Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

Okay, but hear me out.

Solid Core latched on to Team GEAR and Rei because she lost Sega and needed to care about someone else. Carnage and Truth rode the coattails of this.
Judgement Core is a bit odd, but friendly MG. She and her older sister have a leg up because they hang around Sega, who is much more important to Nepgear's perception than Rei.
Candy Heart died to save us, that makes a deep impression and debt.

So Solid Core's friends list is James, Michael, Sam, Lucky? (interaction bonus), Gabriel, Carnage, Sega, Rei, White Knight, Uni, and Rev.

They are our friends because we've fought with them and commiserated our losses. (Or because they're Sega's friends and we've hung out a bit.)

Goddess White, Hero WEAPON, and Angel WEAPON aren't our friends. We haven't interacted meaningfully with them outside of when we've met. And Miss Boheart has noticed her mind is closed to interaction like a normal person right now.

Since Goddess White, who was saved by our team and joined this fight on our side, isn't a friend Goddess Grey definitely is not. This doesn't mean killing Grey is a good idea, but it does mean we aren't going to Gehaburn her if it happens. There just isn't attachment to Rei's friends like there is to Sega's friends (to say nothing about how Sega's friends are, ya'know, actually here).

And we know it doesn't trigger just from knowing their names, otherwise Blue Sky would have gotten hit.
And we know it doesn't trigger just from knowing their names, otherwise Blue Sky would have gotten hit.
The Traitor crosses the distance between her and Truth so quickly that the other girl can barely swing the Equalizer in an attempt to divert her attack. It fails. The massive blade scrapes along The Traitor's armor in a shower of sparks, and her mass plows through. Her hand clamps around Truth's face and she slams the smaller girl into the ground, throwing all of her weight behind the attack. There is a crunch of shattering bone and Truth's muffled scream of pain. The little battle experience you have whispers that the only possible bones that could have broken were her spine and skull.
Your head hurts... but it doesn't matter.
And as the rest of the Magical Girls in the clearing try to lunge at The Traitor, she pushes off, carrying Truth with her into the sky.

Your RAGE snaps.

What comes from you is a sound not unlike that of an animal, so enraged that 'decision making' could be summed up as 'KILL IT'. That is your only thought, the only thing that passes through your mind.

You transform in a wave of power that shatters everything around you. Food turns to dust, the sodas that you had been placing out explode, and the disintegrating ground blows all the other girls off their collective feet, tossing them all aside like ragdolls.

You are in the sky and spearing towards The Traitor between heartbeats. She is faster than you, but if there's one thing you know without a shadow of a doubt in this single instant, it is:
How does that qualify her as a friend?

That aside, you may argue as much as you want. It is not conclusive proof that Gehaburn will not trigger.
And for as long as such a proof is not given, I am not willing to risk it.
If you think about it, I'm arguing to support my case to the people running the quest. I have reasons why I believe Solid Core does not consider Goddess Grey to be a friend and by explaining them I hope to influence how Solid Core considers Grey in quest.

So just posting that I'm never going to convince you doesn't make it less likely that I'm wrong.
(Okay, it might. But Solid Core definitely isn't Usagi Tsukino, who makes lifelong friends in three lines of dialogue mid-battle :V. So just pointing out that we know she's been mindwhammied and is the little sister of our owner isn't enough to make her a valued friend. It's a great start if she stops Trying To Murder Us, remember how Nepgear watched Jessica die because of Ichi?)
(Okay, it might. But Solid Core definitely isn't Usagi Tsukino, who makes lifelong friends in three lines of dialogue mid-battle :V. So just pointing out that we know she's been mindwhammied and is the little sister of our owner isn't enough to make her a valued friend. It's a great start if she stops Trying To Murder Us, remember how Nepgear watched Jessica die because of Ichi?)
I realised that this discussion is overall pointless. Neither of us is going to convince the other.

My main point is that we should not just assume the better option applies without having a clear confirmation. For as long as there is even but a small chance for Gehaburn to actually proc on Ichi, it is too much of a risk. Trying to sway Crys on the matter is not going to change that either, because even if you managed, we would not know.

So how about we just agree to disagree on that one?
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The thing about Goddess White's ability not defending against surprise attacks got me thinking.

Aquila has an ability that lets her attack from much further away than her weapon would typically allow. Perhaps while others are fighting Goddess Grey, she can snipe from super far away while wielding the power of a Progenitor Golem?

