I think it was more of scan situation, not sure. I'm also not sure why Drexal want to keep what been done to her.
I'm not exactly keeping it secret for OOC reasons. More that Verge doesn't know, and won't until he visits the volcano again.
So chances are we will likely just get a power of friendship boost, or increase chances of another sparring partner.
Eh... she's not going to be giving Verge a friendship boost. The two of them probably won't
ever be close enough for that. Sparring partner tho? Maybe later once Verge has learned to lower his power level.
I do wonder what kind of effect this battle had on fonte… as far as I can tell she values skill and dedication/effort over raw strength and must have been shocked how easily Grademon was beaten and had her blade destroyed… i mean it was pretty clear she put Grademon on a pedestal… I wonder how she will handle this having based her entire identity on those ideals and having seen them obliterated with next to no effort.
Strictly speaking, this fits in with her philosophy perfectly. Angemon was stronger than Grademon, so nature took its course. Sure she idolized Grademon (who heavily influenced her philosophy on strength) but aside from Fonte thinking what happened sucked, there won't be any big ramifications there.
Considering he's an angel Digimon, he can probably walk off his pine being broken via healing spell
Both he and verge are at the point where wolverine looks at them and questions how they heal faster than him
Eh... yes and no. They can both real, but the angelic healing technique is a lot faster. NotLucemon could theoretically, spam it. However neither could really survive being reduced to a skeleton and bits of brain like Wolverine.
As for speed, it depends on the comic in question. Verge can do minor injuries in a few seconds, but major ones take him a while
Malkimon probably knows despite that, but given she's not trying to stack the deck in Verge's favor here she either has faith in him, or doesn't think any amount of subtle aid will be enough
It's more that directly helping a contestant like that, even her kid would be
cheating, which would ruin the sanctity of her tournament. So instead she's put her faith in Vergil because her son has surpassed her expectations time and time again.
So we can break his spine, right?
I don't really see what's ironic here, Grademon is a mercenary meaning fighting in battlefields is what she does for a living, meanwhile for the duo, it was confirmed that DeathMeramon was originally going to be Justimon, I knew that their bodycount was not going to be particularly high, as DeathMeramon would have done his best to keep unnecessary casualties low.
It's because Angemon's being called a callous monster and such. Paraphrasing, not directly quoting mind you. Meanwhile his bodycount is not even a tenth of Grademon's.
I find it kind of ironic. Could be misusing the word though.