Does he need the code crown to bypass the "spirit restriction"? Kinda like a cheat/alternate item witch bypasses looked evolution paths?
That about sums it up yeah.
Damn now I have to write that for my omake number 20. It sounds too epic to not do that.
Keep in mind that a Transcendant spirit form like EmperorGreymon would be a diagonal step up from the RK form. Like Devimon to IceDevimon. So from heavyweight to even stronger heavyweight.
Keep in mind that a Transcendant spirit form like EmperorGreymon would be a diagonal step up from the RK form. Like Devimon to IceDevimon. So from heavyweight to even stronger heavyweight.
Do you mean slide Evolution after reaching Mega like Duftmon/Leopartmon?

Or like just moving a step away to another evolution path like Megidramon and Gallantmon like Thresh did?

Because I had the idea of Verge being like Threst just needing to find his true answer to what he truly wants to become.
Do you mean slide Evolution after reaching Mega like Duftmon/Leopartmon?

Or like just moving a step away to another evolution path like Megidramon and Gallantmon like Thresh did?

Because I had the idea of Verge being like Threst just needing to find his true answer to what he truly wants to become.
More like SaberLeomon to DinoTigermon (which is basically SaberLeomon X).
Damn now I have to write that for my omake number 20. It sounds too epic to not do that.
Oh, here's some interesting stuff on Dynasmon by the by. he's actually very lore-important to the unlocalized 'Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red'.
And in this game, it's noted that he used to be partners with a Legend-Arms. and not just any Legend-Arms, but the mightiest of all, Armamon.

Wikimon Excerpt of Dynasmon's Page said:
Dynasmon is one of the main characters in the game. It used to wield Armamon in the past in order to protect the LS-tou Zone from outside invaders. In the ages of conflict, Dynasmon had the strongest Weapon Digimon as a partner, but it was a Weapon Digimon so powerful that it got consumed by its own power and as a consequence forgot the mission of protect their Zone. Dynasmon did everything to seal an out-of-control Armamon away in Lost Spada, but in the battle, its Digicore got severely damaged.

Subsequently, it rewrote the system of the Earth Fort and used the power of the Capacitator System in order to mantain the data stable, to the point that if Dynasmon went far away from the system, the data would disappear, which could explain why it cannot make contact with Xros Heart at an earlier time point. It then sealed Spadamon's memories in order to protect it from the ROG Organization twisted plans, and so it can make it become the strongest of the Legend-Arms.

It later on instructs Spadamon to remove the protection that it is in Sky Fort in order to restore the system, which makes Dynasmon's data eventually disappear.
Do you mean slide Evolution after reaching Mega like Duftmon/Leopartmon?

Or like just moving a step away to another evolution path like Megidramon and Gallantmon like Thresh did?

Because I had the idea of Verge being like Threst just needing to find his true answer to what he truly wants to become.
It's a true evolution, just diagonal in nature since it's still Mega level. Think DinoTigermon->Baihumon.

And it would take more than a epiphany. For the power involved, there'd need to be something like a crest or code crown to act as a catalyst.
Ya know I really have got to wonder what the City States as a whole are going to do if this whole thing escalates into a Bulwark/Host vs Gloaming/Temples/Precinct war.

I'm pretty sure the whole alliance against the bigger powers doesn't cover the last one joining in on the war or Alt City siding with the Host way back when would have caused something similar to happen but its going to be heck of an awkward with all 3 major factions going at it and one of their own.

Though now I wonder do the temples count as another major faction and do the city states have a process to kick one of their own out of their lil alliance in case it becomes needed?
3rd Of Steel Grand Spirit Tournament: Round 3, Match 2: The Brightest Morningstar’s Revenge
"Thresh." You give the newly digivolved *Gallantmon* a nod.

"Brother." Which he cordially returns, as you claim the seat on his left. The fact that he's actually seated at all feels… strange. Your brother's BlackWarGrowlmon form's tail and general bodyshape had made it difficult to do anything beyond lay down to rest on his haunches.

