Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

@y'all who voted for Desperation
You sure you want to stick with that?
I swear I fixed that last night? :???:

Bah, my mistake.

Anyway, moved MECA to Messenger 2.

Also, Gabriel is still on Messenger 2, she'll just be leaving if she's needed. I thought people would find that clear?

For those wondering why I'm prioritising on wiping them out fast: because otherwise, they'll be overwhelmed and die. There's no way around it, there's just to many for any other outcome, even with Team GEAR helping.
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[X] Plan Multi-Cast
[X] Plan It's Always A Trap

I want to be on the more conservative side right now, as the UD is certain to have at least one more tier of escalation before they drop Goddess Grey.
I want to be on the more conservative side right now, as the UD is certain to have at least one more tier of escalation before they drop Goddess Grey.
Conservative could quite likely end up with a lot of dead soldiers, and destroyed Messengers.

If, with Omni-cast, Nepgear can fire Starshine twice per turn, assuming an average of 10% destroyed per cast, she will be able to destroy 80% of one side. That still leaves, at best, 910 Demons. Assuming Judgement Core can destroy 15 per shot of her cannon, that's 730 Demons remaining. Team GEAR can kill another 6 demons per turn, MECA can probably kill another 15 per shot, and the Security Forces another 60. That'll leave 286 Demons to attack. Not good, right? The Security Forces especially are at risk, as are the engines of the Messengers.

And then we run into the problem that, as someone(Sereg?) speculated, there's likely 2 Summoners per side. So that's 42 extra demons per turn. So 454 demons. With more arriving every turn.

There's also the Gunship, but I'm not sure how much they'll contribute.

And if the Hell Beasts arrive, the situation gets even worse, as attention that could be spent on the Soul Reavers is spent on the Hell Beasts instead.
Sorry to double post, but I wanted to make sure my vote would be counted in the tally.

Vote Tally : Original - Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! | Page 399 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[x] Plan Multi-Cast
-[x] Purchase Severance: Echo (250 EXP)
-[x] Purchse Omni-Caster (??? EXP)
-[x] Raise Starshine to level 10 (350 EXP)
No. of Votes: 18
[X] Plan It's Always A Trap
-[X] James and Michael swap positions, Judgement Core defend the rear Messenger, Gabriel and the Gunship in the air.
-[X] If any heavy hitters try and take out the Messengers in the confusion Judgement Core, James, Michael, and Lucky are to take them down.
-[X] The Gunship is to provide crowd control if needed while Gabriel is to stay alert for Hell Beasts or other aerial attackers.
-[X] The Drives are to continue searching the area. Report back anything you find but your priority is stopping those Summoners from drowning us in numbers.
-[X] Solid Core will engage the right side. You'll try and use Starshine as fast as possible to take down as many enemies as possible. While waiting between castings you'll attack with your Purifier Beam; hopefully all that new power will let you thin the herd even more.
--[X] Once the right side is cleared with engage the left side if it hasn't reached the Messengers, same tactics as the right, or help defend the Messengers if it has, hopefully Starshine will be just as effective as last time.
No. of Votes: 13
[X] Plan Desperation
-[X] The Drives are to not engage the Soul Reavers, and keep searching for the Summoners and Hell Beasts. The Summoners take priority. Once they have done so, they may engage at will.
--[X] If the Hell Beasts are protecting the summoners, they are to call for back-up.
-[X] Solid Core and Judgement Core will cast Starshine and End Game on the Right side group, attempt to thin the herd.
--[X] Solid Core will attempt to cast Starshine as much as possible, while Judgement Core will cast End Game every time Burst Stream of Oblivion becomes available, attacking the rest of the time. They will attack the side with the largest numbers every turn.
---[X] After Starshine and End Game synchronized, they will attempt to synchronize Celestial Severance and End Game immediately afterwards. They will then use whichever combination is better from then on every time Burst Stream procs. Or every turn, if they believe the combo doesn't benefit/need it. If the combinations are bad, they obviously won't use it.
-----[X] Solid Core is to keep casting Starshine outside of the Synchronized spell.
-[X] Gabriel is to move to Messenger 1 and be prepared for if and when the Hell Beasts appear.
--[X] If they appear on the battlefield, she is to engage and stop them from interfering with Judgement and Solid Core.
--[X] If Solid or Judgement Drive calls for back-up, she is to render assistance.
---[X] Priority is Judgement Drive > Solid Drive > Solid Core and Judgement Core.
--[X] She is to help Messenger 1 in the meantime.
-[X] M.E.C.A. Force is to move to Messenger 2.
-[X] Make sure the Commander of the local forces is calling this shit in to Command.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Plan Omni-Cast
-[X] Purchase Severance: Echo (250 EXP)
-[X] Purchse Omni-Caster (??? EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Omni-Caster to level 3 (??? EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Starshine to level 10 (350 EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Celestial Severance to level 10 (170 EXP)
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Plan Armed For Starpocalypse
-[X] Purchase Severance: Echo (250 EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Starshine to level 10 (350 EXP)
-[X] Purchse Omni-Caster (??? EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Omni-Caster to level 3 (??? EXP)
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Plan Starpocalypse
-[X] They're all counting on you for some fucking reason. Battle plan?
--[X] The Drives form aerial escort for the Cores. The Cores will fly out ahead of the convoy towards the enemies ahead, get some space. Everyone else take up defensive positions to keep the enemies off from the other directions. You're trying something new, and would prefer not to accidentally destroy what you're escorting.
--[X] Synchronize spells with Judgement Core, Starshine with The End. Judgement Core activates Burst Stream of Obliteration once the spells are synchronized and no friendlies are anywhere NEAR your firing arc. Scour as big an area as you can cover with Starshine of The End to one side of the convoy, while Omni-Casting regular Starshine in between. Judgement Core will recharge her Burst Stream of Obliteration at the same time. Synchronize again when Burst Stream has recharged.
--[X] After that, depending on the level of destruction, apply the same to the remaining directions with allowance for avoiding friendly fire, while the Drives move out through the cleared zone to make sure that the summoners are dead and search for any hostile magical girls, while the Cores run covering fire for them. Once the Drives return back to overwatch, the Cores go on full offense and repeat the cycle.
No. of Votes: 4
-[X] Upgrade Starshine to level 10 (350 EXP)
-[X] Upgrade Celestial Severance to level 10 (170 EXP)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] buy lesser gods
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Spend EXP
No. of Votes: 1
[X] buy Severance: Echo
No. of Votes: 1
[X] save the rest
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 29
Remember Storm Empress? GAZE UPON HER OP-NESS!