At the very least those are attacks that are much more difficult to anticipate. False High-Speed Combat probably doesn't work well against enemies who are too far away to see.
The problem with Goddess Grey is threefold:

1) She is Goddess Grey, #2 of the Top Ten. Killing her is hard.
2) She is revived by Goddess Red, diplomancing her is extremely hard.
3) We are an assault team, taking her alive is nigh-impossible (unless we manage to knock her out with her Control Seal destruction).

In a way, I believe our best chance is to never go anywhere important without Goddess White - because I do believe we'll need proper input of Ichi's sisters to have a chance of convincing her to stand down - not surrender, but stand down. But good luck getting her as a companion.
IMO, the biggest question to address right now in regards to Goddess Grey is how to keep our allies alive when Grey shows up.

Nepgear herself can easily survive by simply flying away at high speed, but our team can't.

Technically a valid tactic is "don't bring Team GEAR", but that's kinda a bad idea for other reasons.
IMO, the biggest question to address right now in regards to Goddess Grey is how to keep our allies alive when Grey shows up.

Nepgear herself can easily survive by simply flying away at high speed, but our team can't.

Technically a valid tactic is "don't bring Team GEAR", but that's kinda a bad idea for other reasons.
Roberts gets an auto-pass for his dodge-monkey traits.
Lucky has huge MM with a reroll so she can probably face-tank the first barrage.
Others are in trouble, though.
IMO, the biggest question to address right now in regards to Goddess Grey is how to keep our allies alive when Grey shows up.
The answer to this question is "IDK". We just don't know enough about Grey to say anything at this point. Hell for all we know one of her hidden Abilities is Level 50 Flight or her Overwhelming Presence might prevent escapes somehow. We just don't know.

For example based on his past performance against her James could Dodge-tank Grey for 200 attacks before dying and that is without any healing from either Sam's spells or Gabriel's Presence of Light.

Speaking of Gabriel; with Nepgear's Echo of Peace in play Gabriel joins the club of people who can tank Grey's attacks all day since they max out at 10,999 Damage which Echo of Peace drops to 3,850 which is below Gabriel's Base Resilience of 4,000. At least on paper since Grey probably has abilities that let her bypass Base Resilience but once again we don't know.

Right now all we can really do is wait for Grey to show up, hope we all survive the first update alive, and then look at her updated Character Sheet and plan from there. Anything else is quite literally pointless because any plans, ideas, or stratergies we come up with can easily be negated by the eight known unknown Abilities on her character sheet or the one known unknown Ability on her weapon, or her mostly unknown Spells.

There are just too many unknowns here.
Roberts gets an auto-pass for his dodge-monkey traits.
Lucky has huge MM with a reroll so she can probably face-tank the first barrage.
Others are in trouble, though.
For example based on his past performance against her James could Dodge-tank Grey for 200 attacks before dying and that is without any healing from either Sam's spells or Gabriel's Presence of Light.
Grey was toying with James back then. He would get curbstomped very quickly if she fought seriously.
Hell for all we know one of her hidden Abilities is Level 50 Flight or her Overwhelming Presence might prevent escapes somehow. We just don't know.
Nah, we know she doesn't fly. And Supremacy Zone makes us immune to most ground based attacks.
Can we get intelligence from Goddess Gold? She'd have to know at least most of it.
Was asked before; my response is still valid:
It was brought up before, but Lost responded by getting [annoyed] that we would want to get "a cheat code for a later boss".
Not that it changes all that much because we would have her sheet by the time the fight starts anyway, but apparently this is frowned upon.
which I think is kind of stupid. we have no IC reason not to look up info for the juggernaut coming after us, and there is no reason her abilities would not be fairly well known.
which I think is kind of stupid. we have no IC reason not to look up info for the juggernaut coming after us, and there is no reason her abilities would not be fairly well known.
There are other people to ask you know. Red Rose, Solid Drive, Juggernaut Drive, Rogue Mason...

Solid Core even fought her briefly. It's how we know she practically has lightspeed reflexes (or the talent to fake it) and doesn't just pepper the area with exploding swords.

The tip Goddess Gold gave us is actually pretty valuable since it highlights a difference in skill. Something I doubt a mostly-revealed character sheet would explain. With some of Ichi's described exploits you should be able to judge how she fights to an extent, except for whatever her anti-Divine Enitity trick is - I don't think we have any hints for that other than she has one and some grinning when a certain Ability was commented about.