The pride and excitement radiating off your sibling is palpable, his new form, strength and mental clarity being quite pleasing. What's surprising is the lack of maliciousness being directed your way. To be honest you'd expected the Dramon… the Holy Knight (and isn't that strange?) to be malignantly smug and lord his new power over you.

"I liked him better before Dadmon." Xia complains, tapping lamely at the cold metal of his helmet. "It's uncomfortable up here now…" With that she bounds away onto the top of your mane and settles down. Your brother glances from her to you… before simply shrugging.

"D-dangit Xia, stop playing around." Deimos hisses up at her, his Aegiomon form wracked with worry. He sends a rather worried glance towards Leopardmon's seemingly dozing form, then quickly catches himself and looks away. "There's two Megas in the box with us, s-show some respect."

Normally you'd agree with that sentiment; both of the Megas present are capable of destroying the rock-wyvern's Rookie form with a literal nudge of their head. However, given that the Two Megas in question are Thresh (Her adoptive uncle) and Leopardmon, (a mon who finds her antics amusing) you aren't exactly worried about Xia getting in trouble.

"For Daemon's sake. Stop stuffing that incorrigible maw of yours and have some dignity." CB hisses down at Ser Schwartz. "Your liege is here, act like it."

"Pretty sure I am though?..." The Baalmon murmurs confusedly before promptly stuffing another tube of fried dough through his mask. *Om*. "I'm-" *nom* "-eating with good-" *nom* "-manners and stuff."

"That's not the point you-"

"There's a point? Where?" He questions with a concerning glance around the booth. "Should I like, be careful where I step next?"

You hold back a chuckle as the blue dramon lets out a noise somewhere between a suffering groan and a growl of pure anger. Leopardmon however has no such restraint, and lets out a purr of laughter.

Not long afterwards, MetalEtemon takes his position in the arena below, drawing the booth's attention downwards.

"The Duke welcomes you all here to our second semi-finals match! Last bout was a real heckuva rumble ladies and gentlemon uh-huh! But today's contestants aren't joking around. Please welcome…"

It's at this point that you expect That Angemon to barge in, and interrupt. MetalEtemon throws a pensive glance towards the eastern gate, then grins in triumph.

"Our first combatant! The Champion that defeated a Code Crown holder before his first match even began! An Angemon with impossible strength! Please throw your hands up fooooor! The Brightest Morningstar!"

Just as his last word draws to a close, the gate is enveloped by a brilliant golden light.

"As if I would let my glorious self be introduced by a schmuck like-"

"Hold it right there wingboy. Your introduction's all played out uh-huh! Malkimon made sure you'd arrived after The Duke was done. "

"What?! Oh yuh despicable finks! Why I oughtta-" He pointedly cuts himself off, settling for crossing his arms with a dissatisfied huff.

"And introducing his opponent! The server's greatest swordmaster and bounty hunter! Capable of somehow wielding another mon as a sword! Here's *The Golden Meteor* Gradeeeeemon!"

The womon steps out from her gate, her gait strong, resolute and… resigned. She's going to lose, that much is already clear. Her willingness to march into the jaws of defeat is however admirable.

"Fear not his power Grademon! Show him the height of thine swordsmonship!" Fonte cheers from the sidelines, very much not understanding what's about to happen. Thresh does however, so he gives the pink-accented Knightmon a concerned look.

The pair of semi-finalists meet face to face a moment later, one glaring while the other stares forward with dogged stoicism.

"I've been waitin' for 'dis day." The angel notes before cracking his knuckles. "And yuh wouldn't believe how much I've been lookin' forward tuh it."

"..." Grademon silently draws Hisyaryumon in silence and shifts the weapon to her side in a *drawing* stance.

"Hi! I'm Guilmon and you're cool looking, do you want to come with us?"

"Beware friend, we don't know if Kotemon shares our drive for justice!"

"Dumbass, yuh don't go inviting random mon to our group!"

"… idiots."

"Idiots? I think that means yes guys!"

"Match, Start!"

The arena's barrier shimmers, warping both combatants into the center of a grassy field.