(Unified Light) Magical Girl Storm Empress

Marietta DuPree


Health: 4,000
Base Damage: 375
Base Resilience: 700
Magic Modifier: 320

Affinity: Rule | Weather | Story

Tempest Blade
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Weather
Ability: Indestructible | Crush

Smite Thy Enemies
-Some Most ALL of the Lightning!.
Level 10
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 3,000
Affinity: Weather | Lightning
Ability: Quadra-Magic

It's Raining Pain
-Enormous hailstones that actively aim for the enemy.
Level 10
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 3,000
Affinities: Weather | Ice
Abilities: Homing | Collateral Damage | Juggernaut

Tidal Destruction
-Enormous waves of water crash down upon her enemies.
Level 10
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinities: Weather | Water
Abilities: Juggernaut | Collateral Damage

Howling Tempest
-The main source of her "collateral damage woman" nickname. A literal hurricane.
Level 50
Base Damage: Target's Health X 50
Magic Modifier: 7,500
Affinities: Rule | Weather | Story | Wind | Water
Abilities: Supremacy | Apocalypse | Omnipresent | Vacuum | Auto Max Charge

The Ruler of the Sky
-Storm Empress cannot be damaged by ground-based attacks.

Nature's Power
-Storm Empress may use additional thematically appropriate Affinities when casting spells related to weather.

Endless Reserve
-When casting a spell, any environmental conditions that may negatively impact her spell's effects are ignored.

Nature's Bounty
-When casting a spell, any environmental conditions that positively impact her spell's effects have their effects magnified by 2.

Level 5
-Storm Empress is able to fly at 40mph.

There Shall Be No Usurper
-Any damage caused to Storm Empress by an enemy with a wind, sky, or weather related Affinity is reduced by 25% before damage calculation, and any damage Storm Empress causes to the is increased by 50% before damage calculation.

Storm's Fury Incarnate
Level 10
-Storm Empress is immune to ground-based attacks and spells. When casting a spell related to weather, she may utilize additional Affinities that suit the spells thematics. In addition, all weather spell related damage is multiplied by 2 before the opponent's damage calculations. When casting spells, any environmental conditions that may negatively impact her spell's effects are ignored. Any beneficial environmental effects have their effects magnified by 3. In addition, all damage caused to Storm Empress by anyone with a wind, sky, or weather related Affinity is reduced by 50% before damage calculation, and any damage Storm Empress causes to them is increased by 100% before damage calculation. Storm Empress can fly at 90 mph.