Edit: I think GGrey is intended to be a reoccurring boss. Telling us more now would deprive everyone the chance to make guesses and speculate.
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The tip Goddess Gold gave us is actually pretty valuable since it highlights a difference in skill. Something I doubt a mostly-revealed character sheet would explain. With some of Ichi's described exploits you should be able to judge how she fights to an extent, except for whatever her anti-Divine Enitity trick is - I don't think we have any hints for that other than she has one and some grinning when a certain Ability was commented about.

in his sytem? are you nuts? the soft mechanics and inconstancy of when the GM rules "no that's stupid the ability fails" or "yes rules as written means they do something crazy" means that trying to figure out the very exact mechanics by observation is not going to work without a lot of examples to pull from. especially when there are bunch of different things that could act as a trigger.

I also disagree that GGrey is meant to be a reoccurring boss. If she's on the same level as her sisters she's way too lethal to fight multiple times without losing huge chunks of the party.
Okay so RE: Asking Rei about Ichi's tricks:
  • Mechanically it's a waste of time, because it won't reveal anything you won't know as soon as she shows up (because Basilicom is fucking broken), aside from some basic advice of "don't get close".
  • IC it's something that could be justified, but it isn't something being prompted by anything IC and would require the contrivance of Nepgear stopping to speculate about things in order to justify the action IC.
  • OOC it's basically asking for hints for the second or third most major bossfight planned for the quest, and while I may be free with information at times that is not a subject I'm in favor of handing out free advantages for.
    • (I'm especially not in favor of people acting like it's something you absolutely need to do, which is why I eventually got fed up and shut that down when certain-people-who-will-not-be-named kept pushing it in Discord.)
Not exactly a safe assumption considering that there's a serious case for "don't bring Team GEAR, so that retreat is easy".
Oh for crying out loud.

Carnage fought Goddess Grey, she isn't dead.
Michael and James fought Goddess Grey, neither of them are dead.
Goddess Gold has fought Goddess Grey without either of them dying.
Solid Drive and Judgement Drive escaped after fighting Goddess Grey for some time.

I actually think Goddess Red would be harder fight to get our Team safely away from, assuming that's a primary objective. There's history that suggests Ichi isn't out for blood as much as you seem to fear. Just shout out for them to leave and hold the line long enough to give them a headstart.

Here's something else to think about: White Soul was number one up until her death. Notably, she was considered above GGrey even when the latter had gotten a handle on her abilities that make her the second-highest rated Magical Girl. This doesn't mean Grey couldn't beat White Soul (Rei's fight strongly suggests White Soul would get punk'd), but Solid Core has fought and survived against a comparable foe.
Oh for crying out loud.

Carnage fought Goddess Grey, she isn't dead.
Michael and James fought Goddess Grey, neither of them are dead.
Goddess Gold has fought Goddess Grey without either of them dying.
Solid Drive and Judgement Drive escaped after fighting Goddess Grey for some time.

I actually think Goddess Red would be harder fight to get our Team safely away from, assuming that's a primary objective. There's history that suggests Ichi isn't out for blood as much as you seem to fear. Just shout out for them to leave and hold the line long enough to give them a headstart.

Here's something else to think about: White Soul was number one up until her death. Notably, she was considered above GGrey even when the latter had gotten a handle on her abilities that make her the second-highest rated Magical Girl. This doesn't mean Grey couldn't beat White Soul (Rei's fight strongly suggests White Soul would get punk'd), but Solid Core has fought and survived against a comparable foe.
I've got no worries about Solid Core managing to survive. My worries are about the mortals surviving when Grey takes things seriously.
Just going to leave this here to stop the raeg:

Ichi is easy to run away from. Both for memetic and mechanical reasons. And that's all I'm saying on the matter.
Just going to leave this here to stop the raeg:

Ichi is easy to run away from. Both for memetic and mechanical reasons. And that's all I'm saying on the matter.
I have the strange image of Ana and Grey meeting every single mission, with the first guilt tripping Grey and Red

"I'l let you run if leave peacefully"
"Ok,btw your sister summon butchered my whole class and my sister, did i mention that they were all civilians? Bye!"

"I'll let your run if...."
"Did you ever ask your sister if you are really the good guys?Bye"
*Ana launch Spec Ops:The Line At Ichi*