The reality between both digimons ripples, Grademon's power turning both herself and the angel into multiple blurs of movement. Dozens of unique motions momentarily overlap for one moment as a near unfathomable exchange takes place.

However through it all, two eventualities play out every time. Thirty-eight separate exchanges that all end the exact same way.

Four new wings sprout from Angemon's back.

Then Grademon's Odachi is caught between a thumb and forefinger.

"I wonder." Angemon growls, effortlessly holding the blade in place despite Grademon's struggles. "Do yuh even remember what happened?"


"Ohohohohohoho! What do we have here? New recruits for my glorious army?"

"Would joining you mean free Travel Bread?"

"Beware Guilmon! This Witch stinks of villainy!"

"I don't think so broad. C'mon Kotemon let's take these guys out."

"... just don't get in my way."


"Then do me a favor ya dig? Remind me what yuh said that day." Angemon murmurs with surprisingly calmness. "Yuh know, after cavin' in his skull?"


The back of his hand catches Grademon's helmet, sending her tumbling back through the grass.

"Didn't think yuh had the guts for it." He notes, lazily hovering after her. Grademon rolls back to her feet, takes a breath and sets her stance once again. "Yuh know, I didn't give a crap about winning dis here tournament. Joinin' just made it easier to track yuh down broad." He raises a hand-


-and the next instant Grademon is cradling a dented, broken arm. Angemon just… continues forward as if nothing had happened.

"Originally I considered shovin' my fist through your face. Poetic justice and all dat good stuff." He shrugs as Grademon leaps back to gain some distance. "Not like bein' disqualified was a bother."

Spirits below, if he deletes her and disqualifies himself then-hold. He's speaking in past tense Verge.


Angemon's foot catches Grademon straight on the visor, flinging her back hundred of feet in an instant-

-only to come to an abrupt stop when the angel's hand wraps around the back of her neck.

"But I've got a better idea now, yuh know?"

"Foolish witch, your numbers meant nothing before the power of justice!"

"So much for dat glorious army, huh?"

"J-just you wait pests! I'll return and-

"Beat Knuckle/Ice Punch!"

"Guh! I-I can't lose to a pair of Rookies…"

"Well yuh just did. Any last words?"

"Try… looking behind you."

He tosses her into the ground face fist, face twisted into a look of utmost contempt. Grademon immediately tries throwing herself back up in a twisting slash-


-before a fist rips its way through the knight's stomach, and out her back.

"Agh…" Finally the womon lets out a cry of pain, which does nothing more than make the angel laugh.

"That's it." He chuckles, before tossing her away. "Dat's what I wanted to hear."

"K-kotemon please… We're frie-"



"I am…" Grademon struggles up to one knee, exhausted, and barely able to hold onto her sword. "Sorry."

"Hmm?" The vengeful angel pauses a moment, genuine surprise seeming to overtake him for a moment.

"I was… arrogant. I fell to Witchmon's spell." The Warrior digimon admits, her gaze downcast in shame. "Your friend… I believed him to be a Goblimon." Her apology… is met by a harsh bark of laughter.

"I dun' know what's funnier." Another backhand sends Grademon sliding back through the field, ripping up a deep furrow of grass and loam. "That yuh think I'll believe that crap, or yuh somehow thinkin' it could make up for what happened."

"No…" The swordswomon struggles up again. "This is a fate deserved." Fiery determination blazes through her eyes for a moment, giving the angel pause. "But I shall perish as a Warrior."

Your hands clench into fists at that, the urge to intervene rising… and then falling again as you reassert control. In this case, intervening in their vengeance isn't your place. And what's more the match itself isn't playing out in real time. It could be over already for all you know.

"Funny. That dumb lizard would've bought yer guilt crap." Angemon murmurs, sounding… sadly nostalgic now. "I betcha he would've wanted me to forgive yuh too." He seizes Grademon by the throat and effortlessly lifts her bigger body up into the air. "But yuh see... He's not here anymore."

"No… d-damnit. Kotemon yuh ugh... yuh traitorous schmuck!"

"… pathetic."

"I… know." She manages to choke out, before driving the tip of her sword towards Angemon's throat. He catches the Odachi between his fingers without breaking their gaze, before wrenching it from her hands.

