The Traitor crosses the distance between her and Truth so quickly that the other girl can barely swing the Equalizer in an attempt to divert her attack. It fails. The massive blade scrapes along
The Traitor's armor in a shower of sparks, and her mass plows through. Her hand clamps around Truth's face and she slams the smaller girl into the ground, throwing all of her weight behind the attack. There is a crunch of shattering bone and Truth's muffled scream of pain. The little battle experience you have whispers that the only possible bones that could have broken were her spine and skull.
Your head hurts... but it doesn't matter.
And as the rest of the Magical Girls in the clearing try to lunge at
The Traitor, she pushes off, carrying Truth with her into the sky.
RAGE snaps.
What comes from you is a sound not unlike that of an animal, so enraged that 'decision making' could be summed up as '
KILL IT'. That is your only thought, the only thing that passes through your mind.
You transform in a wave of power that shatters everything around you. Food turns to dust, the sodas that you had been placing out explode, and the disintegrating ground blows all the other girls off their collective feet, tossing them all aside like ragdolls.
You are in the sky and spearing towards
The Traitor between heartbeats. She is faster than you, but if there's one thing you know without a shadow of a doubt in this single instant, it is: