. (1000 bits)
[][Shopping] Purchase the "Beginners Guide To Air Sorcery". (3000 bits)
[][Shopping] Purchase the "Beginners Guide To Air Sorcery" and a medium grimoire (3400 bits)
[][Shopping] Purchase the "Beginners Guide To Air Sorcery" and a high quality grimoire (4000 bits)
[][Shopping] Don't purchase anything .
After the business is concluded, you continue into the bustling district with Sparks. The two of you pass by a wide variety of shops selling everything from exotic supplements, to artificially created weapons and armor hailing from the Chrome Plateaus. But perhaps the most odd place of the bunch was something called a "Tailor" which was advertising a bunch of robes on what looks like weird faceless statues. Naturally you stay far away from that as a matter of course.
It's deep within the central district, where several Ultimate digimon are perusing higher tier stores that you finally spot a place selling digimentals. The building is a rather tall and wide, auspicious place, built to scale for larger digimon like yourself and well maintained. Judging by the smell, the place seems to have been painted recently.
Magnamon's Digimental Emporium
Solicitors Not Welcome. Yes, That Includes Missionaries
The large double door is guarded by pair of
Andromon, who thankfully let you pass without incident. Though you're not a fan of how the two ultimate level digimon stare towards you. Since the place seems clear of customers for now, you're able to stop concentrating on not accidentally squishing other digimon and just move normally within the up-scaled building.
Much to your surprise, the interior is built similarly to one of the restaurants you'd visited before with a single long *bar*. One that stretches horizontally across the floor to differentiate the customer area from where the stock is held and the employee(s?) work.
You spot what is most likely the
digimentals assembled on the back wall inside individual see-through cases. Complete with labels listing the various types. The *
Digimental's of Courage* which Sparks seeks are roughly in the shape of an egg and covered in red, yellow and orange designs that look vaguely like flame. A single small blade protrudes from the front for some reason, though what purpose it serves you cannot tell.
That is odd. Some of them look... like digi-eggs. Why?
Just from sight alone you can
feel that each of the various evolution aids have a certain power to them. Almost as if they're each individually projecting the power of a digimon on their lonesome. Some are stronger than others, with a
single golden digimental standing above most of the others
A pair of moments later, you spot the vendor floating in front of the far corner and
gold armor awash with a seemingly unparalleled sense of
power and a dense body packed with more strength than you can even fathom. Despite the digimon's small frame, his aura
towers over you a veritable giant of overwhelming ability that could render death upon your body with a single gesture. Dull orange eyes lock upon you then
sharpen, the being's mere attention weighing more than a score of tons.
I... this feeling it's.. the gap is overwhelming. Stronger than... Count or HolyAngemon. Like... Astamon. I can't... No. I-refuse to be powerless again. Move.
With gritted teeth, you struggle through the immense pressure muscles burning to force your paws forward even a fraction of an inch.
Amusement. Recognition.
What? This feeling. It's... familiar. By The Ten, By The Lord, By The Great Tree what's going on?!
The feeling passes as quickly as it had appeared and you only barely manage to stop yourself from stumbling.
Magnamon hovers across the shop, showing no signs of the struggle that had just occurred and comes to a halt in front of Sparks, who somehow hadn't been affected in the least. The Ultimate? Mega? Stares patiently at your friend from behind as if waiting for your friend to make the first move.
"Mine most illustrious greetings, Magnamon correct?"
"Ah, a most fortunate guess. 'tis mine intent to to make a purchase. The Digimental Of Courage specifically. I ask of thee, what is the cost?"
MagnaAngemon nods, then swipes his fingers through the air. Each digit trailing with motes of golden light that forms a series of numbers.
Holy... Spirits above! That's... it's ridiculous!
"Spirits below! A hundred and twenty thousand? Surely thine price can be lowered?" However Magnamon just shakes his head and points them towards the door where another sign is hanging.
"Hrnph. Then so be it." Your friend grumbles, whirling about towards the exit.
"Come then Verge." you pad after the crippled, champion but spare one last look at Maganmon, who gives a friendly wave. Shaken from the whole experience, you nervously return the gesture and retreat from the shop.
It's note fear Verge. It's... prudent, caution. I have a feeling he wouldn't be very good at answering questions. But... what happened there. What was it? Why did I think of The Great Tree once more?
"Bah. Ridiculous! 'twould take us months to assemble the required bits. I'll have long since evolved by the time enough hast been saved. Clearly, our pay will not be sufficient to acquire a digimental. Hrn... by The Ten I have it! Verge. Verge. Verge!"
"Huh-oh, ah, yeah?"
Calm yourself. Peace Verge. Focus on the the current road.
"'Tis true that you received a bounty for the deletion of SkullSatomon correct?"
"Yes. I received fifteen thousand bits for his demise." you reply with a smile.
"Heh, then we shalt have to slay more Gloaming officers!... how would 'twould a Legendary Warrior be worth by your estimate?"
Like... if we deleted one? Hmm.
"I do not know." You admit. "But considering their power, the sum would not be small. Perhaps in the tens of thousands."
"Verily. And heh. I suppose such occasions shalt make good progress for fighting as one."
Authors Note: Cutting things off here since it's getting late and the update is nearly two thousand words long. I'll do the second half tomorrow.