-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells.

High-Speed Combat (Level 2)
-Storm Empress is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Storm Blessing
-May grant the Weather's Reprieve Ability to anyone she chooses. Storm Empress automatically benefits from it herself.

Weather's Reprieve
-The holder of this Ability is immune to all environmental effects. They could stand in a volcano, the north pole, or the midst of a hurricane in nothing but their bare flesh, and they would not be harmed. Does not protect from attacks or spells.

Nicknamed Collateral Damage Woman by those who know of her, she'd probably be looked on much less favorably if not for her Weather's Blessing Ability. She mainly gets missions that either involve massive destruction, or missions away from anything important.

Her Howling Tempest spell came a few months after she became a magical girl, when she saw reports on the devastation caused by a tornado.

Her Super Ability is the main source of her OP-ness, as you can probably tell.

As for the picture, it is very hard to find a picture that looks sufficiently weather-y without using Storm from X-Men or going into the inhuman.
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Tidal Destruction
-Enormous waves of water crash down upon her enemies.
Level 10
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinities: Weather | Water
Abilities: Juggernaut | Collateral Damage | Omnipresent

Howling Tempest
-The main source of her "collateral damage woman" nickname. A literal hurricane.
Level 50
Base Damage: Target's Health X 50
Magic Modifier: 7,500
Affinities: Rule | Weather | Story | Wind | Water
Abilities: Supremacy | Apocalypse | Omnipresent | Vacuum | Auto Max Charge
Is omnipresent really thematically appropriate for the spell?
Is omnipresent really thematically appropriate for the spell?
It's a literal hurricane. Winds going hundreds of miles per hour, powerful enough to rip trees out the ground, drive eggs and straw through bricks and wood, and otherwise causing massive amounts of destruction to anything with bad enough luck to be caught within it. Yes, I'd very much say Omnipresent is appropriate.

I think he might have meant it in a "And there goes most of the Eastern Seaboard theater" way.
Also this.
It's a literal hurricane. Winds going hundreds of miles per hour, powerful enough to rip trees out the ground, drive eggs and straw through bricks and wood, and otherwise causing massive amounts of destruction to anything with bad enough luck to be caught within it. Yes, I'd very much say Omnipresent is appropriate.
and the "waves" spell?

Because, like, the only three canon omnipresent attacks that I can think of are not that... substantial, is the word I'm going to use.

One of them is a magical energy explosion that utterly permeates it's target area (well, I suppose it obviously does, what with omnipresent). The second is destructive sound waves, which can transfer through anything and thus effect everything. The third is a corrosive smog that phases through solid objects.

I don't think "dumps a lot of water on them" really fits that.
I'm not sure how Omnipresent would interact with Apocalypse.
I'm thinking they synch quite well, actually. The Collateral Damage line increases the area affected by a spell, while Omnipresent means everything inside the AOE gets hit equally as hard. Putting them together, in my mind, simply increases the range of the spell, all the while damaging everything within it equally as hard.
So the character is a story magical girl not because her attacks are weak, but because her attacks are so radically huge that their is no way to lower the damage output?
If you're looking for a particular reason why she's Story-tier as opposed to something higher, you could suppose she just lead a boring life. I've noticed that most of the higher-tier girls we've met or had their pasts explored had interesting lives.

Or you could just say she got a bad draw on the Growth Affinity draw.
Looks more like lots of experience despite being on a lower growth track, and trading off fine control for dakka.

Yes. With Charisma A+ and Rosy-Cheeked Adonis C

Indestructible Core may grant complete immunity to mental interference, but I don't really think that matters in this case.

And according to FGO, "His type of woman goes along the lines of a 「flower that blooms in the wild」".

Anastasia Pwn Count +1
@crystalwatcher , how long does it take for a Reaver to climb up the side of a messenger, and how many can try at once?

Also, how many Reavers can a human soldier fire on at once? I'm trying to figure out the math, and it currently looks like it comes to around 4 per turn with the Hostile Divinity bonus only kicking in once.

Human Damage: (250+780)+(257*4)+500= ~2560
Reavers: 1200+150-500= 850 HP

MECA: (800+780)+(395*8)+500= 5240
Just over 6 Reavers per attack, so 18 per turn.
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