"Don' worry. I ain't gonna kill yuh." The angel explains with a dark smirk. "I'm actually lookin' forward tuh deckin' that big lion a few times." The Swordswomon falls from his grip, allowing Angemon to take the Hisyaryumon blade in both hands. "Can't kill yuh friend, mon like you don't have those. No, I'm gonna do somethin' worse."

Grademon's eyes go wide with a horrified realization as holy power coalesces around her sword.

Around her longtime companion.

Deimos looks away, as does Xia. You force yourself to keep watching.

"I'm takin' away what makes yuh strong." The digimon in blade form lets out an agonized shriek.

"I surre-"


The long katana shatters, smote and crushed into a thousand different pieces.

Grademon lunges up with a wail off furious grief, desperately clutching at the fading pieces of data. All of which slip right through her fingers.

The angel gazes down with grim satisfaction, waiting patiently until every mote of the weapon has faded away. He kneels down as Grademon collapses, gently catching her armored form, and forcing the knight to gaze into his face.

"I could quote yuh. Be ironic and all that. But-" Angemon cocks back a finger and moves it right between her listless eyes. "-that would be beneath me."

"D-damn it all… Why Kotemon, why did you…"

"If he wanted to live, then he shouldn't have been so weak."


===Leopardmon will be approaching Grademon post match.

[]Come with him. You're not sure what you can do exactly but…

[]Don't. You have a Mega that needs to be taken down.

===AN: Some tonal whiplash here, maybe I should've made the startless comedic, but eh. Kinda like the contrast from *normal* life to VENGEANCE mode seen from an outside perspective.
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He's disqualified

He killed his opponent. There is no debate about that. He killed a Digimon in the tournament where killing is illegal.
"I don't think so broad. C'mon Kotemon let's take these guys out."

Not in Impmon's colors.

Other than that... Holeeeee shit.

He killed his opponent. There is no debate about that. He killed a Digimon in the tournament where killing is illegal.
Technically he didn't. His opponent was Grademon. And there was no rule about other digimon involved in matches being safe.
He's disqualified

He killed his opponent. There is no debate about that. He killed a Digimon in the tournament where killing is illegal.
It's the same loophole that allowed Grademon to wield another mon in tourney. He counted as equipment for the purposes of each match, not the opponent. A technicality yeah, but it went both ways here.

Edit: So far as the rules are concerned. All he did was break a piece of equipment.
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He sends a rather worried towards Leopardmon's seemingly dozing form, then quickly catches himself and looks away.
Lacking a look in between.
Lacking the n at the beginning.
Grademon silently draws Hisyarymon in silence and shifts the weapon to her side in a *drawing* stance.
"But I shall perish as a Warrior."
Not in Grademon pink.
And what's more the match itself is't playing out in real time. It could be over already for all you know."
Isn't, and remove the ".
"I betcha he would've wanted me to forgive yuh too."
First " isn't colored.

[X]Come with him. You're not sure what you can do exactly but…
Duftmon knows what he's doing. Our presence won't really change much.

[x]Don't. You have a Mega that needs to be taken down.

Also nice to see that even Morningstar is fired up about our match.
The Champion that defeated a Cold Crown holder
Code Crown
Your introductions all played out
and the next instand Grademon is cradling a dented, broken arm.
next instant Grademon
And what's more the match itself is't playing out in real time.
itself isn't playing
[X]Don't. You have a Mega that needs to be taken down.

Morning star went too far and killed someone unrelated to his revenge.

Nothing we can say now can ease her pain the only thing to do is to get as strong as possible to punch some sense into him.
[x]Don't. You have a Mega that needs to be taken down.

I am... honestly... not particularly affected by Morningstar's actions? Then again, I have seen far worse acts of vengeance lately, so I may be a bit desensitized. I do not think Verge would be particularly angry about it either? A bit miffed perhaps, but he knows he himself has done worse than that before.
[X]Don't. You have a Mega that needs to be taken down.

We'll need every advantage possible to take that asshole angel down, so time to really knuckle down.